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KATE WAS SITTING IN THE TAXI, waiting patiently for her brother to pick her up in California. She got a call from someone so without looking at the ID of the person who called she picked it up.

"Hello?" She spoke to the phone as she stared blankly down at the floor getting her wallet from her tote bag and giving the money to the taxi driver before getting out.

"Katie? Are you okay?" The voice speaking belonged to one of her closest friends, Taylor. "Uh, yeah-yeah I'm okay just waiting for him to pick me up." Kate said looking around seeing the tall figure going over to her. a relief washing over her like no other.

"Okay, good. That's good—"

"Kate? Kate! my other favorite women, how you doing?" Taylor's boyfriend, Tommy, spoke through the phone speaking loudly making Kate cringe as she put the phone away from her ear before putting it back.

"Tommy, hi!" Kate managed to let out a laugh that only lasted for a little bit. "I'm doing good, so far." Kate said lifting her tote bag up to her shoulder as she made her way over to the tall familiar figure. he lifted his hand up waving at Kate.


"Guys, I have to go, talk to you later?" Kate said hearing them agree with her as she hang up the phone putting the phone on her back pocket of her jeans.

The tall person smiled kindly at her opening his arms widely for her to go. Kate felt her tears start to form in her eyes as she ran over to his arms jumping on him wrapping her arms around his neck as he bend down wrapped them around the small girl.

She cried onto him as the people passes by them seeing the two wrapped in each other embrace.

"Are you okay?" He asked her once Kate let go of him looking up at him, her lips starting to shiver shaking her head. "Come here." He said making the girl wrap her arms around his torso sobbing onto his chest.

"Let's go home so you can get cleaned up, yeah?" Ranboo asked her, his sarcastic voice turning into something soft as he stared down at his sister who nodded their head.

ARRIVING AT THEIR home she headed to her room and shut the door, before going over to the bathroom looking at herself in the mirror.

She saw her face was running down with mascara, her eyes where puffy from crying, her face was red, everything about her was messed up.

Sniffing up her tears she slipped off her clothes turning on the water cold going inside the shower closing the glass door.

She put herself under the water letting it run down her face as she cleaned her face, doing everything else she needed to do whilst showering.

She got out of the shower wrapping a towel around her body and wrapping a t-shirt around her hair. making her way out of the shower putting, her clothes in the dirty basket and going to find her clothes.

They went over to their closet before taking out a simple outfit to stay home. a baggy grey shirt and grey sweatpants not really feeling on putting something else.

She went down to the kitchen before slowing down her steps seeing her family in the kitchen all cooking dinner together.

"Will you shut the fuck up about the m&m! There aren't any!" Her older sister, Suki, said to Ranboo who was looking for the m&m.

"Yes, I bought m&m yesterday, so if I don't find them I blame you." Ranboo said going through each cabinet trying to find the m&m and for a split second glaring at suki who rolled her eyes before looking back down at her phone.

"Kate, sweetheart, come come and help us with dinner." Their mother, Charlie, said to her waving her arms for her to come over to them.

"You sound like a white person." Kate commented not questing on why everyone was there and only went over to her mother and helped her with the pasta.

"Where mom?" Kate asked her mother who nodded her head over to the fridge where her other mom was eating the leftovers from the other day.

"Hello—" Eleanor said chewing on the food smiling widely at Kate who nodded her head slowly. "Aha! Found them!" Ranboo said holding the m&m up in the air sticking up tongue out at Suki who rolled her eyes.


"Mom, why are we doing this?" Kate asked Charlie who smiled softly at her daughter wrapping an arm around her shoulder bringing her in.

"Because, we haven't had family time in, how long?"

"7 months." And in those 7 months Kate wasn't home, she was in the UK. Kate helped her mother with the rest of the dinner as Suki and Ranboo kept on fighting with each other and Eleanor was eating.


"TUBBO, STOP, THAT'S all wrong!" Kate laughed loudly as Tubbo was throwing paint to the canvas.

They where both outside of his house painting but soon Tubbo gave up with his big master piece and decided to just dump the paint on the canvas.

"What? It's better and faster!" Tubbo laughed getting a paint brush and splattering some paint onto the canvas making it look abstract.

"Looks like someone threw up there," Kate joked tilting her head to the side as she eyed the painting. "I bet it I could get a bunch of money on eBay." Tubbo said smiling and looking over at Kate wiggling his eyebrow.

"Da vinky?" Kate laughed going back to her paint grabbing the yellow paint. Tubbo laughs loudly throwing his head back.

"And — done." Kate said throwing her hands up in the air her smile never leaving her face. "Let me see then." Tubbo said as Kate grabbed her canvas.

She showed him her painting making his eyes widen along with his mouth as he awed over to the painting. "Kate, this is wonderful."

"Thank you," Kate smiled as blush creeped into her cheeks, "can I keep it?" Tubbo asked lifting his head up from the painting looking over at Kate.

"Yeah, sure."

"Thank you."

For that small moment they where happy, they had each-other, lived the best life that they can. They had everything they ever wanted, all they ever wanted was each other.

But those moments turned into lost memories. Lost memories that are now locked up far away from their reach. Those lost memories where something the will always cherish knowing it might never happen again since

nothing ever last forever...

celeste speaks!

so not a lot has changed.

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