Chapter 14- Spotlight

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The stars in the sky may be related to the sun
and just as brilliant,
but they never appear in her company


Camera flashlights flickered continuously around her in the monochromed cyan two-pieced suit which she wore with a strapless heel. Her hair parked neatly behind pulling the bosslady kinda look with her makeover as she struck different killer poses under the directions of the exclusive photographer- a chubby guy with long curly hair which he held back with a band. He peered at his camera view finder, taking countless shots at once in full concentration. She was doing a cover magazine shoot for STAR ENTERTAINER fashion week

Something about the photography guy oddly reminded her of Toby. And no. It was not because of his curly hair and his looks. Infact, compared to toby, he was fairer, chubby, had longer curls, glassy pupils and a shorter in height compared to Toby's iconic tall frame

He just had a familiar way of holding his camera so devotedly as though he was seeing another world through he was seeing something beautiful. Something different. It reminded her of the first time she met Toby in one of the shoots she had gone for in L.A -- she had had a long day and decided to take a night stroll when she saw him taking pictures of empty streets with his headphone hung over his neck that night. At first she thought he was just being weird. Really weird to take pictures of empty streets filled with quiet houses and few parked cars at each side of the road which had the company of the moon beam streaking down.

While he seemed totally engrossed in his weird activity. It became weirder when he walked up to her with a grin, telling her she didn't look bad gracing his cam. It took her seconds to actually realize he 'maybe' had mistakenly taking a picture of her. Groaning in annoyance, she rambled about how lazy his excuse was. Of course, she was a rising celebrity in the entertainment world and anyone would love to steal a chance to get a photo of her.

It was more baffling when he outrightly- with all seriousness and naivety told her he didn't even know who she was. She felt embarrassment flush through her veins until Toby in his usual cheerful manner threw a joke to downplay her brewing embarrassment and soon the duo had found themselves walking side by side, laughing and talking like they've known each other since forever. She remembered asking him why he took pictures of the empty streets

"It wasn't just an empty street. It had you keeping it company and me too " he had replied.

"Did it?" She asked with a small smile already feeling so comfy with his presence

"And the moon too. We had it's company" he added beaming like there was more to his reply which will only take a weirdo like him to figure out.

"Show me the picture? " she asked

"No. It's exclusive " he smirked at her

She laughed "seriously?! " he ended up showing her the pictures and damn! It was so beautiful. It seemed like the moon had lighted up the whole enviroment causing it to glow and it had her walking with strands of her hair flying beautifully across her face. She didn't expect it to look this aesthetic

"It's...beautiful " she said in a small voice

"I know. That's why you're going to have to pay up" he grinned playfully

Anyway, that was the beginning of their friendship. A friendship which had morphed into something deeper.maybe something beautiful had she not been the one to make it a mess. And that was why she was why she was trying to get back the pieces of their broken relationship

She got all excited when she found he was going to live in Nigeria and also study in the same school as her. Maybe they could go back together. Things don't work that way, do they? Her mind reverted to what he said in the school's garden "If you need someone to talk to...about your parents...I'm going to be here for you..."

It was nice to know he still cared about her after their fall out. Maybe he was just being the nice guy he always had been but she didn't want someone to be there just when she needed to talk about her parents or her problems. And she may have messed up her chance but she wasn't ready to give up anytime soon. Afterall,

She had gone to the soiree at Yara's house because she knew he'd come. Besides, there certainly wasn't going to be a way of thinking about him without her mind swaying over to Yara especially when toby had his whole attention averted towards Yara. she noticed his gaze on the trail behind every movement the slender brown skinned girl made. Her heart had clenched right up when she saw the both of them together. A tinge of jealousy flushed through her veins. Was it possible for Toby to just like someone like Yara? It didn't make sense. Did it?

And you? Where you any better? A small voice asked to which she shut it out immediately giving herself thousand and one reasons why it would be so off for Toby to have a thing with Yara.

That was her being pathetic. And she knew. But the fact still remained that Toby didn't even know Yara, he knew nothing about her past. And he had only met her during the soiree at her house. Yet, why did it feel she was no match compared to Yara. It was true she hated her guts especially today when they squabbled at the restroom. Frankly, she had held her breath throughout that confrontation. Maybe yara wasn't aware about this but she always felt inferior beside her.

