six. there's no place like homecoming

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chapter six
there's no place like homecoming

Hanna, Adalind, Emily and Spencer walked into Aria's room to see her lying in her bed facing away from them with headphones in and listening to music. Adalind sighed before walking over to Aria as the others followed. "Hey." she greeted her cousin softly as she took out her earphones, causing Aria to groan softly. "What are you doing?" Aria asked as Adalind took her earphones as Hanna sat on her bed while Spencer and Emily stayed standing with Adalind.

"An intervention." Spencer piped up as she came up next to Adalind. "We brought takeout and rag mags." Emily said, holding up magazines before dumping them onto the bed. "But you cannot have any of those until you get out of those sweats." Hanna said as Aria sat up. "Why? What's wrong with these?" she asked. "Nothing," Adalind said with a shake of her head. "Except they're starting to graft to your skin." Spencer added, making Adalind laugh. "Well, they're comfy." Aria said defensively.

"Yeah, so are mom jeans and platform flip-flops." Hanna said. "Plus, how are we gonna help you choose a homecoming dress if you don't try some on for us?" Emily asked. "Oh, that's easy, I'm not going." Aria said, making the girls shocked. "What do you mean? You're not going to homecoming?" Adalind asked. "Yeah, you can't just not go." Spencer said with her hands on his hips. "What are you doing instead?" Emily asked her. "I don't know, I guess I'll just.. Read these and then inhale a gallon of chunky monkey." Aria responded with a sigh as she looked at the magazines before her friends.

"Hey, look, cutting yourself off from the rest of your life is not gonna help your parents." Spencer advised softly. "Spence is right, Ari." Adalind said. "And besides, they still might work it out," Spencer added but Adalind didn't quite know if they knew they would. "They're barely speaking to each other." Aria said sadly. "People get angry. They blow up, doesn't mean it's over." Emily said, trying to comfort her. "Emily, they didn't blow up over her dad missing their anniversary, he slept with one of his students." Hanna said, turning to look at Emily.

"Han," Adalind whispered, making Hanna smile sadly at Aria. "Sorry." she apologised. "I'm just saying, things can look over on friday and monday all is forgiven." Emily said, being optimistic. "Some things just take time." she added. "Yeah, maybe." Aria said sadly. "Okay, so you're coming." Spencer said excitedly, trying to lift up the mood as she dragged Aria out of bed, literally. "God," Aria groaned. "I'll think about it." she added. "Well, if you're not coming, can you atleast cast an absentee ballot?" Hanna asked from where she sat on Aria's bed, making them look at her as Adalind let out a laugh.

"What? I need her vote." Hanna said, defending herself. "Hanna, stop already, you've got homecoming queen locked down." Spencer said as she and Adalind sat down and Emily got the food out of the bag. "Really? You can rig the election?" Hanna asked, making Adalind let out a laugh. "Sorry, i have enough to do already, thanks." Spencer responded. "I'm head of the committee, half of which is out sick with the flu, so I'll be restocking the ice and refilling the hummus bowl and trying to look cute for my first official date." Spencer ranted.

"With Alex?" Emily asked with a raised brow and a smile. "Wait, you're bringing him to homecoming?" Aria asked. "So, this is real." she said, excited and Spencer shrugged casually, making everyone share a laugh. "Look at her blush!" Hanna said with a wide smile, happy for her friend.

"Stop." Spencer said but she also couldn't stop smiling. "Damn, now I have to come." Aria said with a laugh. "But, seriously, you guys, he's not gonna know anybody there. So, can you just do your best to make him feel included?" Spencer asked. "No, we were planning on freezing him out." Hanna said sarcastically. "Of course we will Spence." Adalind said, with a smile on her face. "Alright, moving on." Spencer said as she rolled her eyes playfully. "Em, who are you gonna bring?" she asked. "I think I'm gonna go stag, like Adalind." she answered.

