Chapter 22- Dreams not illusions

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Dedicated to this sweetheart😊😍 TomiGrace_xx ❤❤


I don't dream because i never had the things i once dreamed about. So?
Why waste time on illusions? Yet he says 'Dream. Believe. Make it happen'


"Flying pigs, aliens taking over the world, sunshine doing rainfalls..."

Toby's jaws dropped open in shock, wondering if she knew how asinine she sounded

" Teqs who the hell has dreams of flying pigs and aliens like those are so very impossible"

"But that's why they are dreams. Dreams are so impossible to achieve "

"That's only if you haven't any atom of optimism to make them reality "

Atom? Really?!

" so you're saying; I can make pigs fly if I'm optimistic enough? " she asked suggestively

"Well... figuratively that can happen but literally speaking, it's so impossible " he replied thoughtfully.

"Pigs could fly either way. According to you, that can happen " she replied as though it was the most normal thing that could ever happen

"The key word was 'figuratively' Teqs. Pigs don't fly because they don't have wings" he argued

"How about birds with wings who find it impossible to fly "

He shook his head negatively " okay that's way out of the line. "

She looked at him in mock horror "tell me what's in? So far as I know, chickens can't fly "

"Not so much though. But they could lift their weight up from the ground "

"Why the fuck are we even talking about pigs and chickens?" Yara asked with a bemused expression as they both laughed

They were sitting by the shore, talking about dreams which actually led to Yara revealing that she dreamt about flying pigs and how possible it could happen obviously causing Toby to argue how ridiculous that sounded. What could be seen as an argument about dreams had turned out to squabble over flying chickens and pigs. That had to be the most senseless argument they had ever had.

A comfortable silence hung around them.Yara had brought up her face to meet his, partly taking in his features, from his hair which reminded her of springfalls. blowing freely like feathers against the cool breeze to his sharp prominent jaws which brought out his aquline nose and his eyes which was fixated to the waters like he was lost in oblivion.

"How about you? What do you dream about?" She asked, he averted his attention to her. A lopsided smile played on his lips but his eyes fixated on her was devoid of any expression. Blank as a new page of a book and it took her a nanosecond to realize that he wasn't even staring at her.

He was lost in a distant lane.

"I dream to live" he replied casually. She quipped her brows up. A part of her trying woefully to push the million thoughts swirling inside her head

"What does that mean?" She asked

"What? To live or to dream?"

This time, he took another of his pills and popped them into his mouth causing her to narrow her eyes at him, ignoring his stupid question which held a cheerful notch to his voice

"Both! And for someone who actually trashed me for popping pills, you actually are a pro" she snapped

"Hey I'm sorry for what i said that day okay. I was feeling quite uneasy " his face was contorted into a sincere apologetic look

Yara scoffed, rolling her eyes at him " yeah right. You basically judged me? "

It was weird. She never cared about the multitude of people who judged her every step so why now was she getting worked up.

"I'm sorry" he said again. Staring sightlessly into the dark. letting the silence hover around them for awhile

Smooth waves pushed the transparent waters ashore, making the sandy grounds moisten beneath their feets. The sound of trains passing old rusted railways trumpeted the air

It was a sound which she was sure could scare birds or even scarecrows away in fright except that they're were hardly no birds in sight and for a second she fleetingly wondered if birds as free as they were, ever dreamt of never having to get scared over little sounds and even if they did, did they ever dream that day would come through before they died

"I don't have any dream. " her voice came out so quietly yet it brought him out of his oblivion. He turned to look at her, watching her tuck her hair behind her ears, intertwining her fingers

"I never dreamed of anything. What's the point dreaming when I never believed I'd ever survive each day"

Cool waves swept past them, she shuddered lightly, wrapping her arms around her, pulling the jacket closer to her. Aware of his intent gaze on her, Like he was studying every action and every movement, taking in her presence like he was sitted with an apparition.

He heaved a painful sigh, finding himself lacking the right words to say to her -She must have really been through a shitphase in life. A phase which he knew nothing about. The rumors and the cold exterior which was attributed to her

"Tell me about your life?" He said in simple directness which may have sounded so wrong seeing the way she had inched her brows up

"Why?" Her tone was flat and dead.

