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Shivaay was sitting hugging his knees on the floor near his bed.
He was holding a photo frame of his parents near his chest.

He was feeling terrible.
He was missing his parents very much.

S(crying) - I am sorry mom- dad. I am the only reason that you both are not with me. If I did not troubled you that day to bring my ice-cream, then you both would have been present with me today.

Flashback starts

Shakti was driving the car. Pinky was sitting on the passenger seat while Shivaay was sitting at the back seat ( Shivaay is just 5 yrs old).

They were returning from Shakti's cousin's wedding. It was around 1 in the night. Pinky was singing songs with Shivaay while Shakti was smiling on his wife and son's antics.
Suddenly, Shivaay saw a ice cream trolley and asks Shakti -

S- Dad, I want ice cream.

P- Beta, it is so late in the nights. Tomorrows, we will get you ice creams.

Shivaay pouts.

S- No, mom-dad I want an ice-cream now.

Sh-Shivaay beta, please try to understand, it is not safe to stop the car at this highway in this hour of time. I will get you more than one ice-cream tomorrow.

But Shivaay was continuously pestering Shakti to bring him ice-cream. He starts shaking Shakti from back. Shakti fails to notice a truck coming in their direction and loses control.

P(shouts)-Shakti ji, watch out.

In the blink of eye,they met with an accident.
Shakti and pinky were dead on the spot while Shivaay just lost his consciousness accompanied with some injuries.

Flashback ends

Shivaay was crying while holding their picture as today was their death anniversary.
Suddenly, he feels a hand on his shoulder. He turns back to find an elderly lady looking at him with pity and love in her eyes.
She was none other than Kalyani Kapoor.
Shivaay immediately hugs her and cries.

S-Dadi, why all this happened with me? Why my parents left me alone? I know I am the only one who is responsible for their death. I am very bad, dadi.

D-No billu puttar. You are not responsible for their death. It was their destiny.

S-But dadi it was me who distracted them which lead to the accident.

D-Billu, stop blaming yourself. You are not bad. You are my sher puttar.

S-What to do dadi? I am not able to find my solace anywhere.

D-Don't worry, billu. My heart says that you will find your solace very soon.

Shivaay looks at dadi with teary eyes.

D-Acha stop crying. I have arranged a pooja for Shakti and pinky in nearby temple. You have to attend that pooja. I would have also come with you but I have to go amritsar as my sister met with an accident.Will you manage here?

Shivaay wipes his tears.

S-I will manage everything dadi. Don't worry.

Dadi smiles.

D-Good. Now go and get ready.

Shivaay leaves to get ready.

Dadi(in mind) - Babaji, please keep my billu happy always. I hope he finds his peace soon. Please take care of my billu.

Dadi leaves.
Shivaay comes out of the washroom.

And he leaves for the temple.


Anika was sitting in front of the mirror after getting ready.
Gauri was also sitting with her.
At the same time, Swetlana enters the room.


She smirks on seeing Anika.

S-OMG! My lovely daughter is looking so pretty. I didn't think that you will be ready for this marriage but poor you! Or if I say stupid you as you said yes for this alliance and made my plan so easy. I always wanted to throw you out of this mansion but you were always a hurdle between me and my dreams. So now you are ready for this marriage, I will be very satisfied to see your life becoming hell. (she laughs evilly).

Anika looks at Swetlana with teary eyes.

G-Aye vilayati chudail! Why do you always forget that you are surviving on Anika's wealth and you will never get this mansion or her business because all this belongs to Anika only. So forget about it.

S(smirks) - If you have forgotten, then let me remind you that according to Jhanvi 's will "If Anika marries someone then her 50% property will be transferred to her husband " and about remaining 50% property,then Daksh is very capable of doing that by hook or crook. I hope you know what I mean.

A- I always gave you the place of my mother in my life. Then why do you hate me so much?

S-I hate you so much because you are daughter of that b*tch Jhanvi. Firstly, she snatched my dream to marry Tej and have a luxurious lifestyle and after she died, I got married to Tej, but she left behind a brat like you who is a clear shadow of her. I just hate your mother and you as well.

Anika cries after listening Swetlana who is spitting venom against her and her mother. Gauri is also boiling in anger.

S- Ok. Forget all this, sweetie. I am going downstairs. Everything is ready. You do your touch up and come downstairs after half an hour. Ok. And don't try to do any mischief.

She leaves.

Anika cries while hugging Gauri.
Gauri pats her back and calms her down.

G-Anika, please stop crying. It is not the time to cry for those devils. It is time for action. Hurry up. You have to run away from here before anyone finds out about you.

A-But Gauri... H.. How... I... I.... Me... Mean...

G-Don't worry Anika. I know you will manage.

Gauri throws a rope out from Anika's window.

G-Ani, you have to climb down through this rope from here. Will you manage?


G-Ani, don't worry. I'll take care of everything. I'll keep on informing you everything. Don't feel guilty because you are doing this for yourself and Jhanvi mom. I'll miss you. Bye.

Gauri hugs her.

A- I'll miss you too.

Anika climbs down through the rope.
She successfully manages to escape through the gate of the mansion. She moves a little far from the mansion and turns around to have a look at the mansion.

A(while looking at the mansion) - I am sorry papa! But I can't marry daksh and spoil my life. Mom would never be happy if I will sacrifice my life to a monster like Daksh. I am doing this for mom. I know one day you will love me. I will be waiting for that day. Bye. Love you papa.

Anika finally runs away from the golden cage in which she was trapped since her childhood.

PRECAP- Shivaay meets anika again.


So finally done with the update. 🤗🤗
Hope you liked it. 😊
Thank you to all the lovely people who are voting and commenting on my story. I really appreciate it. 😘😘

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Ok bye bye. 🙋🙋

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