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I've added a new goal that's a Patron goal!
If I reach 200 Patrons a month, I will update Tempted Fate three times a week on Patreon and twice a week on Wattpad.


Grandpa grows silent for a moment, glancing from Tresor and then landing his gaze on me. His hands draw into fists, anger surging through him that he keeps at bay, breathing out, "Fine," he nods at Tresor and then returns his gaze to me, "...if you want him to say, then so be it. I want you to understand that I am extremely sorry for the way things are turning out regarding your presence and the connections...the ties you hold to those who do not understand who you are-"

"Thanks," I glance away, gripping the fabric harder as a pain sears through my abdomen, my breathing becoming uneven.

"-however," Grandpa's tone alters at my apparent interruption, my gaze lifting as he says, "there is a point when your attitude walks the line of a childish response."

"Grandpa, I-"

He shakes his head, "Dot, I can't even begin to imagine how you feel as I've said before, but you cannot hold onto this as a form of resentment toward others. This in itself could very well damage the future in a way that is not intended," he pauses, his eyes holding mine as I feel the bridge of my nose sting, "you're a smart and resourceful girl, one that deserves more credit than received for the obstacles you face. Promise me...you won't out-act accordingly to things that should not be tampered with."

He's referring to Rose...

...at least, that's what I assume.

Perhaps I do act childish, not being able to be with family that's slowly growing closer all around me...but as he said, he can't begin to comprehend the weight I feel. If he doesn't want me to respond childishly...

...then I won't show him how else I feel and bury it away. It's obviously impacting any changes he wishes to take place, that my emotions shouldn't be something I act on and allow to steer me in the wrong direction. Perhaps he's right in that regard, after all, Rose never changed and it led to her untimely death.

I don't want something to happen to me because of the way I feel.

I'm not supposed to be here, so I have to remain impartial as I originally had felt the moment I found myself here with Grandpa. It might hurt, but I have Uncle Kev...


In them, I can confide, but at the same time, I don't want Uncle Kev to accidentally say something to Grandpa as he's not always on point and might slip up.

I know Grandpa genuinely loves and cares for me...but it's his past we're living in. Regardless of what the future holds, if we can't bind ties and right fate, that future will cease to exist or worse...something unintentional could be the result of an undesirable outcome.

Either way, I'm the only factor that is different.

It's my fault should something go wrong.

I need to grasp onto who I am...

...before they consume me before a split can happen as Tresor said. At least one very vital piece of information surfaced through this outburst...Tresor now adheres to my command, an interesting turn of events from our very first encounter. After all, he didn't understand who I am and neither did I, his speculation limited by the clues perceived.


"I promise," I release the fabric, but it's only for a split second because I cry out as pain ripples through my abdomen once again.

Grandpa's eyes widen, walking around the bed as Tresor follows with him, asking, "What's happening?"

"It would appear that we have less time than originally predicted," Tresor looks over me while Grandpa nods while moving the covers back and away from me.

My features contort with pain as I cry, asking him, "Wh-What are yo-you...?" He lifts me into his arms, Grandpa turning away and heading toward the passageway.

Grandpa glances down at me and states, "The other thing I wanted to tell you, was about Dante reaching out regarding Rose not just about an hour ago..." as his voice trails off, dread fills me, though he reassures me, "...he's been informed that she's found her true hybrid mate as he had 'speculations'," he pauses as I grind my teeth together, not quite sure how this relates, "though, I thought the closest pack and one that takes kindly to hybrids..."

"Y-Yo-u di-didn't!" I snap.

"I told him about your true born nature and about your condition," Grandpa continues, walking through the tunnel, turning down a passageway, "he's welcomed to help deliver your child with Niles, understanding the situation you're in and that my coven does not know the extent of the situation."

I glare at him and growl, "I-I'm goi-ng to k-k-kill y-you."

"Dante can still remain an ally as he'll want Laisha dead once the information regarding Richard's death has been brought to light," he pauses as Tresor suddenly appears in front of us, "what?"

Tresor waves a hand in the air and asks, "You're planning on taking her there? Physically? Risking the fact something is happening at this very moment that she needs immediate attention?"

"How else would she..." his voice trails off before uttering, "oh."

"Look, call him now. Inform him of the change of arrival and I'll transport her there," Tresor offers, the air around him brimming with energy, feeling the purplish hue brighten in the tunnel as flames ignite the torches on the walls. Spider webs are thickly laid out on the ground, watching Tresor's amethyst eyes shimmer, Grandpa's arms tightening for a moment around me.

Grandpa looks him dead in the eyes and says, "Are you willing to risk your exposure-"

"They see what I want them to see," Tresor tilts his head to the side with a smirk on his face, "for all they know, I'm Keveon."

