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Holding on and on and on forever,
Rigorously, vivaciously, judiciously,
Solitarily, primarily, vigorously.

Tears of despair she did shed in nights so silent,
Unperturbed was the sustained silence,
Never did she cry aloud,
For forbidden was she;
Forbidden to vent her fears and despairs.

They had forbidden her to pursue her dreams ambitious,
Until they bade her adieu in a manner vile and vicious,
All of it a dreary dingy and so ominous!

Life still was but sagacious,
Ballooned with turmoils tantalizing,
And its storms turbulent and tumultuous!
All of it, was it ever appeasing?
But never did she let go,
Of her dreams tarnished and sobriqueted atrocious.

Loved was she ever?
Did anyone but quiver?
Mull her sorrows over?
Before exploiting her forever?

Little were they bothered,
About her fears and faculties,
Inflicted had they upon her,
Such perishable penalties;
For to them, was she none but a pawn so trivial,
Hence, never did they strive,
Strive to avail!

Her dreams rumoured to be so inauspicious,
And her courage slandered to be audacious!
The quest was she driven by,
The quest to prove with pride,
Prove that graciously could she fly!
Amidst this world, a realm of deceit and lies!

Was she to them but a soul so contemptible!
Unwilling to be silenced in spite of their dominance so despicable,
The fierceness and fury to them were so plausible!
However, tenacity she embosomed was perhaps, not feeble.

Stood had she,
Stood courageously,
Perched upon the very verge,
The universe's periphery,
Pondering to be ravaged,
By this world so savage!
Pondering to get drowned in the abyss,
An abyss she might never escape,
Had she ever but reminisced?

Reminisced about them and her love,
Reminisced about such despicable devestation?
An audacity so audacious,
Endeavouring to defy the harness,
Of this society crafted to tarnish.

All she had in her world so solitary,
Was her vigorous and coercive tenacity,
A tenacity so fierce,
Had it but coerced,
Coerced them all,
The swines who made her whine!

Succoured had her tenacity,
Succoured her in epochs of ephemeral agony,
Tenacity which refrained from forsaking,
Abandoning her when all did,
Amidst such cataclysmic confrontation.
Her confrontation with such heinous hostility!

Hostile were they all,
Hostaging her liberty and aspirations,
Her reverred and rivals.
Were there none who could be relianced,
Her world was but a debris of defiance!

Finally came the honest hour,
The hour when there were felicitous answers.
Answered were her efforts so arduous,
And endeavours so rigorous,
Finally was answered the strenous revolution;
Finally had she but unveiled her extrication.

Arrived had the end of her turmoil,
For their vicious and vile plans had all but foiled!
For courage had she,
Had within her bosom;
Hostility had finally been bamboozled.
For such an ethereal creature was it!
Into which she had but blossomed.


Okay, so in this poem, I penned and articulated the life of an imaginary woman who was constricted from pursuing her dreams out of mere patriarchy. However, she being tenacious, fights the world, her rivals, her beloved and most importantly, patriarchy and the society...and finally she succeeds!...Such is the power of travail, such is the power of dreams, such is the power of tenacity!
The poem is writen based upon the life of an imaginary person, and hence any correspondence to any real life character is purely coincidental.
Anyway, happy reading...
A/N this is another entry in the write-a-thon challenge for Mental Awareness Month hosted by

I am not the copyright owner of the pictures used in the story.
However, no part of the poem shall be reproduced without my explicit consent.
© Samriddhi

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