SCP-105 x SCP-4051

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The sound of footsteps were heard, as panting was felt, a young teenage boy with a riot shield in his hand is running as fast as he can through the dimly-lit hallways of the site that he is in. The lights above him are blinking, as the sound of footsteps are also heard behind him. He looks and raised the Riot Shield, as gunshots hit the shield, but are ricocheted to a different directions hitting the walls around him. One of the soldiers spoke out.

"Do not let SCP-4051 escape."


SCP-4051, who's real name is Rainer Miller, is running for his life as he does all that he can to prevent himself from getting killed by the SCP Foundation...his former allies, now having become his most terrible enemy so suddenly.

And it all happened too fast. The foundation people...suddenly began killing one another, and he does not know why. For some unknown reason, the foundation as a whole suddenly began to kill one another...and all of humanity. He has no idea what is happening outside, but he does know what it is not good, which is putting it mildly.

As he turns around to the corner, he notices more guards waiting for him, as they aimed their weapon at him. Not wanting to take the risk, he then made a wormhole in front of him, as fire belched out of the wormhole itself, consuming both of the guards, and causing them to be burned to a crisp. The soldiers screamed in pain, as Rainer leapt over them. He continued to run through Site-17, and is now in an open area in the cafeteria. He stopped and turned around, as he sees the soldiers coming towards him. Rainer narrowed his eyes, as he prepares to fight against the soldiers.

"I don't know what has gotten into the Foundation, but right are crossing the line!!"

Rainer takes out a metal bat from the wormhole, as he began to attack the MTF soldiers with it, with his swings powerful enough to create concussions to the heads and hurting their brains badly. But the MTF Soldiers aren't feeling pain. They're getting up. This made Rainer cringe a little bit, despite the fact that the blow should have been enough to kill them. He then stepped back, as he then held his hand out, and he then pulled out another weapon, and as the MTF fired their weapons at him, Rainer then raided the riot shield and blocked the bullets coming at him, and thankfully, he's able to pull out a weapon, which is a Grenade Launcher. Luckily he was able to learn the Grenade Launcher's mechanisms very well. He then raised the launcher, and fired it, as the Grenade exploded, killing both of the MTF at the same time. Rainer gasped a little bit, as he then slid down on his back, and began to breath a little bit in order to calm his nerves. He then opened his eyes, and he then stood up again realizing that he still has work that he needs to take care of. He stood up, and swept the soot on his pants, before he goes to one of the soldier's dead bodies, before he takes out a revolver and carries it with him. He then spoke out.

"Hopefully there is someone else that can help me in this. This is just getting so dangerous."

He then turned around and began to run through the site. But the site is so large that he has no idea where he is going, nor does he have any idea where the exit is. And he never tried to use the wormhole to make an exit, as he has no idea where it will take him. Still, he keeps on going. As he continues to run throughout the section of the site that he is in, passing by the dead bodies that litter the ground, he then heard a gunshot.

The bang made him flinch and his fist clenched, he shook his head and turn to the direction of where the sound came from. It seems to be coming from the left wing. He ran as fast as he can, going as far as his feet can take him. And after a couple minutes of running, he looks to see that there is an agent holding a gun in his hand. And that is not all. There is also a person restrained to a chair. And that someone, she is a teenage girl that is at the same age, maybe 1 year older than him, and has a camera hanging around her neck by the strap. The agent pointing a pistol at her, and ready to kill her on the spot. Not waiting for the fire to happen, Rainer pulled out a gun from the MTF members he'd killed, and fired it at the agent's head, killing him instantly, as he then killed the other people present before they can think of killing her by using the wormholes to summon fire. This made the girl surprised, as she snapped open her eyes at the sound that had suddenly appeared, as she looked to see Rainer coming towards her, as he spoke out.

"Woah, you okay?"

The girl looked up at him and nodded her head in surprise.

"Y...You're not with the foundation?"

Rainer shook his head, as he then made a wormhole, before pulling out some mechanical bolt cutters. He then puts it into the chains that wrap around her wrists, and spoke out.

"Hold still."

He then pushed the top handle down, and the cutters cut the chains, freeing the girl. The girl turns to look at him and smiled, as she stood up.

"I...thank you."

Rainer smiled and nodded his head.

"It's fine. By the way, the name's Rainer Miller, but the foundation people call me SCP-4051. You?"

The girl looks at Rainer for a few seconds and spoke out.

"I'm Iris Thompson. But...I'm known as SCP-105."

This made Rainer a bit surprised, as he spoke out.

"Wow...never thought I'd meet another SCP. Thought I was the only one."

Iris chuckled dryly at this response, as she then spoke out.

"Well, that was what I kind of thought of as well."

Rainer chuckled a little bit, as he spoke out.

"Well, we can't talk about ourselves now. We need to get out of here, and fast. Do you know where the way out is?"

Iris Thompson nodded her head, as she then spoke out to Rainer, Camera gripped tightly on her hands.

"I do. Follow me."

Iris then ran past him, as Rainer then followed her lead, as Iris also picked up one of the MTF Soldier's machine guns. Rainer and Iris ran as fast as they could, as they began to the and escape from Site-17 as fast as they can. As they ran outside, they see more and more MTF Soldiers having appeared, their machine guns pointing at them. Iris and Rainer dodged to the side, and took cover, as the MTF Soldiers began to fire at them. But Iris Thompson took a picture of the soldiers, and when they stopped firing, she took the chance to out her hand in the photo, and grabbed all of the Soliders, and crushed them to death with the grip of her bare hand. She takes her hand out, as blood is shown to be all over it, as Rainer spoke out.

"Come on!"

Iris looks and nodded, as she ran, and Rainer followed suit. The both of them continued to run for what seems to be an entire 6 minutes, at which they then reached the door and went outside. And is a nightmare. Explosions were heard and seen across the distance, soldiers were releasing dangerous anomalies, and they do not seem to stop without any sort of rest. Iris grabbed Rainer's hand and pulled him, as Rainer kept up on his legs and began to run away from the site as fast as they could, keeping on going and did not stop. They kept on running and running, ignoring the sounds of screaming and explosions from behind them, as they got as far away from the site as they could, all so that they can make sure that they do not die from them.

Iris and Rainer continued to run, until they eventually were able to gain just enough distance to know that they made it away safely. Iris and Rainer gasped in exhaustion, as they both touched their knees and inhaled for breath.

