The News

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"Wait WHAT?"

"Were you not paying attention or are you just plain deaf ?!!!"

"B-But Hajimeeeeee"

(Y/n), one of the few female Nanba Prison's prisoner was on her knees disbelieved with what she just heard from Hajime. Mitsuru standing by his side. The black haired man was laughing.

Standing up you practically gripped the iron bars of the iron door with much force as if helping the situation.

"Now, now (Y/n). No need to be afraid so much. Its only your local irresistible Mitsuru~"

That's even worse. Hajime just informed you that you're supposed to leave your cell and stay under a private guard. Probably cause how much damage you did in that single call bare handed.

It wasn't your fault, you just hate being cooped up. It just so happen that you have to stay beside the noisiest person alive; until they fix the cell at least.

"There's literally a lot of cells in this damn building 13. Can't I stay in another cell for the time being? Maybe with Ninja boy?"

At least a chit chat with somebody would to distract me. You stick out you lips for show which earn a glare and and a laugh.

"Number 99 Tsukumo barely stays in his cell due to training with Yamato from day to night."

He does???. The laugher calmed down. Hajime calmed himself too, and then continued with an annoyed impression plastered on his face.

" I doubt he'd help with anything and like hell I'm gonna put you in a cell other then his. Besides him every other prisoner in this damned building are complete perverst."

(Y/n) stuck out an arm to reach Hajime enough to pull him near. You whispered quietly so the third person wouldn't hear you. Mitsuru showed had his confused face chibi style.

"Okey Hajime but out of all people in this island like prison, why him?"

Hajime had both of his palm on the iron door to push himself off of your grip.

"Mitsuru will be your guard cause he is compatible for you. If it were a common guard, you're just gonna have your way with them an-"

Hajime was cut off when Mitsuru shove him away. His head way smashed accidentally to the wall. blood oozed out.

"And if I babysit you we get to hang ♥♥♥"

"And if Mitsuru be your guard he can handle most of you obnoxious ruckus"

Finally Hajime manage to finish his last sentence.

"Are you saying you can't?"


Ooooou he snapped. I knew it would happen at some point. After being petted on the back by Mitsuru after some time he calmed down A LOT.

"Also Mitsuru has the most free time to supervise you properly. All he does mostly is shouting at a microphone anyway"

"Now that is offending"

The chit chat ended quicker then you thought. It ended with you coming up with mountains of excuses and Hajime cracking the door open. He went inside the cell and cuffed you with a cuff that was connected with a holder. Like a dog leash.

You were headed off to the exit with Mitsuru leading. He had a ridiculous smirk on his face. Compared to the other Nanba locals, he looked way off and weird from the others to you. Even weirder than Kiji. Hell, at least Kiji acts a little more normal than this guy.

You remembered when you first saw him, you could have sworn he took a glanced at you first too. It was impossible to confirm with his shades on.


Walking in building 13 is more then walking in a garden maze. Especially when stairs are involved. You were starting to sweat a little in your cloths. You are wearing the same orange clothing that Nico is wearing, but since the buttons were missing you had to wear the black and white shirt underneath.

As time went on, you were dragged on your feet. Mitsuru seemed to notice.

"Something wrong sugar cube?♥"

"Building..... Too big..." Not to mention the traps in this building. Even with a guard or as a guard you still have to be careful with all the traps. Climbing here balancing there and plenty of walking everywhere.

"Isn't there some kind of shortcut or something ???"

"We need to work with your stamina more"

With a hint of sarcasm in your voice, you replied;

"aha, as if Yamato isn't enough " you said while thinking back at what the MONSTROUS things that Yamato forced you to do with his sweet yet demanding orders for training. It was a hell like suffering torture hole. Your thoughts were cut off when you heard a familiar laugh.

Its then you noticed you were walking on a narrow path. Literally one foot width path surrounded with hollow nothing. You nervously looked down and quickly regretted the action. it was as if it had no floor or end, eaten up by complete darkness.

You shrieked and off balance your footing ground. Eyes closed, body tensed and the expection to fall flooded in your body.

Nothing Happened

"Oi, careful there little lady."

You opened your eyes wide and realize that he was tugging on your cloth. Still smiling. The pulling force on the said spot on your cloth was enough for you hop on your feet. The surprised feeling still nestled in you until you were standing on safe grounds. The end of the dangerous trap.

"Hey now, where's my 'thank you' ?"

Feeling embarrass for falling such a cheap trap, you avoided his gaze. By the time you did that, you noticed that you were outside. Rays of extra sunshine hit your face. the view from there wasn't actually breath taking but you could still make out some parts of certain building that was poking the sky.

Now that you think it back, you were just standing outside the building. The thought of the beginning journey to somewhere just gave you chills how far will it actually be. The journey from your cell to the entrance already gave you a 'hello' to death.

Being heavy in your thoughts, you failed to notice the glance from a certain someone.

This is going to be a long day.


Just to make it clear the reader has normal strength.



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