Tentacruel's Stress Redux

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Tentacruel's Stress Redux

I don't own Pokémon.

So, I recently went through all my Fanfiction files on my computer and Wattpad, and then realized how shitty Tentacruel's Stress is. I honestly debate removing it entirely. So, with the power of copy-pasting, I bring you an edited and improved... Tentacruel's Stress!

Oh, and prepare for some innocence loss...

Tentacruel's POV- During a battle

"Hitmonchan, Mega Punch!" The opposing trainer commanded his powerful Hitmonchan. I was my Trainers final Pokémon, so I had to try my best to win, because if I didn't, she would release me back into the wild.

The powerful Punch connected, and sent me flying into the wall. My Trainer ran over. "Tentacruel! Come on! You have to get up! We're so close!" I moved my tentacle in a certain way, as if to tell her to keep quiet. She nodded, almost unnoticeably.

"Now, Hitmonchan! Close Combat!"


The Hitmonchan approached at lightning-fast speeds, but not fast enough.

Not by a damn sight.

I slapped it with my tentacle, scoring a critical hit. "Oh! A fake out, eh? Come on, Hitmonchan, we can beat this thing! Hi Jump Kick!" The Hitmonchan jumped up, and began plummeting towards me. I waited, then dodged.

Hitmonchan hit the ground, sustaining a lot of damage, but not enough to knock it out. It turned around and used Focus Blast. It hit me in the head, K.Oing me.

Tentacruel's POV- An Hour Later

I didn't want to open my eyes. I knew where I was, though. I was in my PokéBall, being handed back to Rosie from Nurse Joy.

"Thank you Nurse." She said. "Also, I was wondering if you could hold on to my team, except for Tentacruel." She asked.

"Why of course, we would be honoured to." Nurse Joy replied, with a delighted chirp from her Blissey.

I knew what she was doing. She walked out of the Center. She exited Lostanbrass City, entering Lostanbrass Forest. Rosie sat down on a rock and released me from my PokéBall. I materialized in front of her, in a fantastic flash of white lights.

She was looking at me, and I looked back. Her bright blue eyes poured into mine, as I prepared myself for the pain of permanent abandonment. I glued my eyes shut, as is that would help. But instead, I felt Rosie hug me. She sounded like she was crying. "Don't worry Tentacruel. I'll never release you. Ever." I understood her, and I hugged her (well, as best I could) back. She was never gonna release me.

We separated, and Rosie looked at me, her eyes moist and shiny. She sat down, and I used my tentacles to wipe her tears. She looked at me, and she put her dainty hand on my tentacle. I blushed and looked away.

The reason for this was because I had a... A big crush on Rosie. I knew it was wrong, but I didn't care.

"Tentacruel, I have something to tell you. Something that I should have said a... A long-ass time ago." She sighed. She opened her mouth like she was trying to say something, but couldn't get the words out.

I began to caress her cheek with my tentacle. She smiled at me, and held my tentacle there. "Tentacruel? I know it's wrong, but..." She exhaled, still struggling to find the right words. But, true to the cliché, her actions spoke magnitudes louder than her struggling speech.

Rosie leapt forwards, pressing her lips to mine. I was taken aback, but I soon kissed her back without hesitation. I loved the feeling of her lips. They were soft and gentle, and perfectly supple. She parted her lips from mine, and looked deep into my eyes. She moved herself onto my tentacles, using them as some sort of cushion. I didn't mind.

She reconnected our lips, and I felt her attempt to stick her tongue inside my mouth. I opened, allowing her access. Her tongue apparently wanted to oppose mine in an extreme fight for dominance.

Mine eventually overpowered hers, but not without some resistance. We parted once more.

Suddenly, I felt something on my tentacle. I assumed that it was just a Weedle or a Caterpie, and I looked down to swat it away for interrupting us. However, that was not the case.

There was a small amount of some sort of clear, thick liquid being excreted from Rosie's legs. I knew that female humans excrete a sweet, nectar-like, liquid when aroused.