"That was...that was intense."

Rainer said, as Iris nodded her head and she spoked out.

"Yeah, definitely is."

Iris then looks and spoke out.

"Come on, we need to keep moving. We may be safe for now, this distance isn't going to last long for us both."

Rainer nodded, as he and Iris began to walk away. As Rainer Miller and Iris Thompson continued to walk away from Site-17, Rainer spoke out as they were having a conversation with each other.

"So...let me get this straight. You were an SCP that was recruited to be part of an MTF, like me, but different in its purpose and all of that?"

Iris nodded her head.

"Yeah, one that was bent on weaponizing humanoid SCPs like myself. And I see I wasn't the only one...besides Abel."

This made Rainer confused and spoke out.

"Who's Abel?"

Iris then spoke out.

"Oh, don't mind what I said. Anyway, we need to keep moving. I think we are almost near a...woah."

Rainer and Iris looked to see that a town before them had been completely...wrecked, not to mention all of the people here killed off. Rainer and Iris were horrified, as they began to walk through the dead town, and see various bodies everywhere, one of which had a heart-like entity claw out of a man's chest, as Rainer flinched and felt revolted at this. Iris looks around, and realized something.

"Wait, look there."

Rainer looks and notices a motorcycle, with a pair of keys shown on the ground. Iris ran to the motorcycle, and Rainer goes to it.

"Uh...we're riding in that?"

Iris nodded, as she then turned the keyholes in order to start the motorcycle, and she spoke out.

"Well, training with MTF really helped me with vehicles as well. But let's not waste time. Get on."

Rainer nodded, as Iris took the front, and Rainer too the back. He was about to wrap her arms around her...but he hesitated, thinking he might do something wrong. He looks at Iris, who spoke out.

"Don't mind that, it's okay."

Rainer nodded his head, as he wrapped his arms around her stomach, and the both of them began driving away from the town as fast as possible, as they began to go to the next town that is hopefully safe from all that is happening.


Well, turns out the next town that they are going into is apparently not as good as ever, but at least it is full of life inside of it. Apparently, the SCP Foundation made the entire Earth aware of their existence, and they are exterminating the human race, but why? Why are they doing this? Why would they suddenly change from protecting the human race and containing the anomalies, to suddenly become very hellbent on destroying the human race as a whole? This did not make any sense.

Iris and Rainer are present inside of the town, wandering to see how it is, and they can hear the sounds of a buzzsaw happening, and the smell of mint on the air. Clearly something was very wrong, and it is being taken care of at a very desperate sort of situation that they are in. Rainer looks at the town and spoke out.

"Damn. This place is barely any better than the last one we're in. How in the world are we going to be able to deal with this?"

Iris looked and puts a finger on her chin, as she began to think of something, before she then spoke.

"Hmmm...maybe we can go to Site-19. I mean...I'll be dangerous to be around...there is at least one anomaly present that might be able to help us."

This made Rainer look towards her and spoke out.

"Really? What is it?"

Iris looked at him and spoke out.

"Site-19, the SCP Foundation's currently largest foundation site, at least when it comes to holding and containing anomalies. And inside of Site-19, there is an SCP that can help us, called SCP-914, or known as the Clockworks. I've heard about this SCP myself. It's supposed to be an SCP that brings out a transformative process of a sort due to the use of its dials."

Rainer looked interested, and spoke out.

"Like what?"

Iris then spoke out.

"Well, it can destroy objects on the rough setting, disassemble on the course setting, remake objects is similar weight on the 1:1 setting, and improve an object on the fine setting. There is also the very fine setting that acts similar to the fine setting, but it is much more volatile. The objects that are improve on Very Fine is given anomalous powers upon being improved."

This made Rainer intrigued, as he then spoke out.

" are saying that we go to Site-19 and go and fight SCP-914 to improve ourself on the Very Fine setting?"

Iris nodded her head, as she spoke out.

"I am. It's going to be a risky move, since there will likely be people here. But if it works, it'll be the only chance we got at being able to protect ourselves."

Rainer nodded his head, as he spoke out.

"I see. we go now or do we wait until tomorrow."

Iris looked at him and spoke out.

"I say we go now. Because the more we wait, the worse it will get. So...let's get there as fast as we can."

Rainer nodded. Iris then began to start up the motorcycle again, as she spoke out.

"Come on, Rainer. Let's not waste any time."

Rainer nodded his head, as he then goes onto the back of the bike, and wraps his arms around her, as the Motorcycle began to drive fast out of the town. Iris Thompson then held out a device, almost resembling a phone, as it began to show a red dot on on the side of the screen that has an arrow pointing to said dot, the title, Site-19 is shown underneath the arrow. She looks up, but then she notices that she can feel Rainer's arms wrapped around her. She doesn't know why...but it is making her blush for some strange reason, as well as making her heart flutter a little bit.

Months later...

Rainer and Iris are shown to be driving away fast, as they are shoot to be chased by a pack of SCP-939.

Needless to say, it is not a fun time for the both of them. They kept on driving away as fast as they could, through the city that is being ravaged by the anomalies, with so many soldiers and GOI doing all that they can to fight back against the SCPs. The Serpent's Hand, The Global Occult Coalition, the Chaos Insurgency, the Church of the Broken God. They are doing all that they can. The entire world, it is all going to hell

Rainer turns around and fired his gun at the SCP-939 pack, causing as many of them to die as he could. But ammo ran out. He then made wormhole and reloaded with more bullets, as he fired more and more of the shots at the pack that are chasing them.  They then are able to make a sharp turn and was able to lose they trail, as they got away from the SCP fast. Rainer turned around and sighed for a bit, as he laid his head onto Iris' shoulders, as he then spoke out to her, tired.

"Thank god. We're out of their scent for now."

Iris nodded, as she felt her face turned red, as she looked down a little bit, before looking back up to face forward again. The past months being with him are...special, to say the least. Rainer is a massive help for her, being able to make wormholes to give the motorcycle gas, as well as having been able to watch her back and protect her from the Foundation that had came. Iris, in turn, did the same and watched his back. But the way he fought and his dedication to keep her from getting is very cool in her eyes. She has no other way to describe it. He almost looked like an actual hero whenever he saw him. Iris...because of that...also felt something for him. She gripped her chest tight, and felt her heart pound, as her face turned red. Obviously...she is starting to develop feelings for him, as she gripped her hand tightly. Rainer then looks at Iris and spoke out.

