New Friend, Old Enemy

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Welcome! This episode circles most closely around Mikey, so enjoy the littlest brother and his antics!

Also, I've had testing this week so I'm probably gonna be very tired and fairly lazy while writing this, so apologies in advance <3

Testing is done -_- I went through the rest of the week like a zombie and am writing this on Sunday.. when I'm supposed to post it tomorrow.. yay!

Stupid loss of interest-_- I'm forcing this out of me rn, it needs done. I apologize! I swear, I need ADHD meds, I really do.

*Shredder's lair*

A man dressed in Foot Clan armor is training. A foot soldier tries to sneak up on him, swinging a sword in his direction, but the man catches the sword between his palms.

While he's seemingly distracted, another solider lands on his back as an attempt to take him down.

Other ninjas try to take him down while he's under a disadvantage, but it doesn't work.

He takes them down and dodges them easily, leaving a pile of soliders on the ground.

Behind the man, Shredder stands with his hands behind his back, looking out the window at New York City.

"Master Shredder." The man bows.

"I trust that my greatest pupil has been using that time wisely."

"I have assembled an army of ninjas. The Foot Clan awaits your orders."

"Excellent. Because I've discovered an old enemy in New York." He tosses an old, singed photo of two men in army uniforms. "Hamato Yoshi."

"Hamato Yoshi? Alive?" He lifts his head in disbelief.

"And he is training ninjas of his own. Finally, I will finish what I started all those years ago. I want them all wiped out." His voice growing dangerously low.

The door behind them opens silently, revealing a slender black man. He leans against the door and watches the exchange, twirling a knife between his fingers.

"I will not fail you, master."

"I know. But to be certain, you will work alongside Xever."

The man at the door walks towards them, still flaunting his knife tricks.

"I don't need any help. Especially from this street rat." The man stends up in anger and points at Xever.

"Are you sure, rich boy?" Xever says childishly.

"Anytime you want to test me-"

"I am not interested in your petty rivalry!" Shredder yells. "Xever is familiar with the dark underbelly of this city. You will work together."

The man straightens up at the subtle threat.

"Don't worry, master Shredder. We will find Splinter and his deciples, and destroy them." The man walks out of the dojo, kicking a recovering solider back down before he does.

*Theme song time!*

*In the dojo*

Splinter and Y/N sit opposite each other.


"Yes, Y/N?"

"May I pick my weapon today?"

Splinter smiles slightly at her eagerness. He gives her a curt nod.

Y/N smiles wide and gets up excitedly.

"What weapon do you think will suit me, Sensei?"

"Hmm.." Splinter strokes his beard in thought. "I think that's for you to decide. But remember, the weapon chooses you as much as you choose it."

"Ok.." She picks up a tsurugi with uncertainty.

Splinter eyes the girl as she unsheethes the weapon.

"What's this one?"

"Ah.. a tsurugi. A double edged long sword." Splinter educates.

"I feel like I'll fall and cut myself with this.." She carefully puts the sword back.

The next weapon she picks up is a chigiriki, a flail weapon.

It looks like a long stick with a chain attached and a spiked iron weight on the end.

Like a stretched out nunchuck.

Y/N tried swinging it, but the weight went back at her. She made a shield quickly before dropping the weapon.

"Got it. Not that one." She puts it back.

The last weapon she picked up was a type of spear. It looked like a mixture of Donnie's staff and one of Raph's sais.

"That is called a yari." Splinter says.

Y/N spins it in her hands, like Donnie does, and stabs in a direction.

'It's definitely the best option, but I think it's a bit to tall..' She thinks as she adjusts her grip on the weapon.

"You do not seem comfortable with any of these." Splinter observes.

"Well.. I just don't seem to connect with any of them." She puts the yari back.

"Hm." Splinter stands and goes into his room, only to come out with a.. fan?

"This is a tessen. I had intended to one day pass this on to my daughter, but I would like you to have it."

Y/N marvels at the weapon. It's sleek with silver detailing.

"Wow.." She takes the tessen from him and opens it.

"Remember, keep your movement fluid."

Y/N tries throwing it, but it hits Splinters shelf. She quickly apologizes as she picks up the frame that dropped.

The picture shows a family that Y/N doesn't recognize.

A woman holding a small baby, next to her husband.

"They're beautiful..." She whispers. "Who are they, Sensei?"

"My.. that is my family. Me, my wife, Tang Shen, and our daughter.. Miwa.." Splinters voice is soft, as if he's reminiscing. "Miwa would be around your age now. I would like to think she would have turned out as well as you have, my child."

Y/N looks up at Splinter before gently putting the photo back.

"Well, Sensei, I think we found my weapon." She smiles up at the man.

*In the living room*

The turtles are all scattered around the room, just doing their own things.