I used a tentacle to taste it. It was definitely her vaginal fluid.

She was furiously blushing.

Suddenly, I had an evil idea. I wrapped two of my tentacles around Rosie's legs, and lifted her up. She squeaked a little bit as her P.O.V suddenly became that of a drowsy Zubat.

I saw her liquid starting to seep through her skirt. I easily slipped it off, so she could wear them later without looking like she pissed herself. Her long, slender legs were now only clothed in a black, tight material, however, I wanted to see ALL of my Trainer. So, I began to slide my tentacles into her shirt.

She shivered, probably because my tentacles were cold, since they're usually in water. I found her bra strap, and I followed it around to the front of her C cup chest. I slipped my tentacle inside the cup, and started playing with it.

Rosie began to moan. I began to take off her shirt with some of my other tentacles. She cooperated with me by putting her arms up, or down in her case. I realized that she should be put down so she was able to walk be the time we were done.

I put her down against a thick oak tree. Her bra was still on, denying easy access to her boobs, which I desired to see. I slipped a tentacle around her back, not caring about the pain the tree behind her brought. I finally unclipped it, and it fell into her crotch.

She was obviously self-conscious about them, and I felt bad making Rosie uncomfortable. I used my tentacles to play with her tits. She began to squirm and moan, turning me on. This was very evident that I was becoming aroused, as Rosie pointed out my special eleventh "tentacle".

"Tentacruel! You're pretty excited, aren't you?" I responded by getting closer to Rosie, and slowly putting a tentacle down her pants. She reacted about the way I expected. She blushed and squeaked as her most protected area was penetrated.

I began to massage her moist hole. She began to blush more and breathe faster. Seeing this reaction, I wanted to see what reaction sticking my tentacle IN her pussy would elicit me. So I did just that, and she moaned louder than I'd ever heard her. So, I continued thrusting into her with my tentacle over and over.

"Yes! Oh God!" She was saying, among her heavy breaths and arousing moans. "Tentacruel! I'm -" was all she could spit out before my tentacle, her pussy, and her pants were soaked in her juices. This was the last straw. I began to take her pants off, but she intervened and ripped a hole right through her pants, where her wet cunt was clearly visible.

I revealed my special tentacle, and slowly entered her, not wanting to hurt her. Suddenly, I hit a barrier. I looked up at her. She nodded. I slammed the rest of my length into her, breaking the barrier. She screamed. I caressed her cheek. She nodded, and I began to thrust into her slowly, trying not to hurt her more . She began to moan, telling me what I was doing was right. I began to go faster, and she moaned more.

I began to feel a strange tightening in my stomach.

"TENTACRUEL!" I heard, right before I felt a warm liquid rapidly splash against my dick, causing me to lose all sense of control. I knew what would happen if I came inside her, so I pulled out before it happened.

My juices sprayed over Rosie, who swallowed as much as she could. She stood up, but she lost balance immediately. The combination of her first time, and the fatigue, she fell into my tentacles. We rested for a while, relishing in the afterglow of our combined orgasms.

"Tentacruel..." Rosie sighed, resting a hand on one of my tentacles. "That was... amazing." She sighed.

I grunted softly in agreement.

"We should probably head back, huh?" She asked, looking at me. I nodded I handed her her shirt, bra and skirt. She put them on, and climbed on top of my head.

I... Octopussed(?) my way to the Pokémon Center. Nurse Joy saw Rosie, who had passed out, as well as smelled the scent of arousal, and told me what room Rosie booked. I headed towards the room. Many a Trainer came out of their rooms to observe a Tentacruel roaming the halls.I approached our room, but realised that it only had one bed.

This was gonna be a fun couple of weeks.


There we are. A good rewrite of the worst on my account. Sorry for the overall similarity, I just wanted a decently-written scene between a girl and her beloved Tentacruel. More Sadness Is Confusion Chapter are in the works, as is a custom story for The Group. Stay tuned for those.

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