chapter four.

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( have you ever been so wildly attracted to someone that it drives you insane? )



New York City

        Diana and John trudged through the entrance of the Continental, John holding a wound he received in his side and Diana limping as the shards of glass and wooden splinters on the back of her legs and on the bottom of her feet seemed to dig in deeper with every step. Everybody in the foyer turned to look at the pair, stunned to see that Diana made it out alive but also surprised that John Wick was with her and injured. The stepped up to the front desk where Charon was busy typing away on his computer, but then looked up at the pair in front of him, his eyes darting between them.

"Would you like the doctor to be sent to your rooms?" Charon asked them before they could even utter a word.

John opened his mouth but Diana bet him to it. "Just to John's room. Thank you, Charon," Diana pulled on a tight-lipped smile.

Charon bowed his head and the two turned around and headed toward the elevator. "You need to get looked at as well, Diana," John told her.

"I never said that I wasn't going to be treated, also, John," she replied.

John frowned as they stepped into the elevator, and he watched her as he pressed his floor number and she didn't make a move to press hers. Diana turned her head and gave John a sultry look, immediately making John understand that their night was far from over. As soon as the elevator doors closed, the two turned towards each other and John pulled Diana's face towards his, connecting their lips together. Although their previous exchange was powerful and full of passion, this one was much softer and gentle. Diana didn't want John's wound to bleed any quicker than it already was and John didn't want to push Diana up against the wall of the elevator for the sake of her calves. In fact, if John could have it his way, he'd lift Diana up and have her legs wrapped around his waist. But she wasn't going to risk it. Not at this moment, anyway. John lowered his arms and wrapped them around Diana's waist, his tongue tracing her bottom lip. She could feel his pain and need for help, but she could also sense his want and need for her at the same time. She could feel how it all made him press his fingers deeper into her skin, almost desperately, and Diana found that she didn't mind the strength or the power of John's hands as they gripped her hips, his hands moving the blazer out of the way so that he could snake his hands around her back.

"Diana," he murmured into her lips, a groan passing his lips as Diana's hands played with his hair and began to tug it. Despite what his muscles and wound screamed at him not to do, John dropped for a moment so that he would hoist Diana up. She folded her legs around John's waist, his lips bruising hers with heat and loads of passion, the pain not even bothering the two in the slightest. If anything, the pain is what pushed the two to continue going as if by kissing and enjoying their moment together distracted them from their pain. John's hands were firmly placed on Diana's thighs to keep her up, but then he snuck a hand under Diana's dress, his fingers slipping under the hem of her underwear. A gasp escaped her throat and her back arched at John's touch alone. Diana's arms wrapped around his neck, her nails on one of her hands beginning to dig into his neck as John bit at her neck, their muscles and wounds screaming. In a second, John's lips moved back to Diana's, hungry and alive.

The elevator let out a final ding and John had no choice but to drop Diana back onto the ground, softly so as to not push the glass and wood on her feet further into her skin. The two finally parted away with heavy breaths as the doors opened up, and Diana quickly readjusted her ridden-up dress. John lead the way to his room and glanced back at Diana, noticing the pink, euphoric glow on her cheeks. She was stunning, and John could tell how Diana easily lead men away to be by themselves so that she could kill them in private. He had fallen victim to her charm, and if Diana were to kill John tonight, this was definitely going to be his last moment alive.

John stopped at his door and turned the key to open it up and let himself and Diana inside. As he stepped to the side to let her in first, he noticed the bitemark on her neck. "Sorry about that," he mumbled.

Diana's blue gaze finally caught his as she had been in deep thought over everything happening. "Y'know, normally I'm the one biting people," she replied, a grin stretching out on her face. John chuckled, remembering the meaning behind her infamous name. "It's alright, John. Just a souvenir."

Diana was the only one to walk into his room because John knew the doctor would arrive at any second to help mend them, more so John. So Diana took the time to look around his room. Obviously, it wasn't his house, but it still gave Diana a glimpse into who John was and what he liked. Whether he was messy or neat, constantly paranoid with a gun under his pillow or relaxed with it on the other side of the room, a constantly well-groomed man or a man who liked to wear casual when he wasn't on a contract. Diana was taking everything in, anything to tell her about John Wick; the man whose touch was on Diana's skin and taste still on her lips and tongue.

