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'She looks so cute while sleeping.'

I rolled my eyes.

You neglected going to school to watch her sleep? Influence.

'Like hell you care, why don't you mind your own business Seungmin.'


My heart clenched at his words, but I decided to ignore it. Stupid Hyunjin.

'Stupid Seungmin.'

"Felix, wake up the bell rang." Ignoring his last comment, I nudged the sleeping blonde beside me.

"I don't feel so good." Rolling my eyes are becoming a habit, I hate it.

"Yeah, just because you saw the Infinity war movie doesn't mean you can use it on me. Get up you lazy bum, Changbin's waiting for you." I scolded Felix, making him sigh in defeat and stand up.

"So any thoughts on moving on?" Felix started as we walk through the hallways going to the cafeteria. My insides dropped remembering when Felix told me how to cut the connection.

"Loving someone else, isn't as easy as breathing dumbass." I grumpily said. These days I'm very moody, because of a certain person.

A piece of trash.

'You talking about yourself?'

I scoffed making Felix look at me strangely, before understanding I was probably talking with Hyunjin in my mind.

No, I'm talking about you. Trash attitude.

'Well who invaded my privacy first? Oh you! Don't blame everything on me.'

How many times do I have to tell you! I didn't know it would turn out like that!

'Well you put me as one of your most hated person.'

Yes, that's one of the reason we started hating each other. Instead of confessing that I put his name on the ad because I like him, I said it asked me to put the most despicable person.

Stupid me.

'Good thing you're aware.'

Shut up before I expose you.

'Expose what? You're not scaring me.'

Expose your thoughts before, when you still can't read my mind.

'Hahahaha, go on. My thoughts are harmless.'

I sighed in defeat, he was right. Everything about him was harmless until now.

"Hey Seungmin, not that I'm concerned but you haven't touched you came." Changbin said looking at me and my untouched food. We aren't on the best terms either but it's nothing like my hatred for Hyunjin.

"If you're concerned about the food going cold, you can have it. I don't have the appetite anyway." I pushed my tray forward to Changbin, Felix watching the whole scene.

"Seungmin, you need to eat. Or else knowledge won't flow in your mind." Felix warned. I just nodded and then stood up.

"I'm going to the bathroom. Don't wait for me." I heard them call my name a few times but I ignored it.

I just need the time for myself.

I sat in one of the stalls and started crying. Stupid weakling heart.

Stupid connection, stupid ad, stupid feelings!

I heard muffled sound of the bell, but skipping one class won't hurt right?

I just need to think about everything I need to do.

The other side seems quiet, maybe he's sleeping. That's great, he should always just sleep. So I can have my own mind to myself.

"When will this fcking telepathy stop? I don't need this fantasy in my life. I want my normal one back." I whispered to myself, still crying.

Crying won't do anything, I'm just wasting my tears and dehydrating my body.

Where's the flush, when I need to drown this shit in my life?

I stayed there until the bell for the next class rang. I got out of the stall and went straight to the mirror to wash my face.

After washing my face, I looked up the mirror only to be surprised by a piece of note. The same note I was getting in the past few months.

"Restart a new? Erase everything but feelings will be erased too or stay in this nightmare with the mutual feelings you two have. Choose-time is ticking, go home and sleep to restart."

Erase everything but he'll forget about his feelings for me? Does this mean he likes me too? Hyunjin likes me back?

But why do I have to know about that this way? When I need to choose a desicion I can't turn back in time.

Without wasting anymore time, I ran. Ran to get my bag and go home. I told the teacher there was an emergency in my house and got the permission.

When I reached my house, my mom was still out from work. I made my way towards my room, my pulse beating faster than usual.

I've made my desicion. Now all I need to do is sleep.


Hmmm? Thoughts on this update?

If you were in Seungmin's place, would you erase everything including your mutual feelings or stay in your current position of having mutual feelings but it's the mix of love and hatred, and try your best to change it?

Thank you guys for 5k reads😍💖

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