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As my eyes slowly opened, the sun's light from the window sills hit me. Squinting a bit, I lowered my vision only to be greeted by a sleeping prince. Infront of me was Hyunjin, sleeping soundly. His face was at peace and calming to look at.

This is a sight I could get used to look at in the future.

I felt my lips curve up into a smile, my cheeks heating up at the thought.

I lifted my hands and booped his nose. Hyunjin scrunched it and continued to sleep. This time I pinched his cheeks lightly. This is for all the teasing and annoying me. And then I went for his undereye mole, he actually has alot of cute moles in his face; I carefully touched each one. My finger landed on his plump lips, why does he have to get all these good features? 

I retracted back my hands when his eyes opened and pretended to be asleep.

"Good morning to you too, Seungmin." It's very unusual that he woke up from that. He's a heavy sleeper, almost like a hibernating bear.

I peeked through my one eye and saw him staring at me with a boyish smile. It made me laugh, guilty because I was caught red handed admiring him while sleeping.

We both stared at each other. Still lazily laying in one bed. Hyunjin cupped my face with both of his hands, squishing it and making me look like a fish. I sent him a glare.

"Pwhat arechu doingf?" I said in a muffled voice. I couldn't speak well with him squishing me with his undeniably pretty hands.

"I'm admiring my adorable dog." I swatted his hands away. "Excuse me, I'm not a dog." He snickered.

"Atleast you're mine." I mimicked his answer with a mocking face, which he only replied with a straight face.

"I'm hungry." I said, my hands over my empty stomach. Hyunjin raised a brow at me like saying 'convince me to burn the kitchen down for you.'

"Hyunjinnie, will you please cook your boyfriend food?" I said in a cutesy voice. Don't ask me what it looks and sound like. He didn't move a bit from my failure of an aegyo.

"I'm dizzy here from hunger. Is that enough for you to cook breakfast?" He smiled and then stood up. He's acting very weird today. Maybe, the aliens replaced his brains!?

"Just stay here while I cook, okay?" I nodded obediently and reached for my phone on the night stand.

I scrolled through my social media for about 30 minutes, before he knocked on my door to say breakfast's ready.

The table was filled of mouth watering food. Various egg dishes, with kimchi and sausages and all! I ate til' my stomach's full, while Hyunjin just watched me.

"Why aren't you eating, Jinnie?" I asked with a frown. He needs to take care of his self. He had this smile on his face and shrugged.

"I made you a pudding last night for dessert." My mouth formed in an 'O' and clapped happily. He spoils me so much, this is just a bonus from loving him.

He placed a tea cup sized pudding infront of me and sat down again. Hyunjin rested his chin to his hands, still watching me. I took my spoon and started eating the pudding.

Halfway, there was something hard that got stucked on my throat. I can't believe I'm choking right now, but I am. I coughed and hit my chest repeatedly, Hyunjin started panicking.

He sort of hugged me from behind and did the heimlich maneuver. The food that was choking me flew across the kitchen. Hitting the wall with a metal like thump.

"What did you put in my pudding, Hyunjin? I ALMOST DIED!" I shrieked. I turned around to meet his guilty at the same time nervous face.

I walked towards the food I spitted out. Of course it's gross, but something hard clinked.

The sun's light hit the floor, it was shining, reflecting the sun's rays. I bent down to see what it was.

My jaw dropped to see what almost killed me.

"H-hyunjin... W-why is there a ring in my pudding?" I asked nervously as I picked up the ring from the floor. Hyunjin was right beside me and snatched the ring from my hand. Went to the sink and washed it, then the next thing happened so fast.

He was kneeling infront of me. My hands went to my mouth from shock, my heart was a beating thousand times louder.

"Kim Seungmin, will you be my fiancé?" Tears were brimming from my eyes and his eyes were shining.

I nodded twice, then it felt like I was nodding alot, because I was so happy. He slipped the ring through my left hand third finger and hugged me. Hyunjin hugged me tight and then pulled away just to yell a 'YES!'

"I love you, Hyunjin." I said, almost inaudible to hear. My heartbeat going crazy.

"I love you too, Seungmin."

So far, it's the best morning I've had. Best moment and best fiancé I have.

We've come this far after everything. I'm glad I could say this as the end, but it's barely the beginning of everything I love and will love.

The End


IT ENDED I'M CRYING WHY DOES IT HAVE TO END😭💔💚 I've always thought of SeungJin to be that kind of couple, you'll love and be soft to. Also the savage and humour they have is a great chemistry❤

Thank you to every reader, voter, and those who always comment their heart out to the comment section. It's so amazing to meet everyone who loves this ship.
I love you guys💖😘

Til' my next book, I guess? ;)

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