Chapter 50

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"I hate you." My stomach churns at the abomination they call food, in front of me.

"I am not sure whether that was directed to me or this delicious soup," Calix raises an eyebrow, a teasing smile on his lips. He is clearly making fun of my feeble situation, as he holds the spoon containing the disgusting, greenish soup in front of my mouth. "Open up your mouth, Isha. It's merely chicken soup."

"With something appalling mixed!" I exclaim, scrunching up my nose at the unexplainable smell. God knows what these hospital staff have been cooking for poor patients like me.

"It's healthy for you," Calix tries to coax me.

"No, I am not eating that." I instinctively scoot further away. Moving my body parts have become easier now that the medical wires from my arms have been removed, however, the doctor has strictly advised not to put much strength upon my stomach.

Nevertheless, that doesn't give Calix the right to continue feeding me this food equivalent to poison, for the last three days since I have woken up. None but lunch and dinner is something I am able to enjoy with boiled eggs, fresh slices of fruits, and tofu soup mixed with spinach and rice alongside to be eaten with, during those hours (except the rice and tofu-spinach soup are alternated with seafood at nights). It is much better than this stinky chicken soup I have to take during breakfast, before lunch, and as a late night meal, after dinner.

"I will not," I stubbornly move further away from him and the abhorring non-edible soup. I'd rather die of starvation than willingly kill myself from food poisoning.

And then, that evil damn prince uses the only threat that will trap me in his tricks.

With a devilish grin appearing on his lips, he announces the words, each increasing my heartbeat with terror. "Should I call in Aria? She was quite persistent in having her feed you, instead. But then again, pregnant women tend to get angry quite a lot—"

Before he can finish speaking, sucking in a tight breath, I grab the bowl of soup from him and drink it in one go, my eyes clenched shut. A loud gasp and appalling, smelly burp leaves my mouth seconds later I place the bowl down on the tray in Calix's hands. "Don't you dare call for Didi."

"I won't." Calix is trying his best not to laugh, as he moves forward and wipes my mouth with a napkin.

"You better," a grumble rumbles from my throat, "Else I won't—"

Calix flinches, the familiar expression of distress crossing his face when his phone indicates a new incoming message. I was met with this expression countless times, these past three days, making my insides whisk with an odd sense of trepidation. The threats of Veronica and her goons are no longer a matter of worry as Calix himself as informed me about the punishments of the perpetrators.

Whatever may bother Calix, I do not like how he is keeping it away from me; quite sure to not put mental stress on me. Especially if the matter in question surrounds me, which I have a feeling it does. And even if our relationship status stands in a questionable place at present, I deserve to know about it. After all, regardless of what our relation will be in the future, I will no more allow Calix to take the burden of the problems, in order to protect me.

"I'll be back in few minutes," giving me a strained smile, Calix gets off the bed only for me to grab his wrist.


"Isha—" Question marks his face.

"Stay." My grasp around his wrist tightens, eyes glowing with determination. "And spill everything."

"What are you talking about?" He tries to laugh it off awkwardly.

"You know what I'm talking about, Calix," my voice takes on a softer note seeing the conflicted mien, "I want to know everything."

After a moment of hesitancy, he finally sighs and gives in, sitting close and intertwining our hands. "Don't get me wrong, Isha, I wasn't thinking of keeping you in the dark. Not anymore, after I've learnt my lesson..." 'It had already caused us a lot of damage before.' The words remain unsaid but clear. "Anyway," he continues, "I would've filled you in with the details after you were discharged and gotten a little better. The doctor—"

"To hell with the doctor, I am perfectly fine." I snarl, itching to learn the truth but also flush deeply in embarrassment seeing the amused look on Calix's face.

"If you insist," he tenderly laughs, and finally tells me what I have to know.

"...the Council demands a new candidate for the Crown Prince position if I do not agree to their conditions of marrying a woman coming from a known aristocratic family of Syncitia. Their choice of potential candidate is a distant cousin of mine, and I tell you, the drunkard will run the country into ruins. He is only good with words and oiling up to His Majesty. Perhaps that is why His Majesty favours him if I happen to refuse to their conditions," he sighs, "I never knew King Richard would go this far to let me live a life out of his orders. What a sick man he is, I swear. It is not easy either to go against a Council full of authoritative aristocrats; even the power that comes with this title wouldn't be able to help me alone.