Donnie sits on his computer, probably looking at pictures of April.

Leo sits infront of the TV, watching Space Heroes like usual.

When I say 'in front', I mean inches away from the screen.

Mikey is swinging on the tire swing and reading a comic book that may or may not be one of Leo's.

And Raph sits on the beanbag chair, quietly whispering to Spike and feeding him some leaves.

"What do you think her weapons gonna be, Spike?" Raph mumbles. "Probably something sharp."

Spike chews on his leaf.

"Maybe she'll choose sais? Hopefully not a katana like Leo."

He does not chew on his leaf.

"Chew on your leaf if you think she picked sais."

It seems that Spike is no longer hungry.

Y/N bursts into the room, clearly excited and heads over to Raph and Spike. The others are too deep in their own things to notice her outburst.

"Raphie~" She sings as she plops down next to him.

"Don't call me that~" he says, matching her tone.

"Guess what." She says, ignoring his mockery.

"What?" Raph sighs, deciding to just play along.

"I picked my weapon!"

"Cool! What'd you pick?" Raph crosses his arms. "Did you pick sais? Because that's clearly the best choice."

"I did not. I picked something better." She smirks.


"Yup." She holds out the tessen to him, opening it up and fanning herself with it.

"A fan?" He says with a smirk. "Really?"

"Yes! A tessen was used in early Japanese folklore for a lot of things!" She says, slightly offended at his questioning.

"For what? Cooling them off?"

"It takes a lot of skill, Raph! Sensei says that if used correctly, you can defend against people who use swords. Even take someone down with a single blow!"

"I'll believe it when I see it." Raph rolls his eyes.

Y/N crosses her arms and pouts, looking away from him.

Raph chuckles lowly at her, finding the reaction quite adorable.

Y/N looks around the room as to distract herself from Raph's teasing, her eyes landing on Donnie.

Donnie. Donnie! Donnie will believe her! He'll think her weapon fits her.

"Don! Don!" Y/N crawls over to him, disappointing Raph a little. "Donnnnnn!"

"Yes, Y/N?" Donnie sighs, slightly annoyed, but that goes unnoticed.

"Please tell Raph that a tessen is an admirable weapon to have."

"Oh, so that's what you picked! That's great Y/N!" Donnie smiles at her.

"It's a fan." Raph rolls his eyes.

"Actually, Raph, a tessen was used in war a lot. Takeda Shingen held off a mounted sword attack by Uesugi Kenshin who had burst into his command tent during the Fourth Battle of Kawanakajima." Donnie points out with a smirk, as if he'd won something by knowing that.

"See? At least Donnie believes me." Y/N smiles in delight and sits next to the purple cladded turtle.

Donnie quickly closes a tab that has April's pictures all over it and chuckles nervously, hoping she didn't see those.

Raph rolls his eyes again and turns away from them.

"Hey, guys. It's time for patrol." Leo says as he stands up from his position in front of the TV.

'How does he not need glasses?' Y/N wonders to herself as she gets up.

Raph and Donnie get up too, Mikey being the only one who wasn't paying attention.

"Mikey! Let's go!" Leo yells at him. Nothing.

Y/N walks up to the tire swing and floats up beside him.

"He's asleep, guys." She whispers.

She slightly shakes him awake to see if that will wake him up. Nothing.

She looks around the room for something to wake him up, her eyes landing on a pizza box with a single slice in it.

"Raph! Toss me the box!"

Raph tosses her the box, she catches it with no problem.

Y/N tries dangling the pizza in front of his nose. Mikey seems to slowly gain consciousness as he follows the pizza.

"Mmm.. pizza.." He mumbles.

"Get up and you can have it, or else I'm gonna eat it." She says with a smile.

That seems to have worked. Mikey springs up from the tire swing and takes it from her hand.

"My pizza!" He says as he gobbles it down.

"Y'know, I woulda just pushed him out." Raph says.

"And that's why Mikey likes me more." She chuckles as she sets herself back down.

"Cmon guys, burning moonlight here!" Leo says.

"We're coming, flippers. Don't get your tail in a twist." She says as they all exit the lair.

*On the rooftops*

Patrol was uneventful, no kraang, no thugs, not even a cat stuck in a tree.

So, obviously, the group decided to have a flipping contest.

"Check it out! Yehee!" Donnie's turn first. He does a double backflip, sliding on the roof with a smug look.

Mikey climbs on top a near by water tower and flips off it, rolling on top the roof.

"Top that, turtle chumps!"

"Alright guys, check this out." Leo says smuggly before front flipping twice and landing on the edge.

"Cute, kiddies." Raph taunts before cracking his neck.

Raph backs up to get a running start. He runs full speed to the edge and jumps towards his brothers, knocking them all down.

