Chapter 25- A time to filter

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'Cause every moment I find you
I fear the days that I don't.



"Goodday students of Bluebell,  I'm happy to see y'all here after the amazing weekend I trust we all to have had and even though your weekend wasn't all amazing, don't be discouraged, there are better days ahead...."  Sarah paused, throwing her gaze around her audience all seated inside the vast auditorium orderly fashion

"Without futher ado, i'll like to let us all know that Bluebell's students week is upcoming and as part of our activities for the students week, it's important to note that we, Bluebell's voluntary services will be going on an enlightenment spree to juvenile homes and other institutions and we'll be giving talks on anxiety disorder and how to manage them, domestic/ drug abuse..." she paused again, taking in a deep breath

She was pretty outspoken and the ounce of attention she commanded on stage was outstanding. Her eyes twinkling brightly as she scanned through the crowd with an encouraging heartwarming smile.

It was hard not to like her hearing the words roll of her tongue like she was making birthday plans for some special person.

"Also visiting the sick at the hospital and not to mention our ritualistic activity to visiting the motherless home..." she continued

Toby trailed off sarah's words. Hospitals was never somewhere he looked forward to visiting, besides, it's been two weeks since he last went for his chemotherapy

Doctor Lewis had to even face time him right in front of his mum because according to him. I.e doctor Lewis,  he was worried sick that something must have happened with him and he being his family doctor, counselor and friend will have no idea of that which happened. 

Did doctor lewis realize that he sounded like a worried sick dad?

And all through the conversation, he couldn't help noticing the not so subtle look of admiration his mum sent to Lewis and of course, lewis reciprocating the gesture with a boyish also not so subtle smile. For one bizarre second,  Toby thought he was just imagining them smile at themselves and couldn't help fleetingly think if his mum would ever consider going on a date.

No. Not with him, but this time a real date with someone like doctor lewis probably,  it wouldn't be such a bad idea except maybe his bizarre second of thinking wouldn't jinx everything before it started already

And then, Saturday night,  his mum made him tell her everything that had happened. First off, he was reluctant not until she had added in her convincing technique that

"I just want to be a huge part of my son's life in a good way... " she had said

And that, of course did the trick. He had ended up telling her so much   except the part of where he had kissed Yara— it'd beat her to shock and a million questions would ensue immediately.

He didn't want that.

He shook his head at himself, subtly using his eyes to scan the whole auditorium for a particular someone who he hadn't seen for a day.

Other times, he knew he wasn't going to be so much bothered about whether she was in school or not,

It wasn't just because they had kissed. It was more than just a kiss —it had lighted sparks inside him and he found his heart yearning for more. For her.

Did he like her?

the first time he worried about her being absent,  he had succeeded to suppress whatever feeling that came with worrying about her but today, those feelings seemed recalcitrant. They refused to be suppresed.

Excitement. Anxiousness. Happiness. And tad a bit of nervousness

He couldn't help using his eyes to roam around the crowd like a five year old scanning the mall counter for his favourite candy only that she was more than just candy.  She was the girl with the particular honeyed eyes and a skin glistening like it was cast with golden rays of the sun, a premium beaut.

And he couldn't help roaming his eyes through the crowd in search of her. The girl with the beautiful straight face, eyes staring sharply into empty space like she was in some sort of confrontation with the universe and her mouth pressed into a thin line as though she was being charged a dollar for every word she would say.

The girl whose lips tasted like soft berries and refined wine, addictive. Enthralling. Her touch when she had dugged her hands into his hair, her scent_ like a mix of jasmine and lavender. It  disintegrated him making him to crave for more of her…

He was getting so much close to her— so addicted to her presence—she wasn't anywhere in the crowds and it made his heart clutch in some kind of feeling.

he missed her. So much that he felt his heart was going to burst out open whilst he waited to catch a glimpse of her

He had never even felt this way with anyone.

Not even when he dated April and funny enough,  he wasn't even dating Yara. Yet…

Did she miss him too? He wondered. Would she miss him when he's no more...

"Boooooooooo....." Sarah punched his arms playfully,  grinning like a cheshire cat.  He winced, rubbing his arms in feigned hurt

"Did you have to be so violent? "

"Don't be a puss. My punches aren't even painful" Sarah smirked, rubbing her knuckles with a self- satisfied expression which made him shook his head at her

"How're you? You did quite well today" he replied, complimentary

She shrugged "thank you. At least school's finally found a way to keep me busy"

He glanced at her wondering if she was being sacarstic using his words he once said to her  "that's not so bad I guess"

"Nah…" she replied, turning sharply to him like she just remembered something "hey! How did your date go?"


"Yes. With queen witch" she replied, wriggling her brows

He chuckled "can you stop calling her queen witch? "

"She acts like one. It's impossible not to call her that "

And almost impossible not to see April catwalking towards the duo with her usual smile and her bestfriend…what was her name again? Right! Zaria Omah.

