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Dai was pacing back and fourth as he was outside his and yours room. The boys were trying to calm him down.

"You gotta give me tips to be a good father," Dai said panicked. His littlest, well second littlest boy sighed.

"But papa you're already a good father," Merus said looking at his panicking father.

"You have 13 children for Zeno's sake. You had 18 back then," Sour said face-palming at his father. Dai stopped at his tracks.

"Oh yeah you're right heheh," Dai said chuckling awkwardly.

"You were like this on Merus," Whis said.

"You can't blame me. It's husband and father's instict," Dai said and heard a scream. He was about to burst in the room but was hold down by Korn and Mojito.

"Let me go!!" he yelled wiggling to get out of their hold.

"Come help us!" Mojito said and the boys helped them hold down their father.

"Ahh!!!" Dai got out of their hold by pushing them all down. He burst in the room and was met by the girls happy faces.

"It's a girl," Dai sighed in relief seeing everything alright. You in the bed holding your baby girl. Dai approached you and bent down to kiss your forehead. You smiled as you gave him the half baby Angel and he took it with a smile.

"Our baby girl D/n (daughter name)" you said smiling tiredly.

"She's beautiful just like her mother," Dai said and saw how tired you are. "Please rest my love. I'll take care of our daughter"

"You're right," you said and closed you eyes. Soon enough you were asleep.

"Can I hold her father," Kusu asked and Dai gave the little one to her. She looked at her sleeping form with a smile. The girls gave each other a chance to hold the baby.

"Ughhh," the boys grunted as they got up and entered the room.

"Meet your little sister D/n," Dai said and the boys had a smile also. It was now their turn to exchange holding the baby.

What a beautiful ending

Chapter 1 updated

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