Chapter 19

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"Okay, um... I'll do as you say... but nothing weird." I say

Rat man laughs. "Stiles, you're funny. I want you to go into the Scorch and mess with your friends."

"What?! I'd nev-" I start.

Rat Man cuts me off. "To make sure you do as I say, I will have one of my nurses implant a controlling chip into your brain."

I felt a little scared. "My friends will never believe that it's actually me."

Rat Man smirks. "Oh yes they will." He says and knocks me out.


A nurse implants a chip into Stiles' brain.

She sets Stiles in a room by Rat Man.


I wake up and look at Rat Man.

"I want you to go into the Scorch and try to get your friends back here." Rat Man says to me.

I nod, being controlled, and walks out to the scorch.


"Newt he can't have gone too fa- Stiles?" Minho asks.

The group turns and looks at me.

"Guys, we gotta head back." I say.

"What are you talking about?" Lydia asks.

"You heard me." I say.

Newt chuckles.
"You gotta be kidding."

"Why would we do that?" Gally asks.

"Because they have something that we need." I say, lying.

"How do you know that,hermano ?" Jorge asks.

"Well I was kidnapped by them last night, guys. They showed me some things that I know we need." I say.

"Okay, well.." Minho says, unsure.

"Lets go." Newt says, answering for Minho.

I smirk and start to walk, leading them back to the WICKED Headquarters.


Sorry that I haven't updated in a while! I've been so busy with family things and vacations! I will try to update more.

Sorry about the shortness of the chapter. Number one, that's all I wanted to put in at the time. Number two, that's all I had time to write😂

What did you think of the whole controlling idea? Let me know!

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