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"I'm sorry," I apologize as Tresor walks with me, stepping on the stone ground as we make our way toward the city of Akregale.

Tresor remains quiet for a moment, glancing at me out of the corner of his eye when he says, "It is only because of you that I am aware..."

"Lars?" I ask, uneasiness edging.

Before we enter the city, Tresor halts his movements and turns to me. His eyes search mine, my brows furrowing as I'm not quite sure what it is, he's looking for. When he parts his lips to speak, he tells me, "When I gave you a part of my soul...it touched yours for that brief flicker, allowing fragmented memories to surface and flood me. In a single second, I observe more than blood memories ever can, flashes of light down to the most insignificant memory is accessible."

I didn't know his species was capable of this...I know a mutual share; a tie back would allow for this. I just never imagined him able to access memories beyond what a vampire can see through blood.

"It was not my intention to take when I gave, it is just a part of what happens," Tresor attempts to ease my confusion, more curious now as he finishes, "though I am glad I did see those moments and conversations between your mother and you. What you've informed me yourself and now piecing everything together...I'll remain vigilant."

Breathing out slowly, I add my thoughts, reminding him, "Please remember, he has done nothing and deserves to be treated fairly...you don't want to cause separate problems by having those resent you for your actions."

"Clever as always," Tresor releases a sigh, one that lifts the tension and stress I see he shoulders, "perhaps I was stepping too far to prevent the future you know."

I can't help but giggle, "Yes. Remember, he was only in a position of power due to your untimely...absence."

Tresor might be like Grandpa, but it is these moments that reflect his nature to shift and change with the flow of time and knowledge. He understands and once a flaw has been noted, he checks himself and grows from it.

"I guess there is no time like the present to officially introduce Nimue and Lars to you in this era," Tresor nods in the direction of Akregale. He then asks with slight confusion, "Not that I'm not happy to see you...but what exactly are you doing beyond the veil so close to the winter solstice and the events to come? Aren't you supposed to be near Castle Valentine?"

Nodding, I reply, "You are correct...I'm not here just to say hi..." as my voice trails off, I see many casting me multiple stares while I walk alongside Tresor. We reach the obsidian steps leading up to the, taking them with eyes still lingering on my back, though my gaze remains transfixed on that of Nimue standing next to another...

...that must be Lars.

Though I've never seen him, his eyes hold a familiarity which I find in Tresor's.

"She's yours, isn't she?" He immediately asks.

Nimue nudges him slightly and states, "Lars...come on, be nice."

"How can I when our King has bound himself to someone of the earthen plane?" Lars snaps yet lowers his voice a second later and recomposes himself. He breathes out calmly and continues, "She can't give you part of her, so you'll never be able to cross the veil should your beacon fade and the veil remain intact."

"With all due respect," I part my lips and speak, Tresor shifting his stance and glancing at me, "the veil will never come down in the way you believe and want it to, eliminating the physical manifestation that constitutes as a separation between our worlds. However," I pause, noticing the uneasiness that spreads, though Tresor holds high regard for me as I state, "there will always be a veil, keeping those out who live on the earthen plane from crossing over as this is not a place between hell and life that they can reside...though you'll be able to come and go as you please...in time, everything will fall into place."

Lars stares at me hard, his gaze flickering from Tresor and then resting on me once more, "You never answered my question...well, perhaps you did...the veil will remain and unless you, yourself remain on this side, you'll condemn our King to this side."

"Time," my eyes shift, my voice altering as it no longer belongs to me, startling Nimue and Lars alike.

Hel knows her place and where she belongs...

...yet there are many things I'm trying to fit into place.

She must be like Aeon, not needing a vessel when she's split...yet, Aeon did not need a vessel when he woke from his sleeping state and attacked our world. The fear I hold, if I don't find Aeon's vessel in a timely manner...he just might be able to use it with his subconscious until his godly form is able to break away.

If he attains his vessel once he's aware enough...he could ruin the progress we are making.

"It's nice to meet you...Dorothea, is it?" Nimue's soft smile warms my heart, recalling the kindness she exudes even in a position of power. Her arm extends, my hand taking hers as I nod and return her smile. She looks to Tresor and states, "I'm Nimue Vossen, and...technically my Uncle...Tresor has been our father for as long as I can remember."

I hold back the edge of familiarity in my voice when I reply, "It is nice to meet you too."

Lars is next, introducing himself, "Lars Vossen," though he pauses and directs his next question to Tresor, "isn't she young for you though?"

A smirk works its way onto Tresor's lips as he can't hold back the chuckle, "As you should be well aware by now, appearances are deceiving."

