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the hunt is always better when your queen is just as hungry.

baobhan sith
(baa'-van shee)

The baobhan sith is a female vampire in the folklore of the Scottish Highlands, she is considered to be very attractive sexually, and likely to cause problems for any men who are attracted to her. They seduce their victims before attacking them and draining their blood.
Synonyms: seductress, siren, charmer, vamp


Diana Anderson; a seductress, a temptress, the Baobhan Sith. She was a world known hitwoman who would easily seduce her victims with just a whisper in their ear or a wiggle of her hips before ultimately ending their lives with just a simple slice of their throat or a bullet into their head.

It was pretty basic, really. And an easy way to earn cash. Especially when you were good at the job.

There had always been one promise Diana made to herself and had lived by from the moment she began her lifestyle as an assassin, and that was to never fall in love and give her soul away to another man or woman. But that's exactly what happens when she meets the Boogeyman's worst nightmare, John Wick, the Baba Yaga. She had captured the hitman's soul from the moment the two bumped into each other at the New York Continental. Unintentionally, and taken completely by surprise, Diana finds herself falling in love with Johnathan Wick which ultimately ends out being their demise. Just as she predicted, just as she promised herself she wouldn't allow herself to do.

I guess now the world should pray that they're not on the two most bloodthirstiest and vengeful assassin's to ever walk the earth's hit list.

plagiarise, comment rude or disrespectful or hateful things (make love, not war), steal my ideas or characters, repost this story on another website or app (this has happened to me before), start fights in the comment section or be rudely disrespectful. I have feelings too y'know.

this book contains swear words, loads of violence, mental health issues, grief, mentions of abortion, infertility, child deaths, dog deaths :'(, romance, fluff, sexual references, feelings, gifs of Keanu Reeves and Angelina Jolie, sad things. oh, and the most important one, character deaths. like, obviously a lot. have you seen how many people john has killed?? if you feel uncomfortable with any of these, I advise you to not read on.

all rights to John Wick and this original plot goes to the writers and directors of the movies. I do not own some of the dialogue, the main storyline and its characters. I do, however, own Diana Anderson and a few others as well as any new storylines that may come from my imagination. I also don't own all of the gifs used.
Please don't copy and steal my work.

if you're new here, hi! if you've been here before, welcome back!!
some of you may know i used to have a john wick book a couple of years back. i eventually took it down because i grew out of my john wick faze, HOWEVER, the trailer for john wick 4 has me PUMPED UGH
🤌🏼*it was just a fucking car. just a fuckin' dog*🤌🏼
pure artistry. ANYWHO, we're back. keanu reeves is still mint and in his prime, and i am still here writing fanfics so Diana Anderson is back. i hope you enjoy!!
Don't forget to like and comment

sign off gif by -saturnology

[start date - 1st of August, 2022]

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