"Hey, what was that? You didn't do any flips." Donnie says with a blank look.

"Don't forget about the star player, guys!" Y/N says.

She gets a running start and dives off the roof... into the alley.



"Doll!" They all run to the edge of the roof, trying to see if she made it.

She must have grabbed the fire escape, hadn't she?

When they look over the edge of the railing, they don't see anything?

What? Where'd she go?

"Hey boys, I'm over here."

They all turn to her voice, standing.. right behind them?

"How did- how did you-.. what?" Donnie and Raph say at the same time.

"I found a new power!" She says excitedly.

Y/N disappears from their sights, only to appear behind Mikey.

"Ahhh! Dude! Don't do that!" Mikey yells.

"Teleportation? How did that- how did you even figure out you could do that?" Raph asks.

"I was in the kitchen last night, grabbing a glass of milk, and..." She trails off.

"And?" Leo asks.

"I got scared.. Mikey sleep walks.." she says.


They all burst out laughing.

"No! No! OK, it just happened!" Y/n laughs along with them.

Something clattered, startling them out of their laughing fit.

They each pull out their weapons, aiming at where the sound came from.

The assailant came out from behind the wall, only to be revealed as a... cat?

"Don't give up, Leo. You might actually win this fight." Raph comments, but no one pays attention to it.

"Aww!" Mikey coos and picks up the cat. "It's a little kitty. And its name is-"

"Mittens!" A voice calls from below.

"Good guess. Wait, who said that?"

"Mittens?" A man calls for his cat.

"I think that's the owner." Donnie points out.

Mikey shrugs and goes towards the apartment.

"What are you doing?"

"Whoa, hey!"

"Mikey, wait!"

"What? I'm returning Mittens to her owner." Mikey says innocently.

"Are you an idiot? Wait let me rephrase that. You're an idiot!" Raph says.

Y/n hits the back of Raph's head for that.

"You're not an idiot, Mikey. Ignore him." She glares at Raph.

"You can't show yourself to a human." Donnie sighs.

"Why not?"

"Because they'll freak the heck out, that's why not."

"Why don't you just curse?" Y/n mutters under her breath, but Donnie hears it anyway, sending her a glare. She raises her hands in defense.

"They won't freak out! I'm not so scary, and Y/N hangs out with me!" Mikey says.

"You're an ugly, green mutant armed with ninja weapons." Raph says dryly.

"No you're not." Y/n glares at Raph again.

"Look, this guy's gonna see that I'm just a regular, cat-loving dude like him. Next thing you know, we'll be best buds. This is gonna be awesome!" Mikey leaves.

"No! Wait!" The others try to stop him but they're to late, he's already down there.

"Mittens!" Mikey lands in front of him.

"Hi! Here's your-"

"Ah! Ugly, green mutant freak!" The man screams.

"Wait! I got your cat!"

"Help!! He's got my cat!!"

"Dude! Chill! I'm just-"

All this yelling has aggravated the cat, it meows angrily at Mikey and claws at his face.

Mikey screams and stumbles along the fire escape. He tries to grab the cat off his face, but he ends up falling down the alley.

The others follow him down, only to find that Mikey landed in the dumpster. They lift him out and place him back on solid ground.

"Someone want to help me with this?" Mikey turns to show the cat attached to his shell.

"No." His brothers say.

"Y'all are so mean." Y/N walks up to him and gently pets the cat to calm it down. "Come here, kitty."

She grabs it and gently pulls it off Mikey setting it down on the ground.

"Face it. Humans will never understand you. Heck, we don't even understand you." Raph rolls his eyes.

"Raphael! Quit being so mean!" Y/n yells at him.

"Maybe." Mikey mumbles. He looks up to see a billboard. "But I bet he will!" He points at it.

Chris Bradford
Martial Arts Expo.
Coming to a location near you!

"Chris Bradford. The martial arts superstar. With a chain of dojos across the country. He's your soul mate?" Leo asks sarcastically.

"We've got so much in common!" Mikey strikes a pose, mimicking the one on the billboard.

"What if you stop standing like that?" Donnie asks.

"We'll have a little less in common, but still a lot. And look, he's in town for a Martial Arts Expo. Maybe he'll show me his secret kata, "the death dragon." And I'll show him my secret kata, "the secret kata."" Mikey rambles excitedly.


"Needs a new name, but what is your 'secret kata'?" Y/n asks sweetly.

"Check this out!" Mikey makes a bunch of random moves. "But don't tell anyone you saw that."

"My lips are sealed." Y/N makes a zipping motion, which makes Mikey smile brightly at her.

"Face it, Mikey, Chris Bradford is the last person on Earth that would be friends with you. Well, tied for last, with everyone else on Earth." Raph smirks at his joke.