"I will, too." Aria said. "Why don't you guys come together?" Adalind asked Emily and Aria. "Oh, you'd make such a cute couple." Spencer teased. "How did I just go from wearing mom jeans to being Samantha Ronson?" Aria questioned, making everyone laugh. "Who cares who anyone goes to this thing with? I mean, it's just a dance." Hanna said. "You should bring someone who you have fun with." she added, looking at Emily, making Adalind give her a look, why was she being so weird. "I might wanna go with someone," Emily admitted. "I just don't want people thinking it means more than it does." she added. 

"Are you Ben back together?" Spencer asked. "No. No, of course not." Emily said as she put some hair behind her ear. "So, who's this mystery dude?" Aria asked but before she could respond Hanna cut in. "I'm starving." she said, reaching for the fortune cookies.  Adalind noticed Hanna's expression. "What's wrong? Bad fortune?" Emily joked. "Yeah, Confucius says, "Stop being such a drama queen." Spencer said, as she smiled. "Lions and tigers and bitches, oh my! There's no place like homecoming, see you there, A." Hanna read out, making everyone's smiles drop as they shared a fearful look before Spencer got up and grabbed the bag of fortune cookies opening all of them, and every single one of them, having the same message.


"Wait, so he's been calling you?" Aria asked as she and Adalind lounged around Aria's room. The other girls had left already, and Adalind decided now was the time to fill Aria in what was happening. "Yeah, I haven't answered any of them." she said, making Aria sigh, "Why?" she asked. "Because I have no idea what to say to him, it's been a year," Adalind said. "Well, maybe next time he calls, answer it because he might have something important to say to you." Aria advised.

"You think I should?" Adalind asked as she looked at her cousin, who nodded. "Yeah, I know you miss him and now he's calling you, so maybe he misses you too," Aria said, with a smile. "I do miss him," she muttered as she peeled nail polish before she sighed. "I don't think i'm ready to talk to him just yet." she admitted. "Then wait, it's not like your phone's going anywhere, you can always call him back when your ready," Aria said before hugging her cousin.


Adalind was sitting with Hanna in the cafeteria when Spencer joined them. "Way to sneak up on people." Hanna mused as she put her mirror away and looked at Spencer. "Sorry," Spencer apologised. "Look, can you get it today?" she asked. "Get what?" Hanna asked, confused. "Jenna's file." Spencer said. "No, they canceled my shift at work." Hanna said. "Well, go in anyway, it's a therapist's office, pretend you're having a nervous breakdown." Spencer said, making Adalind laugh. "Well, if she loses the crown to Heather Perez, she won't have to pretend." Adalind jokes, making Hanna give her a playful glare.

"Hanna, I'm serious, that file might be our only chance to find out what Jenna knows about that night." Spencer said. "And if she and her creepy step brother are planning revenge–" Spencer continued but Hanna cut her off. "Spence, I'll get it, why the panic attack? Is it because of the fortune cookie?" Hanna asked her. "It's because Toby Cavanaugh, who's never had a date in his life, just bought two tickets to homecoming." Spencer whispered to them. "So Jenna's coming too." Adalind whispered. "Well, they did promise to see us there, right?" Spencer said just before Mona joined them. "Hey, Han." she said cheerfully.

"Hey Adalind, Spencer," she said as well once she sat down next to Adalind. "Mona," Adalind greeted with a nod. "So, is it true, you're taking the country club's towel boy to homecoming?" Mona asked Spencer. "His name is Alex, and yes, I am." Spencer said defensively, "Knock it off Mona." Hanna said. "What? I think it's cute she's taking her cinder...fella to the ball." Mona said, making Adalind roll her eyes. "Can you go get me a fro-yo? With Sprinkles?" Hanna asked and Mona stared at her before getting up silently.

"Wow, that was exactly the reaction I want to avoid," Spencer said, looking where Mona had walked off to. "Don't pay any attention to her, she's just insecure." Hanna assured her. "Like a pitbull, why are you friends with her?" Spencer asked her. "Once you get to know she's really funny." Hanna said, making Adalind give a 'really' look. "And she's always there for me, even if it's just to watch me try on shoes." Hanna said with a smile.

