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What Wyn said...

...it gave me a lot to think about that night. I don't know what he believes in...but I find it oddly strange the second he mentioned something, I felt like I had right before Aeon breached the veil and everything changed.

It was a simple surprise, but one I found endearing...that Wyn was waiting for me at the slaves' dining room. When I enter the room, it appears he's already gotten his food, yet he makes a second pass being able to move right to the front and comes back with a tray before me.

"You're awfully nice," I mention to him, wondering what it is that he's drawn to me for.

He merely shrugs his shoulders, walking with me to the table before stating, "Well, you're eating for two and I don't think you should have to wait to eat," as we sit down next to each other, he chuckles, "who knows, you might bear the next personal slave of Master Cormac's one day."

"Ew..." I can't stop myself.

Rochelle and Linda and whispering to one another at the table they'd been at yesterday, catching glances they throw my way. I don't care about the silent judgment that's being passed, because I already know what happens. It's the timing that counts and when everything falls into place, the decisions made will determine the outcome.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to be offensive," Wyn begins to eat his breakfast and I scan over mine. It's not his fault, he doesn't know anything.

I shake my head and tell him, "I'm just a little on edge."

"Can't blame you," Wyn nods and informs me, "Warren was worried about Rose all of yesterday, that he even sneaked her chocolate when she wasn't supposed to be eating as a punishment."

"Where is he, exactly?" I ask with curiosity, though it's cleared up soon after my thought because I see him enter the slaves' dining room. I begin to process everything that will follow, Rose coming with her friends to eat, Warren and her getting closer...

...Grandpa, he's going to make her clean the mirrors.

I can't just wait for time to pass...

...I need to do something. I need to make a difference in a way that Grandpa can't.

I've hardly eaten much of my breakfast when I stand from my seat, Warren giving me a side-eye. Wyn tells him, "Don't worry about it, she's not a rat."

The whole Laisha and Aohdan definitely not being beloveds thing...

"You can take my seat," I take with me the tray in my hands, moving out of Warren's way. He furrows his brows, more than likely believing he's offended me, but I tell him, "I need to do something."

Warren's voice is wary as he says, "Okay," after a few moments pause, he also adds, "thanks for not saying anything."

"Of course," I offer a small smile, nodding at the both of them before turning on my heels and heading to dispose of my tray.

It's a few moments later when I'm heading toward the doors, that Rose and Sidney are standing at the entrance, Sidney asking, "Oh my gosh, that came from you?"

Out of the corner of my eye, I catch Rochelle flagging the two of them down to join for breakfast. When I move to go around the two of them, Rose gives me this nasty look and I just want to punch her square in the face...I want to put her in her fucking place for everything she did...everything she caused my mom to go through...

...but I don't.

I can't.

"Yea, no point in trying to hide the fact I'm being starved," Rose groans, double checking her ponytail is fastened correctly upon her head. When I'm leaving, I hear her ask Sidney, "What's lower, a love slave or a breeder?"

You're lucky I can't kill you.

"I'd say a love slave," Sidney is upbeat, almost as if she's affirming something I hadn't caught on to their statuses. She explains, "A love slave might get fucked every day for her looks...but a breeder is selected because her beauty and traits are the most desirable to pass on to future slaves."

I can't help it, glancing over my shoulder as I smirk at Rose. Sidney offers me a friendly wave, while I receive an icy shoulder from the would be "Hybrid Queen".

Sidney asks as they walk inside, "What did you do to deserve that punishment?"

"Nothing," is the last I hear from Rose before I'm further away down the side hallway. I breathe in and out, wanting to block all of this away and just live out the rest of my time in a cacoon...it feels off, unnatural to be dropped here and I...

...I need my Grandpa.

I wait.

In that hallway, I wait, knowing Grandpa will be arriving shortly to assign Rose her next task. Dante's scout will soon attack, making a statement and it's hitting too close to home to not do anything about the future.

"Sir?" My voice is quiet, though Grandpa can easily discern it the moment he steps closer to the slaves' dining room doors.

His gaze falls away from his destination, landing on me. Grandpa's features were filled with a look of determination, though the second he's laid eyes on me, his features soften. Without another thought, he moves out of the main hall, walking closer to me until he asks quietly with concern, "Dot?"

I glance to the side of him and he nods, the two of us moving just a bit further and out of any listening ears' reach. Grandpa's eyes held mine as I look up into his. He asks me, "Are you feeling okay?"

"Yes..." my voice trails off, because I know he's asking about the pregnancy, but that's not what I'm thinking about. My eyes lower and I tell him, "I want to find Grandpa Sebby."

