Chapter 9

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Scotts POV

Stiles blacked out. "Guys, don't worry. It's.just part of the process." Allison says. I look at Stiles. He looks so hurt and tired... and dirty. Liam and Mason start up a conversation. Isaac and Malia look at me like 'what's happening to him?'

Stiles' POV

I wake up. My head is pounding. Something has changed within me. I remember everything! I remember the day that Scott and I met in the sandbox. I remember when my mom died....

I remember the first day of High School with Scott. I also remember when Scott got turned into a werewolf! I can't handle all of these memories! I start to breathe funny and sweat a lot.
"Stiles, you alright?" Allison asks. I look up at everyone. "I think he's having a panic attack." Mason speaks up. "He used to get them a lot after his mom died..." Scott says. "What the heck is happening to me?" I ask.

More memories flood in.

When I was possessed by the nogitsune. Stabbing an oni sword through Scott. When Scott tried to kill himself. When I got captured after a lacrosse game. When Peter bit Lydia on the lacrosse field. When I was in Eichen House. When my Dad handcuffed me to his desk and took Malia out for pizza...

"Stiles, count with me, okay? We'll count to ten. 1.." Scott starts. I watch him. "Come on Stiles!" Scott says. I mentally groan and count to ten with Scott.


I got lead back to my room by Isaac.
I look at everyone in the room. Newt runs up to me. "Stiles, how was the adventure?" He asks. I don't wanna tell him about getting the memories back. "It was, uh, good." I say, walking past him. "What did you see?" Minho asks, joining in on the convo. "Just people working...." I say. This is soooo awkward. "Did anybody notice you?" Gally asks, overhearing our conversation. "Uhhh, no" I quickly say. They all nod. I hop on my bed. I'm so tired, I think I'll just sleep. I get the covers and cover up myself. Man it's been a long day.....


An alarm goes off over the sound system. Its a loud, obnoxious, horn. Probably to wake us all up.

I sit up and groan. I am not a morning person. If you knew me, you'd know that.

I get up off my bottom bunk of the bed, take my shirt off, and put on a new one. "Ooh, nice abbs." I hear someone say. I look around the room, looking for whoever said that. I see Lydia, awake by the sink, looking over at me. I smile. "Why, thank you." I say.

Newt, Minho, and Gally slowly got up out of bed.
The door to our room opens. Isaac is standing there. Man, I have so many memories of him.
Like, that one time in first grade when he wore a scarf to school, and I used it as a whip to whip him. Then in fourth grade, Theo and I saw Isaac with a scarf on. Theo took Isaacs scarf, and I used it to whip Isaac.
Next in high school, Scott and I were at the animal clinic. Isaac showed up with a scarf on. I was really tempted to whip him with it. I just made a snarky remark instead.
I have a lot of memories involving
whipping Isaac. Weird....

"Okay, come on. It's time for breakfast." Isaac says. We follow him to the cafeteria.

We all get our food and sit at a table.
Lydia sat on my right. Newt sat on my left. Gally and Minho were acrossed from us. "So far, so good." Minho says. "What do you mean?" I ask. "Well, so far nobody has tried to kill us. That's good, unless you want to be killed. Then it's bad.." Minho says and takes a bite of his pancake. Lydia laughs. "Who'd want to be killed?" Newt asks.
Minho smiles. "Well, you never know. I mean, Stiles could. Do you have anything to share, Stiles?" Minho asks. I shake my head no, laughing.

We all stand up and throw our garbage away. "Okay, guys. Here's where we separate." Scott says, walking to us. Liam is behind him. "I'll take some of you, and Liam will take the rest." Scott says. He looks at me. "Liam, I'm taking Stiles and Lydia." Scott says. Liam nods. "Okay, the rest of you are with me." Liam says.

Scott leads us to a room that looks like a doctors office. A nurse walks over to Lydia and takes her away from me. "Okay, bro. We have to do some tests." Scott says. He sits in a chair next to me and gets out pieces of equipment. "What is that?" I ask. "Okay, so this is a shocking machine. The test we are doing right now is a test of memories. I'll tell you a memory and you have to tell me if its real or fake. If you get it wrong, this machine will shock you." Scott says. I groan. I barely remember any. "Take off your shirt." Scott says. "What? Why?" I ask. "Just do it, Stiles." Scott says. I take off my shirt t and set it next to me. Scott sticks little white pads with chords coming out of the ends on my chest. "Uhhhh" I say. "Stiles, its fine. Don't worry about it." Scott says. I nod. He powers the machine up. "Okay Stiles, first memory. That time that you tried to cancel my date with Allison." Scott says.
I'm trying to remember this.... "Uhhhhhhh fake?" I say.

There you go! Chapter 9 is finished! I wonder if Stiles is right...
I guess you'll have to find out in Chapter 10 of Teen Runner!
XOXO -Emily

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