Chapter 4

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Swasan(together): WHAT!!!

By their shocked expressions teju was sure that they are not gf bf and are fooling her.. she thought they will not get marry and in this way she will get sanskar.. she took out a gun and pointed towards them(gundi teju ) with a intention that they will spit out the truth.. now this was something unexpected for swasan.. they stared each other blankly and teju spoke

Teju: come on either u both get married in front of me or marry me otherwise I will kill u both…

Sanky fell in deep thoughts imagining his life with teju after marriage where she is making him do all the household work on gun point… he shouted

Sanky: nooo

Swara and teju gave him a WHAT HAPPENED LOOK.. he held swara’s hand and said

Sanky: marry me jaan.. I know u r angry on me as I came late but please dnt show attitude now

Swara’s eyes widened.. she jerked his hands and yelled

Swara(yelling): do u hav any idea wat r u speaking…

Sanskar looked towards teju who was giving him a winning smile

Sanskar(monologue): sanky convine this girl otherwise u will hav to spend ur life with this goon

Sanskar grabbed swara by her wrist and hugged her…and whispered in her ears

Sanky(whispering): please marry me.. only you can take me out from this mess

Swara(whispering): I don’t knw u.. how can I marry you

Sanky: please please please say yes otherwise this phoolan devi will force herself on me.. just look at her ladki kam aur sholay ki gabbar zada lag ri hai..(she looks more like gabbar of sholay) please save my dignity or this dayan will ruin my whole life..

Swara looked towards teju.. teju spoke
Teju: hurry up.. u dnt have much time..

Listening to this sanky hugged swara more tightly and said: please agree
Swara: no.. I dnt want to marry you
This time sanskar got angry

Sanskar: listen girl.. I know u eloped from ur wedding and dere is no love matter otherwise u wud not hav stayed with me for so long.. u currently need me badly because u will hav to settle in life and move on.. u hav no option.. I promise will never stop u from doing anything u like and will never force u for anything

Swara thought for a while: he is right..(in mind) I need some support rite now.. I can introduce him to my family as my husband and all my problems will be solved

Swara: ok but it will be a contract marriage of 6 months.. then we will take divorce.. ok?

Sanskar(happy): super OK

Swara: don’t be so happy.. now propose me properly while sitting on your knees..

Sanky(Shocked): what?

Swara: do it fast or I will make this dayan ruin ur so called dignity.. she broke the hug

Sanskar sighed: ok

He sat on his knees infront of swara… teju got shocked by seeing this scene… sanky stretched his hand infront of swara and said

Sanskar: marry me jaan.. I promise I will love u and stay with you forever..

Hearing these words.. swara remembered her dream which she gets every nyt where her prince charming says the same words to her.
Deep down both were feeling happiness but were unaware of this fact.. swara kept her hands in his and nodded yes..

He stood up happily and hugged her

Sanky: thank u thank u thank u soo much

Teju’s mouth fell on ground

Teju: wat u will marry him?

Swara: oh god.. are u blind nagin? U saw I nodded yes na.. I love him and now stay away from my honey.. don’t disturb us or I will call the police

Teju got irritated as her plan backfired

Teju: ok fine..i accept my defeat but marry infront of me.. I dnt wanna take any risk..

This statement of hers shatterd the last hope of sanky.. this was exactly his plan.. he thought that she will go after listening swara’s yes but now he was left with no option but to marry her

Maheshwaris arrived with baraat and gadodias welcomed them warmly… after few rituals ragini and shomi were asked to bring swara down.. they went to her room.. but to their shock she was no where to be seen… they found the letter and shomi got shattered after reading it.. they both rushed downstairs and told wat happened and showed the letter.. all stood numb specially laksh after reading the letter.. now it was dp and ap who were boiling in anger… to them wat society thinks matters a lot and already the people present there started gossiping about the families… their respect was at stake.. dada dadi were also hell angry on swara.. everyone was bad mouthing her.. even laksh.. but there was only 1 person who had figured out the truth behind this step of swara.. and that was ragini.. she knew very well she did all this for her.. she has no friend in London whom she loves.. she didn’t know wat to do next… to save the respect of both the families ap came up with a solution

AP: lets get ragini and laksh married
Laksh and ragini were shocked while others agreed…

Laksh: but maa

AP: shut up laksh.. not a single word now.. we have seen your choice.. look wat swara has done.. she cheated all.. now u will do wat I say.. I knw ragini is sister of that girl but she is total opposite to her.. tell ragini will u do this to save our respect in the society?

Ragini looked towards laksh who was looking down helplessly and den towards her family who gestured her to say YES..