"Sebastian..." Grandpa's voice holds a trigger I hadn't yet realized because his eyes sadden, his heartbeat nearly missing every other rhythm. I know he wants this, to have a change and find complete happiness with all of his true mates.

"You can't leave here," I lift my chin, understanding the responsibilities I'm about to shoulder, "but I can."

Grandpa shakes his head, "I don't want you getting caught or hurt, especially not far away from me where I can't do anything about it."

"What could you do, if something were to happen here?" I tilt my head to the side, "Would you putting yourself at risk to save, technically, a granddaughter that hasn't even been born yet?"

"Not in this timeline..." Grandpa cautions me, "...but in another, you exist and you being here risks everything."

A small smile makes its way onto my lips as I tell him, "You have to risk everything to win it all."


"Our future as of the moment, it's a dead-end we're fighting towards," I breathe out calmly, reminding myself of everything my mom and dads have taught me growing up...

...because I'm the next in line and I have to protect the past, for our future to exist.

Grandpa is silent for a moment, those green eyes of his searching mine before glancing at the slaves' dining room. I follow his gaze and see it also...

...by intercepting Grandpa, I've changed this moment.

Warren cups Rose's cheek as they stand outside the doors, bringing her close as they share a kiss. It's Grandpa's muscles that I see tense, as he knows very well that this wasn't the way it had been once before. He needs to keep alive the timeline that needs to stay in check, while I do what I can to reach the Ice Haven Pack...

...after all, I remember because I've been to their territory once before.

Grandpa whispers to me, his voice holding a hint of danger, "If your life is at risk-"

"The seal will break on its own accord," I remind him, knowing there's not a lot in this era that can take me down. I won't pretend I'm above everyone else, because there is something that's scaring me, and that's the unknown of where my journey will take me and the destination I end at.

"I packed an extra set of clothes for you and I had your blades reforged as a project for my coven," Grandpa tells me this and my features brighten. He's not leaving anything up to chance, just like mom. It very well is my Grandpa of the era, but he truly does hold the knowledge of our future. He turns to me and says, "You need to return before the Starlight Dance because I don't know what might happen to you during the Starfall."

"Hm?" I furrow my brows, watching as Warren is nodding for Rose to follow him. I know Grandpa can't wait much longer...

Grandpa tells me, "Remember, your magic is dark and connected to necromancy like your mother before you...Tresor controls the stars and it's when they're at their strongest."

"I'll be careful and be back before then," it's a drop in the glamour I allow for, Grandpa inhaling sharply as he glimpses my reddish-orange irises. With my speed, tactics, and knowledge of this world's terrain...

...I'll be at the Ice Haven Pack territory within a few hours at most.

Grandpa nods at me and it's here that we part ways. While I see him take strides toward Rose and Warren, I turn on my heels and head down the opposite hall. Taking my time after allowing for the glamour to shift back into place, it's the small thing I can do without removing the seal. My magic bleeds through, knowing the seal will not hold everything back, but just enough to not draw complete attention to myself from other magic users.

I make my way back toward the main level near the marble staircase, turning down the hall to the slaves' quarters. It's a short walk, nearing the main door when I pick up his scent.

It's Wyn, he's lingering in the hall, glancing in the direction I come from. There's a light that shines from within him when he sees me, a small smile making its way onto his lips.

"Um," I'm about to continue wondering why he's here out loud, halting but a few feet from him. Though, he's the one to put my unspoken questions to rest.

Wyn asks me without a second thought, "Will you be my date to the Starlight Dance?"

My eyes widen, not realizing my cheeks are red until the warmth seeps into them. With a slight nod of my head, I reply gently, "I'd like that."

Wyn's smile just continues to widen as he exclaims a little too excitedly with, "Great!" When he sees he startles me slightly with his enthusiasm, he tells me honestly, "Sorry, it's been a while since I've had a date to one of these things..."

"Mistress Laisha?" I ask while furrowing my brows.

"Can be quite possessive over us..." his voice trails off, his gaze also averting for a moment.

I reach my hand out, touching his shoulder and smiling, "It'll be fun."

Wyn's eyes lift back to meet with mine and he grins widely. In all this, perhaps even though I already have a mate, I can help change Wyn's fate and give him a small semblance of happiness and joy. Even if it's brief, it's moments that we cherish that we carry and stay with us...forever.

"Do you want to have dinner tonight...together?" Wyn takes his chance to further inquire.

A small giggle leaves my lips, shaking my head when he thinks he's asked something offensive. I tell him, "Normally...absolutely. However, I'm not feeling that well and I'll be staying in."