"Make fun of him one more time and I'll make you into turtle soup." Y/N aims her tessen at his head in a threatening manner.

Before she can make true her threat, a group of ninjas jump out of the shadows and surround them.

"Ninjas? In New York? Other than us?" Donnie pulls out his staff as the others pull out their weapons.

Y/n begrudgingly aims her tessen at the ninjas.

The fight started when one of the soliders threw a shurikan at Donnie, who avoided it expertly.

The soldiers charged, splitting up against the five.

Leo seemed happy... like extremely happy.

"Hey! Flippers! Why you so happy!?" Y/n yells as she kicks a solider down.

"It's just nice to finally be fighting people, instead of robots, or aliens, or weed-monsters." Leo says with a smile.

A masked solider jumps at Leo, knocking him down before going after Raph and Donnie.

Mikey swings his weapon at the man, only for him to catch it and pull Mikey towards him.

"What.. are you?" The man says under his breath.

Mikey kicks off the man and they both tug on the chain. Y/N runs up and slices chain before going to check on Mikey.

"Mike!" She slides to him as sirens grow closer to them.

The Foot disappear as the red and blue lights grow closer, the five quickly leaving back to the lair.

Ninjas in New York? What the hell?

*Back in the lair*

Y/N heads to the kitchen after grabbing Spike and her MP3 player.

"Alright, Spike, time for a snack.." She goes to the fridge and grabs a lettuce leaf for the turtle and a slice of pizza for herself.

She jumps up on the counter and puts him in her lap.

"Now for some tunes.. what should I listen to, Spike?" She brings the screen down for him to tap what he wanted. "Insane Clown Posse? You're into creepy shit, aren't you little dude?"

She giggles and puts one ear bud in her ear and one next to the turtle for him to listen as he eats.

As the two sit and eat together, Leo and Spinter come in.

Leo seems to be excitedly mumbling on about the Foot from earlier.

'Hehe.. nerd' Y/n chuckles to herself.

"Their leader was crazy good, by which I mean he was good and seemed a little crazy. Besides, he had all these guys with him. It wasn't a fair fight-"

"What do you mean, 'fair fight'?" Splinter interrupts him.

"A fair fight, you know, where either side could win?"

"So a fair fight is a fight you could lose."

"Well, yes, but... well, what I... what I mean is..."

"You don't want to assure your victory."

"No, I do! But-" Splinter uses his cane and knocks Leo down. "Ow!" He puts the cane against his throat. "Hey!"

"Was that fair?" The rat smirks.


"Did I win?"

"I- I see your point." He gives in

"Seek victory, not fairness." Splinter helps him to his feet.

"Hai, sensei." Leo walks out of the kitchen.

Splinter watches his son leave before turning to the girl on the counter.

She chuckles at the man, jumping of the counter with Spike and opening the freezer. She grabs a cheese-sicle and hands it to him before following Leo.

Splinter chuckles lightly and leaves back to his dojo, happily enjoying his cheese-sicle.

*In the living room*

Donnie and Raph are hanging out with April as Mikey reads a Chris Bradford magazine next to them.

Y/N walks in with Spike on her shoulder and goes to sit next to Raph.

"So that's where he went." Raph chuckles at the turtle, happily sitting on the girls shoulder.

Y/n grabs a comic book and chuckles. "Yup, he likes me more anyway." She playfully winks at Raph.

Raph just chuckles and tunes back into whatever April and Donnie are talking about.

"Whoa, rad! Oh, I wish me and Chris Bradford were friends!" Mikey says suddenly from his beanbag chair.

"Mikey, you already have a human friend. Me!" April says.

"Don't forget me, Mike." Y/n puts her comic book down and puts Spike on top Raph's head.

"You two don't count. We saved your life, you have to like us." Mikey grumbles, making Y/N frown at him.

"Too bad there's no place for freaks to meet people where no one can see how hideous they are." Raph says.

"Wait, there is, the internet! Donnie, can I see your laptop?" April asks.

"Uh, yeah uh, sure! Just a sec." Donnie rapidly taps on his keyboard, closing the multitude of tabs that were covered in her face.

"Check it out, it's a site where you can make friends with anybody online." The redhead shows Mikey once she gets the tab open.

'I really have to have Donnie teach me how to work the laptop..' Y/n thinks.

"Sweet!" Mikey pushes April away from the computer and gasps. "Ohh, Chris Bradford's on here! He'll be my first friend!" He excitedly taps on the keys and sends a friend request before patiently staring at the screen.

"Mikey, people don't always respond immed-" the laptop beeps. "But sometimes they do." April says surprised.

"No way! Chris Bradford has accepted my friendship! I have a friend! Thanks, April!" Mikey hugs her before throwing the laptop and running to the exit.