"Iris, you okay?"

Iris, startled, spoke out.

"Ah, oh yeah, I'm fine. Just...just thinking about something."

Rainer was confused but nodded his head, as he put his hand off of her shoulder and began to look around the apocalyptic world, seeing how much to hell it had all gone in, as they past through a city that has SCP-008 infected attacking other people, before they pasted through another city after another hour, with Rainer's Wormholes making fire to prevent the zombies from getting close to them. As the both of them continued to drive and into an empty large area with nothing but dead dirt and all of that, Rainer noticed something and spoke out.

"Wait, stop!!!"

Iris, hearing that, stopped quickly, as Rainer jumped up and looks to see someone, with Iris Thompson also jumping out of the Motorcycle, as they looked to see a city that is surrounded by a shield of some sort. And the SCP Foundation are shown to be attacking it. One of them is a young boy, and is throwing debris at the shield.

Iris doesn't know who that is, but she can tell it is an SCP of some sort. Iris, seeing this, snapped a picture of the boy, before interacting with the photo. A giant hand appeared, and swatted the boy with a massive hand, sending him tumbling to the ground. The boy tried to get up, but Rainer, leaving nothing to chance, goes in to punch the boy as hard as he could. But the SCP, who's name is Cameron, on the name tag he has, than raised him up into the air, in order to try and slam him to the ground hard enough to kill him. But Rainer then made a wormhole, and fire belched out, making Cameron jump back, which gave him enough time for Rainer to make another wormhole, which summoned a sort of anti-telekinetic effect on himself, bringing him back to the ground. Rainer then made a bat, as he spoke out.

"I don't what's your problem, kid, but you are crossing a line!!"

He ran to him and began to swing his bat at him, with Cameron getting hit a bunch of times, before Cameron then raised his hand and telekinetically threw him away, and knocked Rainer to the ground a bit. But Rainer was not done, as he then made another wormhole and threw a net at him in order to trap him. But Rainer then used his powers in order to teleport the next in front of Rainer, who then made a wormhole to send the net back to where it came from.

"Why are you helping the bad guys?! They aren't supposed to get away with it!!"

Cameron said, as Rainer spoke out.

"The only bad guys I see here is you and the foundation!!! You bastards are killing innocent people, who had nothing to do with their. Hell, my mother might be dead, because of you!!! You fuckers are going to pay for taking everything from me!!"

This struck Cameron, as Rainer ran as fast as he could and kicked him hard in the head, before grabbing his head and slammed his face to the ground, in order to try and knock him out. But Iris then grabbed him and spoke out.

"Woah, easy. Rainer...I know you're angry, and I am too...but this is not going to help other people. Besides...I don't think this boy knew everything. After all, kids are tricked easily."

Rainer looked down and sighed a little bit, as he then stood up, letting go of the boy, who is shaken up. He had never felt this way before. He shook and looked up at Rainer and Iris, as he spoke out.

"You...I was...killing innocent people?"

Rainer nodded, with a glare, as he spoke out.

"Yes. You think you're a hero or something, that this is a world of heroes with Superman and all of that? Kid, this isn't a world of heroes. This is a world of kill or be killed. You're living in the wrong place. And now, you are killing refuges of innocent lives, that are trying to protect themselves...from you."

Cameron what's felt crushed at this, as he looked down at his own hands...he sniffed, as his hands shake, as he spoke out.

"I-I didn't mean do that. The foundation said that...I was helping the world by doing that!"

Iris then spoke out.

"The foundation is lying, little guy. They were lying to you about everything. And clearly, it is obvious that they never gave a single care about you at all. You were only a pawn to them, nothing more. You were not here to save humanity. They wanted kill humanity, make them extinct."

Cameron was stunned as he heard the info, as he looked down, and he felt more saddens then before, as he spoke out.

"I...I'm sorry. I...I didn't mean for this...this isn't what I wanted."

Iris sighed and spoke out.

"We know, little guy. We know."

Cameron looked down, before he wiped his tears away, and stood up. As he did, MTF Soldiers came in and raised their weapons at them.

"Cameron, what do you think you're doing?! We gave you orders to kill them and take down the city, what are you stalling-"

But Cameron, in a burst of anger, looks at them, his eyes glowed red, and he roared out.


He then raised his hand, and all of them raised them up into the air, as he shouted out.

"You said we were taking out the bad guys, you said we were making the world safe!! You never said anything about killing all of the humans! This is not what I wanted!!!"

He than threw his hand downwards, and the MTF Soldiers got crushed by the pressure, and were killed instantly. Cameron looks down, gasping in breath, as Rainer whistled.

"Nice one, little guy. By the way...mind telling us your name?"

Cameron looks at both Rainer and Iris, as he spoke out.

"'s Cameron."

Rainer nodded his head as he spoke out.

"Cameron, huh? Nice name. By the way...can you do us a favor?"

Cameron look and nodded his head, and spoke out.

"What is it?"

Iris then spoke out to him.

"We need to get to Site-19. Do you know where it is?"

Cameron's eyes widened, as he realize what they're talking about.

"Wait, I know that place. I can actually temper yourself and me there!"

This made Iris's eyes widened happily, as she spoke out.

"Nice!! Now we can-"

But as that happened, the sounds if slashing and stabbing is heard, as all 3 of them turn around and looked to see who it is that has decided to arrive at the scene. They see bodies flying up into the air, some of them are missing their limbs, missing their heads, or are simply cut in half. They looked and saw more MTF soldiers running away from something, but are also firing at the enemy that is coming at them. But they are then cut by a sort of black sword, one that Iris recognizes all to well. And sure enough, he is here, the one that scared Iris when he went against her and her group.

Coming towards them was someone that Iris remembered all to well, from her past experience with the MTF she was in. She hasn't forgotten what he had done to the previous task force, killing them without any mercy present.


Iris said, as Abel turned to look at her, and apparently, he recognizes her even after a long time in which he had betrayed Iris' MTF.

"Ahhh...Iris. I have never thought I would see you again."

Iris snarled in fear and anger, as she spoke back.

