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"Cormac?" Rose is with Dante as we all hear him say her name.

Grandpa glances away from me, turning to Rose and then all his mates, stating, "There's something I need to tell you all..." his voice trails off, breathing in and out slowly, "...there's no easy way to explain this and I'm...sorry."

Marc tilts his head to the side, moving close and asking, "What?"

"Cormac?" Grandpa Sebby questions when a few minutes of silence pass us by. He glances to me a second later, prying further, "What is Dot talking about?"

I cross my arms beneath my breasts, staring at Dante when he captures my gaze. He looks at me hard, analyzing me while Grandpa breathes out, Rose rubbing his upper back and saying, "It's okay...please, just...tell us what's wrong."

"Rose is right," Grandpa Sebby nods, "we'll understand. This is all very new territory for us and we have to slowly move everything out into the open."

"I know," Grandpa swallows hard, and I realize then that this is hard for him, considering the way he'd found out about having a son with Abigail...what Cypher did to my mother. Grandpa finally releases a heavy sigh and says, "I was close to a vampire, before meeting any of you...up until the night I met Rose, this vampire was part of my life, a mutual relationship we shared."

"Okay..." Marc's voice trails off, a hint of jealousy hidden beneath.

Rose glances from Grandpa and then rests her eyes on me, asking, "Is that Abigail?"

Both my brows rise, glancing away as this is something he must explain. This is not for me to get in the middle of...Grandpa needs to man up and tell his mates.

Grandpa nods and replies, "Yes," he pauses, Dante arching a brow as Grandpa continues, "Abigail Ewing."

"Loose ends?" Dante asks with questions burning behind his eyes, this being the first to surface.

"I..." Grandpa's voice trailing off, wondering to myself if he even thought for a moment, he'd have this come up eventually. By the looks of it, he didn't...he forgot...

"Cormac..." Grandpa Sebby looks him over, feeling the uneasiness we all are picking up from Grandpa.

Grandpa shakes his head and replies, "When I broke things off, the moment I knew what Rose was to me, and Abigail did not take lightly to it, believing that I should have just selected her as a choice when I hadn't found my beloved for the time that passed. I'm uneasy that she might grow vengeful, that-"

"Abigail kills you, Rose," my voice breaks through, silencing Grandpa and saving him at the same time. However, Grandpa's features distort in slight horror at what I have told, though he forgets...I'm an Arin. I shrug my shoulders and tap my right temple, "Oracle, remember? I saw a vision of a woman that deceives you all...costing Rose her life."

Rose's eyes grow wide with complete and utter fear, Marc wrapping an arm around her in a protective manner. I leave out the part, that it was her anger and hate that led to the choice she made...like Grandpa said...I must separate the past from the future I know because nothing has come to pass yet.

Rose can change...I hope...for my mother's sake.

"I'll call for Alpha Keir and Luna Laura, we can-"

Marc is cut off when I say abruptly, "No."

"No?" Marc looks at me, his arm falling away from Rose as he growls, "I won't let anyone hurt my mates! I won't-"

"Easy," Grandpa Sebby grabs Marc's shoulder, pulling him back.

I tilt my chin up and stand tall, stating, "From what I've seen, she's cunning and with a large group, you're all more at risk..." my voice trails off, not wanting mistakes to happen that result in the deaths of those I never got to know...


My gaze holds his, his wolf forward and planting himself between the unseen threat and his mates. He cares deeply, regardless of his possessive nature, it comes from a place of love and I respect and cherish that. My wolf greets his, our eyes locked as he finally gives way, glancing to Grandpa and awaiting his choice on the matter, to decide.

This will greatly alter the future...

...Moirai. Fate. Will he allow this alter in time?

"I volunteer," I shatter the uncomfortable silence, garnishing the attention of everyone in a split second.


"Cormac," I cut him off, asking, "do you not want me to go...or do you not want anyone to go?"

An easily readable question...

"It seems your friend values the lives of your mates," Dante chuckles and stands alongside Grandpa, the two of them glancing to one another, "there's no easy way I see this playing out after what has been said."

Grandpa Sebby nods and adds, "A woman scorned..."

"You fucked up when breaking it off with her, you should have been nicer," Rose agrees and I nearly fall over, the change in her demeanor is easily seen and can be attributed to having all her mates complete her life...like she does theirs.

"I know...I'm sorry," Grandpa's voice holds a water undertone; repenting for his mistakes of the future in the past is the only thing I could have hoped for. This is what I wanted, for him to own up to the faults that created the holes in all our lives.

"It's not safe," Marc states, glancing at me with uncertainty.

I smirk and reply, "I love danger."

"Of course you do," Grandpa Sebby shakes his head, the look he gives me...the bridge of my nose stings at the memories I hold, drawing me back to a simpler time.

Shrugging my shoulders, it is Rose who turns to Grandpa and asks, "Cormac?"

Grandpa grows rather silent for a moment before his eyes meet mine and he breathes out, "Get your equipment from my car."

He brought it...

My eyes widen and I smile, nodding and taking off around the grounds of Dante's estate. Whatever they are going to discuss how to bring the council down, I pray that he doesn't allow something to happen to any of his mates...even Rose. History repeating itself will rest on his shoulders as it is his game to lose. Knowing the outcome is almost harder a second time over...each fine line that is deviated can drastically alter the course of the future.