Y/N makes the laptop float before it hits the ground. "Where you going, Mike?"

"To hang out with my friend, Chris Bradford." He says smuggly.

"This guy's famous. He probably has thousands of "friends"." April uses quotations.

"And guess who's number 5,286?"


"Daniel Ramirez! And I'm right next to him. Later!" Mikey excitedly runs out of the lair.

"Well, this ought to be interesting." April says.

"Should we go after him?" Y/N asks worridly.

"Eh, he's gotta learn somehow." Raph shrugs.

*With Mikey*

(I'm writing this cause this episode focuses on Mikey, so Y/N is not in these parts, but that also means it'll take less time to write, so yay!)

Chris Bradford walks out of his dojo, locking up for the night as the orange turtle silently lands behind him.

"What up? Hey. I'm, uh-" Mikey makes himself known, but Chris quickly turns around and throws shurikans at him.

"I'm being attacked by Chris Bradford! This is so cool!" He screams as more shuriken fly at him. "No, wait! We're . . . whoa! Friends!"

"What?" Chris says, dumbfounded.

"We're online friends! You accepted me, remember?"

"Oh.." Chris' expression changes to a smirk. "Of course! Nice to meet you."

Chris held out his hand, which Mikey immediately grabbed and shook vigorously with a large smile.

"Uh.. would you like to come in?" Chris takes back his hand, with difficulty.

*After their encounter*

Leo and Donnie stand at the edge of a roof.

"They must have been watching us from here. The perfect place to stage an ambush."

"It wasn't very fair, was it?"

"It's not about fairness. It's about victory."

"Okay, okay, I'm sorry." Donnie raises his hands in defense.

Over with the others, Mikey rambles on and on about his hangout with Chris.

"And then and then Chris Bradford put on his hakama. Man, that guy can rock a hakama!" He gushes.

"Yeah, maybe he'll wear it again when he takes you to the prom." Raph mumbles, which goes unnoticed by the younger turtle.

"And then after that! He-"

"Oh, enough! You've been going on about this for three hours." Raph throws his hands up in annoyance while Y/N rolls her eyes at his childishness.

"Ooh, someone sounds jealous. You just can't admit that you were the "R" word."

Raph and Y/N sit there, patiently, waiting to see what the 'r' word is.

"'Rong'?" He says, as if he just made a valid point.

"Wrong is spelled with a 'W', Mike-"

"I'm not wrong!" Raph interrupts.

Y/N's face falls into a stoick expression. 'I'm stealing Spike and showing him Taylor Swift when we get home.' She thinks.

"Oh, yeah? If you don't want to talk about my friend..." He leaps up and then lands between Don and Leo. "I've got two other brothers who do."

"Actually, I'd rather talk about anything else." Leo says, not acknowledging him really at all.

"Like the concept of the silent "W," perhaps?" Donnie says.

"Thank you!" Y/n yells, throwing her arms up in frustration.

"Fine. Heh, I'll go talk to a guy who likes to talk about Chris Bradford more than anyone else, Chris Bradford." Mikey says, not really bothered by them.

"Mike, wait-" He jumps away. "Why does nobody let me finish!?" Y/n yells at nobody in particular.

The other turtles go on with their own business, leaving the girl to her thoughts.

'Maybe...' She searches through her pockets for her spare change. 'Maybe I have enough for a new video game.'

"Guys! I'll meet you back at the lair!" She yells, earning a couple of 'be safe' from the brothers.

*On the streets*

'Alright, so where can I find a video game store?' She thinks to herself as she walks down the empty streets.

New York at night is just as bright as it is in the day, just not as busy.

The street lamps were on, neon signs were flashing all colors, rats ran freely across the streets as if they were people.

Which, let's be honest, the rats are probably better than the people.

Despite the bright lighting, it was quiet, which is different than what our main character was starting to get used to.

Before the turtles had rescued her, she was bounced around multiple facilities by herself. She's not quite used to the loud atmosphere yet, but it's not unwanted.

Maybe that's why she hangs around Spike, the only turtle that can't actually talk.

Y/N decides that she might as well listen to music while she wonders around. She plugs in her headphones and hits shuffle on her Playlist, which means anything from country to sea shanties could play.

The Playlist lands on a song she hasn't listened to in a while, which brings a smile to her face.

(I can only recommend shit, so imma put whatever song shows up next on my spotify XD)

(Honestly I fucking love this song XD, enjoy!)

"If you're lost out where the lights are blinding
Caught in all, the stars are hiding
That's when something wild calls you home, home
If you face the fear that keeps you frozen
Chase the sky into the ocean
That's when something wild calls you-"

She starts singing the chorus as a large, bright red sign catches her attention.

Game Stop

'Well that's convenient.' She thinks as she walks in, a bell sounding her arrival.