I wonder what he might do if he learns Carlos and I have decided to ascend the throne together."

As soon as Calix finishes speaking, whether I am high on medicine or this is my true anger talking, I blurt out, "That fucking bastard, acting up like a pathetic dictator." My own palm slaps over my mouth when I realise what I have said in the heat of the moment.

"Did you just curse at the present King of Syncitia, for me?" Calix dramatically gasps as if he is the protagonist of a soap opera.

I blush furiously, in response. "Don't get me wrong. I'm not concerned over such a silly fact like the Council opposing against a relationship between a prince and a commoner...we—we haven't even established where our relation properly stands today, yet." My heart clenches seeing the dejected look on Calix's face which he soon hides with a forced smile. Well, he deserves a little punishment though, and by punishment I meant, making him think I am not ready to give our relationship a second chance.

"Right, we haven't...established that."

"However," I look away stubbornly, acting as if I don't care, "It also doesn't mean I will allow you to be used like a puppet by some rich blockheads, thinking they can control a twenty-seven-year-old adult, that being said, a fucking prince. Don't they have shame? I mean, the urge to wring their necks with my own bare hands is so real right now. I just want to..." I pause, huffing a breath when I find snorts of laughter of the prince; very obviously controlling himself. My already red face, reddens even more at that. Annoyance, embarrassment, own desire to laugh, lights my body in fire. "Ugh just stop it!"

"I am sorry," losing his tolerance, Calix bursts out into fits of hysterical laughter, "You looked so adorable Isha, being angry for me."

"Stop making fun of me, Calix. I am damn serious."

"Yes, yes of course, you are," Calix grins leaning close and pinching my cheeks which I hadn't even realised I was puffing, until now, "In fact, it fills me with joy and pride seeing you so protective. For me."

"I-I wasn't—I didn't—the world doesn't revolve around you. Shut up," the mumble leaves under my breath, face growing red by each passing second with the lies I continue spitting.

"I admit defeat then," he winks playfully, "Maybe I am just delusional."

"Yes you definitely are," I firmly groan, "Don't distract me from my point. What I was saying is, I am least interested in their objection towards...our relationship." Am I being evil right now with my whole 'pretend to still be hurt' act? Yes I am. "Why should it even be the main objective of this Council? Nevertheless, your life, future, moreover, Syncitia's future is at stake here and I won't let you deal with this childish Council all alone. I have had it enough with these damn nobles trying to overthrow our lives."

"But the main objective of the Council is to stop our relationship from happening. If our counteraction isn't against it, wouldn't that mean they would have won? We can't take any action unless we are sure of our own relationship...right, Isha?" Calix hesitates with his words. 

"You are right, but if we truly return back to how we were, in a real relationship this time, no one can stop us." I say, surprising my own self. 

Calix's face pales with shock which gradually wavers with hope, disbelief, an elation, "A-Are you serious, Isha? I don't want you to make any decision just because we have to stop this Council."

"I am," my eyes meet his, and it melts the moment I notice tears automatically coming down his cheeks. It had taken me time to understand where our relationship should be at present, and in the future. The walls of insecurities and doubts had slowly started breaking from the very moment Calix had shown up, desperately, to free me. And even when I was unconscious for a week and half, there was some part in my alive-brain that kept producing dreams of Calix, his well-health, our happily ever after. Besides, I felt his presence beside me, which might be silly since one could say how do I know for certain, it was Calix. Well, I just know. And there he was when I woke up. Face gaunt with exhaustion and distress, but still right there. And I should be beside him too, because he needs me. That I know. "I am sure. And I want to give this relationship another chance, putting aside all insecurities, complexities, everything, and taking step together. Just like we promised. One step at a time. And work on ourselves, our communication skills, and overall...our relationship."

I chuckle, "And you idiot, I was just pretending to be mad. I have forgiven you."

