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In kasak room...

Kasak was talking to someone on phone ....She didn't notice that her door was open...Priyanka who was passing from there found a stressed kasak talking to someone on phone...So she decide to eavesdrop her conversation..

Ka: yaa...I m trying ...It's so complicated...Yaa...I told panda about it...Don't worry he is trying...Yaa...He himself is looking into this...He informed me...When he will find lead he will tell me...U don't worry...Ok...I will come...Ok...Day after tmw than...Yaa... Engagement is there...But that's not that much important ...Ok I will attend for sometime...Than I will come...oberois are not my concern...Ok...By...

She cut the call talk to herself..

How will I tell u...That I have already found it..But I m helpless...Plz show me a way...I can't hide this anymore...

She leaves room....

Priyanka come out behind the pillar...

Priyanka pov....

What is this kasak doing ...What is she hiding from everyone ...What's so important for her than oberoi...She is lying to that person also...Whose on call...Is that the same guy whom she met that day...May be...Should I search her room...For something...I think so..That will be right bcz rv is involved too..Yaa...

She went inside and start searching everywhere...

Pri: god...Nothing is there...There has to be something...

Suddenly her eye fall on a box in kasak  cupboard which is hidden in between clothes...She quickly take out box and found a pendrive inside it...She heard footsteps which were approaching toward her...She quickly took pendrive and leave...b4 someone see her...

And went to her room...

Pri : thank God...Now let's see....What is inside it...
But b4 she could do anything...Pinki came to her...And ask her to come down for something...So she decide to look into pendrive after wards...She place it on a drawer...And leave


In car...

After driving for almost 3 hours...They again switch their places...They were quite but in between they were stealing glances...Or sometimes their gaze meet and they quickly averted their gazes and blush..

When they were about 15 min away from village...Their car breakdown...It's twilight

A: what happened??

S: don't know...U stay here...I will check

A: ok...

He went outside...And came after few mins..To anika window..

A : everything's fine..

S: no ...I think there is some problem in fuel pipe..

A: so now ...How will we reach ...

S : the village is around 15 min from here...If u r comfortable ...We can walk till there...And after I will send someone to repair car and carry luggage...

A : no problem...

She also come outside...shivaay...locked the car...And they start walking

(Some what like this)
It was little chill outside so shivaay cover her with his jacket..

No words were exchange between them...This silence was soothing them...They were enjoying each other company to fullest...They were happy...

And exactly after 15 min they reach their home...
Maid has already cooked their food...And shivaay informed caretaker to bring car and their luggage...

Sh: anika you fresh n up...Till than...I will bring food to table..
She nodded and went...

Till than after heating up he arrange food on table..
( She is in still same clothes)

And they start having food...After finishing food shivaay told her that he will clean the dishes..

A : I will help u...

S: no..I will manage...

A: I insist..

S : no...I know about ur friendly relationship with kitchen ( playfully)

A: so mean...( Angrily)😤😤

S : if being mean...Will save my kitchen from u...So I m glad to be mean..
A: hawwa..😲😲

He laugh on her reaction and went inside...And she angrily sat on sofa...And soon doze off...When he came he found her sleeping on sofa peacefully...

He smile at her ...And decide to carry her till room...

He hold her in his arm and led her to bed...When he was about to go...He noticed she was holding his arm ...So he just smile and sat next to her and start caressing her hair...

Shiv pov...

How peacefully u are sleeping in my arm...I want this peace for u..For us for lifetime...Let me found the reason of ur distress...I will remove it from it ur life from our life...This emptiness in ur life ...I will fill it with love...

His trance was broken by knock on door...And he carefully remove her hand, open the door and found caretaker with their luggage...He thank him and went inside...

He went to her...And make her up..

S ; anika wake up..

And after 4 min struggle she finally woke up...

A :what happen...And how come I reach here...

S : wo u slept downstairs so I carry u here...

A :ohh...

S :caretaker brought our luggage...So plz change into ur nightware first after I will change...

She nodded and left with her clothes...And came back after few min...And than shivaay went bcz he have to take shower also...

She was looking outside while standing next to window....Suddenly it start raining...Her eyes filled with happiness....She held her hand outside to collect raindrops...And suddenly her eyes filled with sadness...Her happy eyes became sad while thinking...And she drop raindrops from her hands..

She feel someone behind her...But she didn't turn...

Som:( full of love plus sadness) what happened Annie...U were liking rain...You always liked it annie..Than what happened today...Tears came out of these eyes...Nothing has changed Annie...Time does not stop...the wind didn't stop...These breath didn't stop... rain didn't stop...How did ur life has stopped Annie...Look Annie the time which we will spend is not in our control...It's just an fantasy...Why cry for fantasy...U will always smile...Whenever u will think about time which we spend together...Old time can't come back...And life ...
life is standing in front of you...i know u can't forget...But remember something in such a way that it can be useful for your living...

( One of my favourite dialogue in tum bin movie...Desperately wanna right it...Just did little changes and I always became emotional while listening this...Plz just watch this scene once)

Till than her tears were flowing uncontrollably...But still she didn't turn nor she wiped her tears...She closed her eyes

A : how to be happy...There is no reason left for me to be happy...

Voice : who said ...There is no reason left...u just have to be open ur eyes around u...

A: what will happened...If i will look around me...Nothing is going to change...

V : everything will change...u just to look toward ur happiness...

A: i don't want happiness...

V : u deserve happiness...

A: no ...i don't happiness doesn't deserve me...

V: just give chance to urself..For happiness..

A: Now I'm scared of happiness...

V : u r not scared of them...U r scared that u will lost them again...Just give chance to urself

A: it's hard...Will everything become like past...If I will tell me...If yes than I will...

V : (painful laugh) nothing will remain constant...With time everything will change...Past is past for some reason and u can't change it...

A: than I don't want it...

V: u have let go...U can't change past...But u can make a beautiful future...With new happiness...Believe me...When we said with time everything change...That means...The reason of ur happiness, ur life...Past will not become reason of ur future happiness...But someone else...Past will became memories which u will cherish in future...

A: ( suddenly) no...

V : (sad smile)  open ur eye...Ur life is standing in front of u with open hand...

(Still closed eyes...She nodded in no...)


(she turn around and slowly opened her teary eyes slowly and hazy figure is standing in front of her...When she cleared her eyes...It was not the one whom she expected but SHIVAAY who was looking at her painfully...And she start looking around in hurry...But didn't found anything....She again burst into tear

Shivaay who was looking at her painfully since long...Can't handle it anymore and called her...

S :( worry + love ) Annika...
She again look at him looking at her with concern...She can't handle it anymore.. hug him tightly...And burst into crying.

A : (cry) They all left me alone...Everybody whom I loved left me...I can't take this pain anymore...They all betrayed me...My love , emotions nothing mattered to them...U will also leave me like everybody....I will die with this pain...Plz remove this pain...

S : I will never leave u...( Holding her tightly) I promised...

A :they also promised like u did...but still they betrayed my trust...

S : sso never breaks his promise...

A : promise..,😭😢

S : promise...( He planted kiss on her head)

Shivaay who didn't see her vulnerable like this before he feels helpless and angry on himself...Bcz he is not able to lower her pain...He lead her to bed to make her sleep ...But she didn't left his hand and sleep holding it...And he also laid down holding her ...And soon both slept in each other warmth...


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