Ragini: ok maa.. I will do this save the respect of both the families…

Everyone got happy and ap kissed ragini’s forehead.. she was taken by shomi to make her ready for the wedding.. after sometime shekhar came to her room alongwith dada and dadi and said to shomi and ragini

Shekhar: ragini I dnt knw wat to say to u beta u really did a lot for us today

Ragini: no papa dnt say like that.. its my duty

Dadi: it was swara’s duty as well.. but look wat she did..

Shekhar; maa.. dnt take that girl’s name here.. she is dead for me from today.. I only have one daughter that is ragini..

Ragini and shomi were stunned listening to this

Shomi: wat r u saying?

Dada: he is saying correct.. she is nothing to us from today.. let her be happy with her so called London lover

Shomi kept quite as she was helpless while rgini was totally shattered.. she was thinking of her sister who did all this for her and now has to face the family hatred… she was worried for her whereabouts.. but she too was helpless.. gadodias finally decided not to accept swara back in their families no matter what..

they took ragini downstairs.. everyone became happy except the 2 people.. laksh and ragini.. laksh was feeling betrayed and cheated.. he was just angrily doing all the rituals while ragini was sad.. although she was getting her love but she didn’t wanted that to happen this way… she was missing her sister.. she did so much for her.. the girl who loved her family deeply left them for the sake of her sis happiness..


Guys I m showing swasan marriage just imagine that likewise everything happened in RagLak marriage too..
Swasan went inside the temple and did all the marriage rituals.. took 7 rounds around pious fire promising each other to stay together no matter what but they didn’t meant it really.. then sanskar decorated her hair partition with vermillion.. a lone tear escaped from her eyes and at last adorned her neck with mangalsutra.. panditji finally announced them as husband wife.. teju simply left after that accepting her defeat and wishing them a happy married life...
they stood infront of the car for a while.. In that time sanskar for the first time observed swara closely... She was looking stunning in red lehenga with golden embroidery with make up and jewellery... Her long pointed nose, hazel doe eyes and soft rosy pouty lips attracted him... Brushing away his asanskari thoughts he finally break the ice

Sanskar: I m sorry so much happened suddenly and u hav to do all this for me.. thank u so much

Swara: its ok..

Sanskar: by the way what is your name? (huh! Unique marriage where the groom does not even know the name of his bride )

Swara: I m swara

Sanskar: nice name.. I m sanskar.. umm.. I think we should leave for my home now.. I will hav to tell them everything.. I m sure they will understand..

Swara: before that can we go to my place? I told a lie to my parents that I m going to marry my lover.. so if u come with me.. I m sure they will accept me back

Sanskar: ok.. np

They left for GM unaware of wat is waiting for them there…

While going to GM in car swara told sanskar everything about her.. The reason why she eloped from wedding for her sister and why is she taking him to her house... Sanskar was quite impressed by seeing her love towards her family.. He promised her that he will support her in this lie as it is said for good.. They felt comfortable in each others company

While in GM now raglak were married and everyone was showering their blessings on them..

Ap: ok.. now I think we should leave for our place.. come ragini

Gadodias were teary eyes as it was bidaai time.. everyone was hugging her and blessing.. when suddenly they heard a familiar voice from behind

Voice: maa

Everyone turned to see the owner of the voice and wat they saw totally shocked them

On the door step stood SWASAN hand in hand with garlands around their necks... People also saw swara wearing vermillion and mangalsutra... Everyone was shocked specially maheshwaris to see sanky with swara... Sanskar stood numb seeing his family there...

Laksh was out of words.. He just managed to speak

Laksh: BHAI

Now this was a shock for gadodias specially swara.. She understood that he is the same mr. London about whom laksh always speaks... And technically she is now married to the man who was supposed to be her brother in law...

Dadi: what is all this swara? Is he ur lover?

Swara: yes dadi.. He is my lover from childhood and we got married...
Maheshwaris were shocked... Ragini too as she knew that swara is lieing...

AP: sanskar is this true? U both got married

Sanskar nodded his head in yes...

DP: u never told that u love a girl?

Sanskar was going to tell the truth but swara cut him off in middle sensing his intentions

Sanskar: bade papa wo swara..

Swara(cutting him off) : we were going to tell but u all fixed this alliance and we were left with no option

Hearing this sanskar looked towards swara in shock and shekhar came in front in anger and slapped her tightly across the face.. Hearing the sound.. Sanskar who was lost in his own world came back to his senses..

Shekhar: does marriage appears to be a game to u? How dare u do this with laksh? With us? U were ready to ruin our respect in the society.. Thanx to rago who saved us...

AP: u r very shameless swara.. I was happy that u left laksh and ur true colours got exposed in front of us before marriage but our bad luck.. U married sanskar becoming elder DIL of maheshwaris...