"Look, she's a good person, she just talks tough so people will forget what a geek she used to be." Hanna said before Spencer hit her leg to get her attention. "Ow, okay, you need to chillax, or I need to start carrying a tranq gun." Hanna said with a scoff. "Shh." Spencer said before Hanna and Adalind followed Spencer's line of sight to see Toby Cavanaugh. "What is that?" Hanna asked as the three of them looked at Toby's tattoo but soon enough he covered it up.


Later that night, the girls and their date, excluding Adalind, were at Homecoming, "Where is she?" Hanna asked Adalind. "She'll be here Han," Adalind responded with a laugh before looking around before she spotted her cousin entering the dance. "Speak of the devil and she shall appear." Adalind mused as Aria walked over to the group. "Hi, there she is." Hanna said with a smile when Aria joined them. "I was worried you were gonna bail." Spencer said and Adalind nodded. "It's true, they kept asking me where you were," she said. "No, no, I'm ready to have a fantastic time tonight." Aria said with a laugh.

"With no date? My, how the mighty have fallen." Mona mused. "I don't have a date either, Mona." Adalind said, standing up for her cousin. "Whatever, she can share my date." Hanna said. "Yeah, I have no problem with that," Sean said, giving Aria a small smile. "Yeah, and mine." Spencer said as she put her hand on Alex's arm. "Yeah," he said with a smile. "Hey, I'm Aria." She said, introducing herself. "Alex, nice to meet you." he responded. "You too." Aria said.

"Unfortunately, you have to work before you can play, 'cause you've got the first shift at the bean bag toss." Spencer said fake enthusiasm and pushed Aria towards the bean bag toss. "Well, i'm gonna go get a drink, i will see you guys later," Adalind said before walking off walking toward the table with the punch, which was most likely spiked. Adalind poured herself a cup when she felt her phone vibrate, meaning she was getting a call. She set her drink down before pulling her phone out of her bag, and sighed when she saw who was calling her. Jason. She couldn't do it, she couldn't answer him, not yet, she wasn't ready so she declined it, took her drink and went to have some fun at her homecoming dance.


Later on Adalind had met back up with Hanna and Spencer when Aria joined them, looking distressed. "Hey, that was a quick shift." Spencer said. "You okay?" Adalind asked. "No, my claustrophobia kicked in." Aria answered but Adalind knew better, it was something else. "Can you find someone to take my place?" she asked. "Yeah. Alone in a dark booth with Fitz? It's like every freshman girl's dream." Spencer said and Adalind suddenly knew what was wrong. "Hey Hanna," Maya said as she approached the group.  "Hi." Hanna responded. "Hey," Spencer, Aria and Adalind said in sync.

"Um, have you guys seen Emily?" she asked and Adalind shook her head 'no'. "No, I was just about to text her," Hanna said as she reached for her purse to get her phone. "Hey, don't bother." Aria said, making everyone follow her line of sight to see Toby and Emily enter together. "Hey, guys." Emily said as she and Toby joined them but none of them said anything, it was awkward. "I'll go get us some drinks." Toby said before leaving the girls alone. "You're here with Toby?" Spencer asked Emily once he left.

"Either you've got some genius plan of sleeping with the enemy or you've lost your mind." Aria hissed. Adalind stayed quiet, not knowing what to say but didn't wanna upset Emily. "You don't even know him." Emily said, standing up for Toby. "What is there to know? Who else could've helped Jenna? He has every reason to hate us." Spencer said. "Well, he doesn't." Emily responded.

"Emily, if it walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck, it's a freaking duck." Hanna said, making Adalind sigh. "Wow, I thought at least you'd understand," Emily said disappointed before leaving but Hanna stopped her, and Spencer, Adalind and Aria walked away, letting them talk. "Why didn't you say anything?" Spencer asked Adalind, who shrugged, "I didn't wanna upset her, not tonight." she said. 

