chapter 27

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Stiles PoV

Sadness overcame us all.

As I look from Newt to Minho, I realized that they looked pretty sad themselves.

"I can't believe this.." Minho mutters.

Newt nods sadly, looking down

I sigh in defeat. "Yeah..Scott would want us to escape." I think.

"We gotta get out of here."
I say.


Third Person PoV

Stiles, Minho, and Newt all run through the halls of the Wicked headquarters.

"Take a left!!" Minho yells, loading the gun that he took of a dead guard with ammunition.

The all run and turn left.

"The door!" Newt yells.


Newt starts the helicopter that was parked in it's usual place.

"I have no idea what I'm doing!" Newt panicks.

"Just go!!" Stiles and Minho yell at once.

Newt holds the wheel and pressed the gas pedal, while pulling a lever.

The helicopter starts to fly...


Stiles leads Newt and Minho into Scott's house. He knew the pack would be there

"Guys?" Stiles asks while opening the door

Isaac looks up at them first.
"They're here." Isaac mutters under his breath to the rest.

Lydia and Kira stand up.

Liam and Mason keep.their heads down.

"Where is he?" Lydia asks, tears staining her face.

"We didn't bring him back." Minho says.

"You didn't bring him back?!" Lydia yells.

She walks over and grabs Minho's arm angrily.

"His mother doesn't know he died. We could've brought him back!!" Lydia yells.

Kira cries
"So he really is dead.."

Liam growls. "Why would they do that?!"

"He saved me..." Stiles mutters.

"What?" Isaac asks.

"I said he saved me." Stiles says, speaking up more.

"Stiles what do you mean?" Kira asks.

"They...They were gonna shoot me with the bullet but-but Scott stepped in front of me and took the wolfsbane bullet for me..It's all my fault.." stiles says, looking down

"Stiles..." Newt says, putting a hand on his shoulder.

"No! No it's my fault my best friend is dead!" Stiles says, taking Newts hand off and running upstairs.

Minho sighs and looks down.


Sorry I haven't updated in a while, and that this is so short.

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