Chapter 22

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"Thanks for the ride," thanking the cab driver, I open the door. It's just a few metres. I'll limp and reach my apartment in no time.

"Do you need any help, miss?"

"No thank you." I smile at the kind gesture of the driver, before managing to get out of the car. I take a moment to steady my balance before closing the car door and off he goes.

I glance down at my bandaged left feet. And then back at the apartment, located in an empty street, in front. I live on the fifth floor. Not a problem.

As without any support, I begin to limp and thank any divine being out there for not letting anyone see my embarrassed state, I regret the choice of not bringing the wheelchair the hospital was offering me so generously. But then again, the cost was too much and knowing the presence of three men there, one of them would've seriously bought it if they saw me brooding over buying the wheelchair.

"You can do this Isha," I say to myself, as I start to limp slowly towards the front gate.

Slowly and steadily. As slow as possible. Without losing my balance.

Alas. I do lose my balance.

Closing my eyes tightly, I prepare myself to feel the hard hit of the concrete road, and possibly injure my leg more. Instead, I find myself in the arms of someone. When I open my eyes, I come face to face with very familiar deep blue eyes.

So not cliché.

I try to pull myself up from Calix's hold, however, a gasp leaves my mouth when without any prior warning, the male picks me up. In his arms.

"What are you doing?" I struggle against his hold as Calix walks with me towards the front gate of The Ivy Buildings. The guard at the front gate almost slaps himself seeing the first prince of Syncitia (with his bodyguard Kev and secretary Audrey following us, of course), walking up to him.

My cheeks take a deep shade of red when the guard peeks at me curiously. God, I want the Earth to swallow me up right here, right now. Even the passing by residents of other apartments in the building can't help but murmur amongst themselves at the nonchalant prince carrying his injured girlfriend.

To some, it may appear as romantic. But to me, it is utterly mortifying. Especially when I can't shake off my tremendously fast beating heart, which defies every sense of logic I possess. And this insufferable Prince High Horse isn't willing to listen to me even.

"How may I help you, Your Royal Highness?" The guard, who stays in a half-drowsy state for almost the entire day, stands up with his spine straight and salutes the prince.

I facepalm myself. Audrey smiles awkwardly. Kev sighs. Calix grins politely.

"It would be alright if I accompany my girlfriend into her apartment, right? She is injured, you see. Miss Isha Sen is a resident of The Ivy Buildings."

"Oh yeah right." The guard laughs, recognizing me, who has been desperately trying to hide her face all this time. The giggling group of teenage girls walking past us and whispering 'So charming' 'Prince Calix is such a romantic and gentlemanly boyfriend,' doesn't help in easing the embarrassing situation at all. "Please go ahead."

"Thank you." Smiling at the guard, Calix enters the building with me still in his arms.

"Your apartment number and floor?"

"60B. Fifth floor." I sigh, finally giving in the answer, knowing very well that the prince will not accept a no from me.

Audrey walks forward and presses the door-hold-button for us. I had expected the man to put me down in the elevator at least, but he doesn't seem to budge. On top of that—

"Both of you leave," Calix says to Kev and Audrey when they proceed to enter the elevator after us, "I will spend the next twenty-four hours with Isha."

"Absolutely not!" I exclaim before anyone else can say anything. My heart is already exploding at our close contact. Does he want to see me burst into flames by even spending the night at my apartment?

Oh no. That means, there will only be the two of us in our apartment. All alone.

"I told you, my flatmate will help me—"

"Your flatmate has moved out. You told me few days ago in between conversations, remember?"

I hate my chattering mouth, which doesn't know when to shut up.

"Would you be alright, Your Royal Highness? At least Kev—"

"I will be alright, Audrey. Nothing to worry about."

"I will stay at the guard's quarter tonight then, Your Royal Highness," Kev says, thus disagreeing to leave Calix alone even for one day. "It is my responsibility to provide you with twenty-four hours of security, after all."

"Alright, alright," Calix exhales since arguing with Kev wouldn't be able to change his bodyguard's mind, "Do what you please."

"We'll take our leave then, Your Royal Highness." Audrey bows, eventually letting go of the button, holding the elevator door open all this time. Before the door closes completely, she doesn't forget to wave warmly at me. "I wish you a speedy recovery, Miss Sen."

"Seriously, what the fuck, Calix?" I don't hide the surprise, shock, displeasure, embarrassment, blush, and God knows what from the prince and attack him with words, soon after. "I clearly told you guys back at the hospital that I will be completely fine on my own."

"Says the one who was on the verge of losing her balance, not long ago." He tsks.

"How did you even know the address to my residence?" I know it is not impossible for a prince to find a common citizen's house address but still, to quench the thirst of my curiosity, I ask.

"Easy." Calix shrugs. "I ordered my driver to follow the cab."

Right. That can happen too.

"Stalker much?"

"I would rephrase it as actions of a sweet and caring boyfriend, but whatever lets you sleep at night."

"You have become quite cheeky, it seems." I grumble, narrowing my eyes at the smug looking prince.

