meerab spoke out

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" mariyam, naurez has refused for haya's proposal ". Meerab says. Mariyam was surprised. " And asked for your proposal ". Meerab continues. " My proposal, why ?". Mariyam questions. " He said that he loves you and wants to marry you". Meerab replied. " Loves me. What did maa and bhai said ". Mariyam questions. " Murtasim has no objection. He spoke with naurez and he was convinced by him. Maa begum also said yes ". Meerab explained. Mariyam looks down. Meerab comes forward and holds her hand. " Mariyam I want to know your consent. Are you ok with this marriage ". Meerab asked.

" I love naurez meerab ". Mariyam spoke up. Mariyam looks towards her. " Once I got to know that haya is going to get married to naurez. I backed out. Now I am feeling that Allah has listened to my prayers. I really happy. But meerab I wanted to complete my studies. You know  I dreamt of becoming a fashion designer. I knew that this dream will come true. But at least I wanted to complete my studies before getting married. Now that naurez had proposal for me. That will also not happen". Mariyam says. " You will complete your studies mariyam and also achieve your dream". Meerab says. " But how will it happen meerab. In our family no girl has never done her higher studies or even completed her studies. You know our family". Mariyam says. " These have to change. I will never let you suffer the things I suffered. You will definitely fullfill your dream ". Meerab assured her. Mariyam hugs her.

Meerab was suspicious that if naurez had loved mariyam. Then why did he sent proposal for haya. He should have sent proposal for mariyam. This is so unfair that to sent a proposal for one sister and later reduce for it and asks the proposal for another sister. Something is not right. She decides to speak with naurez tomorrow.

" Mai , muktar, someone give me a cup of tea ". Anwar call his house help while going into the living room. He goes and sits on the chair. Meerab heard it. After sometime meerab comes holding a tray and keeps it front of him. She was about to leave. " You have made the same tea ,". Anwar  spoke up. Meerab turns and looks towards him. " The one your mother used to make". He continues." I don't have any of her attributes, I have never  seen her ". Meerab says. Anwar smells the tea." But the scent is exactly like that, as if Nazia had made the tea ". Anwar says. Meerab looks towards him. " What happened beta you look tensed, anything has happened?". Anwar asked to look at her.

" You don't have to worry if I am tensed or not ". Meerab says. " Why shouldn't I? You are my daughter ". Anwar says while getting up. " Oh really now you remembered that I am you daughter. I think you are forgetting. You disowned my at my mother death and accused me for your wife's death. Then tai abbu handed me to his friend.". Meerab spoke up. Anwar looks down in guilt." Years after you started taking desicions for me. You disowned me, but took all the right of a father. They always had to ask you before taking any desicions for me. I wanted to become a lawyer. It was my dream. You didn't like it. So I had to leave it. You forcefully brought me here. Out of nowhere I was told that I am your daughter.The people who brought me up refused to accept me as daughter because I refused to marry murtasim. They didn't open door for me that day. I had no choice than accepting this proposal. You want me to accept you as my father right ?". Meerab spoke out." Did you at least said me once that i could stay here without marrying murtasim. This my house. You are with me. No. No you didn't. You tried to accept your mistake. You just want to put right on me. That's it. You were never there for me when I needed you the most and you still excepting that I will accept you as a father. " Meerab spoke out. She holding her self from many days. Finally she spoke out. She couldn't control herself.

Meerab leaves from there. Anwar sits down on the chair.

These many days Anwar thought that meerab is anger on him because he left her. But no. She wanted her father. The day Nazia died he was in deep sorrow. He couldn't think of anything. He wasn't in his senses. At that moment maa begum brought meerab front of him. His heart felt connection with her. But remembered Nazia. If meerab wasn't there. His wife. His beloved wife wouldn't have died. He refused to accept meerab. Years by year as Waqas and anila used to meerab to khan haveli. Anwar heart softened. He realises what he has done. She was the was token of their love. How could he do that. He wanted her to both her father's and mother's love which meerab was getting through anila and Waqas. He started taking desicions for meerab. He thought that these are father's duty. No a daughter also needs a emotional support from her daughter. Which he couldn't give. Meerab was right. After the truth came out . He thought that now meerab will accept him as her father. But he never gave her time to accept these things. He thought that after marrying murtasim his daughter will stay with him front of him. But he never thought that without marrying murtasim also she could have stayed here. She was his daughter. He never deserved forgiveness. He destroyed his daughter 's life with his own hands. Now his daughter has become this bitter this all because of him.

In meerasim's room. Meerab sits on bed. Tears were falling from her eyes non stop.
Murtasim enters the room. Meerab wipes here tears and acts normal. She takes her phone pretends to scroll through it. Murtasim slides a paper front of her. She looked towards it and then to him. She lifted her eyebrows asking him what it was. Murtasim forwards it and asks her to check for herself. Meerab takes it and checks it. Meerab 's eyes brightens. It was admission form for law. " Study law and complete your dream". Murtasim says. Meerab looks towards him.

A/N: hoping that i given full justice to the characters. Please let me know in the comments wht do you think. Was meerab right ?. Do you guys want anila and Waqas to return and how ?.  Now that Anwar got to know where he went wrong does he deserve forgiveness?. Please let me know. It will really help me to move the story forward.

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