Toby shrugged "I want to know the real you" he paused, watching her visibly tense up

What was about her if not the fact that she was the girl with the shitty life. If she wanted to tell him about her life then that'd mean she was going to talk about Eliakim


Only the thought of him got fear crawling into her insides. She had literally frozen over, fist clenching and unclenching in fright. Fear. Anxiety. Her eyes were shut tightly, vague images flashing terribly through her mind

He watched her carefully. Just like the first day he watched her stumble into a vicious cycle of discomfort when he asked her about her name- her eyes widening in alarm, the uneasiness in her demeanor and when she spoke, she tried to keep a leveled tone that one wouldn't easily notice how panicky she sounded

"You already know so much about me. The rumors are true. I killed my sister, sent my brother to the asylum, had my dad incapacitated..I basically destroyed my family"

Toby shook his head in disagreement "I just want to know the real Yara Williams." He probed truthfully,

I want to know everything about you. Why this dark rumours came about. Why April and you were in a calm vicious fight even though it seemed like no one knew about it except him who had seen the caustic sneering at each other during her family's soiree and the exchange of words and glares in the music room

Why Zaria felt so satisfied seeing her reel into numbness and what happened with her after her sister's death. She never talked about her family and she had broken down once when she spoke about her Josie, she never smiled cheerfully except when he had come over with his ride and when they had that silly argument earlier.

Was this too selfish of him to ask or too insensitive seeing that he went on to finish the question which had already been asked out aloud before he could ponder on how insensitive it was and maybe take a self-incurious check about the personal lives of others

"Not the girl who has the rumours hovering around her, the girl who most people hate at school..." she winced and he continued "because she's practically walking in dark shadows and I know deep down, that's not the real you. Yara "

Her chest constricted painfully inside her just the same time she felt a rush of cold anger run through her spine. Yara sneered feeling on edge.

"So? you'll judge me or feel sorry for me? "

She let out a loud scoff ignoring the befuddled look marring his face as she continued "No. You'd help me? What are you going to do if you know a fuckin thing about me. Huh ? "

" Yara, I'm never gonna be here with you if i was gonna judge you. Why do you even think I'm going to do that?"

"Because everyone does that whenever it comes to my life" she retorted, peering her emotionless gaze at him

"Too bad. But I'm not everyone, Yara. I am Toby and I don't know what kind of shitphase you're going through and I don't know why I'm doing this but I want to be there for you when I can."

She let out a long exhalation, standing up on her two feets with a small cynical smile playing on her lips which was enough to cause goosebumps creep on ones skin

"I'm pretty sure you think of me as a sad helpless girl, Toby Adewale...Isn't that the reason why you tried getting closer to me?" She mused aloud, her head was raised to the sky, watching the moon float behind dark clouds

He ran his fingers through his hair "you're getting this all wrong Yara"

"Really?" She let out a small dry laugh "so what if I told you about me, what's going to happen?"

Toby let out a long exhale "i'll tell you something about me" he said, an indifferent composure to his tone.

"I'm ill. Terminally ill and it's bad so much that up to this moment, I'm only surviving"


"Did you seriously have to pull me over to this place?" April asked in a hushed tone, looking over the small enclosed old building which had the white roughly paint peel off slowly making it look terrible

"Thank you for the cover, you're the best CIA agent I've ever met. You're welcome" Josh sneered. A chuckle laced undertone as April hissed, pulling his jackets off her face

"CIA? You dream alot" she scoffed

A small frown marred across his face as though he was hurt

"And you look down on people alot" he remarked, ignoring her angry stare at him


He shrugged off her quizzed eyebrows "what happened to your face?"

"I fell "

"Yeah ,oh poor liar " he remarked sarcastically. She hissed, looking over the building again

"This building is so ugly. I'm starting to think I'm going to get claustrophobic "

" we can step out now, I think your fangirls are gone" he said suggestively, hands entwining hers in what seemed like an involuntary gesture which was to her, seeing that she allowed him hold her arms as they both made to step out just when the click sound of heels and a frantic tone called out

"April. April are you there?"

She groaned aloud. They never give up, do they?

