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I cannot shift, so I will need to remain of skin for this period of time.

After Wyn had left to head down to the ruin stones, I'd followed him shortly of Aohdan's personal male slaves' room. I'd been quick, taking to Grandpa's room as slipping past those who are solely focused on the winter solstice festivities take to the windows from high above from the safety of inside the estate walls.

With my gear on, my weapons sheathed and standing at the edge of his window, I'm not able to see the ruins from here. Glancing around, I look to the full moon, feeling at deeper pull to it when the glass window pane is no longer between us. The refracting light of the hundreds of crystal snowflakes capturing the moonlight casts a glow across the grounds. Deeply rooted in my being, my wolf feeling almost a serenade of a beautiful song, a draw to the light itself...

...I can see why the wolves are lured...even if they refuse to participate in The Hunt.

The vampire side of me keeps all of my empathy, my feelings in check as I refuse the call. It's easier for me...

...for Dante to be able to stand on those ruins now among the vampires of the council, I understand how he and later Rose, were not affected.

On the other hand...

Breathing out slowly, I allow myself to fall the distance to the grass. The second I make contact with the ground, I bolt to the treeline, moving faster as I drop my glamour and allow my senses to return in an enhancer element. Moving through the forest and wrapping closer around to areas I know will be touched by the selections first, I listen, hearing many different sounds in the distance.

Though Grandpa has asked that I help Rose...

...that doesn't mean I can't help others also.

I halt myself in my tracks, stopping next to a tree trunk and sighing.

Do I tempt fate and stop Blaire from killing the selections?

Allowing them to decide their own fate with the werewolves instead of one that's sealed by her?

Touching the bark of the tree, I glance up through the leaves, the moonlight streaming through the tops.

Do I take Blaire's life?

If Grandpa Keir really did find Grandma Laura...will they even be present or this close to the selections? Will he intervene and kill her before she corners Rose?

My forehead rests against the bark, my eyelids fluttering shut as I replay all the scenarios and the possible outcomes of what I should and shouldn't touch. I fear in me making a choice, it'll be the wrong one...

"Please guide me..." my voice is soft, carrying on a light breeze as it also picks up the strands of my hair off my shoulders.

A low warning growl sounds from behind me as I whirl around the moment I sense its presence and pick up its scent, the wind carrying it to me. I immediately narrow my eyes on the wolf, watching as it pads a few steps closer, testing me. A dark growl comes from the back of my throat as I stance aggressively, understanding that this is the era we're in, that the only territory...

...it belongs to the vampires.

In this era, every wolf is technically a rogue to its land, established territories having diminished many years ago and won't be formed for at least one more.

Its eyes lock with mine, halting its movement as it realizes what I am. I firmly state, "I'm in no quarrel with you or those who are drawn to this location."

Its eyes reflect the light of the moon, a golden glimmer shimmering before it turns its face away from me, padding into the forest where it had come. Breathing out a sigh, I turn, hearing those draw much closer and I soon understand that it's the selections. Inhaling sharply, I press my back against the tree, lifting off the ground and landing on one of the close branches.

It's Blaire.

She runs in proximity to my location, veering off to a hollowed out tree before she's out of sight.

Rose doesn't have Rochelle to worry or protect this time around...

...who knows if she'll capture an Alpha and just return in seconds flat...

My eyes widen at the thought, the initial encounter in the book of the Alpha that stalked Rose and Rochelle comes flooding back to me. Instantly, my blood runs cold as I have to choose to pursue Blaire, or diverting Rose's attention.

Cassidy and Desiree...

...I can't save them.

Turning in the direction of the many howls that fill the night air, I'm quick to move from tree to tree, keeping off the ground and covering distance faster.

Ah, fuck...she's quicker and faster than I recall.

I see many wolves surrounding a side near a tree, watching as it's Rose who's just subdued an Alpha. She slips the chain over his neck, noticing the way it takes her off guard when he shifts. My heart goes out for the wolves that standby, watching helplessly as their Alpha is restrained. I move closer, landing without a sound on the tree just off to the side of them.

"Don't wait for the full moon...just kill me now," the Alpha speaks to her, the man vulnerable in many ways.

Rose shakes her head, stating, "You're my only way out of this..."

She has to meet Marc...she can't be placed out of The Hunt yet.

When Rose makes her move to escort the Alpha back toward the treeline, without hesitation, I unsheath one of my kukri blades and immediately throw it at the Alpha. He growls in pain, but it's a small price to pay...

...for freedom.

The blade cuts through the chain resting on the top of his shoulder, the edge of the blade slicing a good inch into his flesh. As blood trickles from the wound, the chain and the pendant fall from his neck and onto the forest floor.

The man instantly shifts, hearing the bones snapping into place before the kukri blade is pushed out of his flesh from the shift. Rose yelps in fear, rolling onto the ground as he lungs for her, though she's quick to grasp the hilt of the blade before resting in a crouched position.

