He Forgets Your Birthday (Stiles)

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(Y/N) Pov

Tomorrow is my Birthday and I couldn't be more excited. Me and Stiles were supposed to watch a Movie tonight but of course like always something came up and like always he didn't let me go help him and the pack. So I was stuck at home watching the movie by myself.

I was asleep and I heard tapping on the window I already knew it was Stiles so I got up and opened the window for him.

"You're late," I said and got back in bed.

"I know, I know I'm sorry," he said as he took off his shoes and got in bed too

I was facing away from him and didn't say anything. He wrapped his arms around me and I started falling asleep.

"As long as you don't forget about tom-" you said but didn't get to finish as my eyes grew to heavy to keep open

When I woke up the next morning Stiles wasn't there. I for dressed for school and waited for him to pick me up like he always did. But he never got there. I called him like a hundred times but no answer so I walked to school and got there late. Any other day I wouldnt really care that he forgot to pick me up but seriously on my birthday!

After my first class I was still pissed and getting stuff from my locker. He came up to me.

"Hey baby, I know I forgot to pick you up it's just that lydia-" he said

I cut him off "It's just whatever,"

"Great," he said and kissed you

I didn't kiss back and went to my next class. I was even more pissed now because he still hasn't said anything about my birthday and of course it's always all about Lydia.

Stiles Pov

(Y/N) has been acting really strange lately. She's always in a bad mood. I went to talk to Scott about it.

"Dude really you didn't pick her up on her birthday?!" Scott exclaimed

"What do you mean her birthday? Her birthdays next month," I said confused

"No Stiles it's this month today," Scott said

My eyes widened "Oh my God I forgot her birthday!!"

(Y/N) Pov

I avoided Stiles the rest of the day. I went home and stayed in my room all afternoon than all of a sudden I here the song In your eyes by Peter Gabriel. I was curious so I looked out the window and there was Stiles holding a boom box up to my window like in the first movie we watched together "Say Anything". I smiled and ran outside to hug him. He obviously hugged me back after putting the boom box down.

"I'm so sorry baby, Happy Birthday,"


If the music is still playing you can turn it off now but if you like it than go ahead keep playing it. Anyways I know this chapter was kind of cheesy crappy and basic but I tried. Hope you enjoyed!



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