"The baby?" He asks with sudden concern. He then asks me, "Can I help? Do you need anything? Did you get enough to eat?" He pauses a moment as he mutters to himself, rubbing his chin in the process, "I knew you didn't eat enough this morning."

Another giggle slips past my lips and I can't help enjoy the way he's worried about me for no reason at all. I reassure him, "It'll be fine, Wyn, I just need to rest."

"Sure!" He nods his head and tells me, "I hope you rest well."

"Thank you," my cheeks are red again and I nearly have to slap myself back to the right frame of mind when Wyn walks away. It's nice...he's nice. That's it though.

Releasing a small sigh, I walk into the slaves' room and glance around before finding one of the jackets that are gifts to use while residing at Aohdan's estate. Taking it into my hands, I begin my quick movements through the hall up to the staircase. It's easier to avoid the slaves and the one I care that I might raise suspicions with is Wyn.

I'm given a few looks from the normal passerby, but when I reach the top landing of the staircase, curious eyes tend to stray away. Walking directly to Grandpa's room, I pause for just a moment at the door. He won't be here, he knows I'm taking what I'll need for the journey to the southern pole.

Slipping into the room and closing the door silently behind me, I walk toward Grandpa's bags that lie at the far end of the room. Rummaging through the bags, I smile when I see the duel kukri blades. While kneeling down, I snap open the scabbards to check each curved blade, inspecting for imperfections that I'll have to compensate for should I need to use them.

I whistle lowly as I smile saying to myself, "Grandpa made sure these were crafted to my specific liking."


...the life in my blood, the core to my soul.

Though knowing how to use weapons aside from forces unknown at times, is truly a gift in itself that my parents taught me.

Standing to my full height after grabbing the clothes Grandpa had packed for me, I change into the long dark leather pants, fitting the long-sleeved gray top over my chest. I zip up the knee length boots over my pants, looking to the coat I'd taken from the slaves' quarters.

I set it on the edge of the windowsill to the far wall, letting Grandpa know at a first glance that I've left the estate grounds and for him to know to leave this for me in case I've shifted in my return. I shouldn't have to though, my speed without the shift to my wolf will take me with the pace I need in order to reach my destination in plenty of time.

With the dual scabbards laced into the belt around my waist, a lower strap holding them in place around my thighs, I head step closer to the windowsill.

It's dangerous to run as a wolf...let alone a hybrid...in this era...

Taking my stance as I open the window, crouching down on the sill as I glance around the estate grounds. I take quick note of the guard patterns during the broad daylight, seeing where my chance is...the opening I need.

Dropping from the windowsill and immediately taking off into the shelter of the dense trees, I make an immediate veer as I set my course for the south. I don't hesitate any longer, dropping the glamour that hides away my true born hybrid self and allowing for even greater distance to be covered.

The terrain is the same, yet foreign in the years it has yet to progress toward. I know where pack territories should lie, but don't due to the era. Some packs who are sisters to one another, they reside within a singular territory for the safety of all against the vampires.

My senses are on high alert, anticipating signs of those occupying space around me. I keep avoiding the slightest pulsation of life, heading directly for the southern pole while I drive myself onward. It's a little more than the few hours I'd initially anticipated to arrive at the territory I've been to once before...

...nothing has changed.

Knowing what I do in my era, this place has withstood the test of time...

Treading lightly on the snow and ice beneath my boots, I glance all around me at the winter white wonderland that surrounds me. When I breathe out, a small cloud takes form before my lips, hearing the icicles chime with the soft breeze.

When I come to the end of the dense forest, the snow caking the ground in a thick layer of icing, I see the hollowed out hole in the wall of an ice mountain. Approaching cautiously, I enter the small opening, wandering through a system of tunnels that I'm familiar with...

...though it's only when I reach the one that matters, do I exhale sharply at the appearance of a tracker and warrior.

Their expressions are ones of complete shock, not just for my appearance, but for the way I've found my way here.

It's no more than a few seconds of standing still, watching them as they stand intrigued with me, that I hear the icy sheet of glass shift behind the two, a barrier that can be used as a weapon.

My heart skips a beat, a happiness filling my heart as I see my Grandpa Sebby.

His appearance hasn't changed, his heterochromatic eyes focused on me. His white hair and contrasts against his pale skin, a golden glint flickering across his irises. He comes to a halt a few feet in front of me, regarding me with wariness, an instinct that's kept them alive for so long...

"True born?" His voice holds information...almost like he understands what I am, just confused as to how I'm here.

⊰♥⊱To Be Continued⊰♥⊱

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