Fuck. Fuck. Fuck!

I facepalm, internally groaning as I'd love nothing more than to see this Alpha tear her apart for everything she's done...

...but sadly, in this era, all she is is a bitch. She hasn't committed the atrocities to her kin just yet and perhaps, Grandpa is hoping for a better turn out, without Dante in the picture and guiding her properly...

Also, if she dies, I cease to exist.

I'm really, really going to regret this...

I flip forward off the tree branch, sprinting toward Rose's back as the Alpha charges her from the front. I reach her first, my speed enhancing by the second, while I reach out and grab her shoulder. A second later, I throw her as hard as I can out of the way, her body skidding across the forest floor and knocking into a tree trunk.

The Alpha's eyes meet with mine as I dig my boots into the ground and stop myself from propelling forward.

This is going to hurt either way...

I growl lowly, my eyes flashing dangerously as I order, "Shift!"

He's airborne when my command is recognized...one of an Alpha and that of a true born hybrid. The force he'd been traveling at, the speed, he crashes into me and we both collide with the ground before spiraling out in two rolls.

I'm quicker to my feet, scrambling toward him before pinning him down. My forearm is on his neck, my eyes staring down into his bewildered ones as he stutters out, "Tr-True b-born? Sh...shit, I-I thought yo-you're kind we-re myths..."

"I'm all too real," I shrug my shoulders and sigh, "I don't want to hurt you. I freed you and that woman over there," I nod at her unconscious form, a small trail of blood coming from her head, "she's a dormant hybrid."

"Then why is she a selection?" He asks me, staring at me harder.

"It's a fucked up situation..." my voice trails off, my eyes narrowing on him, "...are you going to try that again if I let you up?"

The man nods his head and I lift my arm from his neck. I slowly rise to my feet, offering him my hand which he gladly takes and hoists himself upright. Tilting my head to the side, he introduces himself, "My name is Alpha Brayden Church."

Arching a brow I ask, "Your pack?"

"Not an Alpha of a pack, unfortunately, not in this day and age anyway..." Alpha Brayden's voice trails off.

Something triggers in my mind and I snap my fingers, asking, "Church?"

"Ah, I see you do know at least my brother, Bryson Church? Alpha of the Primordial Snare Pack?" Alpha Brayden chuckles when he sees my features shift slightly.

Holy shit...

...Bryant...mom's friend, his dad had a brother?

My eyes grow wide with the realization...

...I altered fate in a way that might drastically change the future of the packs.

Alpha Brayden waves his hand in front of my face and I blink my eyelids fast a couple of times. While I shake my head, he tells me, "I didn't get your name."

"Dot," I reply, still reeling from the shock.

"Are you with a pack, or-"

"Alpha Brayden," I cut him short, not wanting to disclose that information. I'm quick as I know there is much going on around and nearby, asking him, "Do you know Alpha Keir Wood? Luna Laura Wood?"

He looks at me hard, giving me a quick look over before stating, "Yes. Luna Laura engineered refracting mirrors that are similar to the pendants the council gives the selections. We don't have enough materials, even between the packs that stand by one another...so they are given to the pups and juveniles, while we continue to fight against the selections and keep the council at bay from killing..."

Grandma Laura...you ingenious woman!

"Where are they?" I ask, pressing him for further information.

"They're at the hallowed tree near the pitfall lake, they won't allow selections to pass further if they manage to get that far, to begin with," Alpha Brayden nods his head in the direction. He pauses though, looking back to Rose and asking, "What about her?"

Arching a brow, I giggle, "Don't you know? She's going to bring about the end of this bloody war."

"I'll believe that when I see it," he chuckles and nods his head once more, his features shifting slightly as he states, "Alpha Marc Regan of the Imperial Stars Pack is nearby, he might be able to escort the two of you closer to Alpha Keir and Luna Laura if it is them you are seeking out."

My spirits brighten at that prospect, releasing a sigh of relief.

"It was fortuitous that we met," Alpha Brayden shows his sincere thanks for aiding him, extending his arm while I also bring mine forth and shake his hand, "Alpha Dot."

I cringe and shake my head, "Oh, please...don't-"

"Why would I not show my respect? You are an Alpha..." he winks at me and states, "...perhaps when all this is over, you're more than welcome on the territory that I will set for my future pack...thanks to you as I owe you my life."

With a slight nod of my head, a small smile forms on my lips, "To a brighter future we'll fight for with every breath."

"Until the end of days," Alpha Brayden replies to me, taking a few steps back after releasing my hand and shifting. Those wolves who had been around us, they disperse with him, realizing now that they are members of the Primordial Snare Pack.

The air becomes thick, the sounds subsiding as I turn around and walk toward Rose's unconscious body. Along the way, I reach down and pick up my kukri blade, sheathing it before halting next to her body. Crouching down beside her, I lift her hair away from her face, seeing her breathing lightly.

