i. Summer In Hawkins

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Summer In Hawkins

California's summer was an unforgiving blaze, the kind that seared the sand and turned the ocean into a shimmering expanse of inviting coolness. Every day, the sun hung high and merciless in the sky, beating down on surfers who rode the curling waves and sunbathers who lounged on the hot, golden beaches. The air itself seemed to hum with heat, vibrating with the intensity of the season.

In Hawkins, things were different. There were no waves crashing rhythmically against the shore, no surfers to break the monotony of the horizon. Instead, there were rolling fields and dense woods, their greenery muted under the relentless glare of the sun. Yet the heat was just as oppressive, blanketing the small town and turning every breath into a chore. The pavement sizzled, and the air hung thick with humidity, making the simple act of moving feel like an exertion.

Amidst this sweltering backdrop, Rowan and Lucas were ensconced in the relative cool of Rowan's bedroom. The curtains were drawn tightly shut, blocking out the worst of the afternoon sun. Rowan's new boombox, a gift from Lucas, filled the room with a carefully curated playlist of Rowan's favorite songs. The music provided a comforting backdrop as they hid on the side of the bed, their limbs tangled in a secret embrace.

The room was a sanctuary, a place where the outside world couldn't intrude. Rowan's stepmom was the only one home, and with the door securely locked, she remained blissfully ignorant of the true nature of Lucas's visits. To her, Lucas was just a friend. Rowan's father, however, wasn't as easily fooled. He wasn't a fan of Lucas at all, but Rowan didn't care. He would sneak Lucas in whenever he could. And when home wasn't an option, they'd retreat to Lucas's house under the guise of hanging out with a friend.

As they rolled around slightly on the floor, Rowan's hand found its way to Lucas's cheek, his touch gentle and electric. "You're such a dork," Lucas whispered between kisses, his lips brushing against Rowan's with a mixture of affection and teasing.

Rowan laughed softly, his breath warm against Lucas's skin. "Takes one to know one," he replied, his eyes sparkling with mischief. He playfully nipped at Lucas's lower lip, eliciting a chuckle from his boyfriend.

"Seriously though," Lucas murmured, pulling back slightly to catch his breath. "We should slow down. We've got to meet everyone at the Mall soon. Can't be late for the movie. You know how your sister can be."

Rowan rolled his eyes, a teasing smile playing on his lips. "Just a bit more," he murmured, pressing his them to Lucas's neck. "We've got time. Besides, it's too hot to move."

Lucas hesitated, his resolve weakening as Rowan's lips found his again, tender and insistent. He could feel the heat of Rowan's body pressed against his, a welcome contrast to the summer's oppressive heat outside. "You're impossible," Lucas said with a sigh, but his words were lost as Rowan kissed him again, deeper this time, as if trying to make the moment last forever.

They continued to kiss and play, their laughter punctuating the music that played softly in the background. Rowan's fingers traced lazy patterns on Lucas's back, and Lucas responded with gentle touches, each caress a promise of their affection.

"I was thinking," Rowan said during a brief pause, his eyes meeting Lucas's. "Next time we should sneak into the drive-in. Bet we could get away with a lot more there. Not so many people around."

Lucas chuckled, his forehead resting against Rowan's. "You're always full of ideas. I'm in, as long as we don't get caught."

The moment was shattered by a sudden, impatient knock on the door. It swung open, revealing Max standing there with her arms crossed and a knowing smirk on her face. "Time to go, lovebirds," she announced, her voice a blend of amusement and exasperation.

Rowan and Lucas scrambled apart, laughter spilling from their lips as they hurried to get ready.
Their secret bubble had burst, but the connection between them remained, a promise of more stolen moments to come. Max rolled her eyes but couldn't hide her smile as she watched them. "You two are hopeless," she said, shaking her head.

"Wouldn't have it any other way," Rowan replied, grabbing Lucas's hand as they headed out. Despite the heat and the complications, summer in Hawkins had its own kind of magic, and Rowan was determined to make the most of it. As they made their way to the door, Rowan stole one last kiss from Lucas, his heart light with the promise of their next adventure.

Rowan and Lucas pedaled their bikes through the dark -drenched streets, sweat trickling down their backs despite the late hour. It was a different kind of summer, but one they were determined to make the best of. For Rowan, this summer held a special significance—his very own bike, a sleek new ride that represented a newfound freedom. Max had finally convinced their dad to get one for him, and now he was making the most of it.

As they arrived at Starcourt Mall, the trio met up with Will, who was already waiting for them. Rowan's eyes scanned the parking lot, searching for a familiar face.

"Where's Mike?" Rowan asked, glancing at Will.

Will shrugged. "Probably with El, like always."

They all rolled their eyes in unison, a mixture of amusement and mild exasperation. They waited for another ten minutes, chatting idly about their plans for the day, before Mike finally rolled in on his bike, looking slightly disheveled.

"You're late," Lucas said, crossing his arms.

"Sorry," Mike mumbled, parking his bike next to theirs.

"Again," Rowan added with a smirk.

"We're gonna miss the opening," Will chimed in, his tone edging on impatience.

"Yeah, if you guys keep whining about it. Let's go!" Mike retorted, already heading towards the mall entrance.

Rowan and Lucas mimicked him in unison, "If you guys keep whining about it. 'Nyeh-nyeh-nyeh-nyeh.'"

"Oh, stop talking," Mike shot back, rolling his eyes.