"Well, I was hoping that I'd never have to see you again after what you had done from last time. Killing all of my friends all because of your self-centered, selfish boredom of bloodlust."

Abel chuckled a little bit, as he spoke out.

"Well, it is who I am, after all. But as much as I want to kill you, I want to kill the foundation for what they have done to me all of these years, trapping me inside of my prison and denying me my vengeance to my brother. I want to make them pay after all these years."

Rainer then puts his hand on his chin, but Iris spoke out,

"Well, then consider this the only time I give you want you want, because there is something that can aid you in that."

This made Abel look at her, and spoke out.

"Really? and what is that?"

Iris then spoke out.

"Well, unfortunately, the one thing that can help you is in Site-19. And there will be guards there to keep us from getting to where we need to go."

Abel clenched his fist and smiled a little bit, as he spoke out.

"Well, for me, it will be sport."

Rainer looks at Iris and whispered to him.

"Is he always this insane?"

Iris spoke out to him.

"You have no idea, Rainer. Anyways, Cameron, can you take us to Site-19?"

Cameron nodded, as he floats into the air, and teleported both himself and the others to Site-19, as they landed down to the ground, and they looked to see Site-19 with so many holes that are of a very large size. Iris looked and spoke out.

"Well, at least we will have an easier time getting in because of how much damage it is. Abel...I can't believe that I am saying this...but do the honors."

Abel smiled a little bit, as he made a sword and a battle axe appear in his hand, as he then spoke out to her.

"But of course. May the bloodshed begin, and the foundation to die!!"

He then charged at the inside of the site and began to slaughter all of the scientist inside of it, as he began to hack and slash at them with his swords. Then, MTF Soldiers appeared in order to try and shoot Abel in the head, but Abel was not afraid, and having learned from one of his previous deaths, he raised his sword in the air and swung his Axe, slicing all of the MTF Soldiers down. As that happened, Iris stepped out and grabbed onto a Level-2 Keycard of some sort. She took it out and spoke out.

"Well, at least we got what we need. Rainer, Cameron, come on. And Abel, if you're done, we'll be meeting you in Research Cell 109-B, which is where you will get what you want."

Abel, hearing Iris, nodded his head, as he spoke out.

"You better hold true on your promise to give me something that can make me kill the foundation."

Iris nodded, as She, Cameron, and Rainer ran as fast as they could, going through the damaged hallways of Site-19 with quick speeds, as Rainer made a wormhole to summon some throwable knives. As the MTF Soldiers appeared and prepared to fire their weapons at them, Rainer threw the knives as fast as he could, and stabbed them in the face with them, killing them in the process due to the knifes being sharp enough to penetrate the face of the helmets. As Rainer looked around, with Camron and Iris stopping in order to see where they need to go, Rainer looks and grabs 2 objects inside of a basket that is titled "Needed to be Disposed", and they are both that seems to be jewelry of some sort.

One was a jade-green ring and the other is a locket of some sort. He looked and narrowed his eyes, feeling like he needs them. Iris Thompson looks into some other boxes, and sees 2 pairs of Night-Vision Goggles. She clenched her fist and spoke out.

"Definitely gonna need these. Rainer, did you find anything that can help us?"

Rainer looked and showed her the locket and the ring, as she spoke out.

"Okay, definitely gonna be useful. SCP-427, which the Locket and SCP-714, which is the ring. Come on, let's keep moving. I know where we need to go to."

Iris and the 2 boys ran, as Iris takes the lead, with Rainer putting the 2 objects inside of his pockets. They kept on going as fast as they can, as Iris and the others stopped, leaning a bit and look too see 2 scientists, as they spoke out.

"Okay, the 008 Virus has been enhanced at the Very Fine setting. How much time until we can do this and infect it into SCP-4290?"

The other scientist then spoke out.

"Not yet. First we need to take care of Ganzier and destroy it. Ross is being sent to take care of that. Than, once Ganzier is destroyed, and we release the Series 4 SCPs, than we will go to SCP-4290."

The other scientists nodded, as they walked away and after a few minutes, went out of sight. Luckily, there are no guards that will block their path. Iris then goes up towards the lock, up above titled 109-B above, as she puts the Keycard on the scanner, which accepts it. The door opens, and all 3 of them went in, with Rainer looking in amazement at what he is seeing before his eyes.

Standing before all 3 of them is a large complex machine of clockworks, gears, and cogs, with the right-side labeled intake, and the left side output. Rainer looks in awe, as he spoke out to Iris on this.

"Woah, what is that?"

Iris looks at Rainer, and smirking a little bit at his stunned face, spoke out to him.

"That is SCP-914, also known as the clockworks. Went to this area once when I was still in MTF Last Hope. This SCP has the power to either destroy, disassemble, recreate, or enhance anything that is placed inside of it. But it is the one on the Right Side that I want to use. The one called Very Fine."

This made Rainer look at her and spoke out.

"Very Fine, what does that do?"

Iris looked at Rainer and spoke out.

"It enhances and makes a heavily anomalous version of whatever is placed inside of it. This includes people, which makes them anomalous and makes them far stronger than before. And this is what we will do. We're gonna make ourselves stronger, as well as the objects that we have."

Rainer seems unsure, as Cameron then spoke out.

"But, what's going to happen when we change? Like, will we still be our usual selves once we're stronger?"

Iris looked down and spoke out,

"Well, when it comes to normal humans, no. But we aren't normal ourselves. So...let's hope that the result is more beneficial."

Iris looks down at the goggles and spoke out.

"First with the goggles."

She then puts one of the goggles, and turns the dial to Very Fine, and then turned the key to the right.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

The clicking, clacking, turning, and ticking of the Clockworks was heard, as the gears turned, as well as a sound of grinding and whirring. It went on for 13 seconds, and after a little while, the noises stop, and a loud ding was heard, as the Goggles appeared from the output, as the door opened. The Goggles look somewhat the same, except the visors are blue. Iris does it again with the second pair of goggles, and the same results happened. A pair of Blue Night Vision Goggles. She then smiled, as she spoke out.

"Okay, now we start with the Item SCPs. And, well...the Jaded Ring can't be enhanced, because it can counter anomalous powers, and SCP-427 has already been used on the Fine Setting. So...I guess I'll be using my Camera in order to enhance it to the Very Fine Setting instead.

Rainer was uneasy, as Iris then goes to the Intake, and takes the Camera off of her neck, and looked at it.

