Part 6

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Hi all.

Thank you for your support guys,

Here you go:


Few days passes by, those days were hell for Ragini. She was trying to mend her broken heat, she was trying to acct that Swara and Laksh love each other, she has to accept it, because it is only the matter of time and then Laksh and Swara will declare their love to the family and eventually they will get married too.

And she has to accept this. Ragini was trying hard to be happy, she wanted to happy for he sister, but her bleeding heart was not letting her too.

Luckily for her, she has a great distraction now, as she rejoined her college, a major portion of the day will pass in college itself, and the rest of the time, and she would be busy with household chores and studies. But every night, she cries herself to sleep.

On the other hand, Laksh managed to get a job, he was so happy. Now he started to an, he was planning to ask Shekar for Ragini's hand, not as Laksh Maheswari, but as Ragini's Laksh. Yes, this Laksh was formed by Ragini. The Laksh earlier was an irresponsible rich lazy boy, who cares about nothing. His marriage with Ragini was fixed at that time, when he wasn't ready for it. But everything changed when he met her, for he fell in love with her.

After seeing Ragini only he gained courage to stand against his father. The way she stood for her father and step mother gave him courage to stand for the right, because he wasn't strong like Sanskar, who left the house to follow his dreams.

Now he wants to stand on his feet and be responsible for her, and the first step was done. He got a job. Once he is settled in his job, he will proudly ask Shekar for Ragini's hand. He is very excited about this.

One fine day:

Ragini was coming back from her academy, when she saw a crowd. She neared to the crowd out of curiosity and saw a man on the ground, in long sitting position, his left leg is badly injured and he was not able to get up.

Ragini wondered what these people are doing; he isn't showing any stunt that they would keep stare at him. She shook her head in disbelief and approached him.

She supported him to stand and made him sit in a rickshaw. He was amazed by her behaviour as till now he was just being watched by the people.

Man: My car,

Rag: I am sorry sir, but I don't know driving, and now the important thing is to treat your leg. Give me the keys, I will lock it, later after the treatment, we would decide what to do with the car.

He nodded and passed her the keys; she took out his phone and wallet from the car and locked it.

Late they headed to the hospital, hi leg was badly injured and he was struggling to handle the pain.


His leg was dressed and he was shifted to a room, Ragini came to him.

Rag: Doctor said as soon as your family come you would be discharged, did you inform at your home?

He nodded.

Rag: Fine, I will stay here until they come, let me call my home; by the way my name is Ragini.

San: Sanskar.

Sanskar looks at her keenly, he was even more amazed by her now, she is ready to stay here with him, he was very impressed by her character and also admired her for it.

Ragini took out her phone and was about to dial Swara, when she got a call from her.

Swa: (tensed) Ragini, where are you? Why aren't you home?

Ragini smiles hearing her concern.

Rag: Relax Swara, I am all fine, at present I am at hospital,

Swa: HOSPITAL? Why? What happened? You were all fine in the morning, then how come?

Rag: Swara calm down, arrey let me finish saying,

Sanskar smiles hearing this,

Ragini narrated everything to Swara.

Swa: Ok, take care and come soon, or wait I will com there,

Rag: It's ok Swara, his family will come here soon and I too will come soon, you relax.

Swara smiles and cut the call.

Ragini turns to Sanskar.

San: Sister?

Rag: (smiling) yeah, she was worried for me,

San: Yeah, I know, I am the same when it comes to my siblings.

They smile and sat there in silence for a while, Sanskar was getting bored.

San: Say something,

Rag: Huh?

San: Anything, I getting bored,

Ragini hesitated, she is not the one who initiates a conversation, and Sanskar understood this.

San: ok then, I will say, about me. I have a very big family, but I haven't seen any of them for the last five years.

Ragini was shocked, why was he away from his family?

San: While I was about to join my college, I had a big fight with my Bade Papa, he want all us brothers to do business studies so that we can look after the family business, but I wanted to do engineering, and I stood adamant and he threw me out.

Ragini was more shocked,

San: That was the tough phase of my life, what can a boy of 18 years can do? But somehow I managed. Now I completed my education, got a job and is settled, so I came back here to meet the rest of my family and took take my parents and sister with me. But before reaching the house I met with this accident and now,

That was when both remembered about Sanskar's car.

Rag: Sanskar your car, we forgot about it, wait, I will call my friend here, and he will bring the car here.

Sanskar nodes and Ragini calls Laksh and tells him everything.

After cutting the call, Sanskar again resumed his chatter, even though they met just a while ago only they were finding an ease in the other's presence. A new bond was blooming inside them and they liked each other's company.

Laksh, who was in town only, reached the hospital faster and headed to the room Ragini told him.

Sanskar was very happy seeing Laksh and Laksh was surprised and beyond happy at the same time.

Their feelings were beyond words could explain, Laksh ran towards Sanskar and hugged him tightly, Sanskar too did the same.

Ragini was shocked by this.

How was it? Ignore mistakes please☺️

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