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Anika and shivaay slept at comfortable distance...But not with peaceful mind...There is lot which is going on their mind... Reason is same...The past... About which one is unknown and other one is know...

Next morning...

After finishing their breakfast...Everyone was heading to their respective work place modi and bhavya already left.....But shivaay called kasak who was heading toward her room..

Shi : kasak ...

Ka : yes bhaiya...

Shi:I m waiting outside...Come fast with ur stuff ??

Ka : excuse me...

Sh: excused..

Ka : what do u mean by come with ur stuff...Where m I going ? Bcz I have make any plan of going somewhere ??

Sh : yes...U have not made any plan...Bcz it is me who made it for u...

Ka: and may I know y  and what plan u have made it in place of me...

Sh: yes u can...So the plan is u r going with me to OE... So I can take care of u..

Ka: sorry ...But I m not going anywhere...And ya...I can take care of myself so don't worry

Sh: I m not asking u...I m telling u...And I can see ( point 2wrd her hand) how well u took care of ur self..

Ka: it was an accident...

Sh: and I m preventing u from further accidents...So come...

Ka: no ....Bade papa , dadi say something...

But both rest their hand in submission ...

Ka : plz no na bhaiya...

Sh: why I m asking to u...Come (he hold her other hand start to drag her out)

Ka : atleast let me bring my stuffs...

Sh: no need ...anika will do it...( To anika ) anika will u plz send her stuffs to my office

An : no problem... I will

Sh  : thanks ...Now u come..

And both went to office...

Dadi and tej was smiling...

Malika : dadi why r u smiling... So much..

Da : puttar after long time I m watching my old billu and golu...They were like this only is past...

Mal: he loves her a lot..


Every body nodded in positive...anika and khushi look at each other with blank expression...And leave to their room...

Ma : ya I can understand this dadi..Even I have seen this kind of love and protection in sid for his MISHRI...

Tej: MISHRI... Who is she...

Ma : mishri is his sister...

Tej : but I have never heard about her..

Ma: u r right...Bcz mishri is not her real name ...Sid call her mishri with love...And u know uncle what amused and at the same time shock me more...That Mishri is not his real sister...But the love he have for her...Is something which we can't imagine...Even everyone in family loves her...More than their real daughters...Even though I have never saw her personally...But as much I have heard about her from family...She is the lost loveliest person

All nodded their head in yes...

Jh: she seems to be secretive...That u have not met her till now

Ma :yaa she is... She is not even their real daughter but still they are hiding her...

Te : it seem so...

Shivaay and kasak with puffed face enter in oberoi industry...

Every body greeted them with small smile...To which shivaay replied with poker face ..And kasak reciprocate with smile..

Sh : she is kasak singh oberoi...My younger sister...So behave properly with her...And don't disturb her in anyways...

To which All nodded their head and kasak rolled her eyes in annoyance...

Cabin ...

Sh: kasak make ur self comfortable...till than I will complete some files...I have a meeting with foreign delegates in  an hour...

Ka : ok...But plz give me some work otherwise I will get bore...

Sh : I bring u here... So u can I take care of u and observe u...not for work..

Ka: plz na bhaiya...With puppy face...Plz pls plz plz...

Sh: ok ok...I will but don't make this puppy eyes...Here take this file...And read and calculate this..( forwarding file to her)

Ka: ok... And immediately she start reading the file with full focus ...

Shivaay see her fully focused and smile and thought ...SHE IS DEFINITELY SHIVAAY SINGH OBEROI 'S SISTER ...

After sometime shivaay again look at her and saw she was smiling and suppressing her laughter while looking file...Which makes him confuse...So atlast he asked her...

Sh : why r smiling so much while watching the file...

Ka: ohh sorry bhaiya ...Did I disturb u..( smile)

Sh: not at all...But may I know what's so intresting in this file that  bring smile on ur face...

Ka: nothing is interesting in this file...But I remembered something  that's why..( smiling)

Sh: what was that...(confused)

Ka:  ANNIE..

Sh: Annie ...U mean to say anika..

Ka: yes bhaiya...It's anika only..

Sh : what about her ( excitedly)

Ka ( with same level of excitement) :  u know where ever she was told to do calculation s that to major ones ...She get easily irritated...And annoyed...she hate to do it...bcz She literally hates maths...In the name of maths only she get annoyed

( No offence for math lovers...Even I love maths)

Sh: really...(shock)

Ka: yes...She is...

