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Shivaay stands in front of the ICU door and looks at Anika through the glass. Anika was lying on the bed with several wires and machines attached to her body. She was looking so pale.

Several emotions prick Shivaay's heart. Tears were continuously flowing from his eyes. He was feeling so helpless after looking at her condition.

He opens the door and moves towards her bed. He sits beside her and holds her hand in his hand.

S- I am sorry, Anika. I am really sorry. I was not able to protect you. I failed as a husband. Please Anika don't do this to me. I won't be able to live without you. If you want to punish me then please punish me after waking up, not like this.

Shivaay was not able to control his tears and his tear falls on Anika's face. Anika moves her finger. It seems that she has already felt that Shivaay is in pain and agony and crying for her. She wants to relieve his pain.

Shivaay feels the movement of her finger and immediately cups her face.

S- Anika..Anika.. Can you hear me?

A- Sh...Shiv...aay....Shivaay.

S- Yes, Anika. I am here only.

Anika slightly opens her eyes and looks at his tear drenched face. She smiles weakly at him and slightly raises her hand to wipe his tears. Shivaay holds her hands softly and she gently wipes his tears.

A- You look like a cartoon while crying.

Shivaay laughs lightly at her sentence.

S- How are you feeling now?

A- Better.

Shivaay slightly bends down and kisses her forehead. Anika smiles at him.

S- You wait here. I will call the doctor.

Anika nods and Shivaay leaves to call the doctor.

After few seconds, Shivaay comes in the ICU with doctor. Doctor examines her and gives a surprising look.

D- This is a miracle. I mean I really did not expected that she will gain consciousness after few hours of the surgery but it is unbelievable. Her wounds are really very severe so you have take extra care of her. She won't be able to use her hand atleast for 15 days. Please don't exert any pressure on her head. Take care.

S- Thank you doctor.

Doctor smiles and leaves.

Shivaay goes near Anika and sits beside her.

A- Shivaay, where is dadi? Is she fine?

S- Yes, dadi is fine. She went to washroom a while ago.

Anika nods. Shivaay looks at her with teary eyes. He was trying to control his tears because he doesn't want to make Anika tensed.

Anika notices him and immediately gets to know that he was controlling his emotions.

A- Shivaay, Are you fine?

Shivaay looks at other side and wipes the tear from the corner of his eyes and looks at her with a fake smile.

S- Ya, I am fine . What will happen to me?

A- Really, Shivaay?

S-Ya, you rest here, till then I will get your medicines.

He was about to leave when Anika holds his hand from back and signs him to sit next to her. Shivaay was looking down as he was not able to control his tears anymore.

A- You know Shivaay, sometimes its better to let out all the emotions rather than burying them in the heart and feeling the pain every moment.

Shivaay looks at her and then hugs her immediately.

S- I am sorry Anika. All of this is because of me. You are so badly injured because of me. I am not a good husband. I failed to fulfil my duties. I should have been with you. Please forgive me.

Anika gently caresses his head.

A- No, Shivaay. Its not your fault. Its just the destiny. Please don't think like that.

After sometime, he calms down but does not break the hug.

Suddenly, someone opens the door and comes inside. Shivika breaks the hug and look at the person who is none other than our dadi.

Dadi moves towards Anika's bed and caresses her head.

D- Anika puttar, how are you feeling now?

A- Better dadi. Are you fine?

D- Yes, I am totally fine.

A- I am sorry dadi. I troubled you a lot na.

D-chup..I will slap you if you again say this. You will never trouble me puttar.

Anika smiles at her.

Dadi hugs her. Shivaay was just admiring their bond.

S- Dadi, I think you should go home because you are here since morning and it is not good for your health.

D- But Shivaay...

A- Dadi please go home and rest and you can come tomorrow to meet me.

Dadi nods.

D- Ok. I am going home and I will send your dinner with OmRu.

Shivika nods and dadi leaves.

Suddenly a nurse enters the ward and gives a flirtious smile to Shivaay and Shivaay ignores her. Anika notices this and angrily glares at the nurse.

N- Sir, I have to give this injection to ma'am.

Shivaay nods.

Anika looks at Shivaay with a horrified face.

A- What are you nodding at, Shivaay? I won't take any injection.

S- Anika, please don't be stubborn, it is necessary for you.

A- No means no.

N- Don't worry sir, I know how to handle these type of patients.

The nurse tightly holds her hand and the IV drip (needle for glucose/blood) pierces her hand more and blood starts coming out from her hand.

Anika winces in pain and tears starts rolling down from her eyes.

A- Aaahh! leave me. Its paining.

Shivaay immediately moves towards the nurse and pushes her on the floor.

S- HOW DARE YOU? This is how you treat your patients. I will make sure that you will lose your job today.


Doctor comes running inside the ward and looks at the scene in front of him.

D-What happened, Mr. Oberoi?

S- What type of staff you have in this hospital? See what has she done?

He points towards Anika's hand. Doctor gave an horrified expression.

D(to nurse)- What is this? What have you done? This is so irresponsible. Collect your termination letter from my cabin because this behaviour is not at all tolerated in this hospital.

Nurse leaves the room.

Shivaay moves towards Anika and caresses her hairs.

S- Its ok jaan. Everything will be fine. Please don't cry.

d- I am sorry Mr. & Mrs. Oberoi. I will dress her wound. Don't worry.

Shivaay nods and dresses her wound.

D- Mr. Oberoi, I have to give her pain-killer injection.

A- It will pain more.

S- Anika, please take the injection. It will reduce your pain.

A- NO shivaay please.

S- Ok. We will not give you injection.

Shivaay signals something to doctor and doctor understands and nods.

Shivaay slightly bends towards her face. Anika looks at him and gets lost in his blue eyes. Shivaay signal something to doctor.

S- Anika you know, you look really beautiful even in this hospital gown.

He bends down and kisses her right cheek and then her left cheek, then he bends towards her lips. Anika was blushing furiously.

He was about to capture her lips when doctor said-

D- Done.

Anika looks at the doctor confusingly.

D- Don't worry, Mr. Oberoi I have given her injection.

Anika's eyes widen on the realisation.

She angrily looks at Shivaay.

A- You Cheat! I will not talk to you. Go away.

Shivaay laughs at her.

S- Its ok Anika. That injection was necessary for you.

Anika pouts and looks at other side.

Shivaay smiles at her childishness and immediately pecks her pout.

Anika looks at him shockingly. Shivaay realises what he did and then gets embarrassed and hurriedly leaves the room.

Anika was blushing to the deepest shade of red.

After sometime, she drifts into sleep due to the effects of sedatives.

Hello everyone.🤗🤗

So here you go with a new chapter. 😀😀

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