iii. memories

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KATE LAID IN BED LOOKING UP AT THE CEILING CLOSING HER EYES FEELING HERSELF FALL INTO A DEEP SLEEP. She sighed deeply wrapping the blanket around her hugging her small blanket that she always sleep with.

( play song )

"YOU HAVENT WATCHED tangled?!" Kate exclaimed looking over at Tubbo as they sat in the sofa that was in the living room as they tried to find a something to watch.

"Nope. What is it even about?" Tubbo said making Kate scoff loudly at go over to her disney+ account and putting on the movie.

"I ain't telling ya, cause we gonna watch it." Kate said grabbing the blanket putting her head into his chest as he got comfortable on the sofa wrapping his arms around the small girl frame.

Kate liked the feeling she has with him. She feels safe in his arms. Something that Tubbo learned about the girl is that she is touch starve. She shows her affect through touch.

She's closer with Tubbo than the rest of the group. Everyone knows that they had a thing for each other. Even George could see that they had something, and he would complain by saying he's colorblind.

Whenever you look at them they would be close to each-other, be lovey-dovey. Platonic or not they were meant for each-other.

They were meant to met, to share laughs, to be together.

Kate leaned more against Tubbo as her hand went over to his connecting them together. She looked up at him smiling sweetly at him. With her free hand she lifted it up to his cheek making him look down at her with the same smile he always has on whenever he's around her.

"What?" He asked softly as he sunk into the sofa. Her hand still didn't leave his cheek leaning her head back against his chest. "Nothing. I feel tired."

"Then go to sleep, I'll be here when you wake up." Tubbo said making her nod her head. She took her hand off his cheek making him want to put it back but held against it.

"WHO'S SHE?" Kate asked entering Tommy's room seeing a girl with black hair sitting outside the backyard with Tubbo as they both laughed. "Don't know." Taylor shrugged their shoulders looking over at Tommy.

"That's someone from my school her name is, Hermione." Tommy said joining the girls in the window as they looked out the window.

"Why is she here?" Elena frowned her eyebrows as Tommy laughed shaking his head, "she's my new editor. And I didn't ask you because I know you will over work yourself and I don't want that." Tommy said looking down at Taylor who blushed and looked at Tommy.

Kate made a puking sound loudly making Tommy and Taylor roll their eyes at her. "No but seriously, why is she here?" Kate asked seeing the girl get close to Tubbo, much to her liking.

"She wants to discuss something, and Tubbo came here to. Guess they hit it off." Tommy said, clueless onto what was actually happening.

"There's nothing to worry about, Kate." Taylor said resting her head against Tommy's arm as they looked down at the window. "Right. Yeah."

"HEY!" Hermione said in a sick sweet voice entering the room where Kate, Taylor, Wilbur and Tommy where at. "Hi." They all said in a monotone voice expect Wilbur.

Kate sat on the piano stool playing around with the keys waiting for Tubbo to come inside the room. "Didn't know you could play." Taylor said her eyes widening looking over at Kate.

"Sarah taught me how to play, although she plays more classical music." Kate said as the movie, corpse bride came into mind. "Do you know this song?" She started to play the chords for the piano duet.

"Oh my gosh, is that the song from corpse bride? Ugh, such a good movie. You gotta teach me someday." Hermione said moving her hands around as she went over to Kate and sat down next to her.

She looked over at Hermione bitting the inside of her cheek for her to now say something mean to the girl, "sure." She said greeting her teeth.

"I'm here!" Tubbo said entering the room his eyes scanning it landing onto Kate smiling widely at her.

He started to make his way over to Kate when Hermione noticed so she quickly stood up and went in front of Tubbo hugging him. "Oh, finally!"

"I just want to punch her." Taylor whispered to Tommy holding their fist up in the air. "Calm down, women." Tommy laughed putting her fist down.

"WHERE'S TUBBO?" Kate asked Lani as she couldn't find him anywhere. "You're boyfriend is up in his room." Lani said giving Kate a big smile before walking off.

Kate nodded her head running up the stairs going to open the door when she heard two voices inside the room. "What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be at Tommy's" Tubbo voice rang in through the room.

"Yeah, just wanted to see you." Hermione said making Kate cringe. "You should probably leave, Kate is going to be here soon." Tubbo said making Kate open the door to the room quietly but Hermione notice her come inside the room.

A smirk appeared in her lips as she put an innocent act on putting a hand on Tubbo's arm sticking her bottom lip out.

"Don't deny it, darling. You let yourself think you like her, or in love with her. We both know the truth, remember last time?" Hermione said innocently making Kate frown her eyebrows as Tubbo shook his head still confused not noticing Kate.

"Remember what?"

"This?" Hermione said before standing up in her tippy toes and connected her lips onto his putting her hand on the back of his head.

Kate froze completely as she saw the scene unfold right in front of her, and the worst part was seeing that Tubbo didn't pull away after a few seconds.

"Kate, Tommy and Tay-" Lani shouted entering Tubbo's room but quickly stopped seeing what was happening. "Kate?" Tubbo's voice was filled with regret as he turned around seeing Kate who shook her head tears falling down her eyes.

"Oops." Hermione shrugged her shoulder the smirk not leaving her face. "I'm going to go. Have fun." Kate said glancing at Tubbo one more time before leaving the room.

"No, Katerina, wait!" He was about to go chase her when Lani put a hand on his chest pushing him back. "Leave her alone, give her space."



KATE WAS ABOUT to leave the uk already saying goodbye to everyone before he ran towards her. "wait! please wait!" his face was read as he panted heavily.

Kate turned around already feeling tears whelm up in her eyes, she felt absolutely pathetic that Kurt by seeing him she started to feel tears. she now realized how everything went down the drain, how their perfect teenage romance wasn't there anymore.

"Kate, please let me explain." Tubbo said but Kate kept quiet as she smiled sadly and him shrugging her shoulders.

"there's nothing to explain, Tubbo." Kate shrugged her shoulders letting a tear drop from her left eye fall down. "what happen, happened."

and she left without turning back, without glancing back at him or at anyone wanting nothing more than get away.

as her face wasn't in their view anymore she let out the tears that were threating to slip out in front of him.

she wanted nothing more than the earth to swallow her completely.

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