Chapter 16

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"No." Riah said firmly, after the officers had left. She sat down on the couch, and punched a pillow. "He would never." Her voice wavered a bit.

"I agree," Darion said, leaning on the couch. "I've known him for long enough, and he wouldn't do something like this."

"He could have easily gotten out of there, or stolen the cash for that matter," Selene pointed out. "He's well trained, and smarter than the story the officer told us."

"Yea," Zain said. "But that doesn't change the fact that Jax was somehow at the bar, got knocked out, and is now in the jail. Something happened to him, and clearly that was a coverup story."

"Who would even want to frame him?" Alyna said, crossing her arms.

"I'm betting I know who." Selene told her, then looked at Darion, who rolled his eyes. "Isn't it convenient that, that cop was there, was a witness, and the one who told us about Jax?"

"Very convenient," Riah noted. "Why would he want to frame him though?"

"Jealously." Selene spoke the word. It came out sharp and hung in the air like thick smoke. The team was silenced for a moment.

"Well," Darion broke the silence. "Let's start investigating. Let's look at the picture we have, maybe it says more than just what was spoken."

   He took it out of his pocket, sitting down on the couch while everyone crowded behind him to look.

   Selene began thinking of what the officer said, Jax slipped on glass, then was knocked out. She recalled him being smart enough to not slip on things, like glass, and she knew for sure, a simple rolling pin wouldn't knock him out. For instance, she'd seen him get hit with a tire flying through the air. It would take much more. She didn't believe any of it. None of the facts proved to be true. Plus, why would he do this? It just didn't make sense.

  Selene looked at the picture and scanned it for anything that contradicted the story of anything unusual. Jax was face down, with glass all around him, and cash in his hands. It looked pretty believable... but wait. The cash register was just in the corner of the picture, and she saw, it wasn't busted into or anything. The drawer was open, but no damage to it. That means, he would have known the code, but according to the story, he stormed in, and forcefully opened the cash register. Meaning, it wouldn't be in good condition, it would be all mangled and broken.

"Look!" Selene said, leaning down to point at the cash register in the picture.

"By golly, you're right," Zain said, realizing the same thing Selene had.

"Ok, I'm figuring if they lied about one thing, they would lie about a lot of things," Riah said, runnint over to the computer. "I'm willing to bet there are cameras there. Either in the back room, or the front. No sensible business wouldn't have some."

  She began typing into the computer. "This might take a while." She called over her shoulder. "Even if they did have a camera I'm willing to be there's tons of security on it."

"Hey," Alyna said. "Why did that other officer, Jessie, give us that paper with the time and date of Jax's trial? The other ones clearly didn't want us to be there."

"Well..." Darion mumbled.

"Maybe Jessie thought the way the other officer was acting was wrong," Selene suggested.

"Probably, unless he wouldn't be helping."

  Suddenly, everyone's phones emitted two loud alarms. Yanking hers out of her pocket, Selene saw two alert notifications. A bank robbery was just spotted, and it seemed the dock was being attacked by some viciously strong currents. Darion sighed, and slipped his phone back into his pocket.

"You think your up for the robbery?" He asked Selene. "It seems like there's only two normal guys doing it."

"Absolutely." Selene answered. "They need taught robbing isn't allowed in this city."

"Good," Darion said with a smile. "The rest of us will go to the docks. I have a feeling Damion's friend is out for vengeance."

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