『 thirty five, end of pt ii: SURVIVOR'S GUILT. 』

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chapter xxxiv: SURVIVOR'S GUILT.
end of part ii

THIS NIGHT, WOULD BE THE NIGHT THAT JUNE credits to her end. Where her already complicated life tangles even more, knots erupting at every inch. June couldn't untangle them fast enough before another one came up. As Bella parked the truck alongside the driveway of their home, June could feel her skin flame up in some sort of alarming way. She narrowed her eyes, looking at the rear view mirror and expecting to see a splotch of red curly hair or something as sinister to that extent. But there was nothing. Willie fussed in his car seat and June was momentarily occupied; she scooped up the baby from his little prison and held him close.

"Is something wrong?" Bella asks hesitantly when June doesn't get out of the car quick enough.

"No," June replies quickly. Her eyes betray her words, because her older sister can see the storms of blues twirling in her irises. "I don't know." June admits, patting Willie's back soothingly. "I just feel off ... maybe I should text Jacob or something—"

"I'm sure he's on his way," Bella assures, suddenly stiff.

June glances to her sister to see that she's looking in the rear view mirror as well. Again, June lifts her eyes and sees nothing. Except when she does. Carlisle's car. That sleek black show off sports car that had every middle class student of Forks drooling over whenever Edward rolled up in it. The realization of what that meant had her bones frozen. It didn't make sense, Edward swore he'd never return, none of them would. It had been close to a year, many months. Many chances to return. It made zero sense to show up out of the blue — June immediately held Willie close and looked to Bella, already seeing her fumble with her seatbelt.

"Bella, no," June snapped, cautious to not upset Willie, who was mindlessly babbling in her arms.

"It's them!" Bella's face was filled with so much emotion, she looked like she could almost cry. "June, it's his car, you know it too, it's them! They're here—"

"Listen to me!" June hissed, snapping Bella out of her dazed state. "Think, Bella! Why would they come back after all this time?" She asked rhetorically. "It doesn't make any sense—"

"I have to know—"

"It could be a trap!" June shouted. "Please, stay here until Jacob comes—"

"June," Bella cuts her off tersely. "I know it's not a trap. I know it."

June looks at the helpless expression on her older sisters face. Willie tucks his little head on her shoulder. "This changes things, Bells." June admits. The laws of the treaty flooded her mind. "If they're back, this is their territory. I'm the Mender of the tribe ... there are rules I have to abide by. If you choose them, I can't protect you."

Bella's face turns somber, "You don't need to."

June follows Bella out of the truck, holding Willie with one arm as she grabs her older sister with the other. "Stop listening to your heart and focus on what your brain is telling you!" June hissed.

"I am." Bella said simply, yanking out of her hold and rushing towards the door.

June cursed as she watched Bella disappear into their house. She tried to find some balance in her mind that could give her some ease but to no avail. She got her phone out of her back pocket and began dialing Jacob's number. He'd know what to do. Before she could, Willie started crying. June shoved her phone back in her pocket, bouncing her brother up and down to calm him. He was hungry. Judging by the way he put his little fist in his mouth. And he was teething. June cursed again. She couldn't wait for Jacob or wait until she smelled her older sisters blood or something. She wasn't meant to stand idly by. Willie was in need and so was Bella, maybe, hopefully not. Unsurprisingly, here comes June to the damn rescue,

"Fuck it, I'm riding solo." June walked up the steps and kicked the front door open with all her might, a fist out first as she held Willie close. "Bella?! Bella—"

           June stopped short when she saw Bella sitting on the couch with none other than little Alice Cullen. Her angelic features were a sight for sore eyes as she rounded her face to where June was posed in a protective stance. Bella and Alice stood up.

Relaxing, June sighed. "You could've poked your head out the door and tell me you were fine, dumbass." She immediately scolded Bella. "I was worried."

"I'm sorry," Bella blurted out. 

"Hello to you, too, Juniper." Alice chimes, her honey eyes turning sullen at the lack of greeting June gave her.

          June hiked Willie up in her arms, shifting him to her other side as she regarded the vampire who's sickly sweet scent was causing her nostrils to burn. Now she knew what the wolves always bitched about when they spoke of the smell of the vampires.  Truthfully, June could tolerate it.

"Alice," June nodded to her. "Long time no see."

The vampire smiled, and then blinked as if barely regarding the chubby-cheeked infant in the blue-eyed girl's arms. "And who's this?"