The only person in the store is the guy behind the counter, who doesn't look up from his phone.

She shrugs and heads to the back of the store, hoping to find something she can buy here.

She searches through the endless titles. Zelda, Sonic, COD, Mortal Kombat-

'Not that one!' She thinks as she passes that one. 'Too violent for Mike.'

(MK is my favorite video game, but my cousins aren't allowed to play until they're like 10 XD)

She searches through the shelves before stopping at a game that can be played by 4 people at a time.

'Perfect for the boys!' She smiles at the game, walking to the counter and passing a very tempting shelf of plushes, action figures and- pop figures?

'What the hell is a 'pop figure'?' She thinks, examining one of the beady eyed dolls. This one looks like a pirate, but the others on the shelf get much weirder.

'These are kinda cool..' She shrugs and puts it back. 'Another time.'

She walks up to the counter and places the game down, she signals to the kid but he's to droned out into his phone.

She tries waving in his face, nothing.

Snapped her fingers a few times, nothing.

She sighs in annoyance and leans closer to him to see his name tag. Maybe calling his name will get his attention.

The name tag was old and part of it was ripped off, but she could get out at least part of a name.

"Eli?" She tries before yelling it again.

The kid jumps up and glares at her for a second before noticing the game on the counter.

"Sorry, it's late. Will that be all?" He says with basically no emotion.

"Yeah, yeah, that's it." She rolls her eyes at him. She hands the kid a crumpled twenty and crosses her arms.

He hands her the change and bags up the game.

"Have a good night." He goes back to his phone.

She rolls her eyes again but grabs the bag and walks out with a huff.

'Hope he's not working the next time I come here.' She thinks as she walks to a nearby alley. She goes down the manhole and starts her trek to the lair with the game in hand.

'Hopefully Mike likes the game.'

*With Mikey!*

Mikey climbs through the skylight of Bradford's dojo, landing behind him as he punches a punching bag.

"There's my best buddy in the whole world!" He says with a smile.

Chris groans quietly before putting a smile on his face.

"Michelangelo, Mikey, the Big M. How you doing, buddy?" He shoots finger guns at him for no reason.

"I am stupendous, Chris. Chrissy B. I gotta work on your nickname. Ooh Rad-Brad!" He rambles.

"You know.. I was just thinking how we're such close friends, and yet I know so little about you." Chris' smile turns a little creepy.

"You think we're close friends?"

"Of course! Now tell me everything about you."

"Well, where should I start? Ooh, I named all six of my toes!" He says excitedly.

"How interesti-" Mikey sticks his foot in Bradford's face. "Ugh!"

Oh, yeah. I should mention that Mikey's feet smell worse than rotten sardines on a sidewalk.

"There's Stubby, and Joey Nails" Chris pushes his foot away before he can continue.

"Oh, that's that that's fascinating. But I was thinking more about your impressive ninjitsu skills. You must have an incredible sensei." He changes the subject.

"Oh, he is the best. Now meet the stinky triplets!" He holds up his other foot with a large smile.

"Ugh! OK! Who's hungry?" Chris takes a step away from him.

"Me! I want pizza! Do you like pizza?"

"Uh, yeah, sure." He rolls his eyes at the turtle.

"Whoa.. we have so much in common." Mikey's eyes sparkle at that.

Eventually, Mikey and Chris ended up eating pizza on a rooftop overlooking the city.

"Isn't this great? Blue skies, pizza, couple of dudes just hangin'."

The sky wasn't blue, it was gray with pollution. And it wasn't clean, either. A rat had scurried by Chris's hand whenever he would try to eat.

"Yeah, great. Since we've gotten so close, maybe you could tell me a little more about your brothers. Maybe that little friend of yours?"

"Oh, oh, yeah. Uh, they're good dudes. But sometimes I don't think they respect me. Except Y/N, she's nice to me." Mikey says with his mouth full.

"Uh.. I can't imagine why.." Bradford grimaced.

After they ate, they headed back in the dojo, where Mikey couldn't help but admire the weapons on display.

"Cool. Look at that katana! That looks old." Mikey goes to touch it.

"Yes, yes, it's over 400 years old. But getting back to your Sensei..." Chris tries to stop him from breaking it, but Mikey gets to it anyway.

"Look, Rad-Brad, I'd love to tell you, but there's just some things I have to keep secret." He swings the katana around for a bit before Bradford catches his arm.

"But we're friends. And friends share their secrets, don't they?"

"Are you saying you're going to show me your secret kata, "the death dragon"?" He gasps.

"Tell you what. As a show of trust and friendship, I will teach you the death dragon." Chris sighs.

"All right!"

"But you have to swear not to show it to anyone."

"I promise I won't tell a soul!"

*In the lair*

Yeah, he's showing everybody.

