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Standing in the darkest depths of my mind, I can't feel anything.

The one thing I know...

...the feeling of isolation once again, though not from what I expected.

She left me, that's what I remember.

"I didn't leave you," Hel's words manifest themselves around me while I stare around blankly, looking until I see her form appear like mist.

My voice is coarse, arguing back, "Then why did you-"

"I forced her away," Thea's light suddenly illuminates, flashing brightly as her form becomes physical to me. She looks at me, her voice strong when she states, "Regardless of what you know from events that led to your present, the life of a child should never be yours to take...that's cruel."

My temper flares, growling angrily at her until I retort, "Then why didn't you stop me!"

Mercury's death, I will forever believe I've done the right thing.

"I did," the threads of Thea's cloth encasing her body like air move without a single breeze, looking to Hel before returning her attention to me, "you ignore me and forced me away. Caught up in your blind anger and hatred for someone you never met...for someone whose life had been spared...was that really your decision to make?"

"Yes," I reply firmly.

Thea's voice is silent for a moment, before she tells me, "Just because you have the power and the means to eliminate another, doesn't always mean violence is the answer. You spared Cypher, despite his involvement with your mother...so why didn't you see fit-"

"Mercury was manipulative of those he came in contact with," I'm already firing off at her, defending my actions, "he wasn't abused or forced to believe something that wasn't true...he participated in what his father enjoyed, and the love he had for the code wouldn't have changed. Nothing about him would have changed."

Thea asks me, "And...you can see the future?"

My heart stops in my chest, silence falling on me as weight drops on my shoulders.

"Even oracles have glimpses of the future...some given brand new visions, ones that we aren't currently living in," Thea speaks when my silence has gone on long enough, "though, that image that's seen, isn't always about us or the end...it's the journey to it that helps us understand those we accept along the way or those we cut ties with...for you..." as her voice trails off, a wave of uncertainty washes over me.

I did what was right...

...I did what had to be done, the tough choice no one wanted to do.

Am I to be punished for that?

"We will split sooner than you think, but longer than you'll understand," Thea begins again, Hel crossing her arms as she looks to me, "your soul is already plagued...it will be a wonder if I end with you...the darkness in you much greater...perhaps Aeon wasn't wrong."

My eyes grow wide, shaking my head as I state, "I'm nothing like him!"

The caverns of my mind begin to crumble, the cracks revealing bright lights that almost match Thea's greatness. Her voice is distant as she reminds me, "We write our fate according to the unknown...though, you don't have the luxury of bliss."

My heart rate increases, feeling and hearing the sound pound on the walls of my mind all around me. Grasping my head, I scream, the pain overwhelming as I don't think I'll ever be able to hear again...

...though when I do, it's the sound of monitors.

My heart rate peaks high, exhaling sharply as my eyelids snap open. Pain erupts behind my eyes, tears falling down my cheeks as it's overwhelming...though I feel a literal weight on me. Slowly looking down, I'm lying on a bed with a beautiful wolf staring back up at me. His belly is warm against the covers, his head on my stomach...his coat is gray with flecks of brown and gold along his spine, his golden irises holding my gaze the entire time.

"W-Wyn?" I ask, the monitors spiking before I hear the door open to the room.

Grandpa Keir and Coen come through the door, Grandpa Keir taking one look at me before he orders Coen, "Get word to Alpha Sebastian that she's awake."

Coen nods without a word, turning from the room and closing the door behind him. My eyes search Grandpa Keir as he comes closer, the wolf growling lowly when Grandpa Keir reaches out to the monitor. Grandpa Keir sighs, "Wyn, it's alright," though Wyn's wolf whines, licking my hand...

...though it doesn't hurt.


Once again, the purpose of the curse was meant to isolate me...though it never accounted for the wolf side.

More importantly...he defied the odds Grandpa Keir had mentioned about half-breed werewolves...and Wyn shifted.

My heart beats fast as I ask, "What...happened?"

Grandpa Keir's gaze flickers to my features briefly before he states, "You killed Mercury Thornton...though, that wasn't really you, was it?" He arches a brow as with what Thea had mentioned, Hel was receded, and everyone would have seen me for me after. I must be honest though.

"It was me," I reply quietly, Wyn's wolf perking his ears up before they lie back flat.

Grandpa Keir releases a breath and continues, "The Hybrid Queen, Rose Valentine, her word is law...we followed to bring down the Code of Conduct and her first act of kindness and forgiveness was challenged when you took Mercury's life."

"I had no choice," my voice is hardly above a whisper, waves of pain washing over me at the way I must be seen now.

"I know...and so does Cormac, and Alpha Sebastian," Grandpa Keir surprises me, my eyes widening as he continues, "it was because of Alpha Sebastian that you're even here. He explained to me piecing a few things together about your situation, because Rose doesn't want to hear any of it...at least, not until you've been brought before her for trial."

"What?!" I ask with confusion, trying to sit up quickly and immediately losing my vision. Darkness forms a dense cloud before my eyes and I panic, "I can't see!"

Wyn's wolf whines and moves up, licking the back of my hands as I hold my face.

"You're the only person I know to take a bullet to the skull at point-blank range and live," Grandpa Keir explains to me what happened, "Rose meant to kill you, for your treason against her pardon."

Slowly, my vision returns, my fear falling away as Wyn's wolf nuzzles close to me, holding onto me. Tears form in my eyes and a fresh wave falls, crying softly as I reach forward and bury my face into the fur of his neck.

"Alpha Dante had Niles bring you here, setting you up while you recovered," Grandpa Keir continues, turning the monitors off, "though he did mention that if you woke, you wouldn't need a doctor...your healing beyond that."