"My kid," June deadpans.

Alice's eyes widened, startled. Bella can only laugh. "June's just being June." She leveled the tension down. Alice this is our  little brother, Willie. My stepmom had him a few months after you all ..."

"I remember now," Alice nods, smiling to June and still hesitantly glancing at the baby.

"Anyway, he's teething and hungry and I'm big sister of the year so I'm gonna get right to that—" June starts for the kitchen.

"I heard you're a Mender now," Alice said. June paused in her steps but continued, setting Willie down on the floor where his toys were. June gave him his frozen toy from the fridge which would soothe his sore gums. "Bella just told me."

"Yup," June nodded. "I was born for it, can you believe?"

"Is that how you managed to save Bella from drowning?" Alice followed up with her own question.

June was in the middle of shaking a baby bottle of formula and milk as she turned to Alice, "So that's why that you're here. You saw Bella in one of her least finest moments." June understands now.

"I had to come make sure," Alice explained. "My vision was fuzzy, it always is when it comes to you but Bella's has always been clearer. Then I saw her jump off the cliffs and then I saw nothing and I figured you had something to do with that."

June smiled, falsely. "Hmm," She mused, picking up Willie and setting him in his rocking mobile. She handed him his baby bottle and he happily drank. "Well, sorry to cost you some money to come over here."

"June—" Bella's voice was weak, warning but weak.

"I get that you're angry," Alice spoke up. Her face showed some guilt.

"I'm over being angry, Alice. And if I'm angry, it's not at you," June stated, glancing at Willie who was drifting off to his peaceful baby dreamland. She turned to Alice. "I'm just not gonna welcome you with open arms just because you're you. Bella might, but then again you've always held a tender spot in her heart than anyone else ever has." June goes on. "You know I'm the Mender for the Quileute tribe—"

"Werewolves aren't good company to keep." Alice frowns.

"Speak for yourself," June laughs ironically. "At least around my wolves, I can rest easy that my baby brother isn't in danger. Or my sister."

Alice looks to the ground and Bella flares, "That's not true, they're just as dangerous—"

"And so am I," June cut off. Her eyes go back to Alice, who faces her more stoically. "You're back for the time being, I assume, which means this is your territory again. But don't think for a second that I won't break some rules to defend my sister; if you remember me at all, you know I live for that shit." 

"I'm not gonna hurt, Bella," Alice looks repulsed. "June, you know that's I'd never do anything to hurt you or her. Or your little brother. I just came back—"

"That's the problem," a voice suddenly spoke out.

Jacob stood by the door way, setting down the bags he had in his hands and swiftly made his way over to June, never letting his eyes fall from the petite vampire in front of him.

"You all okay?" Jacob asks June, glancing over to Willie who's sound asleep, oblivious to the drama going on around him. "You should've called me, I would've gotten here as soon as I could—"

June puts her hand on his arm, "We're fine, wolf man." She assures. "Peachy keen. The little monster just fell asleep."

So that's who June loves ... Alice thinks to herself before she lifts her chin, "Like I said, I wouldn't hurt them."

"Oh no, you're just a harmless Cullen," Jacob says with a tone of annoyance. He looks to his girlfriend. "What is she doing here?"

"She's the fortune teller one I told you about," June cracks a grin at the blank look that Alice gives her at her nickname. June goes on, "She saw Bella jump off the cliff, thought she died and came to see for herself."

Jacob pinches the bridge of his nose, the smell is getting to him, June can tell. "And then? What, leech? Were you gonna give her family a nice: I'm sorry your daughter and sister jumped off the cliff because my brother broke her heart?"

"Don't worry about what I would've done, dog," Alice snaps, her anger bubbling out from her, finally. It makes June stifle a laugh. "Some of us have actual control, unlike you rabid pack animals that have no sense of what that means. Jasper told me werewolves are vicious when they lose their temper—"

"I can show you firsthand," Jacob snaps.

"Not in my living room," June put her hand up to stop their arguing. "Okay? Enough. Willie's asleep and I'm making whoever wakes him up clean his diaper. Jacob, Alice's cool for now, I guess and Alice, these vicious werewolves saved little ol' me from Laurent who was on orders of a certain salty redhead—"

"Victoria?" Alice spits out, her eyes wide. "I haven't seen her ... I mean ... what's happened? I can't see anything!" She says in frustration. "All thanks to these pack of mutts—"

"Victoria's been busy that's what," June cuts her off as she rubs Jacob's arm to calm him down. "Busy trying to kill the hell outta Bella and I for the past, oh, I don't know—whole time since I killed James. She's a mastermind. Quick. Silent. My wolves haven't been able to get her. She's killing hikers to keep herself full, too."