"All thanks to the effects of Miss Isha Sen."

"I am honoured, Your Royal Highness." I answer, feeling extremely snappy and sour for some reason. "Could you please put me down now? It's...embarrassing."

"No can do."

"Ugh, you royal piece of jerk-faced ass!" I snap finally, not forgetting to smack Calix's chest for good five times. Calix, who I am sure barely felt the hits, simply laughs it off.

"Why are you so cranky today?"

"I don't know." I lash out once again.

On the cue, the elevator reaches the fifth floor and opens with a ding sound. My little joy of finally ending the awkward (or not) little ride in Calix's arms dies down soon, when we come face to face with a group of five people.

Five people who are in their old ages. And oh boy, they appear extremely irascible.

"Excuse me." Calix smiles, nervous at the judgemental stares we are getting, yet not letting me down. He scoots his way out somehow, eventually.

"Youngsters these days." I hear one of the old women complaining.

A sudden fiery irk rushes through me. The maddening vexation I was feeling comes back to me. And although Calix is already on his way towards 60B, I can't help but yell out the words at those displeased senior citizens.

"At least we are not wrinkly and peevish all the damn tim—" the rest of my words get muffled by Calix's palm, but does that stop me from letting out my frustration?

Hell no.

As soon as Calix shuts the door to my apartment, he keeps his shoes aside and reaches out to remove mine, which I actually didn't expect him to do.

"Wait, just put me down. I'll remove mine on my own."

"I can do it. It's not a problem." And like the charming prince he is, Calix removes my shoes from my feet, slips into a pair of house slippers while making me wear the same, and soon brings me inside my bedroom.

"Let's talk." Calix says calmly after placing me down on my bed. "Is something or someone bothering you?"

"I don't know." I huff out, messing up my hair in the process.

"Okay, calm down." Calix genially says, trying to relax my nerves down. He then helps me to make myself comfortable and lie down.

"I haven't washed up yet." I groan but lie down as exhaustion overcomes me, anyway.

"Don't worry about that. I'll prepare the bath." Calix replies, assuring me.

I laugh in response. "Do you even know how a bathroom in a not-so-expensive apartment works? I bet the housemaids and other workers prepare a bath for you, every single day."

"Well," Calix trails off, obviously flustered, but then replies hastily, "But that doesn't mean I don't bath by myself."

"How would I know a prince's lavishing life, right?" I shrug, teasing him.

"Just stay here." Calix gives up on the argument and walks towards the attached bathroom. As I hear the bathroom door locking, I don't forget to shout behind him, to aggravate him more.

"Just so you know, the taps for cold and warm water are different."

"I know that!" he yells back.

I chuckle at our prior banters, but that remains short-lived when a stinging pain shoots up my forehead. I have never been diagnosed with migraine, and having severe headaches is quite rare when it comes to my health.


With one move, I remove the comforter from my body and scoot away from where I have been lying down. And when I do, I see that the flag of Japan has formed graciously, on my white bed.

Periods. I am having my periods. Fuck.

The mood swings, my irritation at every little thing, the headache, it all adds up now. Moreover, Calix is in my bedroom's bathroom, and walking (or, limping) to the living room washroom will take a longer time for me.

Clenching my jaws, and controlling every pain my bandaged leg is giving me, I literally jump off from the bed and half-walk, half-limp to the bathroom. I take no longer to bang my fists against the door. "Open up! It's urgent!"

"Why are you out of your bed even?" Calix's distressed voice comes from the other side. Please don't tell me he has flooded my bathroom now.

"Just fucking open it!"

"Hold up." I hear some shuffling noises and sloshing of water before finally Calix opens the door. His coat is long gone and is now hanging on the towel rack. His sleeves are also rolled up and well, Calix is dripping. Not from head to toe. But enough to give me a view of his toned chest, all thanks to the glory of water.

I shake my head. This is not the time to drool over a prince's abs. I am leaking blood through my pants!

"Move." I shove Calix away with as much strength as possible but he picks me up from my waist before I can step inside the bathroom.

"Put me down!" I yell, flapping my feet in desperation. The big, blood spot on the bed is already enough humiliating, if Calix were to see it. I cannot give him a view of my bloody pants now.

Why the hell did I choose to wear light blue jeans, even?

"The floor's all wet," Calix replies as he tries his best to pull me away from the bathroom, but I tightly clutch onto the doorknob, refusing to let go. This is a matter of life and death for me.

"I can manage, so let go!"

"You will fall!"

"I am on my periods, you dumb prince!"

Without any word, and just an oh, Calix puts me down. And I am very sure he has already gotten a view of my drenched pants, as he looks away immediately. But doesn't forget to pass on the bathroom slippers to me and say, "Be careful in there."

"Thanks for your concern." I snarl, not recognizing my own voice, and slam the door shut, on his face.

Irritation and emotions of utter mortification bursts through me, and soon enough I break down into uncontrollable tears.

Only I know how bad my mood swings can get when I'm on my periods. Especially, when I am having terrible cramps and a throbbing headache; like, right now.  

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