I ask quietly, "How long have I been...?"

"In a coma?" He asks, "Months."

While Grandpa Keir motions for Wyn to lift from me, I edge off the bed, standing slowly and observing my surroundings. I ask him, "Wyn?"

"He shifted fine," Grandpa Keir smiles and nods at the padding wolf near the door, "he's been training with my pack while you've been recovering. Wyn is strong for the omega he is and constantly pushing himself...he wants to be able to protect you."

My Omega...

"Wyn does exhibit one trouble though," Grandpa Keir continues to explain, "he was able to shift, but he does have trouble at times shifting back on his own...so you'll need to help him."

I understand, nodding my head as I ask Wyn's wolf, "Do you want to shift back?"

He shakes his head and growls, approaching me before rubbing his head against my stomach...

...he doesn't want to give up the contact.

I smile softly and tell him, "It won't be like this forever, I promise..."

Wyn's wolf tilts his head to the side, his tongue lolling outside his muzzle as he barks sharply. A wave crashes over me as I command, "Shift," before skin replaces fur and Wyn is quickly trying to cover himself.

"Oh, and he's still shy," Grandpa Keir chuckles.

"Dot!" Wyn exclaims, tears falling down his cheeks as he goes to hug me but stops himself. He runs for the change of clothes he has on a spare chair and quickly covers himself, telling me, "I didn't know when I'd...I missed you...so much."

"I've missed you too," my voice is soft as he keeps a slight distance from reaching out to me.

Grandpa Keir clears his throat and explains, "So...you have two options right now."

Tension forms like a cloud as I look to Wyn and back to Grandpa Keir.

"You go with Alpha Sebastian when he arrives and stand trial before Rose," Grandpa Keir seals my fate quickly, "taking whatever verdict is given to you...or you run now and remain the rogue you've been since day one, never looking back and escaping judgment...unless it comes looking for you."

I can't run...

...I can't be isolated from mother when she's...

Shaking my head, I tell him, "I'll go to trial."

"This isn't fair!" Wyn nearly screams as he tells Grandpa Keir, "She saved me from being killed in The Hunt...she's saved me so many times..." he looks to me and pleads, "...you never had to, you just did, not knowing who I am...when even I didn't know who I am."

Grandpa Keir releases a sigh and states, "This is a choice that Dot must make."

"What if Rose decides to kill her? What then?!" Wyn asks frantically.

Grandpa Keir is silent before he's about to say something, Coen comes bursting through the door and states, "Alpha? Alpha Sebastian is here."

I nod and turn to Wyn, telling him, "You need to stay here."

"No, I-"

"Listen to your mate and your Alpha," Grandpa Keir's edge warns Wyn, knowing there will be absolutely nothing he can do at this stage. It's too late and I've made a choice that's greatly affected the timeline in a way that I didn't know would put me in this position. He continues as Wyn shakes slightly, "She is only protecting and looking out for you."

Wyn nods, tears falling down his cheeks as he and I say goodbye. I walk down through the new pack house...though it's not new to me...

...this is my Grandpa Keir's pack house.

We're near the lake.

Grandma Laura sees me, so does others, but I block everything out because the only one I can speak freely to is standing just outside the front door on the porch. Swallowing hard, I walk outside, Grandpa Sebby turning to me and looking me over once before he says, "Let's go."

"Thank you," I turn to Grandpa Keir and he nods, slightly keeping Wyn back from leaving the house.

Turning with Grandpa Sebby and walking out across the grass, he tells me beneath his breath, "You placed yourself in deep shit."

"You know-"

"I know the choice you made came from the right place," Grandpa Sebby tells me, relief passing for a second, "though the only person that it matters to is the one seated as The Hybrid Queen...and she has the final say."

There's nothing anything can be done...

I remain silent, traveling with him until we reach Castle Valentine. My heart beats fast, the doors opening as I feel the furthest from home possible. This isn't what I want, but now I face the fate I've written for myself...

Through the hallway and to the ballroom, I'm walking through those doors. I see many fill the space, including Rose at the front center, Grandpa beside her...his gaze nearly unfriendly...is his memory of me almost gone? Cypher stands next to Grandpa, his features lightly up the second he sees me...though as he takes a step forward, Grandpa places a hand on his shoulder and whispers something into his ear. Marc stands on the other side of her, Victor in his arms, the pain on his features clear as his confusion and need to have his questions answered appears to nearly cause him to run forward.

So many want to know...


Why did I take the life of an innocent?

If only they knew...

My heart suddenly beats fast as I see Tresor standing near the platform with others of different species...the new council. It's only when I walk closer to Rose, that I see she's nearly ready to burst...her pregnancy for me gone in the blink of an eye.

Uncle Kev stands near one of the walls, holding Boone in his arms as he hushes him gently, the growth of the child astonishing. I double take, seeing Dante...alongside Selenia...wait...

...his arm is around her lower back, the two looking on.

Are Dante and Selenia...?

I connect with Grandpa...though he does not reply.

My heart drops to the pit of my stomach, Grandpa Sebby standing next to me when we come to a halt, my gaze lifting to Rose as she takes a step forward and states, "Dot, you stand not just before me, but that of the council regarding your treason to the pardon I'd given to Mercury Thornton..." her voice trails off as I hear a nearly silent sob, glancing out of the corner of my eye to see Delaney, though she's hardly herself.

"How do you plead?" Rose's words resonate through the ballroom.

Red Like Roses 🌹

⊰♥⊱To Be Continued⊰♥⊱

Instagram: serenityr0se

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