Alice rubs her face, clearly shaken. "I told Edward we never should've left," She says to herself but loud enough that they all hear what she says. "I knew what it would do to Bella, he didn't even think about Victoria, no one did."

"It's not gonna do anyone good to say what should've been," June shrugs, trying to make the vampire feel better. June wasn't a total bitch. "The point is, she's back and that's it."

"That's it?" Alice repeats. "No, we need to catch her."

"There is no we, okay, leech?" Jacob intervened.

   June rolls her eyes, she and Bella share a look and before anyone can say anything the phone rings, the shrill sound rounding the room and waking up Willie, who is rightfully startled and shrieks in response. June groans, "I'm gonna murder whoever is calling! Jake, babe, answer it before I curse them the fuck out—" She says as she scoops Willie up and rocks him in her arms. "Shhhhhhh don't worry, chunkers, it's just a stupid phone, shhhhhh."

Alice goes to Bella, "I can help track her scent if you want." She says to them, but faces Bella. "Just to see if she's been around the area lately."

Jacob comes back in the room. June nods to him, "Who was it?"

"Dunno, someone asking for Charlie," Jacob gives her a confused look. "Told him he was at a memorial."

June shrugs it off, watching Bella plead for Alice to come back quick. She rolls her eyes. "Figures," She curses and looks to Jacob who smiles at her as she rocks Willie, who's still sniffling. "Soon as the vamp comes, I'm garbage again."

"You knew that if they'd ever come back, she wouldn't be just your Bella anymore," Jacob says with a sigh. "She's always wanted to be one of them — I'm sure that dream never died even when they left."

June looks unsettled, "I hope it would've; a sister can dream." She says with a somber voice.

    Bella comes back in the room. She glares at June. "What happened to the June that smiles at everyone? It's Alice! Why'd you have to be so rude?"

"Rude?" June scoffs. "I wasn't being rude, Isabella. I was being honest. Seriously, did she expect me to kiss her ass just because she came back to see if you didn't commit suicide because of her brother?"

"Stop saying that; I wasn't trying to kill myself," Bella rolls her eyes, sitting down on the couch.

"Sure, okay," June deadpans. "I mean, didn't you like check the damn weather channel to see it was gonna rain? Or look up at the sky and see the dark clouds? I can't with you sometimes."

    Jacob rubs circles into the small of her back to calm her. She looks back at him and smiles. "Did you tell the pack not to freak out if they come across a vamp scent right now?"

"Yeah," Jacob nods. "Sam wants to talk with you though; he wants to know how long and how many are staying."

June grumbled, "I don't wanna talk to Sam right now, it's been a very tiring day." 

Jacob kisses her temple, "I told him that you might wanna rest, after all you did for Leah and Seth," He says and looks pointedly at the little bruises on the back of her hands. "Which you do need, by the way."

"I'll rest when I can," June waves him off. She manages to get Willie to stop crying again. She kisses his chubby cheeks, wet from the tears. "There, there, chunkers, you're okay."

   Willie snuggles into her arms and she smiles.

The door is opened and Alice comes in, her face paler than ever and her golden eyes stark with worry. Her eyes keep shifting in that way that June remembered they got whenever Alice got a vision. "Alice—"

"It's Edward." The vampire says with a croak.

Edward. Edward. There's something strange about hearing his name come from Alice. Edward. Edward. Edward. It makes her skin crawl in a way that's oddly comforting. It gives the spirit inside her that June is starting to believe isn't all hers, but rather shared with Melanie Capote, something to get unsettled about.

Bella jumps up at the name. "Edward?" 

"Rosalie told him why I came here," Alice shakes her head and June realizes she's near tears. "He's going to the Volturi, he's gonna ask for the maximum punishment ... why would he do that?"

June hands Willie into Jacob's arms even though her boyfriends face is hardened from hearing the name of his girlfriends old best friend. "The Volturi?" June repeats the name of those scary vampires that Carlisle once ran with. "What's the maximum punishment, punishment for what?"

      Suddenly there's honks from outside and the energy around the air immediately tells her that there's other wolves that have arrived. She hears a voice and

"He thinks you're dead, both of you," Alice explains, terrified.