Heck! She always had felt inferior with Yara's presence. It sounded so bizarre. So silly that she,  April Waje, the winner of the best upcoming  actress in  AMVC awards , the first Nigerian teen model to grace the cover of the African VOGUE MAGAZINE, brand ambassador of Zaron cosmetics, face of Zara's fashion house, an A-lister actress in the movie industry which the STARS&SORES movie brought her major stardom. She was everyone's perfect dream. The spotlight of every activity and her  life seemed perfect. She had wannabes everywhere and people who had their wish list to be April Waje for just a day.

And as exuberant  as this sounded, it was the insane truth. She felt oddly inferior around yara who she  had a complex past relationship with....

"Gosh you really rocking concept of this photography well " a voice interrupted, snapping her back from her trail of thoughts

She turned, taking in the chubby frame of the guy grinning at her with his camera hung over his neck. She straightened up on the queen sized chair which she sat with her legs crossed, giving the guy a small smile

"It's just me doing my job " she replied as two girls in pixie haircut and several earrings in each ear quickly rushed up to do a retouch on her hair and makeup

He smirked, pulling his feet closer to her which caused her to arch her brows

"I know right. You were so engrossed in your job that you didn't realize we actually decided to take a break "

She could hear the sacarsm dripping undertone as he spoke. It made her frown. Why the hell is he even talking to her in the first place?

"Care to share your thoughts?" He asked futher

"Hey! " she called at him, folding her arms around her bosom. "I'm sure you know talking to your clients about non professional matters is against your work ethics? "

"I'm not sure we were off 'the professional matters topic' "he made an air quote with his index " besides work ethics includes you being mindly didn't even know when we decided to take a break cause you weren't paying attention anymore"

"Are you scolding me right now?" She scowled

He raised his hands in mock surrender "never! It's not even my place"

"yeah. So mind your bussiness don't talk to me " Shoving past the girls who were busy rearranging her makeover she made her way out of the large entertainment company which had people swarming in and out with activities

"Your manager. She's here too " he called after her. She paused her steps

Her manager? Her mum? Well, things aren't about to get better anytime soon, are they?


"Mrs Waje. So pleased to meet you" A gruff voice greeted in excitement

The click of stilettos to see a tall woman dressed in a silky beige v-neck maxi dress and a red hue stiletto to match averted the attention of almost everyone in the large entertainment company gwaking at her in admiration.Her hands a huge Zara's fashion collection handbag and a designer's sunshade which she hung over her long black hair.She took mincing steps towards the art director of STAR ENTERTAINER magazine in a gallant fashion. Her hot red lipshades twitched into a small smile in return

"Thank you. Mr..."

"Jeremy. " he offered, stretching out his palms for a handshake

"Ahh Jeremy. " Mrs Waje chuckled brightly "forgive my temporary amnesia -- having to keep up with alot of names of directors sure does alot "

Mr Jeremy laughed in reply

"You look amazing as always" he complimented Mrs Waje who grinned widely

"Thank you. You don't look bad either"

" Anyway, I'm actually here to have see April though..." she said waving heartily at April who watched her in silence at a distance. She had the same peachy smile as her daughter. It was impossible not to see the resemblance

"Oh yes! I should perhaps excuse the both of you" he replied moving away as April catwalked towards her

The both ladies made their way to a nearby exuberant cafe which had been nearly impossible especially with excited fans all around asking for autographs and pictures . They finally got to settle down somewhere. Atleast away from the crowd. Having that much fans was mind blowing. So overwhelming. She loved it. The attention and all other perks of being a celebrity but deep down she was going to have to give it up someday. It was something she had set her mind to

"Your order Miss!" The waiter said snapping her back from her thoughts. She had been doing that alot lately though. Anyway, she ogled the red velvet cheesecake with graham cracker crust and a glass of fruit parfait which she had ordered earlier while her mum had excused herself to use the restroom

"Thank you! " she smiled at the waiter who's eyeballs grew wide as saucers

"Oh my gosh! the April Waje" she stuttered in disbelief almost choking on her saliva

"Are you alright?" April asked in concern as the girl palmed her chest trying to clear her voice

"Am I alright? I just met April Waje today and...and..." she gushed excitedly causing people to avert their attention towards them

"I'm sorry but I take a picture with you please?" The girl asked with a pleading stare which just impossible to refuse. She brought out her phone, taking a few shots before profusely saying thank you as though she just met her life saver.

