My Characters !

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Greyson is known as one of the popular boys within Magnolia High. Almost every girl wants to be with him as he does hold much confidence, charm, and a mysterious vibe as well. He use to be known as one of the badboys due to many things he did a while back (such as; getting into fights, talking back to teachers and so, getting caught smoking or breaking rules, etc) however, he claims he's cleaned up his act and is working on being a better guy. Bro has probably slept with almost the whole school (girls and boys)

He's pretty funny tho did tend to be an asshole without realizing it unless one of his friends told him. Nowadays He tries to think before he speaks and get a better hold on his temper as well, as that was also an issue he had. He cares for his friends deeply because they always had his back. He wouldn't hesitate to even take a bullet for them. He doesn't like being in committed relationships however so he doesn't want any strings attached. Overall, he's a pretty chill and laid back guy. He currently lives on his own in a trailer.

He's Korean-American, 18 and is Pansexual. His dream/goal in life is to travel the world.


Nate is the nerdy one amongst Grey and Noah. He's obsessed with many things people would consider nerdy and enjoys talking about his hyper-fixations. He can be pretty socially awkward and shy, plus clumsy as well. He also has trouble dealing with changes so it's hard for him to get into new stuff, however he tries to be open minded. Very much a goody-goody, he's never really done anything bad which leaves him with a good reputation but also causes him to go unnoticed in large groups. Nate is also very smart as well. Overall, he's a pretty good guy and is very sweet. He works very hard to achieve good grades and so, so burnouts happen often to him. He lives with his aunt and uncle who often have high expectations for him.

He's Korean-Canadian, 18 and is unsure of his sexuality at this time. His dream/goal in life is to find himself/discover who he is. His uncle and aunt want him to become a doctor or lawyer but he wants to become something he's more passionate about.


Noah is the white cracker (but with flavor) amongst his two friends grey and Nate. In a way, he's almost a mixture of Nate and grey as sometimes He'll seem pretty chill and laid back, and does have some charm/is charismatic, tho other times he'll get stressed easily about his future, work until he's reached his limits, and can be pretty clumsy as well (especially when hes around his crush) he's a huge sports guy and is even one of the top basketball players of the school, while his dad is the coach of the team. Noah's true passion—however—is within music. He secretly enjoys playing the guitar and singing but is afraid to tell his dad as he knows his dad wants him to make basketball his career in the future. He also comes from a religious household as well.

Noah is a sucker for love and can fall for someone very easily, tho this means that if his heart gets broken or if he gets betrayed. He'll take it hard. Probably will listen to some sad Drake songs for a week or something. He currently lives with his parents and younger sister.

Noah is American-Canadian, 18, and is heterosexual. His dream is to pursue music but for now he's focusing on basketball.


Noelle is the younger sister of Noah. She was known as the tough tomboy when she was younger as she was into "boyish" activities and barely hanged with any girls or did anything really girly. As she got older, she met Violet and Scarlett (who were known as the pretty feminine girls of the School) scar proceeded to basically take her under her wing, give her that classic 90/2000s makeover and soon before everyone knew it, Noelle was now apart of the IT girls of the school. Her, scar and ViVi were best friends, always seen together, gossiping and more, but soon the three started drifting apart and no one knew why. The three now barely communicate.

Noelle enjoys doing "girlish" activities now (like doing her makeup, hair and nails, wearing cute clothes, etc) but she is still a tomboy at heart as she enjoys watching/playing sports, video games, skateboarding and so-so. SHe's a tough shell to crack, rarely has anyone (even her own brother) has seen her cry. She tries not to seem like the emotional type. She's usually pretty sociable but only really with a few people. She's funny, chill and can definitely be sarcastic as well. She's also very active and loves the outdoors. She currently lives with her mom and dad and older brother.

She's American-Canadian, 17, and is Bisexual (closeted) her dream is to become a professional dancer, but her parents want her to pursue a 'serious' career.


Scarlett was the leader of the IT girl group at magnolia high. Elle and Vivi were basically more like her minions than her friends, and she tended to outshine them a lot. Everyone wanted to be Scarlett. They wanted her beauty, her style, everything. She seemed so perfect in everyone's eyes.