June blinks, "What?"

Bella gasps, "No, we're not—I'm not dead, why would he think that?!" She asks in a helpless cry.

Alice looks to the sisters, "Rosalie must've been mistaken; I called her now, to tell her that Laurent came for you and that Bella jumped off the cliffs, she hung before I could explain—"

"Oh my god," June rubs her temples. She looks to Alice, as Bella's hysterical all of a sudden. "So what does this mean?"

"We have to stop him!" Bella says immediately. "We have to go, we need to go to Italy—"

"I agree." Alice says quickly, her eyes alert.

June is barely trying to catch her breath. "Wait, what?"

"June, Edward gonna kill himself because of us!" Bella explains bluntly, obviously delirious. "He thinks we're dead and he thinks it's his fault, he always thinks the worst of himself, June, we can't let him die—"

From her side, Jacob scoffs. "He's already dead."

"Jacob, seriously," June snaps, giving him that look that told him not now. She looks back to Bella who's already rushing up the stairs. "Bells, lets think about this okay? Don't do anything stupid—"

"I've got plane tickets already," Alice says as she furiously taps on the screen of her cellphone. She nods to Bella and June. "Three round trips for Italy."

"What?!" June and Jacob say simultaneously.

Alice looks at her, "He's gonna need proof you're alive, he won't take my word for it, he'll just think I'm saying anything to keep him alive."

Jacob's steaming from where he stands and the doorbell rings and already June knows that he pack is informed of what the hell is going on, thanks to Jacob's super pack telepathy. She just needs a fucking second to think but everything's happening so fast and her heart feels like it's gonna burst and her lungs are close to collapsing and her bruises started to act up again, flaring in some debilitating pain that rockets throughout her body.

June runs her hands through her hair, looking at Bella who comes down with a packed bag and is still stuffing more things into it as Alice helps her zip it up. "Bella, you can't be serious, right? Italy? You don't even like pasta!"

Bella shoves past her, Alice trailing behind, both of them zooming out the door. "Let's go, June."

June shuts her eyes. "Somebody fucking stab me, I'm so done with all this ..." She follows Bella out the door, Jacob (with baby Willie still in his arms by the way) ruff behind her.

The scene outside isn't nice. Sam, Jared, Paul and Embry are all glaring at Alice who's suddenly on kill mode, her golden eyes shining in the moonlight. A grey Nissan pulls up, Lyanna Young parking it while Star Levinson is rushing out of the passenger side, her big brown eyes wide with worry. She sees June and Jacob, barely holding it together; Star wastes no time and gets baby Willie from the werewolf seconds away from phasing and goes back to where Lyanna is standing surprisingly close to Embry, holding the infant to her as Jared takes to guarding his imprint by standing in front of her.

"Are you coming, June?" Bella turns back once last time. Her brown eyes are pleading.

"I—what about dad? My mom? Hello, Willie's here with us for gods sake, Bella I can't just leave—" she shouted.

"June, this is Edward." Bella said as if that was the simple answer to everything.

"June." Jacob's voice comes out. She turns to him. "He's not your problem. He left you, remember? Both of you. Defenseless. He left the both of you in danger, he didn't care what would happen to you. He's put everyone you love in danger." Jacob can barely contain the anger in his voice. "Think about it, June. None of us would be what we are if they never came back." Jacob gestures to the pack behind them. "They did this."

June knows it's the whole damn truth. Ever since the Cullen's returned two years ago, June started getting those nightmares. Those paintings of red eyes and death and bloodbaths she painted were all a result of the magic awakening in her, warning her. These bruises that littered her skin were reminders of her survivors guilt, killing James and cheating death, that the magic that she possessed would never come without cost. Two years ago, Sam phased for the first time. Two years ago, everything changed. June would never be the same again. Maybe, even, just maybe, that fate that awaits her, the one where she becomes nothing more than some floating teen spirit, would've escaped her. Maybe she could've been Juniper Swan, happy and pretty and genuine. Maybe her mom never would've left for too long. Maybe she could've been a big sister way before Willie. Maybe, maybe, maybe, maybe. She was haunted by hypotheticals.

She always would be, it seemed.

June took in the words, looked to Star who held Willie close, and then her pack, and decided. June turned to Bella, tears in her eyes, and pain in her voice as she said, "I'm sorry, Bella. But I have to stay."

