⊰Aeon Bonus⊱

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I can feel them crawl, slithering upon my back.


Their altercations escalating, intensifying.

I perceive the magnification, energy coursing through the fabric of space and time.


...it is merely a concept and always the initial to fade.

They will never see justification and acceptance of what it is to change, to solely fade into Oblivion.

There can be no other outcome.

What mounts in a day plays out like a century?


Too many clamber, selective species hardly noticeable. A breakdown of what they are and are not capable of, their limitations...


Anyone secular thing can be amusing for so long before it loses its appeal. A certain endearing quality must all but fade into utter darkness, Oblivion. Those that are worthy are the last to fall...make no mistake or confusion; they all will fall in the end. It is not a matter of if, it is a matter of when.


Consuming cosmos and the semblance of Earth itself.

Little or big, things that change will be left undone, the end always the goal regardless of the journey reaching checkpoints until the last haul to the final destination. Attempt; try as one might, it is a futile task that often brings about great dissatisfaction and loss.


Slowly, softly, awareness falls upon me.


...is that it?

Building and igniting, strength takes time to accumulate. One sudden outburst can walk the fine line between the difference of life and death.


The perfect embodiment for me in every way.

A rush surges through me, my eyelids blinking open as I stand before a tree trunk. My arms hang loosely at my sides, my gaze fixated on those continuing to argue. Power, that's all any ever wants and will stop at nothing to seek the higher road to glory.

Their endless undoing.

"Just stop!" Her voice breaks through.


It's been some time, though I don't recognize the bag of bones and meat that she uses as her vessel.

None of this will matter.

No matter how many gods or goddess want to play on the earthen plane...that's all it is...play. They'll never experience the true power that every being yearns for, even them. For them to walk on this world, their vessel as the only connection and tie they have left...

...I made sure of that.

If Thea is here, there are others and that's the whole reason for this incessant arguing.

A wicked smirk tugs at my lips, the most enjoyable thought of dominating over their power and rightfully reflecting the true owner of this dominion crosses my mind. Breaking their toys, it's something I'll relish in for a while, sating my desire.

"They're all evil," one barks back at the goddess' vessel, stating, "their presence brings disaster, they-"

"It was NOT us!" An incubus' energy pulsates to life, affecting the entire area around those gathered for the brink of war.

The one true ruler will set them all down, keep everything the way it's supposed to be...

...craft the image in the most direct light. Only then can you see the shadows begin to form, manifesting below the surface until it bubbles up, putrefying everything it touches.

There's something about this vessel...

I raise a hand, looking at the palm of it before a succubus suddenly appears before me. Her amethyst eyes replace the normal electric blue, her attempting to look right through me as her dark hair cascades behind her like a cloak.

"Lohrex?" Her voice is uneven, though her tone is urgent.

It takes a fraction of a second for me to fully connect into the memories of this vessel compatible with my presence. It hardly knows I'm in the passenger seat, allowing for it to continue where it left off before my transition.

"Drea," my vessel shakes its head, understanding that things are not the same for him any longer.

The succubus, Drea, she reaches out and touches the sides of my vessel's face, her eyes boring into mine from the other side as she begs, "They're going to kill us...all of us," she rests a hand against her abdomen.

"No," he replies, telling her, "our sleeping god...Aeon, he'd never allow them to take what doesn't belong to them. Their views are short-sighted, and he can't..." his voice trails off, my energy illuminating when he says my name.


It's a powerful tool for a god and its worshiper...or follower even.

It can be the one thing that tips the scale.

Clemency will be theirs...but only theirs.

"Run...run until you can no longer see yourself," my voice personifies through my vessel, Drea's eyes widening as she stares at me through the vessel in utter confusion

"Lohrex...no, please don't leave me alone with them...please," tears are in her eyes as she begs the vessel, though I allow it to take control.

The vessel places a hand on his chest, breathing hard as he says, "I...I don't understand what's happening...but you need to go."

"Not without yo-"

"Tresor," the vessel's voice is startled for a second as the incubus that stirred the crowd lands behind Drea. He only pauses a moment before he says, "Take her somewhere safe, please...far away...all of them, just...run."

We are intertwining perfectly.


Tresor looks to Drea and says, "We need to go, there is no sense in reasoning with them any longer."

This vessel's power...

...it's far greater than the strength this incubus before it has.

"Please stay safe...come back as soon as you can...my love, my King," Drea begs, wrapping her arms around the neck of my vessel as she kisses its lips. It's brief, the two before my vessel disappearing moments later and leaving the sound of cries...violence, death to ascend.

I lift the palm into my field of view, hearing-

Please...who are you?

The vessel's voice seeks me.

You'll enjoy the end for a new beginning.

I'll save this vessel...

It screams when I embed a runic symbol into the palm of its hand, allowing access to it beyond the end.

Please don't hurt-

You've already appealed to the small grain of leniency I have left. Be proud, for what you have done will forever be remembered...even if those who do know, refuse to recall.

The vessel screams, its head tilting backward as I feel the last of my dream state lift. The energy stored, the hatred built, I rise forth from the ashes and bring about the end once more.

⊰♥⊱To Be Continued⊰♥⊱

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