Reaching the trunk of Grandpa's car, I pop it open and unzip a large bag. Checking over the contents, I zip it back up and sling it over my shoulder, closing the trunk and heading back into the estate.

I wonder what will become of the child I brought into this world during this era...what will become of Uncle Kev this time around. Overwhelmed with the support and love I receive from him, I'll never be able to thank him enough for what he's doing, for taking that baby and raising it as his own.

Walking down the hallway after passing through the adjoining living room, I catch sight of Grandpa, Marc, Rose, and Grandpa Sebby following Dante toward a separate hallway, breathing out slowly as this will be their office meeting, devising a plan that won't end in their deaths to bring about the end to the Code of Conduct.

Dante, however, his attention is drawn to me after he ushers them down the final bend of the hallway, though he doesn't follow them. Instead, I come to a halt when he turns and walks in front of me. His eyes stare down into mine, his wolf coming forward before mine quickly surfaces, arching a brow at him as I ask, "Can I help you?"

"You don't like me, do you?" Dante crosses his arms in front of his chest.

"What gave you that idea?" I ask, though, I tilt my head to the side and ask, "I thought we were starting over?"

Dante remains silent before nodding, "I thought we were too...yet I see it in your eyes, you-"

"Look, I don't trust you," I cut him off, releasing a sigh and grasping the shoulder strap of the bag tighter. My knuckles turn white when I continue, "How can I trust someone who was so willing to kill their mates based on nothing but another's experience? I can't trust you. I'm grateful for what you did for me, but I can't trust you and I'm sorry I-"

Dante raises a hand and I grow silent, glancing away. He then tells me, "I understand your feelings and where you are coming from, each situation unique...however, know that the only thing I want is justice for my deceased brother. Richard..." it's the first time I see vulnerability from Dante, his demeanor shifting before be clears his throat and says, "I will do whatever it takes to see those who betrayed him in a grave."

"You share a common enemy," I nod, glancing at the hallway and seeing Marc poke his head out, looking between the two of us, "though, I'm sure Cormac standing as the third council member holds valuable information for you."

Dante turns to look at Marc and he quickly moves back down the hallway he'd originally walked down. Dante sighs and looks back to me, saying, "There are rooms upstairs that you can choose from. Any door that is open is vacant, select one and the key is on the shelf near the door for you to lock up when you leave." He turns away from me, my gaze trailing after him before he turns at the corner and says, "Good luck."

"Thank you," I nod, the two of us parting our separate ways.

I heard up the staircase to the second level, walking down the hallway and glancing to the doors that Dante spoke about, the rooms empty. He prepared to host Grandpa and his mates, though I'm sure they'll share a single room...if, if there's a bed that big enough.

I can't help but giggle at the thought, choosing the room at the very end of the hallway, a window across from me when I step over the threshold. Glancing around the room, I close the door behind me and lock it, crossing the space to the foot of the bed. I set the bag down on the bed, unzipping it and withdrawing my gear and kukri blades, I change. It's not long before I stand in the same gear as I had during the past two times I went to change the future...

Closing my eyes and breathing out slowly, I ask, "Give me the strength to not fuck up anything."

"You've already done so much," Tresor's voice surrounds me when I open my eyelids, the hue of the room of a purplish tone. A soft smile forms on my lips when I turn around to see him, his amethyst eyes holding mine. He places a hand to his chest and says, "Have I told you lately how grateful I am for the clarity you've shown Cormac and me?"

I shrug my shoulders and a smirk forms on his lips. Walking toward him, his arms are open, my arms wrapping around his back as he holds me in a tight embrace. His arms are welcoming, warmth spreading from the center of my chest and outward, enjoying his touch. I whisper back, "Thank you...for all you've done for me."

"Nimue and Lars are being stationed in areas beyond the veil..." Tresor's voice trails off, "...they're going to search for any links to Aeon and the weaknesses in the veil. It cannot fall before your mother receives my gift." He hugs me before we pull away slightly, his eyes holding mine as he says, "I'll be back after I check in, keeping a balance between both planes."

Nodding, we completely separate.

I don't like that we do.

The warmth dissipates, leaving me longing to be held by him.

He sees it in my eyes, tilting his head to the side as he asks as the concern is clear in his voice, "Dot?"

"I'm sorry," I glance away, though it's the last thing I want to do.

There are two individuals that I must keep at the forefront of my mind...

...Abigail and Cypher.

⊰♥⊱To Be Continued⊰♥⊱

Picked Tobias up from Grandma and Nana's yesterday to find out he made me a birthday cake out of play dough, noodles and straws. He ran up to me saying, "Happy Birthday Mommy! Cake!" My mom was stunned because he knew what he what he was making and she didn't realize until then.

My smart little cookie and a great start to my Friday Birthday! 🎂

Yes, the blue hair is gone as winter is fading, in with the pink for spring!

sammi1993wilson is the winner of the Profile Picture contest and will receive a signed copy of one of my published books and as she was the ONLY person to participate, she will also receive a PDF version as well.

Have to say, was kind of disappointed in the lack of participation. I won't be holding another contest where I give away my published books for free on Wattpad again.

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