part 8

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As They entered in his apartment, they straight went to bedroom, Pragya was laying in pool of blood, abhi screamed his lungs out "FUGGIE"
All old memories of how he kept her name fuggie came flashing in Abhi's mind, he grabs his spinning head,

"Abhi, relax, nothing happened to Di" Purab made him seat on couch n gave water

he looks at him in complete shock,he tries to say something but before he could say anything, he faints again

" I told you it's not good idea, your doctor is mad, if something happens to him, I will sue this doctor, for suggesting such stupid idea, n risking his life," she came screaming at Purab n cups Abhi's face n kisses his forehead


She was worried about those goons, standing down at her apartment n calls Purab who was at hospital with doctor

Pragya: Purab, I'm very afraid, don't know what to do??

Purab: what happened Di??

Pragya: there are 2goons following me since yesterday, I'm hell scared, what if these goons are send by aaliya or Nikhil Tanu..... harm my baby

Purab: relax Di....don't worry, they are my man, I asked them to keep eye on you, as I was worried about you, that day you sounded wired so I thought to keep bodyguards for you

Pragya: can't you tell me first

Purab: if I would have told you then you would have asked me what's need that's why I didn't inform you

Pragya: where are you??

Purab: I'm here in Pune itself I was about to call you, I'm at hospital ( tells all what happened till now)

Pragya: you wait there I'm coming

Purab: but

Pragya: no if n but, I'm coming
Just then doctor took phone

D: Hello Mrs Mehra, I'm doctor Singh here, there is nothing to worry

Pragya: is he ok??? I want to meet him now itself

D: you want him to get his memory back, then listen to me, do one think, act as if you have suffered some kind of accident, Purab will get abhi there n he will be shocked, maybe with that he may get some old memories

Pragya: what??? Have you gone nuts ...I'm not risking his life, this is upsurge

D: believe me it's better then giving him electric shock

Pragya: are you sure??

D: we have to take chances

Purab: do as doctor says, he also suggested that I should tell him everything about his past, like what all happened, so pls Di

Pragya: fine

She then puts red colour on bed n on herself n lays on bed

Flashback ends

Doctor comes with nurse n quickly gives him injection, all wait for him to get conscious, after almost 2hrs he comes to senses n again shouts ,"FUGGIE" where is she??"

Purab: she is alright!!

A: are you out of your mind, she was in pool of blood n you are telling she is fine!!!

Just then she entered room,he was still in conflict, "is she really here fit n fine or am I seeing things" he talk to himself, n finally he slowly touches her on her cheeks n was overjoyed, that's she is fine n with little hesitant

A: you are alright, our baby???

Pragya ( puts his hand on tummy) he is also fine ( he hugs her)

A: what was all that blood... !!!!

Pragya:( cuts in) you remember me

A: what?? Of course I remember you!!

Purab: you got back your memory??

A: I got back my love, my life

Pragya : you remember all
She hugs him tightly

A: no, n I don't want to but I know everything, Purab told me

Pragya: but you just called me FUGGIE

A: (grins) well, maybe I remembered night before accident  in detail

Pragya ( blushes) n what else??

A: you want to know now???

D: sorry to interrupt but how are you feeling, is still your head is paining

A: not really, but now I'm not going to stress myself about thinking of my past, I want to live my present n future with my wife n family n friends ( gives side hug to Purab)

2 Weeks passed

Abhi n Pragya relationship gets going but he always thinks to himself how was there conversations in past n how romantic was he, is he still behave same way he used too?? As Pragya feels awkward at times, specially when he comes too close or when he talks romantically, he can see in her eyes as if she is still searching her old abhi in his eyes, he chain of thoughts gets interrupted when she comes back from office ( she had started going to Purab office in Pune after abhi insisted her to join)

A: how was your day ??

Pragya: fine, so what you did while I was not there, did you work on your song for up coming concert ??

A: no, I don't feel like, maybe I should postpone it to next month

Pragya: no you can't, you have promised Purab that you will be doing it in next 10 days,

A: (thinks about aaliya ) but for that I will have to go back Mumbai, which I don't feel like going

Pragya: you have to go, for dadi, she is so lonely without you

A: but you?? Why don't you come with me?? She will be so happy to see you n when she knows we are having baby, she will be on cloud 9, she always wanted to have grandchild

Pragya: you remembered??

A: ( sees spark in her eyes n gets little disappointed that he doesn't know what happened in past but pretends like they already had such conversations) she used to bug me, even before I was married, that she wants to relive moments of my childhood when I give her this happiness ( finally today he speak out what was bothering from past few days, n in low voice) or you are waiting for my memory to come back, tell me do you feel you are living with some different person??, who doesn't loves you like he used to or something like that??

