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"i'm going to lose my fucking mind."

"no shit," sehun says, voice a little muffled by the pencil he's currently chewing, "mr. zhang looks exquisite today and you didn't even notice."

this time, chanyeol actually bothers to look up from the sheet of paper he has been doodling on since class started, noticing all the words in the white board which meanings he should know but can't quite understand. mr. zhang does look handsome as always though, and chanyeol soon finds himself staring at the way his lips move to form some words his brain doesn't make any effort to process whatsoever.

and can't help but remind him of how kyungsoo's own lips looked in the picture jongin took, ready to spit some nasty comment at his roommate's shenanigans. chanyeol feels as creepy as he is whipped with that thought (read: a lot).

"yeah, how can he be so," chanyeol says as he moves his hands around, as if he's trying to illustrate an idea. "i mean, his dimples, man. holy shit."

"i know," sehun sighs, covering his face with his hands in something akin to distress because knowing him, it can't be shame. "i want his dick in me."

okay, just longing for something he doesn't have yet. or ever will, as a matter of fact.

"i know," he repeats, dull like he was professionally trained for situations like this, "you've said that at least ten times since we got here, perv."

"and i'm gonna keep whining about it anyways, duh, you better get used to it."

"and i'm switching majors as soon as the dashing gent finishes his lesson, just fucking try me."

sehun shoots him the look but his feigned annoyance soon falls from his face and is replaced by a grin, all curved eyes and shiny teeth, like he knows the elder is all bark and no bite. it's absolutely endearing, not that chanyeol would ever admit that to someone who takes the same class he does despite being at least two years younger. is he too dumb or are kids nowadays too smart? he'll never know.

"anyways," sehun claps his hands together, carefully so the sound doesn't attract attention from people who are actually trying to make this class as productive as it can possibly be. "have lunch with me today? my friend asked me to go to this new place and he's with a bunch of people i don't care about, so i might as well. uh, take someone i give a shit about with me?"

chanyeol jabs a finger into his own chest, slack-jawed in a very ironic fashion. "me? holy shit–"

"don't act surprised. you coming or not?"

chanyeol stops to consider for a moment and although meeting new people is always an awkward process for him, he has nothing to lose as per usual. especially for someone who pseudo-stalked a guy just the day before.

"do i know the friend?"

"dunno? he's in his second year. psychology major and, uh, singing or music minor i think?", he scratches at the nape of his neck, shrugs his shoulders, "name's kyungsoo. is it familiar?"

fucking jongin.

trying his best to not either scream in joy at the opportunity of officially meeting his neighbor-slash-possible soulmate or barging into jongin's dance studio to kiss-slash-punch him, chanyeol all but chews on the inside of his cheek, drums his fingers against his knee.


sehun arches a brow, "i am?"

"is it just a coincidence, this whole group date thing, or have you and jongin been talking lately? about a certain someone and yours truly?"

his smile gives it all away and chanyeol really, truly considers the second option his brain offered him as a way out before–except with a little more kicking ass than harmless smooches.

"is it that obvious?"

"well," and it's chanyeol's turn to clap his hands together but it's loud and some people turn to glare at them, fucking huge hands. "first of all, you two are assholes. second, you're a terrible liar. third and final, you'd never introduce me to your posse willingly, mr. chanyeol's an old fart who doesn't know what fun is."

"and i'm gonna explain all of those with this other question," sehun says, calm and collected, "are you coming or not?"

it's quite obvious, really, to hell with all his snarky comments in store.

"you bet i am."


the restaurant is two or three blocks away from campus and it's got this family diner vibe, which chanyeol appreciates very much. the old lady that takes their order reminds him of his grandma and smells like her, too–might be just their mutual scent of grease from cooking too often but he would rather belive the place was snatched right out of his childhood memories.

he would be appreciating the atmosphere more, sure, if sehun wasn't a lying piece of shit.

there are no other friends. it's just him, sehun and kyungsoo, sat around a circular table and talking about trivial things of their daily lives–something chanyeol would be succeeding in without sweating profusely if he knew he'd be staring right into kyungsoo's soul for every time he looks up from his plate with prior notice, of course.

