Part 3

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When Purab drop Pragya home, she straight went to her room without talking to maa or rs dadi, (she was mad at them n not talking to them much these days)

They asked Purab what happened n why was abhi here??
Did he got his memory back??

Purab explained them all that happened ( leaving part about pregnancy) n told

"maa, I think we should give Di some time alone, I have my other company in Pune, if she will be busy with work then she will slowly be back on to her true self n can handle her life properly,"

but maa disagree," how will she manage all by herself in Pune, it's new place to her n her health, she won't even eat no betaji"
Deep down she thinks Pragya will sulk in more n more, there will be no one to divert her mind

Explaining his pov," maa, Di will manage I will be there with her till she settle down n comfortable there with surrounding n what if abhi comes again comes here to meet her, it's not effecting him but it's definitely effecting Di, every time she will see him n will feel hurt that he does't remember her, she will think of that unfortunate day... pls maa try to understand, I will take her tomorrow itself, n that's final" said in strain voice

n maa had no other option n had to agree with Purab, after much more explaining he leaves

Pragya was in her room thinking about what happened at hospital few days back


Purab had informed dadi about Pragya n she came at once to hospital, Asked," sarlaji what happen all of sudden"

Maa in annoyance said," nothing happen all of sudden, it's all because of you, n your stupid plans to keep truth from abhi n senseless plan to keep him safe from enemies, I have lost my bulbul n now you have come to see, is Pragya still alive?? Let me tell you she is dead, Mrs Pragya Abhishek Mehra is dead for you n me n all of us, you have taken her soul, her life, her kumkum, n asking me what happen???, Don't you dare ever bring your face in front of me, just to see your putta (grandson) alive, you have taken my daughter's life, made her life living hell....please leave before i......."
n rs dadi interrupts,"please leave, sarla is not in her senses, she doesn't know what she is talking, please I request you leave"

So dadi leaves.Purab drops dadi n rs dadi home n comes back with raj Bhai, n offers for financial help but sarla maa denied

"Pragya is no more Mrs Mehra that they should spend money n I she can manage herself"

Purab told maa about abhi, how he just crossed Pragya n didn't recognise her, but felt soft corner for her n wanted to come tomorrow to meet her, this melted sarla little bit but she maintain that Pragya will never go back to MM even if abhi get his memory back, Purab agreed just to end argument n told ma that they should shift Pragya to other hospital n maa completes his sentence by adding so Abhigya can meet in future in sarcastic tone,

But doctor told them no need to shift her to other hospital as her case is not that serious, she will be discharged tomorrow morning, n they can bring for check after few days

Next day, when Pragya gain consciousness she insisted that wants to meet abhi right now," I want to meet him now, maa please just once, please call him, Purab please I want to meet him, want to see him just One last time pls ...pls ...let me meet him, see him, pls ....let me love him for my whole life" she kept on pleading each of them but nobody called abhi,

instead maa blasted on her saying "if you keep on asking to see n meet him, you have to do over my dead body"  ( she said this to shut her up, as she could bare her see her so hurt, but Pragya took it as other way)

Flashback ends

Here abhi in his room, kept on thinking about Pragya, her face, her house, her room, wall, each n every single corner he had scanned while he was with her "why this girl was having my picture in her room by bedside table, may be I'm over thinking, ...It's was my picture only, yes it was one of from my concert she may be my fan, or maybe her husband is my fan, no ....she only will be my fan, why her husband, maybe I should go there tomorrow n ask myself, n I have to tell her family also that they should take extra care of her as she is expecting," n he goes to sleep

Next day early morning, Purab went with Pragya to Pune n abhi went to Pragya's house.

Seeing him, all were in shock n didn't know what to talk, he finally break the silence n asked if he can meet her, to that maa replied that she has gone to Pune n he blast on them n anger,

"how can you'll be so insensitive, she is not feeling well n doctor had ask her to take rest n you allowed her to travel that to so far, its not good for her, call her right now n ask her to come back,"

tears formed in maa eyes seeing so much concern for her n very politely said,"betaji, she has gone there to rest only, she will come back when it's right time"

abhi thinks,she is such an idiot that she has not told about her news to her family n ask,"auntyji, can I have her phone number please"

rs dadi interrupts n says," sorry, but don't gets us wrong, she wants to stay alone for sometime, so we cannot share her details with you"

abhi gets angry n leaves without wasting any farther time, n thinks to call Purab as maybe he knows but again feels why he is so worried about her, what is connection between them.