He said nothing in reply to Sarah, getting up to his feet to walk away, he wasn't vexed and he wasn't avoiding April. He just needed some space which was totally impossible because April had just approached immediately

"Hey boo! "She squealed in a way that sounded so daunting, holding her hands to her chest

"Oops. I forgot. It's ex-boo"

Toby rolled his eyes, was something so off with April today or what? "It's Toby. April" he said

She scoffed still with that sly peachy smile that reminded him of bad vixens "yeah whatever. You need to quit calling my name like that anyway, I may just begin to fall in love with you again"

Wow. He went speechless. Wondering what was up with April this morning

"I don't see your girlfriend around today" April said, scanning the hive of students through narrowed slitting gaze

"My girlfriend? " he asked with arched eyebrows

"The witch. She's no queen…just some pitiful lowlife witch " April snorted out disdainfully

"What's wrong with you today?" Toby blurted, making sure not to sound so edged even though he had his fist clenching and unclenching

She laughed humorlessly "nothing. And you? What's wrong with you getting all defensive 'cos I called your girlfriend a lowlife witch"

"Shut it April! " he snapped finally, irritable at the disgust and sneer visibly written on her face

"You don't have no right to snap at her dude!" Zaria interjected with sass which only made his blood curl

"You would have been quite helpful if you got a life at least" he shot back at an angry Zaria

Sarah bit her lips nervously. Thankfully there wasn't any crowd around and not much people payed attention to their drama. She silently prayed April would leave them alone and she prayed harder that Toby wouldn't say anything hurtful again

He was angry. Pissed off. And she hated to see that side of him so she calmly rubbed his shoulders, her actions saying what words could.

"Wow! It's intresting to see you defend some pathetic person you barely even know" April scoffed bitterly

"I wish y'all wouldn't call her names like that" Toby sighed

"I wish you wouldn't have to ditch me for her then!" She yelled, not loudly anyway

"What're you talking about?" Toby asked in perplexion

She sniffed back her tears which jad already started to form in her eyes. The one thing about April was that she easily cried the same way she easily smiled.

Talk about walking on eggshells around her.

"You promised that we're going to be friends Toby. That I should call if I needed to talk to you when I'm going through a rough time and all the times I called you never even picked up 'cos you were busy with on a date with new chick so you won't give two fucks about an ex who afterall cheated on you…" she spat out

Toby involuntary winced at her caustic tone. His phone was turned off and he absolutely had no idea that she ever called

"April…" he breathed out in exasperation "I really didn't have an idea that you called"

She grimaced "thanks, that makes me feel alot better"

He huffed at her sacarstic tone. Before he could say ace, she had stopped smiling and now she was looking at him with a mischievous glint that spelt maliciousness

"Anyways, don't bother about me tho. Save it for your c'mere who's already the talk of the whole school…she may likely be going back to the juvenile. Afterall, it's high time we need a break from all her toxicity" she sneered, walking past him with her nose stuck in the air

He stood transfixed,  the words whirling inside his head. Yara's been to the juvenile before? He didn't know that—he didn't know shit about her

And she may likely be going back to the juvenile what did she do? Why did she have to suffer so much. What had happened to her?

He hadn't realized he had asked that aloud until he saw April halt her steps, turning to him with her usual peachy smile like she didn't just cry a few moments ago

Like she was about to break the best news ever in the world

"Well, she was involved in a pickpocket scandal at Diana's party yesterday. Apparently people say that she planned it all with her bestfriend who affirmed the claim saying your sweetheart was invited to a party and saw that as an opportunity to pathetically carry out an excuse of a heist"

Heist? Such exaggeration.

She tsked, scrunched her face in a sneer and walked away leaving Sarah and Toby befuddled

"What was that about Yara just now?"

The voice? Sarah turned sideways to catch the person in sight.

It was Seun.


She tapped the butts of the cigarettes, staring into an open air. Her life was fucked up. She was fucked up. Soon the school board of directors would call her up for disciplinary actions, not that Diana had reported to the school, but everyone who had attended her big time party had a vague recorded video of 'her'alleged ' pick pocket which of course wasn't her

She didn't even attend the party.

But no one would believe her and her mum would only hate her more

Hurdled at one side of the music room which was dimly illuminated. The music teacher always kept it that way whenever he wasn't going to be around. She fiddled with her phone in her other hand, looking at the dialed Tola's number,  why would Tola do this to her? she buried her face into her laps, replaying  the last conversation she had with Tola inside her head

"Tola?" She had called out quietly— a hurting quietness

"Oh so now she calls?" Tola said almost immediately and Yara could imagine a sneer on Tola's face. She frowned

"Why did you do it? Why did you lie about me?"

