1/red pen

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So darken your clothes
Or strike a violent pose
Maybe they'll leave you alone
But not me
     My Chemical Romance
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• • • • • • • • • • • • •
     I sit in the back of the classroom, the teachers words a buzz in the background. My red pen flicks between my scratched fingertips, the air, the desk, the air, the desk.
     I can't help but feel eyes glue to me as I tap the pen.
    Looking up I see a girl with short, black, choppy hair two seats diagonal from me, staring. I look back at her with a stare and shrug. A glare dresses her face, as she scoffs and turns away.
     A smile graces my face once she can't see. I fix my posture back up and continue to drum.
     With a bag of chips bout, I slouch back in my seat of the loud cafeteria.
     I stick an earbud in, shuffling my music. Helena by my chemical romance blasts in my ears. I can't fight but flinch of the sound of Gerard's angelic voice ringing in my ears.
     My foot taps to the beat, I eat my Doritos and scroll through Instagram. I see Gerard, Brendon, memes, Tyler and josh, More memes, and some of my friends.
     While watching an edit of Josh Dun, a food tray smacks down in front of me.
     "Hi," I hear a very soft energetic voice holler.
     I almost scream but find that would most likely cause an uproar, last time that happened we thought someone was getting murdered.
     Instead, I drag the lovely soul over the table into a hug. She shrieks but complies, sliding off the table— instead of on the bench.
     "Why weren't you here for what, the first month of school." I accuse jokingly.
     "I guess Italy is farther than we thought?" She laughs.
     After explaining how flights were booked and how when they were cleared the next flight needed wasn't available, Maddi eats her French fries.
     "Ya know, you probably flashed me to the entire table of boys over there." She says out of the blue, both pointing at her already short skirt and the boys at the table across from us.
     One of them stares at us, we both just wave back embarrassed.
     I pull the edge of her skirt Down to see the edge of black lace.
     "At least you're weren't wearing kitty panties," I shrug.
     With a look of pure horror, she stares at me. I reply with a lopsided grin.
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• • • • • • • • • • • • •
(395 words)
     Thanks for reading!
     Although I will update, I still need to work on my other book Soon Isn't Soon Enough— so it'll probably be monthly updates. This is also only the prologue so the actual chapters will be a few hundred longer.                   Ciao!
                                                        -Leylee :)

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