Iris looked at her Polaroid Camera, as she sighed and spoke out.

"I really hope that this'll work for me. After all, it has always been my trusted gift that my parents gave me."

She then kneels down and puts the camera onto SCP-914 and turned it to the Very Fine setting. She looks at the Camera inside of the Intake Booth, and after she took a deep breath, she sighed, and turned the Key, as the Intake Booth closed, and the sounds of the clockworks started running again. Cameron and Rainer looked a little bit at SCP-914, as the clockworks began to change the Camera into something else. As they looked and after about 13 seconds, although for Rainer and Cameron, it sort of felt a little bit longer, the Output booth opened and revealed that the Camera had changed. The Camera now no longer resembles a Camera that is  Polaroid One Step Express. It now looks much more advanced in design, like a Polaroid OneStep 2 Viewfinder i-Type Camera 9008, although it still kept some of the traits of its original design, with the straps used to hang around her neck present. Iris then goes to her camera, SCP-105-B, and grabs onto the camera. All of the sudden, the straps snapped and automatically wrapped around Iris, which caught her by surprise, but she is a little bit happy, as she then spoke out.

"Okay, this is cool. is my turn. And Rainer...if I get out of control...put a bullet between my eyes, okay?"

Rainer was shocked and a bit scared, not simply at what she said, but at the fact that he'll have to kill her. He nodded his head, as Iris then goes into the Intake, and spoke to Rainer.

"Turn it to Very Fine. Hopefully it'll make me more useful then before."

Rainer nodded his head, as he then goes to the Dial, and turns it to Very Fine. He grabs onto the key, and with about 3 seconds of hesitance, turned it, as the Intake closed in front of Iris. Rainer then stepped back, as the machine whirs to life. Cameron gets back, as Rainer does the same, holding the camera in his hand, with the other hand gripping onto the Gun in his pocket, ready to use it in case he needs it. After the machine is done, the Output booth opened, and Iris came out. And...she looks mostly the same, but there are some differences. Her hair has turned into a much more golden color, and her eyes are now a bright cyan color, with her pupils also having become white, as well as having a bit more of a mature appearance, almost resembling a 17-year old. Rainer puts his hands, ready to attack, but then, Iris spoke out.

" worked!! I'm still me!!"

Rainer was surprised, but he sighed in happiness, as Cameron spoke out.

"Wow, that is awesome!!! Let me try!!!"

Iris nodded her head, as she takes back the camera from Rainer, the Camera wraps around her neck again, as Cameron goes in. She turns the dial to Very Fine, as it whirs to life once more. After 13 seconds, the Output booth opens, and Cameron floats out, showing that he now has red-glowing fingertips thar have volcanic-like cracks on them and are glowing brighter then the skin, his eyes are also now a bright red color, and he seems to feel stronger then before, not to mention a little bit smarter too. Rainer smiled and spoke out.

"Yes!!! This is amazing!!!"

Rainer sighed, as he then spoke out.

" turn. Just hope it will give me something good for me to use."

He then walks forward, and goes into the Intake Booth, as Iris turned the dial to Very Fine, before she turned the key. That is when the machine whirs to life once more, as Rainer felt the process began. And for felt very strange. At first...he felt normal. But then...he felt his body...change. He felt himself growing a little taller, his eyes felt like they are burning, and he felt like hundreds of needles are being pierced into his body and are being injected with something, despite the fact that there are no needles and the fact that he is inside of a machine made of clockworks. And despite this...he cannot see what is going on. He can only see darkness and blackness. He doesn't even feel his body at all. He cannot move his arms, his legs, he doesn't even know if he can blink. It is so strange and creepy for him. He does not know how much he can take it. But suddenly...the sounds of the gears began to slow down. And finally, after a few more stopped. Rainer then felt his limbs and eyes return to him again, as he then opened his eyes, and looked to see that he is in the Output booth, due to the door being in a different position. The door opens, and he stepped outside, as he now shows himself, and Iris spoke out.

"Woah, Rainer, you look cool."

Rainer is now shown to have a bit more of a different appearance then before, Like Iris, he too had grown in height, as well as gained some muscle mass. His hair now has become white with his entire eyeballs having become red as well. He then summoned a wormhole, and pulled out a sword, and he didn't need to concentrate on a clear description this time. He then opened his hand wider, and the wormhole widens as well. Seems like he can now obtain much larger then before.

"Okay, this is cool."

Iris nodded, as she then hears slashing outside. She opens the door, and looks to see Abel cleaving through more and more guards, as he stabbed more in front of the doorway. He looks and recognizes Iris, as he then spoke out.

"'ve changed. I can even feel that you are stronger then before. What sort of power is this that made you much greater than before?"

Iris points behind her, and Abel looks at SCP-914, as Iris then spoke out.

"This machine is the reason we became this strong. Look, just get inside the one labeled Intake, and I'll turn the dial so you can become stronger than before. You'll have a much easier time killing the foundation than before."

Abel smiled dangerously, his grey eyes glint with bloodlust, as he then spoke out.


Abel then goes into the Intake booth, as Iris goes to the dial and turns it to Very Fine for the final time. Iris then sighed, as she turns the Key, and the Intake booth slams shut, as the grinding of gears is heard. As that happened, banging is heard from the other side of the door, as voices spoke out.

"SCP-076-2 is in there!!"

"Do whatever you can to get it open."

"We'll make sure he doesn't come back when he comes out."

Rainer looks and sees that sparks are appearing from the door, as an opening is shown. It seems the Foundation are using some laser cutters in order to cut through the metal of the door. Iris, Rainer, and Cameron prepared themselves, but when they prepared to fight, the door from the Output opens, and mist is felt through the Output booth itself. Rainer, Iris, and Cameron stepped back, and go into the Intake, so that they do not get caught in the crossfire. As the door opens, the MTF Soldiers came inside, as they see Abel come out, and raised their guns to fire at him.

"There you are, you son of a bitch. Now to-AUGH!!!!"