The heels approached further, josh stole a quick glance at her. Expecting her to contingently duck somewhere. The voice called out again and he could feel April let out a relieved sigh. Her shoulders had visible relaxed as she proceeded to step a foot out

He held her back, looking at her like she suddenly lost her screws "are you going out there again?"


"We wouldn't have been hiding here if you were just going to hear your name and step out " he stated out in hushed whisper

She arched her brows "that's the most absurd thing sef " she replied not bothering to keep the same hushed tone as him

"Exactly..." he concurred almost immediately before he paused. Blinked at her in confusion "wait. What's absurd?"

April flipped her hair in sass "the fact that I'm April Waje, the world's best hot shot celebrity and A-list actress of the century hiding in this wretched, godforsaken building all because of a measly picture is more than absurd" she declared, sneering in irritation at the last part as though it was truly a god forbid thing that she would never want to be caught doing

Josh let out a long exhale, rolling his eyes profoundly at her

"Okay fine, but you'll have to..." he didn't get the chance to finish that sentence before his eyes tore wide in disbelief, watching her sidestep him without an iota of care in the world

Right! She just declared that she was April Waje.

He dashed off behind her, attempting to get her attention which already turned out to be a grail attempt seeing the figure standing in front of April

A black booty heels, blue knee ripped jeans and a dark green t-shirt which was tucked into the jeans. The girl had her dark hair whuch she tinted in a chestnut brown colour fall to her shoulders which had a small black clutch bag resting on it.

"Hey Zaria" April called out in relief. A huge smile stretched on her face as she threw her arms around Zaria's outstretched ones

Josh stood awkwardly behind, watching the two girls exchange pleasantries with the girl whose name he learnt was Zaria talk about how suprised she was to find them both in here

What was she doing here at first then?

"Zaria meet Josh. The guy who did my photo shoot for Star Entertainers fashion week " April said which actually got him suprised because he didn't think she'd introduce him

Zaria ran her gaze through him as if scrutinizing his appearance.a smile plastering on her face in satisfaction and grimace at the same time. Itmade him suddenly turn conscious and alert

Afterall, no one knew when a ticking bomb did explode.

"Hello. I'm Zaria Omah. April's best friend" she replied

April smiled "I don't have a best friend"

"Whatever bitch. I'm your closet friend and a more trustworthy one " Zaria retorted, tugging playfully at April's cheeks

April would have laughed at how Zaria was staking her claim except that there was nothing to laugh about especially when her cheeks hurt and when she thought about 'her'

"Ouch ouch. " she whimpered causing Zaria to immediately let go of her cheeks

"Oh sorry. Are you okay?" She asked in a frantic tone

April nodded, plastering a smile "yeah I'm good. Can we get out of this building already "

"I'm gonna get going by the way" Josh announced, picking his stuffs to leave. He just didn't feel comfortable around Zaria with her plastic smile at him and her faux sorry not at all sorry expression

"Awn you're leaving already. Didn't even get the time to catch up with you"

He fixated an impassive expression "too bad. "

"Very" Zaria muttered

"Well good bye fan boy I hope we never run into each other again" April said not bothering to look at him

His face literally broke into a smile "see you too April. And don't forget to treat your injury alright. " he paused, digging his hands into his pocket to get a bandaid

"And your hands too. You must have bled alot there" he finished, placing it on her palms before turning to exit the building amidst the curses she mumbled under her breath

Her way of saying thank you.

She looked down on her hands, at the same time noticing his jacket still on her. He was gone already.

"What was that?" Zaria asked, looking teasingly at her friend who just shrugged non chanlanty at the same time asking

"How did you know I was here?"


How have you all been? How's life and how's everything going on with you? i hope you're good and you're not taking it too hard on yourself. Thank you so much for reading this book. Y'all are the best readers I can ever ask for

So, I updated even though my book was onhold. I'm good aren't I? 😊 I apologize for typo errors too. Biko pardon me😭😘

If y'all noticed, I explained who the photography guy was for those of who were confused about his identity. His name is Josh too.

Don't forget to COMMENT and VOTE!!!

tell me everything you think about this chapter. About this book.

this book is still onhold 'cos my exams are coming up and I swr the more I read the more e be like 'wahala dey' 😪 but God dey so I don't have worries 🙏😊

see you when I see you
Ujurita ellianna

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