That is the last Lars says before Nimue states, "We've seen fluctuation through the aura recently."

"Track down the anomalies," Tresor nods and then continues, "the both of you."

"What about the training of the new-"

"Priorities," Tresor's tone alters the stances of his niece and nephew. Neither of them utters another word, their presence gone as they take to the sky and fan out with others that are called to their sides. Leaving Tresor and I alone, he asks, "Where were we?"

Motioning to the doors to the palace, Tresor and I continue walking. Everything is familiar, yet new, the wear of some areas not visible to what I've seen during my era. It is fascinating seeing the differences, a draw and pull keeping me hear as it provides me with some sense of security.

"I'm sorry for the unexpectedness in my visit," I admit to Tresor, the two of us approaching the throne room before he closes the door behind us. Stillness settles and the sound of silence wraps around our forms.

Tresor chuckles and reassures me, "Don't be," he goes to reach out; halting his action before drawing his hand back to his side, "I apologize, my goddess...your touch," he shakes his head. I don't blame him in the slightest as it has been a while since we have been together.

"Aeon told me something...a while ago when I was locked in a coma," I begin, wanting to open up and explain what the situation is, "all gods and goddess require a vessel in order to walk the earthen plane...he is no different."

Tresor furrows his brows, wondering exactly what I've come to understand as he asks, "Though he awoke and is attempting to annihilate your era?"

With confirmation and elaboration, "Yes...though I am the key difference this time around and he's well aware of my intentions and that of those helping me to tempt fate and alter the future..." my voice trails off as I hear a loud echo from outside the palace walls, almost like thunder.

Tresor urges me to continue, "It's alright, don't worry."

Swallowing the knot forming at the edge of my throat, I continue, "If his subconscious awakes enough to allow him to use his vessel...there's no telling what he'll do...his movements and actions will be unpredictable."


...how was he able to use Selene's vessel and not his own?

Selenia was in a coma...I wonder then about his...

Dread fills me at the thought.

"You believe his vessel is here and not residing on the earthen plane?" Tresor rubs his chin, his thoughts more than likely racing.

Nodding, I reply, "It would make perfect sense...considering this is his domain..." my voice trails off before I breathe out the words he'd said once to me, "...while an Incubus King sits on his throne."

Tresor's drawn from his thoughts at my words, arching a brow as his eyes spark, "Would you like me to tell you a story; before your time and that of every other being residing on the earthen plane?"

My skin crawls as a shiver runs down my spine. Tresor turns away from me the second I nod, his strides even when he approaches the throne. His hands touch the obsidian, glancing over his shoulder as I ask, "What is it that happened?"

"There was a time when the veil did not exist...the fabrication of demonic creatures shared their space within the earthen plane," Tresor begins, turning to face me completely, "just like any other species, we had our place...though our innate nature was not something others were fond of, ruling us all as evil due to a few...though is that not the case with all species?" He arches a brow as he says this.

I nod and reply, "The vampires are no different for what they did with enslaving humankind."

"As with every era, it has its problems...we were one of those problems...yet, we aren't the reason why the veil was crafted," Tresor pauses and glances upward briefly before sighing, "no, and we were cast away when Aeon woke." Silence settles between us, my gaze holding his the second his eyes meet with mine.

This has happened once before...

Tresor lifts his chin and states, "Aeon grew tired of those arguing and feuding on his "back", awakening and destroying those not associated to those who align with him."


"So, you can imagine how Selene reacted to the genocide...crafting the veil the moment Aeon returned to his unconscious form, lying in deep slumber," Tresor continues to weave the tale, "Selene appointed me to oversee beyond the veil...though I must admit, what I am doing with attempting to provide a means to end Aeon's existence, it is not part of Selene's plans...for I don't believe we'll ever be welcomed on the earthen plane the way we once were," he shrugs his shoulders and chuckles, "who knows?"

Breathing out slowly, I ask, "So...you will have those able to search for anything out of the ordinary that could be Aeon's vessel?"

"Yes," Tresor nods, "so, we're looking for a comatose stasis?"

What happens if they can't find anything?

The search will be for nothing...

Shaking my head, I reply, "I have an unnerving feeling in the pit of my stomach...that his vessel is..."

⊰♥⊱To Be Continued⊰♥⊱

Updates: Tempted Tuesdays and Fate Fridays

Instagram: serenityr0se

Chapters 42 - Epilogue is available on Patreon under the Pack Warrior Tier ($3.00 donation).
Chapter 1 of Fate's Design on Patreon also.


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