The MTF Soldier screams in pain, as he is then sliced by a sword, before an explosion was shown, as it detonated and killed the MTF Soldiers, and a crash was shown into the air. Rainer, Iris, and Cameron got out, as Cameron used his powers to teleport everyone, even SCP-914 outside. And when they looked outside, they saw what happened to Abel. He is now in the air, and has a pair of wings present on his back resembling that of a Crow, but it is made out of the same material as the black nonreflective substance his weapons are made of. Despite this, the wings are now a part of his body, and he is able to use them in such deadly efficiency. He flied into the air, the wings flapped dangerously as it made air pressure, as he then summoned a black shapeless mass out of thin air, which split into 2. The masses then turned into missiles, as he fired at the planes that are coming towards him at high speeds, destroying them without any sort of effort whatsoever.

"Hahahahahahahahahahahahah!!! This is the power that I have been wanting to have for so long!!! Now, you pitiful fools, it is time to die!! I will have my revenge, for what you have done to me!!!!"

Bullets of a minigun fired at them, but they melted when they got to close to him, as a rocket hit him, but he barely felt anything. Not even a scratch. All 3 of them looked amazed at this, at the sight that is before their very eyes, but as they did, bullets suddenly whizzed past the trio, as they turned around to see the soldiers. They raised their guns at him, and Rainer was about to step in, but Iris snapped a picture of them, and did something unexpected. She tore the picture of that had the soldiers...and the soldiers that attacked them were gone, as if they never existed. And both Cameron and Rainer, he felt his brain feeling strange, as if they felt like they were forgetting something, but they cannot tell what it is that they are forgetting. It made them both confused. Rainer turns and looks to see more Soldiers coming, But Rainer is prepared, because he then raised his hand and summoned a large wrecking ball above them, killing them instantly by crushing them. Cameron then lifts more soldiers into the air and teleport them into the air, their limbs had been replaced in different parts of their bodies, as Abel flied and sliced both of them into halves. Cameron then made a sort of shield that halted a rocket, as it is deflected back to where it came from, and a plane starts to go down. Iris snaps a shot at the plane, and is surprisingly a clean picture with no blur despite going down fast. The plane crashed and exploded, and when that happened, more and more soldiers appeared to attack them. But Iris did something unexpected. She raised the photo into the air, and when she lets go, the photo is gone...but the plane in the photo came to reality and went down onto the soldiers, the impact and explosion killing them. Rainer then spoke out.

"Great, now let's get out of here!!!"

He then spread his arms up, and a large wormhole appeared beneath the trio and SCP-914, as they fell inside of the portal, and disappeared from the battlefield. The wormhole was also gone, leaving nothing but the enhanced Abel flying around and destroying everything in sight.


A portal opened inside of an open field, as Rainer, Cameron, and Iris fell down and hit the soft ground, with all of them moaning in pain. Cameron looked up, and used his telekinesis, stopping SCP-914 from crashing down and crushing them. Cameron looks as he gently puts the Clockworks down, so he doesn't break it. Iris then sat up, as she spoke out.

"Ugh, is everyone okay?

Rainer then spoke out.

"I am...but can you please get off of me?"

Iris looked and saw that she is sitting on top of Rainer. Realizing what she is doing, she sat up and pulled him up, as she spoke out.

"Oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh!! Rainer I'm so sorry!!"

Rainer sighed and spoke out.

"It's okay...just glad that we are able to get out of that mess."

As he said that, a loud book was heard, and everyone looked up to see SCP-076-2 flying in the air, and attacking another anomaly, which is SCP-682. And needless to say, SCP-682, despite being pummeled, is still giving SCP-076-2 a hard time, even though he has become enhanced due to SCP-914. As that happened, Cameron noticed something and spoke out.

"Uhhh...Iris, Rainer. We got more people coming!"

Cameron and Rainer, upon hearing this, turned and readied themselves for combat. But as they did...they see that the group that are coming to them have vests that have a hand and a serpent on them.

The individuals spoke out.

"Woah, are you both okay? We're you running from the foundation?"

This made the trio surprised, as the other one spoke out.

"It's okay, we're not here to hurt you. In fact, we're against the foundation!"

This made all 3 of them calm down, as they lowered their guard, and Iris spoke out.

"Wait, those symbols...are you the Serpent's Hand?"

The Serpent's Hand members nodded their heads, as one of them spoke out.

"Yes, we are. And...are you both anomalies that the foundation contained?"

Rainer nodded his head, as he points his thumb to SCP-914.

"Yeah, and this one is that as well."

The Serpent's Hand looked and realized what this machine is, as one of them spoke out.

"Wait, that machine...hey, you guys want some shelter, yeah?"

Iris and the others nodded, as the Serpent's Hand member spoke out.

"Then come with us! We got more like you back at base."

Rainer nodded, as he also takes out SCP-427 and SCP-714, as he spoke out.

"Also might wanna have this."

The Serpent's Hand member nodded, as he took the 2 SCPs, with Cameron using telekinesis to make SCP-914 float in the air, and the both of them moved to the base of the Serpent's Hand. It was a long walk, but after a little bit, they are able to reach it. But the door is not big enough for SCP-914 to go through. But Rainer fixed that. He made a Wormhole, and Cameron went inside of it along with SCP-914, as the others went inside as well, Iris holding onto Rainer, as they both went in last. When they got inside, they see that the entire place is packed with SCP Anomalies inside the place, even the ones that were usually dangerous to contain, such as SCP-049,

as he has MTF Zombies behind him, almost like they are guards that are protecting the Serpent's Hand from the SCP Foundation itself, as well as SCP-187,

who has a blindfold over her eyes, as well as SCP-040, SCP-134, SCP-191, and SCP-239.

Seems like the Serpent's Hand went all out to rescue as many anomalies as possible. Even almost all of the Little Misters are present, except for 3.

"Woah, that is a lot of SCPs. How in the world did you get this much out?"

Rainer said to the Serpent's Hand member, who then spoke out.

"Had a lot of us in the group, was able to suppress fire long enough for many of us to swoop in and rescue them. Although, we did suffer some heavy casualties. Also, come with me, little guy, we're gonna put this in the library."

Cameron was kind of annoyed, but he did not say anything, as they went inside of a portal called the Way, as Cameron went through it, along with SCP-914, as he put the Clockworks down very gently, so he does not accidentally knock down the books from the Wanderer's Library. Cameron sighed, as he teleports back into the base and began to hang out with the other anomalies. Rainer Miller looked around, as Iris spoke out.

"Woah. Uhhh...didn't think you guys were able to store in this much, huh?"