"That was....well," her mum said from behind her with a proud grin. Apparently she had seen all that happen and she couldn't help smiling in satisfaction at her daughter's success

"I hope her employers don't get her fired though for attracting a whole lot of attention " April said with a small smile

"Oh c'mon! Once they see who she was fangirling over they'd pretty much let it slide. "

"I know right! ?"

"That's why I would love to keep your fan base growing and it starts from you maintaining your shape " her mum chirped futher.

Now she knew where this convo was leading to and as much as she dreaded it she knew one way or the other,mrs Waje her mum and self-appointed manager simply because she didn't trust no one and she wanted to always control her life was still going to carry on with this conversation

"Don't tell me you're actually going to eat that?" Mrs Waje scowled. Swaying her gaze from the food and back at April's pale look

"That was why I ordered it. Food is meant to be eaten "

She scoffed "yeah. Tell me about it"

"Do you think you'd come this far after eating a trail load of food and adding some pounds to your weight?" She asked with a frown marred across her face

" Red velvet cheesecake and fruit parfait? How the hell is that a trail load of food when I've only had rice and spinach since yesterday?!" She shrieked

"Young woman I'm just trying to help you watch your weight" her mum said calmly in a leveled tone

"I know. Thanks for doing that but it's my body and i'll do what I want with it" she retorted

A momentarily silence hung over them with neither each other saying a thing. April raised her gaze to her mum to meet that sharp pointed stare digging into her yet a relaxed smile stretched out on her lips.

Should she be relieved?

"Fine. It's your body afterall " her mum spoke up.

April breathed a relieved smile. Yes she should be relaxed so far as she made her point across

"And im the one who gave you that body..." her mum added in a firm tone, " so I practically own you so you'll do ad I say and for starters, trash that food and order something more healthy " she said with a note of finality

"Veggie diets? I'm not hungry again " April shrugged knowing she may have gotten too relaxed quite early

Mrs Waje sighed "honey I'm just trying to look out for you..."

"Why did you come to see me?" She interrupted watching her mum exhale briefly before placing a script on the table

"You were given the lead female in this upcoming drama series along side Desmond Ukeme as the male lead "

April arched her brows "Desmond? "

"Yes. Wait you don't know him? He's the guy who starred as the lead actor in Eye of the Phoenix also an A-lister in the movie industry"

April rolled her eyes 'yeah tyga guy huh?! Who doesn't know him? The handsome dude who's best friends with Irene Coker one of the most popular models in the fashion industry'

"So basically about this drama series..."

"It's surely going to be a hit with you both starring as the main characters" her mum said proudly

She knew that...they were hot shots in the movie world so this wasn't so much of a biggie except that most people would prolly go crazily obsessed with the series because it had them starring in it while some will die of envy. Whatever the case may be but that wasn't her main focus though,

"Drama series?! This is my final year in high school. Should I still accept some drama series when i should be busy preparing for final exams?"

"About your school, i'll talk to your principal and make sure you're granted special classes for your art subjects "

"No! " she abruptly replied, gulping anxiously. Her mum narrowed her gaze at her

"Are you sure I shouldn't talk with your principal? "

"There's no need to. I can cope with my school work and my acting career too"

"Ok good. That's settled then...also your dad called. He really wanted to talk with you" her mum announced

Her dad! Her father!? It made her insides freeze to a halt, her whole blood curled up her veins sending her spine chilling feel. Dad! Did she still have a dad who never treated her like blood?

"I'm busy" she coldly deadpanned

"You have to listen to him though...he says he's sorry..." her mum prodded in a worried tone causing April pushed back her chair noisily in interruption. Her mum always found a way to cover up for him. She didn't even know which one between her parents where better, having a drunken abusive father or a nonchalant mum who loved to control her life

"I don't care and I'm going to leave first if we are done here"

"But...!" Mrs Waje called at her daughter's retreating figure

April to spurned around, grabbing the fruit parfait along whilst giving her mum a small sacarstic smile "i'll also take this along whether you mind or not. "


Hey guys! So sorry for stalling this update. This is just a filler chapter on April's life which we'll get to know more about considering that she's also a major character in this book.

And Desmond also is from Runways and Deception by Qhupid_247 check it out if you haven't done that. It's a dope ass book worth reading♥♥♥

See you guys soon

Ujurita xoxox

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