July 15

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July 15,

Eliana's P.O.V.

"Mom!" I yelled coming down the stairs.

"What?" She hollered back.

"I need your help!" I said coming into the kitchen to find her, aunt Liz, and Jess sitting at the table drinking coffee.

"What is it?" Mom asked.

"I think I'm in love." I said sitting at the table.

"What?" Mom asked in surprise. "With who?"

"Remember how I broke up with Connor and didn't give anyone a reason?" I said changing the subject. "Well it was because I developed a crush on someone else."

"I'm not understanding." Mom said in confusion. "What do you need help with?"

"I need you to tell me how I know to know if I'm in love." I said desperately.

"I don't think anyone can tell you if your in love." Aunt Liz chimed in.

"Tell us about this boy." Jess said. "What is it that draws you to him?"

"Well," I began. "Initially it was his looks. He's absolutely gorgeous, but he's some much more than that. He's got a great sense of humor and I love his laugh. I love to listen to him play piano late at night when he doesn't think anyone is listening. I love how he confessed his brokenness to me because he cared about me and what I thought. I love the way he looks at me like I'm the most precious thing in the world." At this point I could feel tears sliding down my cheeks. "Mom, I'm in love with Toby."

Toby's P.O.V.

I hear a knock on the door and hurry to answer it. I knew it was Eliana because she had texted me a few minutes before to let me know she was coming over to use the piano. I swung the door open to reveal her petite figure.

"Hey!" She chirped happily.

"Hey." I responded shyly. Ever since I realized I loved her I felt awkward around her. I wanted her to be my girlfriend but I knew she wasn't ready.

"I had so much fun yesterday!" She exclaimed wrapping her arms around me. "We totally need to do that again."

I smiled against her hair. "Yeah, definitely. Your family is great."

"Yeah they are." She agreed pulling back. "Great, but crazy."

I chuckled. "Aren't we all?"

She nodded and linked her hand with mine pulling me towards the music room. She let go when we reached the room. She immediately sat down at the piano and started warming up. I walked over and sat down beside her on the bench.

"I missed you that week you were gone." She said randomly.

I smiled slightly. "I missed you too."

She smiled back and started playing a sonata. "How's your grandma?"

I watched her fingers fly over the keys as I responded. "She's great. She keeps calling to ask when I'm going to let her meet the girl I was moping about the whole trip."

"Hmm." She hummed in response. Her eyebrows furrowed. "What girl?"

"Is that jealousy I smell?" I asked jokingly. She glared at me but didn't reply. I chuckled. "That girl was you silly." Her playing stopped abruptly.

"Really?" She asked hopefully.

"Really." I replied smiling at her. She looked up at me and smiled widely before continuing to play her song. I rested my hand on her knee rubbing it slightly. Her shoulders tensed and she missed a note.

"Toby." She blushed.

"What?" I asked in amusement. It was cute how flustered she got.

"Your distracting me!" She exclaimed.

I smirked and kissed her cheek. He fingers fumbled on the keys again and her breath caught. She swallowed and tried to finish the piece. I kissed her jaw softly and she sighed.

"Toby I really need you to stop doing that." She said breathlessly. I kissed the corner of her mouth and she froze. She turned to look at me with wide eyes.

"How about I take a turn?" I asked huskily. She nodded looking as if she were in a daze.

I started to play the first few notes to a country song I had learned specifically for her. When it was time to play the verse I started to sing.

"You know I'd fall apart without you
I don't know how you do what you do
'Cause everything that don't make sense about me
Makes sense when I'm with you." I felt the truth in what I was singing to her.

"Like everything that's green girl I need you
But it's more than one and one makes two
Put aside the math and the logic of it
You gotta know you're wanted too

'Cause I want to wrap you up
Wanna kiss your lips
I wanna make you feel wanted
And I wanna call you mine
Wanna hold your hand forever
Never let you forget it
Yeah I wanna make you feel wanted." I glanced at her to see her eyes filled with tears and sent her a smile.

"Anyone can tell you you're pretty
And you get that all the time, I know you do
But your beauty's deeper than the make up
And I wanna show you what I need tonight

When I wrap you up
When I kiss your lips
I wanna make you feel wanted
And I wanna call you mine
Wanna hold your hand forever
Never let you forget it
'Cause baby I wanna make you feel wanted

As good as you make me feel
I wanna make you feel better
Better than your fairy tales
Better than your best dreams
You're more than everything I need
You're all I ever wanted
All I ever wanted

And I just wanna wrap you up
Wanna kiss your lips
I wanna make you feel wanted
And I wanna call you mine
Wanna hold your hand forever
And Never let you forget it
Yeah I wanna make you feel wanted
Baby I wanna make you feel wanted

You'll always be wanted."

I played the last notes of the song then turned to Eliana. "What do you think?" I asked nervously.

"That was beautiful." She whispered.

"Your beautiful." I smiled wrapping my arms around her.

"I'm serious Toby. You have an amazing voice." She said placing her arms around my neck.

"Thank you." I replied sincerely. She inched her face closer to mine and I met her halfway pressing my lips to her. She responded by kissing me back. After a minute she pulled away.

"Toby," she said softly. "We can't keep doing this."

"Doing what?" I asked in confusion.

"Kissing and acting like a couple when we aren't." She said trying to scoot away.

"Then be my girlfriend." I said insistently.

"Toby." She gasped.

"Eliana, I'm in love with you. I think about you all the time. And I meant what I said in the song. I want to call you mine. Please, Eliana, please say yes." I begged, taking her hands in mine.

She nodded slowly. "Okay. I'll be yours." She smiled shyly. "I love you, Toby."

My eyes widened in surprise. "I love you, Eliana." I said thickly before pressing my lips to hers again. We lost ourselves in that kiss, just relishing the knowledge of each other's love. That moment felt like an eternity and I didn't want it to ever end.

Hey guys. There's only one more chapter! Don't forget to comment questions for the q&a!

Mara :)

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