Sh : tell me more about her ...I want to know...

Kasak look at him suspiciously..

Sh: not that way or other things ...I just want to know what she likes ...Her favourite food...Hobbies...Etc

Ka: ohh...I got it...U know...She loves Shopping...She is shopping freak...Gadgets , playing games, playing pranks,racing, roaming all around the city during night time ...Eating street foods...Singing and more...She loves to do almost everything...She is the most happening person I ever meet...

Shivaay got shocked ...Bcz anika who he knows is completely different...Not even 1% what kasak says....

Before he could ask something...His PA hurriedly enter inside his cabin..

Sh: what the hell Mishra...Where is ur manners...

Mis: sorry sir ...But there is one problem...

Sh: what problem..

Mis: sir our translator who was going to help us in meeting with italian delegates met with an accident so he can't come...And it's difficult to arrange someone in this short span...

Sh: ohh god...This meeting is very important...I don't know what will u do...And how will u do...But I want a translator ...Did u get it...Mishra...

Mis: but sir..

Before he complete kasak cut him..

Ka: don't worry mishra ji...I will handle him...U go...Do ur work...Don't worry about translator

Mishra nodded and went..

Ka : don't worry bhaiya...Everything will be fine...

Sh: how...Meeting is about to start in 15 mins and now this problem..

Ka: don't worry bhaiya...I know someone who can help us...U just focus on ur meeting...

Sh : ok...Thank u..


conference hall

Shivaay with his 2 office members and italian delegates with there translator who was lady...Are about to start meeting...shivaay was hell nervous bcz his interpreter is not there

Sh: where is translator...

Italian delegate : buon pomeriggio signor shivaay...possiamo iniziare il nostro incontro

( Good after noon mr. Shivalay...Can we start our meeting)

Shivaay along with his team is nervous...What should they do

Delegates who sense their nervousness again ask...

ID: qualsiasi problema gentiluomo

( Any problem gentlemen)

Sh : actually ...

He was cut by a voice..

Voice : nessun problema signore

( No problem gentleman)

Everybody turn toward the voice...

Shivaay colleagues sigh in relief...And shivalay is shocked, confused and Id were confused too...

Be it was anika who was standing there

ID : chi sei

( Who r u )

Anika: sono anika mr.oberoi traduttrice scusa per il ritardo ..

( I m anika mr. Oberoi translator...Sorry for being late)

ID nodded...

An : dobbiamo iniziare a incontrarci

(shall we start meeting)

Standing next to shivaay..

An: (slowly) meeting shuru  kare...

Sh: ( slowly) u here...How..

An: I will tell u later...Meeting start karte h..

He nodded...

With the help of both translators they successfully sealed the deal on there terms and condition...

And everybody left the hall except anika and shivaay...

Anika was happy that she helped shivaay...Where as shivaay was shocked, confused and happy...And what all..

Sh : anika u know italian ...Thank u thank u...

In excitement ...He hug her...anika stiff in her place for second...But she understood his excitement and let him hug her...After few mins he understood what he did ...So he break the hug...

Sh: sorry in excitement I hug u..Plz don't mind...I have no intention to hurt u...

An: it's ok...I understood ...I didn't feel bad...

He look into her eyes and understood she was right...So he sigh in relief....

Sh: what r u doing here...U know italian...

An: (smile) as u already heard I can speak and what am I doing here is...I was sending ur and kasak lunch and her stuff with khanna bhaiyA...But b4 that...Kasak called me and informed about all this so I came here to help u with khanna bhaiya...

Sh: thank u

An: no need...

Sh: let's go to my cabin it's already lunch time...Come...

They both left

Both were about to enter in his cabin but...shivaay phone rang ...And it's was pinki call so he told anika to wait inside till than he finish his call...

He moved to other side ..

Sh : yes mom..

Pi: shivaay I call to inform u...That tmw  guru ji is coming to discuss about prinku engagement and all...So make urself free for tomorrow...Ok

Sh: ok mom...I will..

He hang the call...And turn...

And notice that kasak was talking to italian delagate translator...

More specifically...She was talking and kasak was looking worried...

So he called khanna to arrange his meeting with her immediately...So he can find out...