The elder Swan, not expecting the response, let's the tears she had in her own eyes, fall. "I'm sorry, too. I have to go."

You don't have to, June thought. You can let him go. You can be free. It doesn't have to be this way. You don't need to risk your for for his.

"I know you do," June said instead, nodding, wiping her tears.

"I love you." Bella said to her, before getting in the passenger side of the car that Alice had pulled up in.

          June stood there in her front lawn, watching that sleek black car peel out. June felt a major headache come on. She also felt her shoulder being touched by a soft hand, and turned to see Star, who still held Willie, giving her a somber expression.

"June, honey, are you okay?" Star's soft voice comes out, a voice that she was familiar with.

No. I'm not okay. But I won't tell you that, or anybody for that matter. I'm June fucking Swan. I'm not allowed to be anything BUT okay. I'm not allowed to be normal and human and feel things.

June gently takes Willie, who looking over the moon at so many people holding him, "I'm gonna head to Jacob's," She tells her friend, sighing and letting out a fake smile. "I won't get any sleep here, I never do. I'll just tell my parents to pick up Willie before they leave the Clearwater's."

   Jacob hears and comes over to her, "I'll get his stuff from inside and then we can go." He kisses her, tenderly, sweetly, and it's everything that June needed in the moment.

"Get a room," Jared groans as he leans on Sam's truck.

Jacob flipped Jared off as he went inside the Swan residence again to get Willie's diaper bag and other things.

"Get a girl, don't be petty," Star claps back.

Jared smirks, "You offering, sweet cheeks?"

"In your damn dreams, Cameron." Star rolls her eyes.

"Oh, you're in there every night, baby." Jared's smirk widens. "Told ya, I'd wear you down."

"And I told you, I'm not getting with you just because you have some magical wolffish dibs on me." Star snapped.

"Oh my god, just sleep together already," Lyanna shakes her head as Embry wraps his arms around her.

Star scrunches her nose as everyone laughs. June covers Willie's ears, "Excuse me, assholes, there's a child present so talk about your sex lives some other time, thanks."

"You legit just cursed in front of a child," Jared frowned.

"Fuck off," June stuck her tongue out.

They all laughed again. But June was seconds away from feeling herself break; but a hand touches her arm, it's warm and alive and makes the blood in her veins flow smoother. Jacob smiles at her. She's okay. Right? Jacob's there. It's her. Suddenly, the pain of her older sister choosing to save her ex-boyfriend rather than to stay with her family, is lessened. June's just sick of losing. She doesn't wanna lose anymore.

June realizes though, at Jacob's with Willie's small body tucked next to her, sleeping soundly in between his sister and her boyfriend, that she can't lose. She won't. Even if she's had a losing streak — she's determined to break it.


THREE WEEKS AFTER JUNIPER'S SISTER FLED the country to save her lover, she can finally say she's peaceful again. Or, rather, that she has some sort of semblance of peace. Juniper's come to the realization, after continuously helping Leah and Seth Clearwater since they've phased ( along with a newly shifted late-bloomer Quil Ateara ) that she was truly on the path to deaths door. It started when she woke up with a bloody nose. Fine, she could deal with that. But then she vomited. Blood. Not fine. These abilities were literally killing her. June didn't get the point. She really didn't. It was getting to the point where she wasn't going to be able to hide behind her expensive concealers and various blushes. Makeup wouldn't be able to fix what she was breaking anymore.

So, to escape from everyone, June would trek the mountain tops near the Rez and found another small field. She had taken a great liking to it. It was right where the sun hit, and on particularly sunny days ( which were very rare in her hometown ) the light would cast a beautiful ray of something akin to heaven. Maybe if this was what was waiting for June, she really wouldn't mind it.

June wore a green sundress and some converse as she sat on the fluffy grass as she made a wreath, or wreaths; she'd plan on giving them to the tribe elders, because they lived for handmade stuff like this. Her grandmother especially.

"Beautiful flowers."

Edward Cullen stood, towering above her. Beautiful and haunting as the day she met him, as the day he left them— Bella — and as indifferent as ever. He has his hands in the pockets of some expensive jeans, the watch hanging from his wrist was as golden as his eyes which analyze her, from the frown on his lips and the knowingness in his irises, June knew he wasn't fooled by her passiveness. Edward always managed to see right through her. And he was doing that exactly in their moment.

"Edward," June says, her tone surprised.

"Hello, Juniper," He smiles easily. His skin was sparkling like millions of diamonds.