Pragya: (cuts in) it's nothing like that, I know you love me n I love you too just like before but I can't, what if they came to know about pregnancy n harm our baby

A: ( understand with they she meant aaliya n Tanu) I'm there with you then why you have to worry ??

Pragya: but!!

A: I have plan, I will tell everyone that I got my memory back, then they will just stay away from you

Pragya: what?? How?? Then they will want to kill us both

A: I will make a deal, if they want their lives to be spared then they will have to stay away from us, or I will give them to police if they even tried to do any kind of planning n plotting, I don't want any kind of revenge, as it will go on n on, there is difference between them n us, I will make myself very clear that I don't want to see their faces again, n if I do it then they will be in jail,

Pragya: but!! What if they find out that you still have Memory loss, you don't know everything in detail

A: all I know is now no one can separate us, you slowly explain me everything, each day that you loved me, each day when I broke your heart, each day when I thought you were mogambo, n not my fuggie, each day of our revenge marriage, how I fell for you, ( her eyes were filled with tears n she just hugs him)

Pragya: I give up, let's go today itself

Abhi: no, not today, let's go after 3days,

Pragya: what is there after 3days?

Abhi: our first anniversary of our love confession, Remember, I'm the one who is having ML n you forgot ??

Pragya:( totally surprised as she actually don't remember) are you sure you are having ML???

Abhi: ( shyly says) actually Purab told me

Pragya:( twist his ears like teacher pulls kids ears) liar!!!

Abhi:( gets emotional) I want to take you home, on our anniversary n surprise our whole family with news

Pragya: ( blushes) ok, but till then, you have to know every little thing about your past ok,

Abhi:( takes out some paper from his pocket) I have already made list, what I want to know ??

Pragya: ( eyes widen) wow smarty pants, already did your homework, let me see ( takes paper n starts reading) suresh, why you want to know about him??

Abhi: he is your best friend, so I want to know everything about him, did you had crush on him, as ek ladka aur ek ladki kabhi friends nahi ho sakte

Pragya: shut up, looks like you are already jealous of him

Abhi: jealous n me, you must be joking, I'm Abhi the rockstar

Pragya: ok ok, he was my best friend n I misunderstood him n fell in love with him but he loved my sister bulbul( tells everything about him)

Abhi: loser, n you thought I would be jealous of him,

Pragya: (looks away) no comment, next question co operater,Nikhil, Vijay,champak god you have such long list, I will do one thing, I will record everything n give it to you, I can't answer all in one day

Abhi:( smiles at her innocence) it's ok, I can wait ( comes little closer, n can feel she moving little far from him) is anything wrong

Pragya: what??

Abhi:(jumps n sits next to her very close, whisper in her ears) I love u fuggie ( gives quick kiss on her cheeks)friends!! I know you still feel little awkward with me, like I'm totally different person, but we can start this all over again, we can start with being friends

Pragya:( she puts finger on his lips) no need, we are husband n wife, I want want to be your wife, no friends

Abhi:( naughtily tease her) then you will have to behave like one, n I will also ( puts his hand around her waist, she feels shivers by his touch n close her eyes, he noticed that n move further n kisses on her ear n then slowly on her shoulder then takes her in his embrace) promise me, you will be mine forever, even after baby comes, your first priority will be me

Pragya:( laughs n pushes him) are you mad?? It's obvious baby will get more attention n he will be my first priority, you are going to be daddy n behaving like baby

Abhi: that means you will ignore me!!

Pragya: no, I will love you equally

Abhi: liar, I don't believe you, ( she shut his mouth by kissing him on his lips, he was shocked by her sudden kiss n soon he starts kissing her more passionately, finally after some time they broke kiss to breathe) are you sure, you want to take this to next level?? ( instead of turning red in shyness, she just pushes him on bed,)

Pragya: ( comes really close to him n whisper in his ears) let's pack up n go Mumbai,( gives quick kiss on his cheek, abhi was stunned, his mouth was open in shock, but love liked what she said n did)

Abhi: of course, lets go, but after our babymoon gets over, ( they hugged for longest time ever)

Guys this was last part of this story, I know many of you will feel like it's incomplete, or like sudden ending, most of you would love to read taaliya's reaction n abhi's action against them but, ML abhi is anti for planning n plotting, he thinks if he punishes them, taaliya will definitely turn again, but he wanted to leave his life peacefully with his FUGGIE n family, but I wanted to end this at sweet note,
But still if I get enough votes comments n feedback
I may come up with bonus part

Please do let me know which story I should finish next, I will complete that particular story

Happy reading
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