Iris then puts on the Enhanced Night Vision Goggles, and she waited for a little bit, until she saw the that there are a lot of Humanoid Anomalies present inside of the Serpent's Hand base, as the Serpent's Hand member spoke out.

"Yeah. Although...we were thinking of going somewhere. Since it is getting too dangerous, and the world is about to end, we're deciding to move to another Earth for us to live in, and were evacuating as many SCPs and Civillians as we could. So many men, woman, children, and elderly people, there are families here, it is a very harrowing task. We're already making efforts in order to evacuate everyone."

Everyone nodded, as Iris held onto Rainer's head again, which surprised him, as Rainer dropped his goggles, which was caught by the Serpent's Hand member. He then looked at the Night Vision Goggles, as Iris spoke out.

"Oh, this allows someone to see the SCPs that are near a person."

The Serpent's Hand nodded his head, as he then puts the goggles onto his head, as he then began to look around and see what is up. But when he looked...he saw something at the corner of his eyes.


This made him nervous, as he then peaked outside, only to see that there are SCP-008 infected coming towards them. There were a few, and the Serpent's Hand infected, not wasting time, opens SCP-714, and a powerful shine of light appeared from the locket, as they are aimed at the few instances of SCP-008. And as that happened, the flesh began to fix itself, as the SCP-008 infection began to leave the systems, and after about 3 minutes, the infected changed back to normal, as they felt like they've been bashed into their heads for some reason.

"Hey, come on..."

He then grabs onto the civilians, and drags them inside, but then, more moaning is heard. Realizing what is about to happen, the Serpent's Hand member went inside, and closed the door silently, as to not agitate more. But SCP-049, he decides that it is time that he deals with them.

"Come on. Do not be shy."

The SCP-049-2 instances obeyed SCP-049, as he opened the door, and began to go to the SCP-008 instances in order to hold them off. As that happened, Iris looks at the Serpent's Hand member and spoke out.

"I can imagine it's bad outside, huh?"

The Serpent's Hand member nodded his head, as he spoke out.

"Yeah, we got some 008 infected outside. That is not good."

SCP-049 then steps to the Serpent's Hand member, and spoke out to him.

"I have gotten my patients to hold off the horde. But for how long, I have no idea. Hopefully it will buy us some time."

The Serpent's Hand member sighed and nodded his head, as he spoke out.

"Thank you, Doctor. But right now we need a plan. We need to deal with this fast, or the base could be infected."

Than, another Serpent's Hand member appeared, and he spoke out.

"Hayden, I need that Jaded Ring you have. I'll try and buy us a little more time at the rooftop."

Hayden, his name now known, nodded and spoke out.

"Here you go, Zeb."

Zeb nodded, as he took the Jaded Ring, as he then goes outside and gets his guns out in order to deal with the horde of SCP-008 Infected out there. Then, another one, named the Black Queen, arrived and spoke out.

"Hayden, what is going on?"

Hayden looked at the Black Queen and spoke out.

"We got a problem. Multiple 008 infected outside. The Plague Doctor has his own zombies to hold them off for as long as he could, but even they cannot stop it forever. And Zeb's outside to buy us even more time."

Black Queen snarled a little bit, as she spoke out.

"Damnit. First the Foundation ruined my family, now they decide to do this, turning against humanity. They have crossed far too many lines."

Hayden looks to the side, but then...he realized something. He looks at SCP-049, and then turns to the way...and his eyes widened, as he has an idea.

"I got it. SCP-049, I need you to come with me. It's time we give you a major improvement on your medical skills."

SCP-049 nodded his head, as he then began to walk away worn Hayden, and both Iris and Rainer looked at each other, confused at what he plans to do. But no matter the case, they need to do something now.

With Hayden...

Hayden and SCP-049 goes through the way, and enters into the Wanderer's Library, where SCP-914 resides in. As that happened, SCP-049 looks at the machine, and spoke out.

"What does this do, my friend?"

Hayden looks at SCP-049, and spoke out.

"This machine here...this'll give you the improvements that you'll need in order to counter the infected outside,'ll even help everyone outside too. Who knows. Anyway...think you can deal with this, going inside and getting an upgrade?"

SCP-049 nodded his head, as he spoke out.

"If that is all it takes to cure the Pestilence from everyone...then yes."

Hayden nodded, as he spoke out.

"Step into the Intake booth here."

SCP-049 nodded, as he stepped inside, and when that happened, Hayden turned the dial to Very Fine, and turned the key to the right. The moment that happened, the doors closed, and the machine activated. Hayden just hopes that it will work.

With Rainer and Iris...

Rainer and Iris are shown to be outside, as they are doing all that they can to try and hold back the horde as much as they could. But it is getting more and more troublesome for them, as they are doing the best that they can to hold back the horde.

Rainer then made a wormhole that summoned some white tentacles of some sort, which he manage to learn from the Spider Mission he had back then, and does all that he can to kill them. Iris is also using her powers over photos in order to make them disappear from existence forever. She snapped pictures, she rips them into pieces, and erases them 008 infected that are coming towards her and Rainer. Rainer even summoned a sun machine gun and began to fire at as many of them as he can, and when he ran out of bullets, he summoned a mini gun through his wormhole and began to fire with even more ferocity then before, killing as many of them as he could. Zeb is using his pistol to fire as much as he could, but needless to say, he is not having the happiest time of his life.

As they continued to fire and shoot, Rainer then spoke out.

"Damnit. How long until that guy's done with what he has?"

Iris then spoke out.

"Don't worry. Just fight harder and give him more time."

Rainer signed, as he then threw knives at them, and they got killed, but they are still coming, and they are getting backed up more and more, due to the fact that the SCP-008 infected are getting more and more closer, due to the sheer numbers they had. the SCP-049-2 Infected also put up as long of a fight as they did, and even managed it kill a lot of the SCP-008 zombies, but even they got overwhelmed by the sheer numbers that the SCP-008 have. Time was starting to run out.

Then, as that happened, Hayden opened the door, and spoke out.

"Okay, the Plague Doctor's ready. Alright, come out and do your stuff."

Then, SCP-049 appeared...and he looked a bit different from his previous appearance. At the Very Fine setting, his mask now seems to be made of bone, he has glowing purple eyes that are shown through the eye holes of the mask, the robes behind him has now become more like feathered wings, resembling that of a Raven's, as feathers went down to the ground.