"And then he kicks, twists, and sweeps the leg. Ha! The death dragon." Mikey preforms.

"That was amazing!" Leo gushes.

"Yeah, it's devastatingly effective and complex." Donnie says.

"And yet even Mikey could learn it." Raph quips.

"That's amazing, Mike!" Y/n says, smacking Raph upside the head.


"You deserved it!"

"Thank you! Wait, hey!-" The computer beeping distracts Mikey. "It's Rad-Brad! That's my little name for him. He wants to get together for a little B-ball. Can't wait to find out what the "B" stands for!"

Mikey types back a message before heading out again.

"You're going now?" Leo asks.

"Sorry, dudes, human friend stuff. You know how it is. Oh, wait. No, you don't." He taunts.

Once he's gone, Y/N sighs loudly.

"Am I chopped liver to you people!?"

*At Bradford's dojo*

Chris sits at his computer while Xever skillfully spins the katana.

"The freak is on his way. The trap is set." He closes the computer.

"Pretty weapon for a tough guy. In prison, we made our own weapons." Xever says bored.

(I know how to make those~)

"I'll keep that in mind if I'm ever stupid enough to wind up in prison." Chris puts on his helmet.

The foot soliders helmet.

*Back in the lair!*

(This episode jumps so often T○T)

The gang is trying to figure out the death dragon, both Raph and Leo not quite getting it.

"Not quite.." Raph mumbles.

"Wait, I think I got it." Leo does it wrong too.

"No, no, Raph c'mere. Lemme show you."

Y/N sweeps Raph's legs put from under him as Splinter walks in and sees the interaction.

Splinter haunts the doorway as his mind dives into a flashback of Oroku Saki doing that exact move.

"Where did you learn that!?" He screams.

"Mikey learned it from his new friend." Raph said, not really understanding what was wrong.

"The man who taught him that kata is no friend! It comes from the Shredder."

"Shredder?" Donnie asks.

"You mean Bradford is one of his students?"

"So Bradford's just pretending to be Mikey's friend to get to you." Y/n whispers.

"Oh, what a relief! Everything makes sense again." His eyes go wide. "Mikey's in trouble!"

*With Mikey*

Mikey arrives at the dojo through the window, only to find all the lights out.

"Rad-Brad? Hello? Hello? Raddie-Braddie? Did you plan me a surprise party?"

Soliders jump out of the shadows, backing Mikey into a chest.


"Whoa! Uh, uh." He spins away and backs up as they move towards him. "Tell me what you've done with Chris, or you guys are in serious.."

A man steps out of the shadows and chuckles darkly at the turtle.

"Haven't you figured out who I am?"

"Should I have?" Mikey chuckles nervously.

The man kicks Mikey against the wall.

"We've already met face-to-face." He laughs.

"No. It can't be. You're the... guy with the cat?"

"You fool." He takes of the helmet, revealing the man Mikey had wanted to call friend.

Chris Bradford.

"Rad-Brad? What?" Xever hogties Mikey to a poll. "I thought we were friends. I introduced you to all of my toes." He says sadly.

"You actually thought someone like me could be friends with a freak like you? Pathetic!"

"I say we get rid of him." Xever hisses.

"Nothing would make me happier." Mikey audibly gulps. "But we need him. All part of the trap."

The two men walk out, leaving Mikey in the dark.


*With the others!*

Running across the rooftops was usually therapeutic, but not when your friend and brother is in trouble.

When they finally got to the dojo, Donnie uses gum on a compass to cut a hole in the glass of a skylight and reaches in to unlock and open the window.

The four of them lowered into the room, the turtles using ropes, Y/N just decided to drop in.

The sound of Leo's katana being unsheathed draws the attention of Foot soldiers standing guard.

(How would I describe that sound?)

Quickly taking down the soliders was easy, there was only two of them.

"Dudes! That was sporadic!" Mikey smiles.

"Shh! Shh!"

"That's not what that means!" Donnie says.

"Einstein, give it a rest." She sighs as Leo cuts Mikey free. "It's not worth it."

As soon as he's free, the group leaves through the window, jumping back over the rooftops and jumping down a sewer grate.

Behind them, Chris and Xever watched them.


"We've got them."

The Foot, beside Chris and Xever, open the man hole and crawl down after them.

The five here the manhole cover move and shrink back into the shadows, four pairs of white eyes and a (f/c) smoke being the only thing left.

The girl chuckles quietly as the soliders drop down.

One by one, soliders were silently disappearing, until they enter an aqueduct, where Chris realizes they weren't alone.

Xever turns around to see the last of the soliders be yanked away. He lights a flare and looks up to see the soliders hanging from the ceiling, some by rope, some by seemingly nothing.

"Show your faces!" Chris yells.