They entered the mall, the cool air conditioning a welcome relief from the stifling heat outside. Lucas couldn't resist teasing Mike further. "Let me guess. You were busy," he said, smacking his lips together in a loud, exaggerated kissing sound.

Rowan chuckled, considering they were making out before arriving but at least they showed up on time. "Oh, yeah, real mature, Lucas," Mike shot back, clearly annoyed.

"Oh El, I wish we could make out forever, and never hang out with any of our friends," Lucas continued, his tone dripping with mock drama.

Max interjected, "Lucas, stop."

Will couldn't help but laugh.

"They think it's funny."

"Because it is," Will added with a grin.

Mike rolled his eyes again. "Yeah, it's so funny that I want to spend romantic time with my girlfriend."

"Yeah, well, he's spending romantic time with his boyfriend," Rowan said, slipping his arm over Lucas's shoulder as they made their way towards the movies.

"You don't see us late, do you?" Lucas added, smirking.

"Screw both of you," Mike muttered, though the corners of his mouth twitched in an unwilling smile.

Lucas and Rowan laughed at his reaction. The whole gang didn't care that the two were a couple—they saw it coming sooner or later and thought it was sweet.

They hurried to the escalator, which was crowded with people. Speed walking through with a chorus of "sorry's" and "excuse me's," Rowan was in front, grabbing Lucas's hand to ensure he wasn't left behind and stuck in the crowd. As they made it down, they received a few stares, both ignoring them like usual.

It was hard showing each other affection in public or even getting to hold hands. People were so weird about it, especially in the 80s. Rowan got teased constantly by random boys around the area. Many people already suspected that Lucas and Rowan were boyfriends, but they didn't care—they were just careful.

They ran into a group of boys and girls. One girl snapped, "Watch it!"

A guy turned around, looking down at the two holding hands. "Watch it, queers," he sneered.

Rowan bit his tongue, a familiar anger bubbling up. He had learned to not say anything back, though it was still a struggle. He always had to hold back, especially when the insults were directed at Lucas.

Max stepped in, glaring at the guy. "Well, move out of the way, jerk," she cursed before barging past him, pulling Rowan and Lucas along.

Lucas let go of Rowan's hand, causing Rowan to give him a sad look. Although he knew how they had to be in public sometimes, it still hurt to hide and act like they were just friends. They always made sure each other was okay with it, even if it hurt a little.

They continued through the mall, dodging another girl Mike accidentally ran into. "Watch it!"

Erica, Lucas's sister, was at the mall with her friends, stuffing their faces with ice cream. She noticed them and yelled, "Yeah! Watch it, nerd!"

Rowan smirked and said, "Erica, isn't there a unicorn you should be chasing?"

Lucas joined in, "Isn't it past your bedtime?"

Erica shot back, "Isn't it time y'all died?"

"Psycho!" Lucas called.

"Butthead!" Erica snapped.

"Mall rat!" Rowan added.

"Fart face!" Erica countered.

Lucas and Rowan blew raspberries at her as they walked away, turning slightly to make sure she saw. Max grabbed Rowan's arm, pulling him and Lucas further away. "Oh, now, that was mature," she said with a roll of her eyes.

They all went into Scoops Ahoy, the ice cream parlor, to find Steve. Mike rang the bell repeatedly as they approached the counter, meeting Robin, one of Steve's friends and coworkers.

Rowan leaned on the counter and flashed a smile at Robin. "Hey, dingus, your children are here," Robin called out.

Steve appeared from the back, sliding open a window. "Again? Seriously?"

Mike rang the bell again, straight-faced.

"Come on, you know you love us," Rowan teased.

Steve groaned but led them to the back, opening the entrance to the mall's backrooms. "Come on, come on," he urged.

They hurried through the door, Rowan bumping fist with Steve, "We're practically VIP's here."

"I swear, if anybody hears about this—"

"We're dead!" they all chimed in.

They found the back entrance to the movie theaters. Mike went first to check for any employees. "All clear," he whispered.

They snuck inside, making it just in time for the movie *Day of the Dead*.

They all sat down, Rowan and Lucas next to each other, of course.

Mike glanced over at Lucas. "See, Lucas, we made it."

Lucas grumbled, "We missed the previews."

Max rolled her eyes. "Still made it, fart face."

Lucas made a mocking face at her, earning a chuckle from Rowan. Someone from the back shushed them, and Lucas turned, flashing a wide, unapologetic smile.

Mike and Will passed down the soda and snacks. Lucas grabbed a soda and Skittles, handing a PayDay to Rowan, who thanked him and ripped the wrapper open. The movie started, and Lucas handed Max some Skittles before Rowan took his hand, the two lowering them in secret but still feeling the comfort of each other's touch.

They watched the movie intently until it suddenly slowed down and turned black, the crowd groaning in frustration. "Come on!" they clamored.

Max threw her head back. Rowan groaned, looking around in confusion. He leaned over and whispered to Lucas, "Just our luck." then kissed Lucas on the cheek, laughing softly.

Suddenly, the lights flickered back on, and the movie resumed. The audience cheered and clapped, relieved to see the story continue. Rowan squeezed Lucas's hand, sharing a smile that spoke volumes. For a moment, everything felt perfect, just them and their friends, enjoying a summer night together.

authors note
so excited for this season
I love Rowan and Lucas omg
don't forget to vote and comment !!

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