"That could work," Grandpa nods and releases a heavy sigh, looking down at me before slowly walking the few feet to Tresor. He's gentle, the two of them exchanging me in their arms as I feel something strike through me again and I stifle a cry. He looks to Tresor and says, "I wanted to be there for her...for this...but I understand that isn't part of the hand we've been dealt. Please, watch over her as I'd first trust you over Dante at this point..." though as he says this, all I feel is the warmth being in Tresor's arms.

"I'm touched," I can't tell if it's sarcasm from Tresor, but he replies, "you know what I've said-"

"You talk a big game," Grandpa cuts him off, "prove that you're loyal to my granddaughter. Watch over her from those who could do her serious harm with the state she is in."

Tresor is silent for a moment before I see him nod, breathing in deeply as Grandpa pulls from his pocket, his cell phone and dials Dante's number. Tresor holds me close to him, looking down at me as I feel pain, my eyes searching his as I'm thankful that Grandpa doesn't grasp the reason why I'm being placed in this critical position with the unborn child...

...or perhaps he's put two and two together with how Tresor came forward about my entities...and his reasoning behind why the darkness wants to consume the life. Grandpa's smart, so I wouldn't put it past him he's already figuring his own thoughts, opinions, and theories about the truth beneath the surface of me.

"I-I thou-ght yo-you ne-eded some-th-thing-"

"Shh," Tresor eases me as I don't want to talk at this point, my lungs feel the sharp pain next, "Keveon is a blood tie," he nods at Grandpa, "so it won't be an issue me glamouring to reflect his form and thus, impersonating as Cormac."

"Yeah, Keveon is on his way, he should be there shortly," I hear Grandpa speak, communicating with Dante while Tresor smirk. There's a moment's pause before he ends the call and looks to Tresor and I, stating, "Niles is prepared and waiting," he walks forward, kissing my forehead and whispering, "I love you."

Darkness wells in the center of my chest, feeling the coldness it draws on from the warmth within, wanting to take and consume...my eyelids snap shut, breathing out as I attempt to stifle the cry bubbling up. The next time I open my eyelids is when Tresor stands with me in his arms before a door, shifting me slightly as he knocks on it.

Perhaps it's seconds, but it feels like minutes before the door is drawn open. There are faces I don't recognize, grasping my hand tighter around the fabric of Tresor's shirt for protection. It's only when he walks with me inside, glimpsing Dante that everything shifts within, his regard for me entirely different from the first time we met.

"Get her to the medical wing," Dante leads the way while Tresor walks fast, my heart beating unevenly as that darkness escalates, fighting back the magic from slipping out and breaking from the seal.

In doing this, I can no longer suppress my true nature, the glamour breaking as Tresor doesn't keep it in place...

...there's no reason to hide who I am, especially from Dante's coven and pack. If anything, it's like with Grandpa Sebby's pack...I am accepted for who and what I am.

I didn't realize we reached the medical wing, not until I'm on a medical table and someone is trying to force a needle into my arm. His voice is even, breaking through the panic as he says, "Relax, if only for a moment."

Exhaling slowly, my eyelids close again, feeling the tension leave my body and that's when I feel the needle break my skin. Tresor stands by, just out of the way while Dante is alongside him, asking, "I underestimated yourself and Cormac, hiding more than just Rose..." his voice trails off, but that's because my senses begin to dull, numbing with my body as heaviness begins to create a haze.

"General anesthesia is starting," the man informs Dante, seeing shadows out of the corner of my eyes begin to move around the table. I don't want to be asleep, I'm afraid of others around me when I'm not aware...

Let go.

Tresor's voice slips through my mind with ease, surprise racing through me.

I don't want to. I'm afraid.

I'm hooked up to a monitor, hearing my heartbeat play different melodies, unable to understand much of what's being said, except for Dante saying, "Niles, she's not out yet."

"We don't have much time..." his voice holds a somber tone as there's more than one heartbeat...

...it's the unborn child's and it's barely audible.

I can only assume it's Niles as he continues, "She's in enough pain as it is, delivering the child won't surpass what she's already in. We've never seen another like her...a true born hybrid something of myths...she's stronger than we're giving her credit for...even you."

"Yes, I'm interested to learn more about her...that's for sure," Dante's voice is distant, but it puts me on edge.

I'll create a dream, just for you. In there, I can visit and be with you, ease you from this. There's no reason to be afraid, I'll be with you regardless.

Tears gather at the corners of my eyes, breathing out slowly as I give way to that what is trying to drag me into darkness.

⊰♥⊱To Be Continued⊰♥⊱

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