"Thought you wouldn't care" was Tola's nonchalant stupid reply which only deepened Yara's frown

"You fuckin messing up my life. Tola,  you should have just did what you did without gettin me involved"

"Bitch, you shouldn't have ignored me then and just because some bunch of kids hate you, you realize I'm messing up your life. Huh?" Tola retorted

"That's...that's cruel. " Yara muttered, holding the phone in a tight grip, probably to stop herself from smashing it across the wall

"Relax. It's not the first time you're getting people shit talk you alright. Don't act like you're a puss. It doesn't suit you"

"Fuck you and what you think suits me. I may be going to the juvenile again cos of you're Tola. How the hell do you want me to relax?" She snapped in  frustration

"Then you should have quit ignoring me after that day just because my boss acted like an asswipe to you."

You're a fuckin asswipe.  Tola —she wanted yell into the phone. She couldn't because with every thought she had and every word she was going to say was already mentally draining her.

She felt like shit. Tola was her friend or maybe not again

Taking a deep inhalation, she asked "did someone pay you to do this? "

She could hear Tola sigh over the phone "I'm sorry, Yara. I never meant to backstab you, I just needed the money urgently.  I'll make it up to you,  Yara. " Tola replied in a tone that was laced with a contrite apology

A tone that could easily fool anyone to believe she sounded actually contrite. Yara knew better to believe she was sorry for what she did.

Tola wasn't one to easily apologize. And if they paid her again, she'd thrash her again.

Yara said nothing for a second and when she spoke, it sounded like she was trying not to break down

"Still you shouldn't have done what you did. Tola" she whispered quietly, putting off the phone…

If she had fallen asleep in the music room was something she didn't know except that she felt a hand brushing her hair slightly over her face causing her to sit up, giving him a suprised look

He smiled,  a kind of boyish smile as he took the cigarettes from her, lighting the butts and inhaling a lungful.  In a matter of seconds, he was coughing out the smokes  through strangled breaths as he tossed it away

"Eww. How do you manage to take this?" He croaked out

She shrugged, looking at him carefully "you shouldn't try that…" she trailed off, rubbing her neck in realisation


"You… did you just advice me not to try that?" George asked skeptically as he added "and this is like the first time I'm seeing  you not puffing out smokes"

She averted her gaze from him, not giving him a reply.  she heard him mutter quite loudly 'someone different must be rubbing off you'

Someone different?  That was Toby.

"Why're you here? " she asked

"Why're you here?" He retorted, still giving her a kind of skeptical look

She arched her brows "'cause I want to be alone"

"You're always alone" he replied casually, going over to a guitar which was placed by a set of band instrumentals

"Though these days you're not lonely" he added

"What's the difference? "

He raised his face to her as though she just asked to see a psychiatrist

"You mean you don't know the number of guys who're out there looking for you?"

"To throw more shades at me?"

"No. Genuinely'cause they are worried about you. It's surreal to know there are people who still care about you no matter what"

She winced, fixation her gaze at him as she replied in a dead tone "I wish they'd all leave me alone "

"I wish you would stop pushing us all away" he said with a wry smile raising his face up to meet her serene impassive stare

"I'm going back to the juvenile. George" she said quietly—he couldn't detect if she was hurt or scared. Her tone gave nothing away

"You're not. " he replied stooping in front of her,  He wanted to hug her, make her feel better but he wasn't sure if she'd let him. He didn't want to see her flinch at the idea, they we're just starting to  become friends,  that is if he said so

But he didn't know what she thought of him

"Does Toby know?" She asked, clutching her phone tightly

George withdrew back, averting his gaze from her, swallowing an imaginary lump as he got up to his feets nodding in affirmation

She sighed, a part of her busy wondering what he was going to think of her, not like it mattered anyway, so she told herself.  But lately,she found herself thinking more about him,  she was pulling down her resolve around him, letting him see through her.

He's not going to be around for too long. Heck! She didn't know if he still had a long period.

It was terrifying and she wished she had never known him. That way she wouldn't feel bad about his absence and she wouldn't worry about what he thought of her, and she wouldn't hear him call her tequila and remind her what a small butterfly she was and she wouldn't have felt what his lips tasted like and his touch.…

She wouldn't miss hugging him like he did anytime she broke down in front of him and she wouldn't miss his aura around her when she felt this wry feeling about the uncertainty of the future.

"I wish everyone would leave me alone" she muttered inaudibly to herself this time


😪 😪 😪 my babies!! Turns out Tola is a backstabbing bitch 😒 figures why I never liked her.

And I'm dropping hints. I hope you catch the drifts😉 my apologies for typo errors too♥

See ya in next update and don't forget to do the drill. Vote and COMMENT


Ujurita xoxo

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