"chanyeol's a music major too, aren't you?" sehun elbows him in the ribs, trying to bring up some topic after the discussion about whether too much bacon can give you cancer or not has died down.

"yeah," he replies cleverly, "i'm in my last year now. getting out of here straight to the sidewalk to play wonderwall for pennies."

at that, kyungsoo laughs–get this, he laughs at chanyeol's stupid musician antics, his lips in the shape of a heart that makes the latter want to punch him in the face. with his mouth. gently.

"i'm in my second year," chanyeol nods in acknowledgment even though sehun's already told him about that, shoving a piece of chicken in his mouth. "got a job at target so when i'm done with uni and twenty-one i'll have some way to maintain my strict diet of cup noodles."

"you're nineteen?" chanyeol asks, dumbfounded and yeah, maybe he should have started university right after high school instead of being a slob for two years. just maybe.

"yeah, and you're twenty-one, i'm guessing?"

"an old man never reveals his age," sehun pipes in.

"i'm twenty-two, actually," he huffs, resisting the urge to slap his friend across the face. "you guys are too young, jesus."

"you should've listened to your mom. and jongin. and me."

and you should stop embarrassing me in front of kyungsoo before i scoop your eye out with a spoon, is what he wants to say. chanyeol continues to grumpily chew on his chicken instead, basking in the melodious sound of kyungsoo's laughter in the background. what the fuck.

"maybe you can give me some tips, oh older and more experienced one?"

chanyeol laughs, too, and it's so funny how he is the one who wants help from kyungsoo, the bearer of the most beautiful voice he's ever heard–after mercury's and lee's, of course. he wants to mention that and so many other things but he simply can't muster up the courage to, can't risk a possible friendship with being creepy at the first opportunity in his hands.

so he says with his most charming smile, "and what do you wanna know, kiddo?"


kyungsoo doesn't find out he and chanyeol are neighbors, since even though they would follow the same path to their dorms–which would result in more conversation, earning chanyeol bonus social life points–the latter opts for buying some chips he doesn't have money for at the cafeteria after he drops kyungsoo off at his place.

"maybe you can come over for dinner someday? sehun's here almost every week so. yeah."

chanyeol almost slips off from where he's bracing himself against the doorframe of kyungsoo's dorm but manages to stay stable because okay, wow, that's kind of a date. he kind of impressed kyungsoo and didn't bore him and that's kind of impressing.

he looks down at kyungsoo and nods, can't help but grin as he's once again reminded exactly of how small the younger is–doesn't even care about the ache at the back of his neck.

they seem like polar opposites, almost. kyungsoo's tiny but slightly muscular frame compared to chanyeol's gangly and gigantic self, kyungsoo's intimidating aura and chanyeol's goofy personality. it makes them click–could make them click. chanyeol can only hope it does.

"i'd like that," he says, "don't know if sehun would be willing to share any edible things with me, though."

"if he's too greedy i'll whoop his ass, worry not."

they both grin and chanyeol's heart picks up its pace, warmth pooling at his cheeks in a way he hopes isn't noticeable.

"i, uh, better get going before jongin sets fire to the place."

"same," kyungsoo shrugs his shoulders knowingly, "my roommate–baekhyun, is an absolute mess. i guess i'll see you later, then?"

chanyeol salutes him with two fingers to his forehead, "definitely. wouldn't ever give up on free food."

kyungsoo chuckles and chanyeol swears he melts a little bit.

"sure! sure. g'night."


later that day chanyeol listens to him singing spanish sahara while playing borderlands, and he never thought it would make him so happy to know the face behind those songs is as beautiful as their melody.



i just proofread it after 4hrs of pewdiepies stream. i want to wife emma tf up   but a man can only dream........

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