Calix immediately embraces me, hiding his tears into the crook of my neck; words wanting to come out but getting stuck in his throat.

"I know you have a lot to say but we will work on it later. For now, we have some aristocrats to teach a lesson to."

Calix takes a moment to control his emotions before pulling away and nodding, "Yes we do. And we will succeed. Together."

"Together," I smile, tightening my hold on our intertwined hands, "Let us reverse this fake relationship deal, and stand in front of them as a real couple. And teach these fucking aristocrats that they should learn to mind their damn business."

We are now one. Together. And we are more than ready to take the rich snobs down. 


Silence looms over our heads, as I and Isha sit in the living room of Carlos' inherited villa. We are supposed to be having a meeting with my brother, while he arrives after getting done with some important business. There is no doubt that we have officially declared war against the man whom I once called Father.

It was to be expected when King Richard refused me entry to the Royal Palace, unless I agreed to the words of the Council. Stubbornly, I turned on my heels and found myself staying with Isha, which was a much better place to be right now, given the conditions.

After two weeks rest, Isha was discharged from the hospital, with a bunch of medications and other necessary information prescribed. I wasn't letting her live alone and take care of herself, anyway. Let's just say, I was testing how low Richard could go and it seems this coward father of mine can go lower than I had ever expected him to, considering how he has banned the Crown Prince from stepping inside Nirvana. However, since Carlos has been able to pretend to stay neutral, it has come off as an advantage to us due to his great espionage skills, and with providing steady information to us, alongside Audrey, Kev and Broody's help.

"You were discharged only one day before. You are still recovering," I say, breaking the unnerving silence, "What if today's discussion further deteriorates your health? You shouldn't have come."

"It won't, Prince High Horse," Isha rolls her eyes playfully.

A smile threatens to break onto my concerned lips at the sound of the familiar nickname.

At Isha's confirmation on giving our relationship a second chance, I had been over the moon and abundantly grateful that even after my stupid decision, and not many days of trying to win her back, she is giving me another chance and I'd be damned if I lose it this time; which will never happen. Naturally, with Isha's words on taking things slow, we have been making steady but good progress. The uncomfortable emotions between us are non-existent. She even insisted that I sleep beside her when we reached her apartment after the discharge; after I had suggested I take the couch outside, not wanting to make her uncomfortable.

If Isha is willing to let me in her heart once more, I will grab the opportunity and stay there locked up, forever.

I blink when she snaps her fingers in front of me. "Where did you get lost?" Worry etches her features.

"Nowhere," a breathy laugh leaves me, "I was just thinking."

"Well then Romeo, stop thinking about me," she teases, her smirk widening at my surprised expression, "And let us use this time to actually think of a solution. Our words of fighting against the Council won't be enough."

"I know. We need something strong. Strong enough to shake the Council," I sigh.

"And strong enough for them to get anxious." Isha continues.

Our eyes meet together, the words flowing out as if on cue, "Like people's voices."

"That's it!" Isha clasps her hands in joy, "We can use the power of social media and post a video on Fantasia, about our story. That's how we will gain the citizen's favour. Ask them to protest in front of Nirvana and help us."

"But, would they really agree to help us?" I question hesitantly. "Why would they willingly help us?"

"I trust they will," Isha says with determination, "For true love." But even she knows, judging from her expression, gaining general favour won't be enough. 

"Besides, we will be able to put a stop to this Council, in other ways as well," Carlos' voice comes in quite confidently, as he opens the door, as if bearing a spectacular news. My confusion knows no bounds when I find a familiar looking short and stout woman with curly amber hair. She seems rather nervous or perhaps happy? I cannot tell, for some reason. It is more so as if she is remembering nostalgic memories, looking around the place.

As soon as her grey eyes fall on me, she smiles warmly, just the way she had on that day. It is none but the woman who had paid for me, back at the convenience store.

"You are—what are you...?" I stand up, trailing off and looking at Carlos for answers.

"My dear brother," he begins dramatically, pointing at the woman beside her, "Meet Ella Sella, or should I say, Arisella Piercio Sonata Liorsa Tiore. Our aunt."

And my jaw drops open.

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