"You're here." June says. "I know Bella saved your ass and all, she told me everything ... but I mean, you're here.

"I'm here," He repeats.

"I'm glad you're alive." June blurts out.

Edward softens. "Me, too. Alive as I can be."

June chuckles. "Dork." She puts her attention back on her natural art work.

Edward grins. He walks closer, his eyes suddenly on the wreaths she made herself. "Are those orchids?"

"They're laurel." June corrects. "Mountain laurel."

"Ahhh," Edward says to himself, as if he had forgotten.

    June nods, humming to herself as she makes a few more vacant patches of land sprout some laurels in the area. She had already made bellflowers sprout but mountain laurels were her second favorite flowers. They were just so beautiful.

"I heard there was a new Mender," His voice is cool, even, by its too calm to be his. "How fortunate your tribe is."

June lowers her eyes, "I suppose."

Edward zooms into her bruises arms, which she folded. "I guess it isn't all sunshine and camp fires, hm?" He shakes his head, as if he saw something he didn't like. "But I'm assuming since you're here speaking to me ... you aren't held to the same burden Melanie was, being the property of one of them."

June stiffens, "Imprinting you mean?" She corrects as he nods. Her breath hitches, she stands up and dusts the first off her sundress. "Actually ... it's not really a burden, not at all actually. It's really wonderful, to be honest, but I guess it's just another way Melanie and I are different. Jacob would never treat me like his property."

"Jacob." Edward says the name like it's a curse when all June had ever said it as a blessing. "Jacob Black?"

"The only."

There's a silence.

Finally, Edward smirks. It isn't a humorous one. "Isn't he lucky? Kid was in love with you since ... let's just say I remember his infatuation well."

June's heart swells at the mention of Jacob's everlasting affection, "I'm lucky, too. I don't know what I would've become if Jake hadn't been there for me."

Edward shoots his eyes down. She doesn't know why the forest seem to get quieter. "I'm sorry for leaving, Juniper."

She blinks, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear. "You should save those apologies for Bella but she's forgiven you already anyway ..."

"I've given all the apologies your sister would care to listen to," There's a bright, nervous, smile that graces his face and it startled her how nice it is. "I just ..."

"What?" June prompts.

"I don't mean to sound cryptic, I hate to be," He says lowly. "I can't hear your thoughts that well anymore. The static is deafening. It has to do with that boyfriend of yours."

June frowns, "You don't need to read my mind to know what I'm thinking," She tells him. "Ask me."

Edward shakes his head. "I won't get the truth."

"Why would I lie?" June laughs, shaking her head.

"Because I don't think you've accepted it as the truth either," He says softly.

"Edward ...?" She pauses, confused. "What—"

"I'm a selfish man, Juniper, I'm not good. I'm damned. Regardless of the immortality. I knew better than to love Melanie, to love everything she was. It was a beautiful thing to love someone so alive," Edward confesses. His eyes meet hers and the intention is clear as can be. "Nothing is without cost though. Melanie was priceless."

June is at a loss for words. She doesn't understand what he's trying to say. Nothing makes sense. Not when his eyes look at her bruises and he softens.

"Nothing is without cost," He says again. "But I've paid it already. I'm willing to do so once more."

Then he gets closer. And closer. There's alarms in her brain, rapid fire trucks and police sirens and city bells all screaming: NO, NO, NO, DON'T DO THIS—but he's closer with each moment. The guilt of surviving the attack of James and the reign of terror eats away at June all at once. That theoretical tally mark that jots down her losses comes up again and adds another one on the losing side. The losses keep coming. As if anything in June's world can't get more complicated, more fucked up, more tragic and more confusing— Edward Cullen kisses her.

IMPORTANT a/n: ooooOOOOoooo whAt a sUrpRise ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) lmao not ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) anyway, yes, the iconic love square is back but not really. june doesn't love edward like that. it'll be explain more next part ( pt iii ) and yes, lyanna and embry are a thing and star is still being salty with jared but what's new 🌚🌚 ******basically im not gonna write Star's individual story ( bc I'm done writing, after teen spirit it's bih bye for me on wattpad :))) ) but she's still in her3 and I'll give her some pov's snips in pt iii with Jared but for now, she's still trying to stay away and shit bc she's a stubborn bb okay ????


( follow me on twitter if you got questions bc I won't answer here lmao yes gotta get that clout,,, @/brujablood)

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