Here Purab takes halt at petrol pump, to refill petrol n use washroom but when he returns Pragya was not there in car n he tries call her, but her phone was in car, n he panics, n searches for her, just then he receive call from abhi,

"where are you I want to meet you right now??"

Purab in hurry tell him that he will call him back after sometime, he is busy in work, to that abhi ask him,

"you know Pragya number, please give me I want to talk to her it's urgent"

hearing about her, he quickly says "her phone is with me but she is missing, I don't know what to do n where to find her??"

abhi gets worried n ask him to stay where he is, she maybe somewhere near n tells, he will come there n they will together find her, but Purab say he is near Mumbai Pune expressway n it will take time to reach him, n he can't wait that long, but abhi insist,

"ok, I'm at petrol pump just on crossing Lonavala, you drive safely"

abhi quickly lefts without informing dadi or aaliya, after almost 2hrs, he gets call of aaliya," Bhai where are?? N why you didn't came for recording, they have done full payment"

he gets irritated n says," for god sake, do hell with recording, n hell with money, there is more imp thing going on, here Pragya is missing, I'm on my way to Lonavala" n cuts that call,

she was shocked on hearing Pragya's name from him n thinks ," shits, Bhai got his memory back, n now he will not leave me"

***here with Abhi n purab***

Abhi reaches n meets Purab," tell me exactly what happened n what was need to travel so far in such circumstances, when you know she needs complete bedrest"

Purab was in fix, I didn't know how to explain abhi," we can discuss all this later, first we need to find Pragya Di,"

abhi with irritated tone,"if you worried about her so much then why you let her go in first place, n tell me what was need to come here,"

without much argument Purab said,"because of Di, she was afraid that her family may ask her to abort baby, I tried to explain her that maa, will never ask such thing, it's just you feeling insecure that's it, but she insisted n I thought it's better I bring her here as, if she mentally feels relax then it's good for her n baby health"

Giving him little confused look he replied
"Ok, but don't you think she is over reacting, why would her mother ask to abort ?? Or is it that she hates her jamai (son inlaw) so much that she don't want this baby to live??"

"Shut up, what kind of nonsense you are talking, auntyji is not like that, it's just Di is insecure that's it, come on let's go n ask about her, there is market near by, we came get clue from there"

abhi agreed n said,"ok, i will go to market n you wait here only just incase she comes back here at petrol pump"

Purab disagree n says,"No, you don't go to market, people will bug you, you are celebrity, I will go, n also file police complaint, you go n rest at your Lonavala bungalow, I have talked to manager of petrol pump, he will inform me if she comes here back, ok"

Understanding his view
"Yes, maybe you are right, but keep me update about her, ok"

n both leaves, Purab went to police station but they refused to log any official complain saying that it's not been 24hrs, but they will sure help him to find her

Here abhi was only 10 steps away from his house n sees someone laying fainted on road, he stops his car, n he was shocked to see her n lefts her to his house, while entering he had flashes of him carrying a girl same as he doing it now, somehow he manages to reach till bedroom n make her sleep n ask watchman to call doctor, n message Purab that Pragya is with him at his Bungalow n he rests n tries to sleep in other room, but same memories flashes, he carrying a girl in arms, but this time her face was clear that he was entering in this same house with Pragya in his arms, to same bedroom, lost in each other n after that they made out,

he opens his eyes n was in complete shocked n thinks," am I, so desperate that I want to made out with her n I'm dreaming about her, or did I actually did it,
were we having affair???,
do we love each other ??
was it one night stand,
no no, she doesn't seems that kind of girl, but she is married??
Is she married to me??
No abhi that is not possible if she was your wife definitely dadi, aaliya whould have told you n Purab, he told she is like sister to him n she works at his office,why would my wife work in Purab office n why would he lie, so does that mean I was having extra marital affair with her,n
who is his husband??
but how can that be possible, she didn't reacted like that,infact she said she loves her husband? n biggest confusion, she is pregnant, is she carrying my baby??, oh god I will go mad!!! I should wait till she comes into senses, but what if it's just I am, who is hallucinating things??, no I should wait n ask her straight forward," Abhi's mind was flooded with lots of questions, lost in thoughts