Screaming comes from the right quadrant, the place Blaire is more than likely ending the lives of Cassidy and Desiree. Releasing a small sigh, I pick Rose up and sling her over my shoulder, heading in the direction of where Alpha Brayden had mentioned Marc will be. It's not more than a quarter of a mile before I hear sounds of others nearby...catching the scent of multiple wolves heading to our location along with the powerful presence of an Alpha.

I can't be seen yet...

...Grandpa and I have to wait a bit longer.

Setting Rose down against one of the tree trunks, I rise to my full height. I'm in place of Grandpa tonight, ensuring that Marc and Rose will find one another...

I push off the ground, lifting into the tree top as I disperse from the area, only stopping when I know I'm downwind. It's only a few minutes later that the large Alpha emerges from the side of the clearing, shifting the second he realizes...tears fill my eyes as I know she'll be okay now, as this must be Marc...he's quick to lift Rose gently into his arms, the wolves around him ensuring that no others will present a threat to them.

They're gone moments later, heading further to the pitfall lake.

What I wouldn't give to see Grandpa Keir and Grandma Laura. Right now...

I tilt my head in the direction of a far-off cry, my heart beating fast in my chest as I recognize that voice. My hearing picks up on him instantly, running from tree branch to tree branch as I home in on his presence. I feel him...

Wyn cries out as he stumbles backward, the snowflake pendant around his neck as he hasn't come into contact with any wolves...though he has found one in sheep's clothing, Blaire darting over a fallen log to reach him. A dark growl comes from within, my wolf wanting to surpass me, but the life we carry is the only thing that ebbs her back, allowing for me to cross my arms in front of my body and unsheath my kukri blades.

I risk everything once again for this human...

As Blaire swings overhead with her blade, I rush between the two of them, gutting her with one of my blades. Her eyes are wide with shock, my second blade piercing up through the bottom of her chin and exiting the top of her skull. Blood gushes from the entry and exit points, her limbs going limp as I withdraw the blades and kick her body backward. Just as her body collapses to the ground, I hear Wyn scream in terror from behind me.

He's going to see it is me.

He's going to know.

The air rapidly moves through my lungs while my blood runs cold, rapidly rushing like a river. My eyes are wide, the black and purple flecks encircling my body. The seal breaks from my lower back, a tainted aura filling the void area around me. My blades are coated in a shadowy smoke, feeling it wrap around me in the process.

Tendrils seek...vengeance?

They are an extension of my being, the hideous part of my soul...though...not my soul?

It feels like two fight for possession of one.

A filter of darkness clouds my vision, turning around on the spot to see Wyn cowering in fear. His arms are around his legs, shaking violently as he stares up at me...though a second later, his gaze is on the ground, his pleas reaching my ears as he begs,  "Pl-Please...pl-pleas-e."

"Why are you afraid?" My voice, it's not my own, a darker, demonic undertone taking root as I speak.

Wyn's body quivers as terror continues to grip him, asking me, "Ar-re y-y-y-ou a g-g-godd-ess?"

I must not look anything like myself...he doesn't know it's me.

Wyn releases his arms from around his legs slowly, lowering himself to the ground...bowing? I'm unsure of what it is I'm seeing, but there's so much around me that I do see...

...the lost souls.

"Pl-please, i-if you a-re, I-I kno-w you mu-must be th-e one to ha-have pro-tected Dot..." Wyn's voice is barely above a whisper, begging to me that I don't end his life.

Wyn's life will be over if he doesn't bring back an Alpha.

It's now that this hits me.

Please...protect him.

My eyes home in on the soul of a dead Alpha, torn between what I must to for Wyn and that of an already dead one. A tendril from the side of my form lashes out at the ground next to Wyn, causing him to shriek and cover his arms over his head, shaking violently once again. I exhale sharply, the tendril forming and breathing in the life of a dead one, the necromantic properties giving him another chance at life...just to die once again.

A soul to replace the same soul.


A scream comes from the naked man that forms beside Wyn, my voice clear as I tell him, "Place your pendant around this Alpha's neck and take him back in exchange for your life."

Wyn looks up at me hesitantly, glancing to the Alpha who's just as petrified as him. He slowly gets to his feet, his hands shaking when he takes the chain from around his neck and lifts it over his head. Wyn sets it around the neck of the Alpha, looking back to me and saying, "Pra-prais-e yo-you...th-thank y-ou."

I stand tall, making sure the two are safely escorted back to the treeline before I release a small breath of air. My chest hurts, releasing the blades as I fall to my knees, grasping the grass in front of me. A soft cry leaves my lips as the two battle within, feeling the darkness ebb away as a small light replaces itself within the center of my chest. I'm sweating and breathing hard, my vision hazy as I stare up at the treetops, the moonlight shining through the leaves.

"My goddess," Tresor's voice is barely audible, seeing a shadow lean down next to me and cloud my vision before I lose consciousness.

⊰♥⊱To Be Continued⊰♥⊱

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