Five faces come out the shadows, 3 faces are stoic, while the other two were smirking.

Wanna guess?

"They've trapped us! Take 'em down!" Xever takes put his switchblade.

Xever takes on Donnie and Mikey, while Chris takes the other three.

"Not a very fair fight, is it Flippers?" Y/N smirks as she fires an energy blast at Chris.

The teams switch targets, making Chris and Xever back into each other.

"They knew we were following them." Chris says as Mikey singles him out.

"That's right!" Mikey successfully preforms the death dragon and makes him fall. "Sweep the leg!"

He looks looks toward Leo and Don, who were standing next to a water valve. "Hit it!"

Water rushes through tunnels, slamming into Chris and Xever and sending them shouting into a large pool, where they wash down into tunnels far below.

"Well that didn't seem fair." Raph smirks.

"No, it wasn't." Leo smiles.

"High three!" Mikey yells and throws his hand up, his brothers following his lead.

Y/n stands off to the side and smiles at the family before Mikey notices and drags her over.

He lifts up her arm and makes her high five them too, making the girl smile and give him a noogie.

(Look it up if you don't know what that is XD)

*Back at the lair*

The gang sits around the living room eating pizza and talking happily while Splinter stands and stares off into the distance.

"Um, Sensei, aren't you hungry?" Donnie asks him.

"I fear we are celebrating too soon." He strokes his goatee.

"Too soon? The bad guys were swept away in a river of raw sewage. By my watch, that makes it the perfect time." Raph says.

"Shredder knows I'm alive. And worse, he knows about all of you. It's my worst nightmare come true." Splinter looks deep in thought.

"So, it's not over?" Leo asks.

"Oh, no. It's just beginning."

The laptop beeps over where Mikey sits, a little farther away from everyone else.

Y/n goes over and sits beside him, putting a hand on his shoulder and offering a smile.

"How you doing, Mikey?" Raph walks over.

"This was all my fault. I should have never thought I could be friends with a human." Mikey sulks.

"Eh, don't be so hard on yourself."

"So it's not my fault?"

"Of course it's your fault."

Mikey sighs dejectedly and Y/N gives Raph a glare over the orange turtles shoulder. Raph smiles nervously before sighing and turning back to Mikey.

"If you tell the others, I'll beat the green off you, but you're an awesome guy." He puts a hand on his shoulder.

"Bradford didn't think so."

"Eh, he's a psychotic killing machine. You deserve way better friends than him."

"You know what? You're right. Thanks, Raph." Mikey smiles wide.

"Anytime." Raph walks off.

Mikey grabs the laptop and taps on the keyboard.

"Unfriend. Ha-ha! Revenge!"

Y/N laughs at his antics.

"Hey, Mike?"

"Whatsupp dudette?"

Y/n makes the Game Stop bag appear in her lap as she smiles at him. "I got you a present."

"A present!? You got me something?" Mikey perks up immediately, like a puppy at their owner.

"Yes, I did." She laughs and takes out the game.

The game isn't anything special, just a Mario Kart Plug & Play. It hooks up to the TV without a console and can be played by four people at a time, and besides, it was cheap.

"Woah..." Mikey's eyes sparkle as he stares at the colorful packaging. "What is it?"

"It's a game." She chuckles. "A racing game, you can play with your brothers at the same time."

"Woah!!" He grabs the game and runs to the TV, plugging it in and interrupting 'Space Heroes'.

"Hey!" Leo yells at Mikey.

"Y/n got us a game!" Mikey says excitedly.

Y/n rolls her eyes playfully at Mikey but he's too entertained by the game to notice.

"The four of you can play at the same time, so nobody has to fight for a turn- oof!" The turtles had ran to hug her, yelling various versions of 'thank you'.

"Ack! Can't-! Breathe!" She taps what she thinks to be Raph's shell before they let her go. She smiles at them. "You're welcome, and Mike?"


"Just because you guys saved my life, doesn't mean I'm not your friend." She smiles at him before smiling at the others. "Now, go play!"

The turtles run to the TV to start playing.

"I call Mario!"

"No way!"

"Whatever, I want Bowser!"

"I'll be Link!"

Y/n laughs at their antics before grabbing Spike and sitting down on the couch.

"I want a turn at some point, boys." She laughs when none of them acknowledge her.

'I'll have to get more games." She chuckles and picks up a comic book.

7086 words on this chapter! I'm sorry it took so long, honestly it was just loss of interest:)

But! I still have the weekend of my spring break, so I'll write whatever I can (hopefully)

Also, I saw Kung Fu Panda 4 yesterday! It's weird how it's almost been 20 years since the first one. Me and my brother were the oldest minors in there by themselves XD

Anyway, have a good one everybody! I'll see you when I see you!

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