Than he went inside his cabin and called kasak as well...Trio have lunch together...And he gave medicine to kasak and he had his too...

After lots of pleadings by kasak to let her go...So he agreed and allowed her...But not b4 warning her ...That she should take care of her and do rest...


Isolated place...

Khanna with other translator waiting for shivalay who showed up in few mins ...Whose name is rohini srivastava...

Rohini : mr . Oberoi ...Why u called me at this place...What's wrong...If u want to discuss anything related to meeting so u can do in office itself...

Sh:it's not about deal...It's something personal...

Rohini : what is that..

Sh: today in office I saw u were talking to kasak ...So I want to know about that...

Rohini : kasak I don't know anyone with this name...U may be misunderstanding...

Sh: I saw u with my own eyes...When u were talking to her...She was looking worried...(angrily) so tell me...

Rohini : mr . Oberoi I seriously don't know what r u talking about...And kasak I have no idea...If u can show me pic of her...Than I can identify (scardly)

Sh: ok
He showed her pic on his phone..

Sh: now u remember...

Rohini : ohh...Her name is kasak ...I was not aware about it...

Sh: u don't know her name...Than why are u talking to her...As if u know her...

Rohini : yaa I know her...But she don't know me...

Sh: matlab...

Rohini : actually I know her but not personally...I have seen her many times  during my training ...She was there...

Sh : training??? Pls specify

Rohini : yaa...Actually I m not italian translator but i m a doctor and my husband is there translator...But due to some reasons he was not able to come...So I came in his place...

Sh:  doctor ?? Than how u know her

Rohini :

Actually when I was doing my internship in america under dr. Jones in Presbytarian hospital around 3 years back...There I saw her ...

Sh: than how u know her...It long back...

Rohini : yaa u r right...I should not remember her...As I meet hundreds of people everyday...And I don't know remember them...But that was different case....

Sh: how ( panickly)...What happened to her...

Rohini : nothing happened to her...But it was her friend ...Who was admitted in hospital...Kasak and others were also injured but that was just scratches

Sh : friend ?? Different case..

Rohini : ya...It was...And different case means that usually doctors allowed interns to assist them in surgery...But we were not allowed only specialist ...And that too... Specialist of all departments were there to do surgery...And no one...Even nurses are also not allowed to enter in that ward...Only doctors and her friends...Her security was damm if they will not even allowed air to pass... And till than we don't know what was that case...We only got to know that...She was a girl...She stayed in hospital for almost 3 weeks...But no one saw her...And this girl kasak along with 1 girl and 2 boys came there daily...To meet her...They usually spend hours in her wards...
That's how I know her...And today when I saw her so I asked her about her friend well being so she said that I m misunderstanding her...But I m sure...It was she only...Bcz I saw her praying in hospital for girl...

Sh: anything else...U know...think about other than these 4 who were there...Or u heard something

Rohini : yaa...One more thing...I have seen...That special officers of America was there for investigation...And other than 4...There are few more peoples who usually stay with girl...Kasak and her friends come for few hours...But others usually 2 guys whose face always cover with mask..Was there with her alternatively....Other than this I don't know anything...

Sh: ok...U can go...Wait what was the hospital name...


Sh: Khanna find the details of the girl...

Rohini : u can't get anything...

Sh : why...

Rohini :Bcz now there is no detail of that girl is available in hospital...Everything is erased...And the doctors who were treating her were also not there  in hospital ...after her discharge no one know where they gone...

Sh : ok...Thank u..For ur help...

Rohini : may I know how do u know kasak

Sh : she is my sister...

Rohini :  ok..

She left...

Kha : sir now what will we do...

Sh : don't know...But u don't stop searching...And yaa tmw guru ji is coming so prepare everything...

Kh: ok sir...



Shivaay saw anika , kasak ,khushi were talking...

Shivaay pov.

Kasak ,anika, khushi how come they are so close...We found no information of kasak last 5 years and khushi too...But about anika...I don't know anything...How come...Ye kaise ek dusre se relate karte h...Kuch toh connection h...Koi toh kadi h...Jo inhe ek doosre de jodey hui h....Par kya h woh kadi...


Sorry I was not able to update unforgettable love ...Bcz I am not well...But still for u all I have updated teri meri kahani...Plz give ur feed back...




Sid and kasak meet pakka in next chapter...A

Shivika shopping...
Till than take care

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