Just then Purab comes, n keep on asking about Pragya n finally he shook n asked for fifth time
" Aaaabhiiii....where is Di,"

He comes to reality but still in confused replies in low voice
"she is resting in other room"

Purab quickly goes there," Di, Di, wake up, are you ok, Di ",

she in panic state suddenly starts mumbling

" he saw me, he will kill me, I should go from here, he had tried it before, he can do now also, I can't stay here, he will kill my baby" she gets up n stats walking

Purab holds her by shoulder n says, "Di, get hold of yourself, no one is here, n no one else know about your pregnancy n I m here, no one will hurt you or your baby, relax pls"

She sees surrounding n ask in shaky voice
" but who brought me here, i can't stay here, pls Purab take me from here, he will come here also, n kill my baby"

Abhi was standing outside bedroom n listening to their conversation
Purab makes her sit n give water to drink
" relax Di,I brought you here n pls listen I will take you from here but, pls you just rest for sometime,till then I will ask Servent to clean my apartment n then we will go, ok"n was sitting beside her

Here abhi was thinking," who will kill her?? N why she doesn't what to stay here?? Did we had broke up n then she married someone n now she loves her husband only but that sister was telling he is dead, so does that means she met me after her husband death n then we fall in love, n made out n nobody knows about that,n she got pregnant, n she thinks it's wrong n that's reason she thinks her own mother will ask her to abort, it's really confusing, but I think it's like this only, I must have met her after her husband death n at pick if our emotional moment, we may have made out, as in flashback it looked like even she was enjoying, I didn't feel like she was feeling guilty or something,if only the flashback felt so amazing, then at that time it would have felt eternal (smiles) maybe this is the reason I felt so connected when I first saw her, but why did Purab lied that he brought her here,"

Purab was successful in making her n was about to go out from room when he noticed Abhi smiling like idiot n shook him little
"Abhi, abhi!!!, hello, what happened, why are you smiling like an idiot" said Purab in assuming he is day dreaming about Pragya

Like kid caught stealing chocolate, Hides his emotional side
"Nothing,but why you lied her that you brought her here??"

" listen, I want to tell you something, pls don't mention to anyone about Di pregnancy, pls its request "

"Ok, but who she is married to??" just then aaliya comes

"Bhai, im very angry with you, you just disappear n who is this Pragya??you know her??, how can you miss recording for her???
She bombarded with questions

Abhi lies to her n says," not personally, but Purab knows her, she is like sister to her"

still suspecting something fishy she asks,"Oh, really, where is she??"

Hearing all this voices, Pragya wakes up n comes out from her room n seeing aaliya, she joined hands n says," pls let me go, I promise I would never come here again " n starts walking straight n tries not to look at abhi, n , n aaliya smirk that she made Pragya leave from Bhai so easily, here
Aaliya was standing right behind abhi, so he thinks she told all this to Him n he tries to go behind her but Purab n aaliya both stop him, saying she needs time, let her be alone, n she will be fine

He gets irritated n says,"Purab you, know her right??, you said she is like your sister, So why standing here, you go with her, she needs brother like you the most, right now"

Purab agrees n goes behind her, while abhi thinks," why she doesn't want to stay here with me, she looked at me like She is afraid of me, as if I'm going to kill her, n why she said I should let her go, I feel I'm right it's my baby n she thinks, She will hurt me, by making me try to remember her, because may be she feels, if she directly tell me that she is love of my life n this is my baby, I will not believe her as I don't remember her n how will I give my name to baby, yes n if that's true I have never seen idiot like her, but I should not tell about my flashback to anyone,I should myself investigate this matter on my own" taking this much stress he fainted on the spot

aaliya thinks,"thank god,I had told Nikhil to keep eye on her n told me everything from him seeing Pragya at petrol pump n abhi only knows her as Purab's so called sister" she turns to see Abhi n was afraid to him on floor

(Nikhil had followed her from Bombay But He failed to hear that she is pregnant)

At same time in car, Purab was just trying to convince Pragya that, her presence will not get abhi into trouble, just then he received call from aaliya that abhi has fainted, "see I told you, he is fainted because of me, you go n take care of him n keep me updated, I will be here only at your apartment ok" said Pragya in pain

Giving her You are impossible look he again tried his best
"Di, don't curse yourself for his health ok, I will be with him 24*7 ok" assured Purab,

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