Saying this she was going to slap swara but sanskar stopped her

Sanskar: badi maa.. Let it be... Jo hona tha wo ho gaya... Cant u accept the fact?

Swara was in tears looking at sanky

Shekhar: DP ji if u want u can take this girl as ur DIL with u but we don't know her.. She is not our daughter..

Hearing this swara was shocked.. It was like someone snatched floor from her feet.. She sat with a thud on the ground and joined her hands and bursted in tears..

Swara: i m sorry baba but dnt say like this...

Shekhar turned his face from swara... Sanskar made her stand.. She tried convincing dada dadi but none of them melted...

RP: bhaisa we cannot deny the truth that they r married.. We will hav to accept her as our DIL..

Everyone agreed but ap was reluctant but she cannot speak before dp...
Shomi hugged her and asked her to take care of herself.. She put her hand in sanskar's hand and asked to stay with her forever to wich sanky just nodded.. Swara stood lifeless.. She was not able to accept the fact that her family disowned her

All this while laksh didnt speak a word.. He was just trying to accept the fact that his loving brother betrayed him... But there was someone who was happiest with this marriage.. And she was sujata because she always wanted a girl like swara for her sanskar... She loved swara as her daughter.. She held swara from her shoulder and took ber to car.. Both the couples sat and went to MM
On reaching MM... everyone welcomed the newly wedded pairs.. Ragini was happily welcomed but AP was constantly taunting her.. Sujata was feeling bad for her.. Sanskar was just looking for a chance to speak to laksh

Laksh till now has not even glanced at sanskar once.. The only thing going on in hs mind was... BHAI BETRAYED ME...

After all the post marriage rituals were done.. The couples were sent to their respective rooms.. Seeking the opportunity sanskar held laksh and took him to the study

Sanskar: lucky look at me.. Why are u not saying anything?

Lucky now lost his temper

Laksh: is there anything left to say bhai? (holding his collar) how cud u bhai? U betrayed me..

Sanky: its nothing like that lucky.. I can explain to u..

Lucky: oh just shut up bhai... I hav trusted u the most in my life and wat did u do? U cheated me.. I was happy that my bhai is coming for my wedding but no he came to take away my bride

Sanky(teary eyes) : lucky trust me.. Listen to me once

Lucky: trust and u.. Never in my life again.. U knw bhai hw much i loved her.. I m not sad that she cheated me.. Wat hurt me the most is that u were the reason she cheated me...

Sanky: lucky.. No

Lucky: cheater

Sanky: lucky no.. U r getting it wrong.. I didnt knew about it.. Please forgive me.. But lucky had left the study till that time

Both the brothers went to their respective rooms

Raglak room

Laksh entered and saw the beautiful decoration.. Then his eyes fall on ragini sitting on the middle of the bed in veil.. He went near her and removed the veil

Laksh: i m sorry ragini.. U hav to get into this relation unwantedly...

Ragini had tears in her eyes..

Rags: no laksh.. Its Nothing like that..

Laksh: i knw its dufficult.. I hope u understand... I need some time to accept u as my wife..

Ragini: no problem laksh.. U take ur time. I m ok with it

Laksh smiled.. Then ragini slept on bed and he on couch.. Full night rago weeped silently..


Sanky entered in room angrily... He forgot his promise of supporting her in the lie.. Just nw he was only worried for laksh...

Swara was standing near the window.. She turned to see him.. Anger was clearly vidible in her eyes..

Swasan (unison) : how cud u?

They gave each other WAT THE HELL look

Swara: how cud u do that.. U were going to spit out the truth.. Can u imagine wat wud had happened.. Ragini's life wud hav spoiled

Sanky: u care for ur sis and wat about my bro? U betrayed him.. Becase of u my family is going away from me.. Laksh is not trusting me.. He called me a cheater

Swara was surprised on seeing this side of sanskar...

Swara: i didnt knew that he was ur brother and it was u who forced me to marry u.. Its not my fault

Sanskar: i seriously hate that moment wen i met u... I just hate u..

Swara.. I hate u too.. Now please shut up and let me sleep... I m tired

Sanskar stared her angrily.. She changed her clothes and lied on bed.. Meanwhile sanky came changing his dress and was going to lie on bed

Swara: hey u cant sleep with me.. Sleep on couch..

Sanky: its my room.. I will sleep on bed. U sleep on couch

Swara: excuse me.. Its my room too for next 6 months i will sleep on bed..
Sanky thought for a while and made a pillow wall in between them.

They slept on their respective sides as they were hell tired after a dramatic day

**to be continued **

Precap: swasan nok jhok

Thank u all for sparing ur valuable time.. Frankly i dnt knw wat i hav written in this part.. Do give ur views regarding this part.. Till then this is ridz signing off

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