Side Story: 10 Three Worlds In Exchange For An Access Pass (2)

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Chapter 10: Three Worlds In Exchange For An Access Pass (2)

That evening, Hong Shan delivered a bottle of osmanthus wine to Qian Siyu. She didn't question her friend's strange behaviour, but she suspected that it had something to do with Wending. Although she did not display her eagerness to cooperate outwardly, she was actually silently supporting Qian Siyu.

Anyone who had eyes could see that the Valley Master fancied this Xue-guniang that had so boldly and publicly declared her admiration of him.

Initially, the Valley Master had treated his new personal maidservant somewhat indifferently; but as the days passed it soon became clear that he treated her differently from everyone else. Not only did his tone and gaze change to exude affection when he spoke to and looked at her; but he also spent more and more time with her—having meals with her, teaching her calligraphy, sharing his hobbies with her, bringing her along to his work engagements. Hong Shan postulated that Qian Siyu's relentless and shameless pursuit of him had slowly moved his heart.

Hong Shan was born in Moon Valley Sect about twenty years ago and had never heard of the Valley Master having any female relations. Everyone had betted that Xue-guniang would not last more than three days serving the Valley Master, but they were proven wrong. Thus, when people around her started gossiping about the Valley Master's personal matters, Hong Shan was naturally excited and supportive—even more so since her friend was the love interest. Unfortunately, what stood between them was this person named Wending.

At the same time, who knew what went through the Valley Master's head. He had the authority to order Wending to stand down while he courted Xue-guniang, but he didn't. He simply allowed Wending to be a third wheel. But maybe... there were some truth to the rumours too that there was something special between the Valley Master and Wending?

If that were so, then the Valley Master was scum, wanting both men and women.

But of course, Hong Shan kept these thoughts to herself.

Handing the bottle of alcohol to Qian Siyu, she whispered cryptically, "I heard that adding some of this to tonight's soup would boost its flavour."

Eyes sparkling at the white glossy porcelain bottle in her hands, Qian Siyu beamed at her. "Is that so? How much should I add for the desired flavour?"

"Just a few drops would do. But to be safe, I would recommend a spoonful of it for the extra fragrance."

"Hmm... a spoonful?" Qian Siyu rubbed her chin thoughtfully.

Alright then, a spoonful it is. Tonight, she would sneak into the kitchen to add a spoonful of the wine to the soup, using the largest ladle she could find.


A full moon hung high in the dark sky as the night wind howled through the valley.

Deep within the maze of caverns and chambers, however, the Valley Master's abode was enveloped in the usual tranquil and peaceful atmosphere.

The only thing that was different this evening was that instead of Wending who attended to the Valley Master, it was his maidservant who appeared in his chamber.

Qian Siyu knelt down by the table with an inkstick in her hand, casting furtive glances at Huan Yi as she ground ink in an inkstone.

Dipping his brush into the fresh ink, Huan Yi's gaze fell on the strangely silent girl beside him. He inhaled sharply and rested his brush down on the table. Sensing his restlessness, she froze as her head snapped up to stare at him.

Studying the pair of black pupils that were unhidden by the mask with a taotie monster motif, Qian Siyu couldn't help but let go of the inkstone to reach out towards his face.

From the first day that she met Huan Yi, there was something that she could not comprehend. The book had described Huan Yi as a cold ice block with eyes as dark as the night sky which revealed a faint chillingness. But the Huan Yi who had accompanied her all this time was affable, outgoing and kind. His eyes always shone with a lively spark as if he was about to spill a secret in the next second.

What kind of face was behind that mask?

With trembling in her heart, Qian Siyu's finger brushed gently against the rough exterior of the mask. Beneath the mask, Huan Yi's lips quivered.

Just as she was about to succeed in removing it, Huan Yi grabbed her wrist with one hand, pulling her up from the ground, and pushed her shoulder against the wall with the other.

It all happened so fast in a singular fluid motion that Qian Siyu didn't register what had just happened until she found herself trapped between Huan Yi and the wall in an awkward yet intimate position. Closing the distance between them, his long hair swayed before her eyes. Lowering his head beside hers, a melancholic whisper tickled her left ear: "I can't let you do that."

She blushed. "Why not?"

"I don't want this utopia to end—even if it's just a fantasy." His hand which pinned her wrist against the wall slid upwards to meet her hand, his fingers intertwining with hers.

Despite feeling as if her body was on fire, she had became a block of ice. Taking in rapid shallow breaths, she stared past his shoulder.

"Why will this utopia end if you reveal your appearance?" She swallowed, her mouth dry. "What do you have to hide?"

Huan Yi said nothing and straightened up so that he could look at her. A wisp of frustration floated into her thoughts. Qian Siyu wished at that moment that the mask would just magically fall off his face.

"If I take off this mask," Huan Yi mused as his hand carefully tucked away a loose strand of hair on her face. "It will be the end of this world."

Qian Siyu coloured a little. After a pause, she said with a flash of sarcasm: "Because you are devastatingly beautiful that it would bring cities and states to ruins?"

"I am more handsome than beautiful, but that's not it." He looked briefly amused but in his eyes was a state of pensiveness.

"Then," she hazarded, "could you at least tell me your real name? It's not Huan Yi, is it?"

After remaining quiet for a long time, Huan Yi suddenly released his hold before turning his back on her. Qian Siyu watched him with trembling eyes as he raised one hand towards his face and the other behind his head to unfasten the mask. It felt as if she was viewing every one of his graceful movements in slow motion.

As the tall young man in front of her turned around to face her, in full revelation of his handsome appearance, Qian Siyu felt as if someone had knocked the wind out of her. Her brain had been foggy for a moment, but as she studied his smooth skin, tall straight nose bridge and angular facial features, she suddenly recognised who he was.

He was the popular and attractive senior with a good personality from university. He was the leader of that super secretive and mysterious organisation of librarians. He was the person on whom she had carried out a petty revenge while in a mildly inebriated stage.

Her brain instantly connected the dots.

"Shi—Shi Ruijie?" she stuttered as her face reddened in embarrassment. Her eyes started to burn, but no tears threatened to fall.

Qian Siyu laughed mockingly at herself inwardly. His revenge was a dish served cold, and she had thoroughly enjoyed it. She had enjoyed it so much that even now she was still hoping that this Hongmen Banquet would never come to an end.

Tossing the mask aside, Shi Ruijie took a cautious step forward. Seeing that the girl before him remained unmoving while staring at him blankly, as if trying hard to hold back her tears, he felt as if someone was gripping his heart, squeezing it tightly and not letting go.

"Qian Siyu," he gasped, voice thick with remorse, "I'm sorry that it took so long for me to admit that it was my doing all along. I'm sorry that I had started all these in the first place. At first, I only wanted to teach you a lesson for using the art of transmigration for an improper motive; and so we had planned this whole set-up and lured you to Shibao Ge by approving your application."

"But Qian Siyu, you need to know one thing. Even though this was all a set-up built on lies, the past few months that I've spent with you were true and genuine. I, Shi Ruijie, really fell in love with you."

Qian Siyu's ears rang with his sudden declaration of love. When her brain finally registered his confession, her heart pounded so heart in her chest that it was audible in her ears.

This situation was what she had wanted—but it was a far cry from what she had envisioned. Placing a hand over her heart, she lowered her eyes from his expectant and apologetic gaze.

After a long time, Qian Siyu finally found her voice. In her quietest and most aggrieved voice, she squeaked: "Initially, all I wanted was an access pass, but now—I just want to go home."

*** ***

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