A little while later, Hanna met back up with the girls. "Did I miss something? When did she start hanging out with Toby?" Spencer asked. "I have no idea, I've never seen her talk to him." Aria answered. "Neither." Adalind said but she had a suspicion after that night at the Apple Rose Grille. "There you are, you keep disappearing on us." Sean said as he and Alex walked up to the girls. "Yeah, we had to get ice." Hanna said, lying badly, making Adalind bite her lip to stop herself from laughing.

"Hey, wanna dance?" Alex asked Spencer, who smiled and held her hand out. "Let's do it." she said as they went off and danced before Hanna and Sean walked off to dance as well, leaving Aria and Adalind when a guy walked up to them, making Adalind grimace, before patting Aria on the shoulder. "All yours." she uttered before leaving.


Adalind was dancing with guys from her chemistry class when Spencer came over. "Hey, sorry to interrupt but I need her, thanks." She said before grabbing Adalind's hand and pulled her to the entrance of the dance. "Geez, Spence, what's wrong?" she asked as they met Hanna and Aria where they were waiting for Spencer and Adalind. "I figured out what Toby's tattoo means." Spencer said. "What is it?" Adalind asked as she crossed her arms. "901 free at last? It's September 1st," she said, making Adalind's eyes widen. "That's the day Ali disappeared." Aria said and Spencer nodded.

Aria turned to Hanna quickly, "Hanna, you've gotta get that file." Aria said, making Hanna sigh. "Tonight?" she asked. "Emily's not going to believe us without proof, she could be walking into a trap." Spencer said. "Can we do it after they announce the homecoming queen? please?" Hanna asked, making Spencer scoff and Adalind give her a look. "Okay, fine. Fine, I'll get it." Hanna said. "Uh, keep an eye on Emily until I get that file." Hanna said to Spencer and Adalind. "Wait, what about me?" Aria asked, stopping Hanna before she could leave.

Hanna turned to Aria. "Keep an eye on Sean." she said. "What?" Aria asked, confused. "I can't exactly tell him where i'm going and if i make something up, he'll wanna come with me." Hanna explained. "Just keep him busy." she instructed Aria. "How am I supposed to do that?" Aria asked, stopping her again. "I don't know, just figure it out." Hanna said before leaving. Aria turned to Spencer and Adalind in shock. "Come on." Spencer said before they entered homecoming again.


Later on, Adalind was standing with Spencer when they saw Aria coming towards them, making them turn to see Hanna and Lucas standing there, making them follow Aria and rush towards Hanna before they walked off towards a room where they could have privacy. "Is that Jenna's file?" Spencer asked as she locked the door to the room they were in. "No, I got Toby's." Hanna said, confusing them. "Turns out Jenna wasn't the patient, the therapist had her come in for one session to see how she felt about Toby coming back home." Hanna filled them in.

"Oh, my god." Adalind uttered in shock, "Well, what else does it say?" she asked. "Well, the dates prove he  wasn't away at school when Ali disappeared, he was still here, in Rosewood." Hanna said before Aria grabbed the file from Hanna. "What else?" she asked as she opened the file, Adalind and Spencer reading over her shoulder. "See for yourself." Hanna said and the girls started reading. "Session 12, august 15th," Aria said as they read it, making Adalid's eyes widen. "That's what Alison had on him?" she asked in shock.

"It's enough to want her dead." Hanna said. "And us." Aria added. "Emily," Aria said after a moment, before she closed the file and handed it back to Hanna before she got her phone out of her purse before calling her, but Emily didn't answer. "She's not picking up." Aria said. "Text her," Spencer said, freaking out and Aria did just that. "We have to find her, come on." Hanna said before the four of them rushed out of the room in search of Emily, unaware Jenna was in the room and heard them.

The girls ran into the cafeteria, still no sign of Emily. "Where is she?" Aria asked rhetorically. "Maybe the left." Hanna suggested. "That doesn't make any of us feel better Han." Adalind said. "Get away from me." they heard, and they recognised the voice, it was Emily. "That's her." Spencer gasped before they ran after the voice, following it.

hi! here's a new chapter <3

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