short story

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I hope I don't write as terribly as I think. please enjoy *bows*

My eyes rested on the delicate crown of spring flowers on her sun-kissed hair. Her beauty.

I saw how her hazel light brown eyes bashfully avoid all eye contact with mine. Her hair glistened in the sunlight, with her fringe perfectly in place. Her innocence.

I recognised my fervent attraction to this girl, this beautiful creature. I saw her pull the hem of her skirt nervously. I smiled. My temptation.

However, the face of another woman suddenly plagued my mind, and dark colours swirled in this memory.

"Who is she?" the woman screeched and pointed, frowning.

I felt the light touch of her behind, on my back, as she stood terrified behind me.

It sent chills down my spine.

I looked back at the woman in front of me. I noticed how the frown brought out the bags under her eyes and the deep lines on her face.

I cringed.

Carla, my wife.

I felt a hand rest gently on my shoulder and awoke from my slight daze.

"What's wrong?" her melodic voice sang. Her pure voice just soothed my tense soul.

"Is there something wrong with me? Don't you like my new skirt?" She asked, frowning slightly.

I hated it when Daisy frowns. It ruins her immaculate face. I brushed my fingers over her eyebrows, and her frown instantly disappeared.

I looked down at her skirt. It was a tight one, and I liked it. It hugged all her curves perfectly.

"No, you look beautiful, my love," I paused, sliding my other hand up her waist, playing with her.

"Always." I ended, pulling her closer to me. She giggled as I whispered in her ear. I know she likes it when I do that.

I bit her bottom lip, only smiling as a soft groan escaped her lips and she opened up to me.


Daisy was insecure when I first met her, which made me want to protect her even more. But she surprised me by saying she did not mind our age gap.

When she hugged me tight under the pouring rain, saying she didn't want me to leave, my heart just...

It felt just like with Carla, 20 years ago. I want to relieve it all over again.

Under the rain, I asked, "Do you want to be mine?"

I braced myself for her rejection.

"Yes, yes I do." She replied.


I stopped going home.

I stopped answering her phone calls.

I stopped caring for my family.

"Where have you been going?" she shrieked as I enter the place I used to call home.

"I have been busy." I answered shortly.

I looked at her. Her eyes, red and puffy from crying, glared at me intensely. Her hair, strewn all over, messy from days of neglect. Her cheeks, her sallow hollow cheeks, worn out from the test of time.

I didn't want to look at her anymore.

I went into our room, hastily my things and left.

She screamed and pushed and hit me, but I didn't care.

To hell with her.

"This isn't my home anymore!" I bellowed.

"Why? Why? What have I even done to you?" Those were the last words I heard from her, as I slammed the door shut

Our only daughter, Crystal, migrated overseas to study. She wasn't in the know of everything. I am glad for that.

Sometimes I felt that I was wrong, I should not be doing this.

But feeling her mouth close up against mine, her hands trailing along my back, any doubt washed away. I need her, I think repeatedly, as our tongues play with each other.

She needs me too.


"Dear, can I ask you for a small favour?" She asked one day.

"Not a problem. What is it that you want?" I was ready to give her whatever she needed.

"I need money."

When she first said those words, I thought nothing of it. She only wanted a small amount. Just a few thousands. Just a tiny sum to pay for her mother's medical bills.

However, the thousands snowballed to more, and it left me unknowingly digging out the sacred money from the bank account me and Carla shared.

We promised to save up the money for our retirement together.

"Do you hereby swear that you would spend the rest of your life with me?" Carla imitated the priest, laughing.

"Yes I swear." I replied seriously, before reaching out and tickling her, causing her to erupt in giggles.

That day, we decided to create the joint account.

It was the day we had Crystal too.

Those were the good days.

However, I loved Daisy. Daisy loved me and I loved Daisy. What could be more important than that?

Time passed.

My week-anniversary with Daisy became a month. Then, a year.

We weren't husband and wife, but in our hearts, we both knew.

At least I thought she knew.

I started noticing something different in her. With every wad of cash I gave her, she drifted further apart.

Drifting. Flying. Away from me.

Why is this happening?

I was desperate. I wanted her back.

No matter how hard I tried, she didn't bother. Gone was the innocent, pure Daisy I used to know.

I confronted her. Asked her what was wrong with our relationship. She looked delusional.

Said it was not going to work out, said that she felt that I never loved her.


"Have you ever loved me, Daisy?" I asked, hoping she would say yes.

"No." was her solid, definite answer.

Whatever happened to our promise?

My world crashed upon me.

My world entirely structured by the lies I said to soothe myself.

My phone buzzed. I looked. An unknown number.

My hands were shivering wen I picked up the call. Not from fear, just shock, disbelief and anger.

"Hello?" I said curtly. I didn't have time  to handle any more nonsense.

"Hi, yes. Is this Mr Sim? I will keep it short. I have called you to inform you of an unfortunate occurrence. It's your wife, she's-"

My phone fell to the cold hard pavement.

As I hung up the phone call, I turned back, running to my car. I didn't even look back at Daisy.

To hell with her.

My wife is in the hospital.

I need to get to her.

I pressed hard, feeling myself accelerate faster and faster in the car.

"our promise"?

Whatever happened to the promise between me and Carla?

If I couldn't even keep that one small promise, what about Daisy?

I drove faster.

Carla, my wife.

On the hospital bed, I cried. It was my first time. It felt surreal.

I looked at the ghastly pale woman lying on the green hospital bed.

The ghostly pallor.

She looks so peaceful. She looks so different from when I had last seen her.

Her wrinkles gone, hair shiny and smooth, long eyelashes shielding her translucent membranes. So fragile.

More tears fell as I envisioned her lonely nights.

What have I done?

I have let her down.

I placed her cold, slender hands on mine rough hands. I brushed my fingers gingerly over the fresh wound, the fresh slits on her wrist.

Why must she torture herself like this?

I took in her beauty in her peaceful state. Never knew she could look as beautiful, after all these years...


"Honey, dear, I left you some food. Heat it up after you are done with your work okay?" She came up to me.

"Work hard, I love you."


"Me and Crystal are going to the zoo today! Bring us there!"

"Yeah Dad! We want you to come along!" 5 year old Crystal grinned her signature toothless grin.


"I like the way you kiss me whenever I am feeling down. You are my only choice that wasn't a mistake."

"Don't say that Carla, I will always love you."

I'm sorry.

I have let you down.

But it's too late now.

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