June 12

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I sat in the passenger seat of Valerie's car. We were going to the movies today. I looked in the mirror. I look stunning. Valerie fixed up my hair and makeup making me look great.

I admit I was suspicious from the start but I never expected what happened...

We walked into the theatre to find none other than Danny. I could not believe I had been sweet talked into chaperoning their date. But then I saw Danny wasn't alone. Crap....

"Eliana I want you to meet my cousin Jacob. Jacob this is Valerie's sister Eliana." Danny smirked at us.

"Pleasure to meet you." Jacob said smiling. He wasn't exactly ugly.. He has dark hair and eyes but his smile was scary.. He seriously needs to see a dentist before those teeth start scaring children!!

I just nodded and smiled. Danny and Valerie had set me up. Pay back was gonna be fun...

"So Eliana, I hear your soon to be sixteen." Jacob said trying to make conversation.

"Yes. In a few weeks." I blushed. I cannot believe my sister did this to me.

We walked into the theatre and I spotted Danny and Valerie sitting halfway up.

Jacob grabbed my hand and took me up to sit by them. I tried to pull my hand out but that boy had an iron grip! My god!

I had just sat down when Danny and Valerie started making out. I stared in shock for a minute. Jacob was talking to me but I have no idea what he was saying.

"I-I'll be right back." I Stuttered. I walked out and ran right into a hard chest. "Oh I'm sorry." I said looking at the floor.

"Hey Eliana." A familiar voice said.

"Connor!" I looked up in surprise. "What are you doing here?"

"I was bored so I figured I might as well catch a movie." He shrugged. "You?"

"Well I thought I was out for a girls day with Valerie but apparently I'm on a double date with a stranger.." My voice trailed off as I got an idea.

"What is it?" Connor asked suspiciously.

"Wanna be my fake date?" I asked.

"I thought you had a date?" He looked so confused and adorable!

"Well technically I do. But I was wondering if you could act like your my boyfriend so that I can get rid of the creep and aggravate my sister." I blushed. I knew payback would be good.

"I would love to be your fake date." He laughed.

I smiled. "Here's what we are going to do..."

A few minutes later we reentered the theatre holding hands. Jacob caught my eye and his jaw dropped. He leaned over and smacked Danny who immediately stopped kissing Valerie. Jacob pointed at me and they both stared in amazement.

"Hey guys! This is Connor." Connor draped his arm around me as we sat down.

Jacob looked livid. Poor guy. Maybe he will learn to give a girl some space.

"Eliana who is this?" Valerie hissed.

"He's a friend. Didn't I tell you he was meeting us here?" I feigned innocence.

"Uh you forgot that little detail. How do you know him?" She looked seriously ticked off.

"I met him at a party Monday night." I shrugged leaning against Connor.

"You went to a party!?!" Valerie yelled.

"Yeah mom knows." I said trying not to laugh. This was priceless.

"We hit it off immediately." Connor smirked. "I thought she was the cutest thing!" He planted a kiss on my cheek making me blush.

"You said she was single!" Jacob hissed in a whisper.

"How was I supposed to know about him!" Danny whispered back.

"Uh I don't know. Maybe you could've asked your girlfriend!" He stressed the last word.

"Yeah guys. I can hear every word your saying." I rolled my eyes and intertwined me and Connors fingers.

Jacob rolled his eyes and sulked.

"Just out of curiosity. When were you going to mention your boyfriend. Before or after our date?" Jacob hissed furiously. Man he hisses more than a snake!!

"Date? I didn't even know you were going to be here!" I glared at Valerie. "Guess I'm not the only one he forgot to mention important details."

"Hey guys the movie is starting..." Danny said awkwardly. We turned towards the big screen.

The movie had barely started when I nearly jumped into Connors lap. We were seeing San Andreas in 3d. I was not doing well with the action.

"You scared?" Connor whispered in my ear.

"N-no. Just a little nervous." I lied. These movies scare the crap out of me! What if it actually happened?!

Connor laughed softly. "We could ditch this place if you want." His warn breath tickled my neck.

"I'll be okay." I laid my head on his chest.

I guess you could say the movie went well. I mean Jacob kept giving me evil looks and Valerie didn't look too happy but Connor held me in his arms the whole movie. Of course he only held me because the movie scared the crap out of me but whatever.

After the movie Connor took me home. We laughed about everything. Jacobs face (not just because it's ugly), Valerie's surprise, Danny being stuck with the two of them.

"Thanks for everything." I said when we pulled up at my house.

"Don't mention it. I had fun." He smiled biting his lip.

"Me too." I blushed. I think he's going to kiss me.

He started leaning in. My eyes closed right before our lips touched. Only they didn't.

Tap. Tap. Tap. Someone was knocking on my window. I opened the door.

"What do you want, Toby?" I glared at him for interrupting my almost kiss.

"Your mom sent me to get you." He shrugged.

I rolled my eyes. "See you later." I smiled at Connor. He leaned over and kissed my cheek. Butterflies erupted inside me.

"Good seeing you Connor." Toby grabbed me by the arm and drug me out of the car.

   He finally stopped when we were safe inside my house.

"Thanks for interrupting." I said sarcastically. He looked furious. What is with guys today?

"You do not need to be with him!" He yelled.

"Wow. Okay dad." I scoffed and went upstairs.

"I'm serious!" He yelled following me. "He's bad news! He takes advantage of girls like you!"

"He's not taking advantage of me." I rolled my eyes.

"I forbid you to be alone with him!" He put his hands on his hips.

"Who died and made you king?!" I yelled. "You aren't the boss of me!"

I heard the front door slam. "Eliana Mae Byrd you have some serious explaining to do!" Valerie yelled.

"Ooh she used the full name." Toby smirked.

   Valerie barged in then stopped short when she saw Toby. "Who the heck is he?!"

"Toby our neighbor who thinks he's the boss of me. Toby this is Valerie. She also thinks she's the boss of me." I crossed my arms and did a hair flip.

"I have a right to boss you around. You shouldn't be hanging out with him!" Toby yelled.

"I agree with him!" Valerie nodded her head towards Toby.

"You two should take over a third world country. You'd make great dictators." I said sarcastically.

   Valerie's phone rang and she left. Toby sighed.

"What?" I hissed ticked off.

"I don't want you to get hurt." He ran his fingers through his hair.

"Why do you care?" I asked pulling up my hair in a high ponytail.

"Your too naive for your own good." He sighed.

"What's that supposed to mean?" I demanded.

"Nothing Eliana." He sighed leaving.

Now I'm so confused...

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