She wasn't the sweetest/most trustworthy girl though. She enjoyed gossiping/talking about others behind their backs, blackmailing people, putting others down to make herself seem better than them. Your typical mean girl. One day, Scarlett had stopped coming to school and no one knew why. Her parents claimed that she was staying with her aunt out of town to help her with some things. Months later, she had returned to the school and seemed pretty different. She was still pretty and had much style but she was now more kind, humble, and helpful. It was like a switch had flipped in her. It seems like shes trying to become a better person but many are wondering if it's just an act. She currently lives with her parents.

Shes American, 18, and is bisexual (closeted) her dream is to become a successful influencer and model.


Violet use to be know as the "girl next door" quite literally—as she use to live right next door from Nate's home (fun fact: Nate use to have a huge crush on her as well) growing up, she seemed like a little angel. She wore preppy clothes, never talked inappropriately, was respectful, the daughter every parent wanted. She was close friends with Scarlett because of both their parents being rich. But she will admit, she did often feel shadowed by Scarlett. Though she continued to be her friend. After drifting apart from Scar and Elle, Violet had started changing. She ditched the peppy clothes and was now dressing in alternative/goth clothing that revealed most of her skin, she started cursing and using inappropriate language, started smoking and doing drugs, etc etc. much like scar, it was like a switch was flipped. She's a good girl gone bad.

Vivi seems quite intimidating and angry which tends to scare people off. And she doesn't like to have a filter on, she'll be open and honest about her thoughts and will shout when someone shushes her. She's a troublemaker, but is also a lot of fun to be around. She's a wildcard but is also pretty funny and chill when you get on her good side. She's also very flirty. It's currently unknown where she lives right now.

She's American, 18, and is Pansexual. Her dream is to live life to the fullest. She doesn't care what happens to her.


Ally is a little ball of positivity and energy. She's a huge social butterfly and likes having attention on her when in a conversation. She's a very fast talker so it hard for others to keep up with her. She tends to be quite naive, oblivious and childish. She likes to daydream a lot which can have her be dazed at times. Many think she isn't smart due to some of her traits, but ally is actually pretty smart in certain situations. She's especially smart with technology. She does lack focus with things that don't interest her. Some assume she has ADHD but she was never properly diagnosed (as her family doesn't believe in that kind of thing)

in quarantine she was bored and playing around with different sounds/samples on her laptop and later on had began making her own songs. Her songs went viral on tiktok and other platforms and she soon revealed her true identity to the world and released an album. She's a pretty well known influencer but isn't Taylor swift famous. She has a decent following online and mostly makes songs or other projects for fun. She's very active online and is almost always looking at a screen. Everyone at school pretty much still treats her normally even though she does have some popularity online. She currently lives with her parents.

She's British, 18, and is heterosexual. Her dream is to become a successful influencer and independent artist.


Amara is the new girl at magnolia high. She lived most of her life in different countries due to her father's job. She's lived in Bangkok (Thailand) Incheon (Korea) Shanghai (China) and now her and her parents have relocated to America. Her English is still pretty rusty so it can be tough for others to understand her words properly, but most of the time people understand and are patient when trying to talk to her. Other times, people are assholes and will tell her to learn better English.

Amara is very shy and the few friends she did have she sadly couldn't keep for long because she was always moving from different countries and cities. She is also very sensitive, if someone were to yell at her, she'd start tearing up right on the spot (my poor baby 🥺) Mara is incredibly sweet, helpful and smart as well. However, she can also be pretty naive. She currently lives with her parents and is hanging out with Scarlett (Scar figured new girl = new girl I can take under my wing!)

She is taiwanese, 18, and is heterosexual. Her dream is to become a successful business woman. Or really, that's the dream she's following because that's what her parents want for her.


Hiii I know this is very different from what I usually do for my forms but because I have so many characters I just decided to write them all like this. Not sure if some of them will be main cast or supporting cast will see as time goes on

Hope this helped inspire any of your characters and yea.

Sending lots of love 💕

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