Rainer said, as Iris spoke out.

"Uhh...that is not what you usually see in SCP-049."

Iris said, as Very Fine-enhanced SCP-049 walked forward, and when he got close to them, he raised his hand, as though he is trying to reach up to grab something from a shelf. But...there is no shelf to grab to. But then...all of a sudden, something appeared into his hand, a Gauntlet that has 4 syringes, each with different fluids of some sort, one orange, one purple, one blue, and one green. It was similar to how Abel is able to pull out his weapons from a pocket dimension, and SCP-049 now possesses the same thing. But what do these fluids do? SCP-049 then touched one of them calmly and spoke out.

"Now try to hold still. This might sting a little."

He then injects the syringes into one of the SCP-008 infected, and at first...he simply stood still...but then he began to shake, as green mist began to expel from the body of the SCP-008 infected, as the decay began to reverse itself, and the skin of the infected turned normal. Iris and Rainer looked in amazement, with Zed shocked as well, as SCP-008 had been cured from one of the former infected, who seemed confused.


Hayden then ran up to the cured individual, as he dragged the person inside, with SCP-049 curing more and more of the SCP-008 infected, the syringes refilling quickly the moment that thrh were taken out. Then, Hayden took out SCP-427, the locket opened, as he shined it on as many infected as he could. The shine slowing them down, as the 008 infection began to rapidly disappear from their systems, but this also gave SCP-049 a chance to cure the individuals before they were finished curing. And after a little while, the rest of the group was cured. Hayden signed, as many of the Serpent's Hand members brought in the denizens that had been infected, with SCP-049 going inside of the base once again, now a bit more appropriate in his attire then before, due to now being able to truly cure people.

Rainer looks at what happened, as Iris spoke out.

"Heh, seems like SCP-914 was more of a help then I thought."

Rainer then spoke out.

"Okay...admittedly...that is kinda cool. Guess you were right in that it would be helpful for us, Iris."

Iris smiled, as she then leans in and kissed Rainer on the cheek, which caught him by surprise, as he then spoke out.

"What the-"

Rainer was shocked and embarrassed, as Iris giggled. But then, a shaking was heard.


Rainer and Iris said, as the shaking grew more and more dangerously. And in the distance, they saw something. On top, is a large entity that possesses many limbs and many mouths all over its body. As that happened, the clouds began to rain down corrosive wax, as it began to tear at the roof of the building. Rainer and Iris went back inside, and Rainer made a steel umbrella through a wormhole that manifested above the building, as many of the Serpent's Hand members appeared, and Hayden spoke out.

"You can't be serious!! Now what are we gonna do?!"

Zeb looks at the civilians and spoke out.

"...we need to get everyone out of here. And fast!"

The Serpent's Hand nodded, as Bryson began to lead everyone out of here...but it is also because his friend, L.S also spoke something to him, and it is very important. Rainer and Iris held hands, as they began to run along with the others, with Rainer holding one of his hands to keep the wormhole above activated in order to keep the wax from corroding the building. They ran as fast as they could...until they went through the Way, and into the Wanderer's Library.

All of the civilians and SCPs stayed in the Wanderer's Library, which is big enough to hold this much, as Bryson began to talk, along with his group, the Kaijumancers. And the Library...they were going to disconnect it from their former home. Iris looked down sad, but Rainer held her hand tightly, to assure to her that she'll be alright, and that he's here for her. Iris smiled a little bit, as she gripped his hand tightly. Bryson and the others went back, but they gained supplies to go against the entity that is ravaging their dying home, and then...the library disconnected from their former home, no longer going back to it. Rainer sighed, as he spoke out.

" least we'll get to be away from the horrors behind us now. But...where will we go?"

Iris looked down, as he then looked up at the entity up above, a Gigantic Centipede with runes all over its body, as the centipede began to hear the thoughts of everyone, and they are thinking the same thing as Rainer and Iris. He then began to look for a reality that it he Serpent's Hand is connected too...and he had one known, as he spoke out.

"Hmm...this is one that you can live in."

One of the doors opened, as it shined brightly, and the people went inside, desperate to find a home. Iris and Rainer looked at each other, with Iris kissing his cheek, as he spoke out.

"Ugh...this your way of saying you like me or something?"

Iris wrapped her arms around Rainer's arm, and spoke out.

"Yep, now let's go."

Rainer sighed, as he and Iris walked outside to their new home, as the bright light consumed them.


It has been...a few months, since they escaped from the end of the world from their former home. And everyone has gained a new home for them to live in.

The alternate reality that they are living inside of is futuristic, with the anomalous having been integrated into society, no longer a secret to the public. Cameron has been hanging out with SCP-239, who is also know by her real name as Sigurrós Stefánsdóttir, and the both of them mog Jr be developing a childish crush on one another, with SCP-040, SCP-191, SCP-134, as well as with the previous 2 going to school together, and they seem to have a lot of fun being with one another. SCP-049, she to being enhanced by the Clockworks, became a medical doctor in creating permanent cures for diseases, and as for Iris and Rainer...

Rainer is shown to be inside of an apartment building, as he has his hands into his pockets, looking down at the city that is in front of him, and needless to is quite beautiful. As he looked down, a voice spoke out.

"Enjoying the view?"

Rainer to see Iris present, as she walked up towards him, and spoke out.

"Oh, hey Iris. You still doing your job as a photographer?"

Iris nodded her head, as she spoke out.

"Yep, and with construction, since I'm making copies of bridges into reality for others to cross in. Been getting used to position where my photos are at."

Rainer nodded, as he turned around and spoke out.

"'s amazing. We're not in a perfect home to be in, we escaped the nightmare that we all thought we couldn't escape, and we are. Don't know how else to describe it."

Iris then wrapped her arms around Rainer's torso, as she spoke out.

"Well, I do. Because even though it was scary, it lead me to have you in my life. Besides...I think I'm glad that I get to be with you."

Rainer looked away in embarrassment, as Iris then forced him to turn around and kissed him on the lips, as she spoke out.

" still owe me a date for saving my life, remember?"

Rainer looked up, as he smiled a little bit.

"Heh...s-sure. Let's go do that now."

Iris smiled widely, as she grabbed Rainer by his hand and dragged him away, as they go into the city, and into a bright future that is ahead of them both.

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