"Mr Wick, surprised to see you've injured yourself," a man's voice spoke from behind Diana. As soon as Diana turned around and locked eyes with the doctor, the man froze. "Miss Anderson, it's been a while."

Diana politely smiled at the old man as John closed the door behind him and they made their way further into the room. "Yes, well, I'm usually very clean with my contracts, aren't I?"

"You are," he agreed, then looked between the two hitmen. "Did you two work a contract together?"

John and Diana locked eyes. "Something like that."

That's all the doctor needed to hear. He set up his equipment by the desk and chair in John's room while John took off his blazer and unbuttoned his shirt and Diana (after a short argument with John) laid down stomach first onto John's bed. The doctor turned to the two and looked between them. "Who's first?"

"John," Diana quickly said just as John opened his mouth. John looked down at her and she rose her eyebrows as if he was an idiot. "You'll bleed out everywhere if we don't get your wound stitched up quickly."

"Mr Wick," the doctor said, gesturing to the vacant seat in front of him. John sighed and sat down on the seat, showing the stab wound. The doctor met John's gaze and rose his eyebrows. "Getting stabbed isn't usually your thing."

"Jumping in front of a knife isn't either," John muttered, eyeing Diana who was cleaning the dirt under her nails. Diana looked up at that and frowned at John who was still staring at her, and after a few brief moments, she realised that he had jumped in front of a knife to save her.

'Great, now I owe the Boogeyman,' Diana thought to herself.

As the doctor began to get to work on John, Diana found herself playing with her hands as her mind wandered. Making out with someone in an elevator wasn't unusual for Diana, even kissing someone on two separate occasions wasn't, but the way John made her feel when his hands roamed her skin and his lips were on her own? Lust wasn't the only thing Diana could feel but something else entirely; love, and it scared the crap out of her. God no was she in love with John Wick, she hardly knew anything about the man, but she could feel herself crumbling around him and just wanting to learn more about him. The last time she felt this way her heart was shattered and it nearly killed her (literally). Love itself wasn't something Diana was afraid of, but rather breaking down her walls and letting someone into her life only for them to stab her in the back. That's what she was afraid of, and was John Wick really worth all of that?

The doctor patched up John fairly quickly and then moved onto Diana, very delicately pulling out all of the bits of wood stuck in her legs as well as the glass on her legs and feet. John stared at Diana as the doctor went to work, and all he could think about was how he wanted to learn more about Diana Anderson. There was something that just made him want to learn more and more about her. It wasn't just pure lust driving him, but interest and curiosity. Diana was one in a million, he knew that, and she was somebody he had never met in his life. All he found thinking about was her, and all his hands wanted to do was roam her skin and be as close to her as possible. There was so much more than meets the eye with Diana Anderson, and John Wick was eager to learn and find out more.

The doctor placed down two containers of pills and left after the two assassins handed him two gold coins for his work. John walked over towards his bed where Diana was resting and looked at her, the two just staring at each other and waiting to see what the other was going to do.

"Normally when I'm on a man's bed, he doesn't stand at the end of it fully clothed," Diana commented with a hint of amusement.

"Was wondering what you wanted to do," John replied. That threw Diana off, and if her lips parting in shock told John anything it was that men usually just dove headfirst into her instead of asking for permission first. "Do you still want to do this?" he asked.

Diana blinked, her eyebrows furrowed before she nodded. "Yes, of course. Now get over here, Baba Yaga."

John smirked as he crawled onto the bed, beginning to crawl over the top of Diana who had laid herself back, giving herself to him. All throughout the night, their lips met, kisses were left, their skin touched and hot breaths were exchanged between each other. John truly knew how to treat a woman right, and if that wasn't proved when he asked Diana for permission before they began, then it was certainly proved in the way he made her feel in places usually only she knew how to treat right. John Wick was officially in Diana Anderson's life forever, just as she was in his. The only questions that lingered between the two as they lay naked and curled up in each other's embrace was whether this was going to last and if meeting each other was a good thing.

Shoutout to llxcifers for forcing me to sprint with her nonstop for a few hours and supplying me with sick Dune tunes. I wouldn't have finished this chapter when I did without you and your gifs. You're a legend Everyone go check out her Dune fic, 'Mercurial (paul atreides)', it's awesome!!!

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