viii. deja vu

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well - i'm back
💬 1,265 ♻️ 1,986 ❤️ 67.3k

@tommyinnit well finally,
I was about to make a funeral
@katepetrova on second thought I'm leaving
@taylortaylor bravo tommy,
you just drove her away
@tommyinnit shes the one who can't take a joke!
@katepetrova Elena break up with him and come with me
@-cdj- let's all get married
@taylortaylor bet, Tommy im breaking
Up with you for Crystal and Kate

thelovleyhermione oh what a lovely surprise
@user4 oH wHaT a LovElY sUrpRise - stfu
@user2 leave bestie Hermione alone
@user8 no, c'mon user4 let's go and educate more people

"KATE I DONT KNOW MIDDLE NAME NEITHER LAST, HURRY YOUR ASS UP!" Crystal shouted as Kate was getting ready for the mall.

"I can't find anything to wear!" Kate shouted in frustration as she couldn't find a outfit to put on. Crystal came up the stairs passing Ranboo who was eating cereal before she went over to Ranboo and grabbed a spoon getting some of his cereal.


"Hi!" Crystal giggled back to him running up the stairs throwing the spoon over to the sink making it. She entered Kate room quickly pushing her away.

"Okay, leave it up to me." Crystal said looking through her close picking a white long sleeve crop top and baggy rip jeans.

Crystal then went over to her jewelry section getting her usual before finding the two stick figure necklace. "Hey, why don't you put this on. It look good."

Kate bummed going out of the bathroom once she came out she froze as her eyes landing on Crystal who had the necklace up in the air.

"Turn out." Crystal said pushing Kate in front of the of the body mirror as Kate stood their frozen looking at them both.

Crystal smiled going behind Kate and putting the necklace around her as Kate held up her hair. Kate blinked a few couple of times before she felt a sense of deja vu.

"OH, this is beautiful." Kate gaped over the necklace that Tubbo was putting on her as she stood in front of the mirror and him behind her smiling widely.

"It's you and I. I found it on Amazon and decided to buy it for you." Tubbo said making her turn around to face him.

"You didn't have to." Kate spoke softly tilting her head to the side as her eyes twinkled with love for the boy.

"I know, but I wanted to." Tubbo said putting a hand on her cheek smiling at her. Kate put a hand on the necklace while staring up at him as they both started to lean in.

And then the door opened, "HELLO LOSERS!" Elena said opening up the door before quickly making her way out, "BUH BYE LOSERS!"

"KATE WHY ARE YOU CRYING?" Crystal asked softly moving the girls dirty blonde hair away from her eyes as she shook her head wiping away the tears.

"HELLO LOSERS-" Ranboo said making Kate feel more tears run down her eyes putting a hand over her mouth shutting her eyes hard. "-hey, why is she crying?" Ranboo asked looking over at Crystal who shrugged her shoulders.

"I just put on a necklace for her and she started to cry." Crystal said looking confused.


"The necklace - I - and then - all gone - and-and the memories are still there - and I just can't seem to stop thinking about him - fucking hate it here - the stick figures - and-ugh-" she couldn't make words as she looked over at Ranboo trying to put words togther making him nod his head slowly.

"All I understood where two words, feelings and stick." Ranboo said holding up two fingers making Kate scoff taking a deep breath wiping away her tears.

"The necklace, Ranboo. The memories are still there, my mind keeps on going over to him. I hate it here." Kate said as a small hiccup came out of her mouth pouting out her lips looking around feeling tears go into her eyes again.

"Oh, honey, cry." Crystal said going over to her bringing her inside her arms as Kate did exactly that into her shoulder.


Crystal moved them over to the desk grabbing a hair brush before throwing it on Ranboo's head. "Hey!"

"Shut the fuck up, she has feelings." Crystal rolled her eyes as she moved her hand up and down from Kate back moving her hair away.

"So I'm I taking you to the mall or what?" Ranboo asked looking between the two girls.

Crystal looked over at Kate before questioning, "we can stay here if you want."

"No-no, let's go." Kate lifted her head up from her shoulder sniffing up the tears. "Are you sure?"

"Positive, we are going to need more clothes if we are going to the UK for 4 months."

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