Day One: Desert Island Prompt

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Just FYI: I wrote this really late at night after watching some very dark YouTube videos... Yeah.


Ew. Sand.

I don't like sand.

Wait, why am I on sand?

Where am I?

What- what's happened?

Is anyone here?


Is that my boat, smashed against the rocks, all the way out there in the sea?

Mabel was on the boat with me. Mabel? Mabel- where are you?

Mabel. I see her. She has a noose around her neck.

She's dead.

D. E. A. D.


It was suicide, before her body was swept away by the waves. My sweet Mabel.

My leg bleeds out as I kneel before her- oh the pain! I'm sorry Mabel. Forgive me.

Mabel's skirt is a great wound dressing. Better take some more before I leave her.

I promise I'll have you a proper funeral. Promise, my sweet princess fiancée.

Your lips are cold now that you're dead. I miss you already. But I cannot let my tears ruin your beautiful face. I must leave.

I need to save myself, for you.


The consequences of walking around for several hours are finally taking their toll on my sore leg.

Why is there no food on this island? I can't seem to find anything but nuts- I'm allergic to nuts!

Is that- is that a coconut tree? Over there, by that cliff face? This better not be a mirage...

It's nut- oh god, the lack of food is making me commit pun crimes. My situation is critical.

Direly critical.

This tree sure is difficult to climb. But it'll be worth the bruises and scratches, I'm sure.

The foreshadowing taste of coconut on my tongue is making me salivate like a rabid dog. I haven't eaten since last night.

Wait, these are not coconuts- just spiteful rocks of deception. How dare you tease me in such a way? Why would rocks even grow on trees?

Ah. I just didn't hit them against the floor hard enough. That's why these 'rocks' grow on trees.

The coconut water feels heavenly as I glug it down my throat. But I have no other source of nutrition- better make this last.

I feel small drops of rain land on my head. Shelter. That's what I need right now.

A few measly sticks with a palm tree leaf for a roof isn't much, but it's something. It's everything to be honest.

Mabel- oh Mabel. My heart cries for your love. I miss your sweet touch so much

Why did you hang yourself?

Was it our fighting? Our bickering over dinner? Was it really that painful for you that you wanted to end it all?

There's a box on the sand, washing up right now. Is that- is that Mabel's jewellery box?

It is.

I don't care for the rain as it falls on my back; I'm too busy retrieving my love's prized possession.

My hand is cool against the wooden lid as I lift it open. All of Mabel's best jewellery is settled in here.

The rings are tucked in one corner. I remember how I gave her the first ring when we moved in together- the second when I proposed.

I reach for the third one that's tied to a string around my neck.

The wedding ring.

Wait, what's this compartment of the box? It's hidden at the bottom. Mabel never showed me this part before?

Letters- why are there letters in here?

They're dated to the day before we set sail. These are recent.

"My love Mabel..." I didn't write these. Who are these love letters from? Mabel- what are you playing at?...

"I'm sorry I had to end our relationship like this. But I couldn't handle the guilt anymore."

Is this a joke? It has to be. Mabel couldn't... Be with someone else? She wouldn't. We're in love.

"Tonight you will find me gone, leaving you to live your life without me. I'm sorry."

Mabel's dead body- I can see it in the corner of my eye. Cheater. Liar. Scum.

Why, Mabel? Why did you do this? What did I do to make you turn to someone else for comfort? And who are they?

"Eternally loving you, Matthew."

I can feel my heart throbbing in my throat- Matthew.

My brother, Matthew.

The noose is cold around my neck; as cold as Mabel's lips everytime I kissed her.

Goodbye cruel world; I can't live with the knowledge that my brother had his hands on Mabel.

I can't do it, I can't. So I guess this is...


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